在线体验 http://demo.dotnetcms.org/math 免费下载 https://files.cnblogs.com/files/mqingqing123/math5.0.rar
在数学公式里,最流行的是 http://www.mathjax.org ,Mathjax支持数理化等各种公式,其实如果你希望只针对数学录入,可以使用 https://katex.org/ KaTex更简单、速度更快。
从声明里看到实现了 sin,cos,tan,ctan等都支持,但是一些反正切没实现。
<script> MathJax = { options: { enableMenu: false, a11y: { speech: false, // switch on speech output braille: false, // switch on Braille output subtitles: false } }, tex: { inlineMath: [['@', '@'], ['\\(', '\\)']], displayMath: [['@@', '@@'], ['\\[', '\\]']], macros: { arcsec: '\\DeclareMathOperator{\\arcsec}{arcsec}\\arcsec', arccsc: '\\DeclareMathOperator{\\arccsc}{arccsc}\\arccsc', arccot: '\\DeclareMathOperator{\\arccot}{arccot}\\arccot' } } } </script>
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1 2 | <link href= "../js/codeMirror/lib/codemirror.css" rel= "stylesheet" /> <script src= "../js/codeMirror/lib/codemirror.js" ></script> |
在父div里,设置display为flex,进行左右布局,这样就不用 float 飞来飞去的了。
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1 | var question = editor.getValue().replace(/\n/g, "<br>" )+ "" ; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | <div class = "math-menu" data-editorid= "editor" > <a href= "###" >菜单1</a> <div class = "sub-math-menu" > <span class = "subnavbtn9" >希腊字母 <span class = "drop" ></span> </span> <div class = "subnav-content9" > <div>小写字母</div> <a class = "add" data-math= "\alpha" >@\alpha@</a> <div style= "clear:both" ></div> </div> </div> </div> |
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} } |
在线体验 http://demo.dotnetcms.org/math
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