

600001  200712  SH  20080413


600001  2007  12  2008  04  13


cat file | awk '{print $1 "\t" substr($2,1,4) "\t" substr($2,5,2) "\t" substr($4,1,4) "\t"  substr($4,5,2) "\t" substr($4,7,2)}' > newfile

 Awk substr function

Let's look at the substr function of awk.
This function has the form substr(s, a, b) and returns b number of chars from string s, starting at position a.  The parameter b is optional.
 Assume that we have a one line file called temp:
 Every good boy.
 Then, here are some substr examples:
 nawk '{print substr($1,1,1)}' temp   returns E
nawk '{print substr($1,3)}' temp   returns ery
nawk '{print substr($2,3)}' temp   returns od
nawk '{print substr($0,7,2)}' temp  returns go
posted @ 2011-07-03 18:12  秋天掰穗人  阅读(20044)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报