html script 标签中 type有如下这些值,请问分别是什么意思,在什么情况下使用?
- type="text/javascript"
- type="application/javascript"
- type="application/x-javascript"
这3个有什么区别吗 ?
The traditional MIME type forJavaScript programs is
"text/javascript".Another type that has been used is "application/x-javascript"(the "x" prefix indicates that it is an experimental, nonstandard type). RFC 4329 standardized the "text/javascript" type because it is in common use.However, because JavaScript programs are not really text documents, it marks this type as obsolete and recommends "application/javascript"(without the "x-") instead.At the time of this writing,"application/javascript" is not well supported, however.That might be the reason why "application/x-javascript" is used by a lot of webpages.
您是否很疑惑为什么我们没有在<script>标签中使用 type="text/javascript"?
在 HTML5 中,不必那样做了。JavaScript 是 HTML5 以及所有现代浏览器中的默认脚本语言!