
6.3.2 Restricting Access to Data  数据访问的约束

To address operands in memory, an 80386 program must load the selector of a data segment into a data-segment register (DS, ES, FS, GS, SS). The processor automatically evaluates access to a data segment by comparing privilege levels. The evaluation is performed at the time a selector for the descriptor of the target segment is loaded into the data-segment register. As Figure 6-3 shows, three different privilege levels enter into this type of privilege check:


  1. The CPL (current privilege level). 当前特权级别(CPL)
  2. The RPL (requestor's privilege level) of the selector used to specify the target segment.


  1. The DPL of the descriptor of the target segment.


Instructions may load a data-segment register (and subsequently use the target segment) only if the DPL of the target segment is numerically greater than or equal to the maximum of the CPL and the selector's RPL. In other words, a procedure can only access data that is at the same or less privileged level.


The addressable domain of a task varies as CPL changes. When CPL is zero, data segments at all privilege levels are accessible; when CPL is one, only data segments at privilege levels one through three are accessible; when CPL is three, only data segments at privilege level three are accessible. This property of the 80386 can be used, for example, to prevent applications procedures from reading or changing tables of the operating system.

CPL被修改后,任务的可寻址域也跟着变化。当CPL是0时,所有特权级的数据段都可访问;当CPL是1时,仅特权级别为1到3的数据段可访问;当CPL是3时,仅有特权级别是3的数据段可访问。80386的这些属性可以在如下情况中使用,例如,阻止应用程序读取或修改操作系统。 Accessing Data in Code Segments 访问代码段数据

Less common than the use of data segments is the use of code segments to store data. Code segments may legitimately hold constants; it is not possible to write to a segment described as a code segment.


The following methods of accessing data in code segments are possible:


  1. Load a data-segment register with a selector of a nonconforming, readable, executable segment.


  1. Load a data-segment register with a selector of a conforming, readable, executable segment.


  1. Use a CS override prefix to read a readable, executable segment whose selector is already loaded in the CS register.


The same rules as for access to data segments apply to case 1. Case 2 is always valid because the privilege level of a segment whose conforming bit is set is effectively the same as CPL regardless of its DPL. Case 3 always valid because the DPL of the code segment in CS is, by definition, equal to CPL.


6.3.3 Restricting Control Transfers 控制转移约束

With the 80386, control transfers are accomplished by the instructions JMPCALLRETINT, and IRET, as well as by the exception and interrupt mechanisms . Exceptions and interrupts are special cases that Chapter 9 covers. This chapter discusses only JMPCALL, and RET instructions.


The "near" forms of JMPCALL, and RET transfer within the current code segment, and therefore are subject only to limit checking. The processor ensures that the destination of the JMPCALL, or RET instruction does not exceed the limit of the current executable segment. This limit is cached in the CS register; therefore, protection checks for near transfers require no extra clock cycles.


The operands of the "far" forms of JMP and CALL refer to other segments; therefore, the processor performs privilege checking. There are two ways a JMP or CALL can refer to another segment:


  1. The operand selects the descriptor of another executable segment.


  1. The operand selects a call gate descriptor. This gated form of transfer is discussed in a later section on call gates.


As Figure 6-4 shows, two different privilege levels enter into a privilege check for a control transfer that does not use a call gate:


  1. The CPL (current privilege level).
  2. The DPL of the descriptor of the target segment.


Normally the CPL is equal to the DPL of the segment that the processor is currently executing. CPL may, however, be greater than DPL if the conforming bit is set in the descriptor of the current executable segment. The processor keeps a record of the CPL cached in the CS register; this value can be different from the DPL in the descriptor of the code segment.


The processor permits a JMP or CALL directly to another segment only if one of the following privilege rules is satisfied:


  • DPL of the target is equal to CPL. 目标DPL等于CPL。
  • The conforming bit of the target code-segment descriptor is set, and the DPL of the target is less than or equal to CPL.


An executable segment whose descriptor has the conforming bit set is called a conforming segment. The conforming-segment mechanism permits sharing of procedures that may be called from various privilege levels but should execute at the privilege level of the calling procedure. Examples of such procedures include math libraries and some exception handlers. When control is transferred to a conforming segment, the CPL does not change. This is the only case when CPL may be unequal to the DPL of the current executable segment.


Most code segments are not conforming. The basic rules of privilege above mean that, for nonconforming segments, control can be transferred without a gate only to executable segments at the same level of privilege. There is a need, however, to transfer control to (numerically) smaller privilege levels; this need is met by theCALL instruction when used with call-gate descriptors, which are explained in the next section. The JMP instruction may never transfer control to a nonconforming segment whose DPL does not equal CPL.


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