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#ifndef __CPU_BITMAP_H__
#define __CPU_BITMAP_H__

#include "gl_helper.h"

struct CPUBitmap {
    unsigned char    *pixels;
    int     x, y;
    void    *dataBlock;
    void (*bitmapExit)(void*);

    CPUBitmap( int width, int height, void *d = NULL ) {
        pixels = new unsigned char[width * height * 4];
        x = width;
        y = height;
        dataBlock = d;

    ~CPUBitmap() {
        delete [] pixels;

    unsigned char* get_ptr( void ) const   { return pixels; }

    long image_size( void ) const { return x * y * 4; }

    void display_and_exit( void(*e)(void*) = NULL ) {
        CPUBitmap**   bitmap = get_bitmap_ptr();
        *bitmap = this;
        bitmapExit = e;
        // a bug in the Windows GLUT implementation prevents us from
        // passing zero arguments to glutInit()
        int c=1;
        char* dummy = "";
        glutInit( &c, &dummy );
        glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGBA );
        glutInitWindowSize( x, y );
        glutCreateWindow( "bitmap" );

     // static method used for glut callbacks
    static CPUBitmap** get_bitmap_ptr( void ) {
        static CPUBitmap   *gBitmap;
        return &gBitmap;

   // static method used for glut callbacks
    static void Key(unsigned char key, int x, int y) {
        switch (key) {
            case 27:
                CPUBitmap*   bitmap = *(get_bitmap_ptr());
                if (bitmap->dataBlock != NULL && bitmap->bitmapExit != NULL)
                    bitmap->bitmapExit( bitmap->dataBlock );

    // static method used for glut callbacks
    static void Draw( void ) {
        CPUBitmap*   bitmap = *(get_bitmap_ptr());
        glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
        glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT );
        glDrawPixels( bitmap->x, bitmap->y, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bitmap->pixels );

#endif  // __CPU_BITMAP_H__

posted on 2012-12-30 21:49  龙猫先生  阅读(535)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
