//alteration, amend, consent, difference, hesitate, incur, include, insert, modification, replace, sentence, severe, stipulation, bring up, point out

alteration - 改动
Alteration refers to the act of making changes or modifications to something. It indicates the process of altering or adjusting a particular element, aspect, or condition.

amend - 修改
Amend means to make changes or modifications to a document, law, or agreement. It involves revising or altering the content or provisions to improve accuracy, clarity, or effectiveness.

consent - 同意
Consent means to give permission, approval, or agreement to something. It indicates the voluntary acceptance or agreement to a proposal, request, or action.

difference - 分歧
Difference refers to the distinction or variation between two or more things. It indicates the dissimilarity or disparity in characteristics, opinions, or perspectives.

hesitate - 犹豫
Hesitate means to pause or delay in making a decision or taking action. It indicates a moment of uncertainty, doubt, or indecision before proceeding.

incur - 招致
Incur means to become subject to or experience something, typically something negative or undesirable. It involves bringing upon oneself or being affected by a consequence or burden.

include - 包含
Include means to incorporate or encompass something as part of a whole. It indicates the presence or involvement of a particular element, item, or factor within a larger entity or group.

insert - 添加
Insert means to place or introduce something into a specific position or location. It involves adding or embedding an object, text, or element into an existing structure or context.

modification - 修改
Modification refers to the act of making changes or alterations to something. It indicates the process of modifying or adjusting a particular element, aspect, or condition.

replace - 代替
Replace means to take the place of something or someone by substituting or exchanging it with another. It involves removing the original and putting a new or different item or person in its position.

sentence - 句子
A sentence is a grammatical unit that expresses a complete thought or idea. It consists of words that are organized in a specific order and typically includes a subject and a predicate.

severe - 苛刻的
Severe means extremely strict, harsh, or demanding. It indicates a high degree of intensity or seriousness in terms of standards, rules, or consequences.

stipulation - 契约
Stipulation refers to a condition, requirement, or term specified in a contract or agreement. It indicates a provision or clause that must be met or adhered to for the agreement to be valid or enforceable.

bring up - 提出
Bring up means to introduce or mention a topic or issue for discussion or consideration. It involves raising or presenting a matter or point for attention or deliberation.

point out - 指出
Point out means to draw attention to or highlight something, typically by making it known or evident. It involves indicating or identifying a specific detail, fact, or aspect in a clear and direct manner.


  1. The alteration of the dress involved shortening the hemline and adding sleeves.
  2. The alteration to the contract was made to accommodate the client's request.
  3. The alteration in the schedule caused a delay in the project timeline.


  1. The company decided to amend the policy to include additional benefits for employees.
  2. The amendment to the law was proposed to address the current social issues.
  3. The contract was amended to reflect the agreed-upon changes.


  1. The patient signed a consent form before undergoing the medical procedure.
  2. The consent of all parties involved is required to proceed with the project.
  3. The parents gave their consent for their child to participate in the study.


  1. There is a significant difference in price between the two products.
  2. The difference in opinion led to a heated debate among the team members.
  3. The cultural differences between the two countries were evident in their traditions and customs.


  1. She hesitated before making the final decision.
  2. The employee hesitated to speak up during the meeting.
  3. He hesitated for a moment before answering the question.


  1. The company incurred significant financial losses due to the economic downturn.
  2. The project incurred unexpected delays due to unforeseen circumstances.
  3. The decision to expand the business will incur additional costs.


  1. The package includes a variety of products for different skin types.
  2. The price of the tour includes accommodation and transportation.
  3. The report should include all relevant data and findings.


  1. Please insert the key into the lock and turn it clockwise to unlock the door.
  2. The editor suggested inserting additional examples to support the argument.
  3. The document requires the applicant to insert their personal information in the designated fields.


  1. The modification of the software improved its performance and functionality.
  2. The modification to the design was necessary to meet the client's requirements.
  3. The modification of the contract was agreed upon by both parties.


  1. The old equipment was replaced with newer models to improve efficiency.
  2. The damaged part needs to be replaced to restore the functionality of the machine.
  3. The company decided to replace the outdated software with a more advanced system.


  1. The judge handed down a severe sentence for the crime.
  2. The sentence should be clear and concise to convey the intended meaning.
  3. The writer crafted a beautiful sentence that captured the reader's attention.


  1. The severe weather conditions forced the cancellation of the outdoor event.
  2. The patient's condition is severe and requires immediate medical attention.
  3. The company implemented severe penalties for employees who violate the code of conduct.


  1. The contract includes a stipulation that prohibits the use of the company's confidential information.
  2. The stipulation for the loan agreement requires regular payments and adherence to the terms.
  3. The stipulation of the lease agreement specifies the responsibilities of the landlord and tenant.

bring up:

  1. She brought up an interesting point during the discussion.
  2. The manager brought up the issue of employee morale in the team meeting.
  3. The speaker brought up the topic of climate change during the conference.

point out:

  1. He pointed out the error in the report and suggested a correction.
  2. The teacher pointed out the importance of citing sources in academic writing.
  3. The guide pointed out the landmarks along the tour route.

Title: Navigating Changes and Communication in Agreements

In the realm of agreements and contracts, it is crucial to navigate changes and effectively communicate terms. Alteration involves modifying or adjusting certain aspects to better suit the needs of all parties involved.

When necessary, it is important to amend agreements to reflect new circumstances or requirements. Consent from all parties is essential to ensure mutual understanding and agreement. Differences in opinions or perspectives should be addressed and resolved through open and respectful communication.

While it is natural to hesitate before making decisions, it is important to consider the potential consequences that may be incurred. Inclusion of specific terms and conditions helps clarify expectations and avoid misunderstandings.

Inserting relevant information and modifications ensures that all parties are aware of the agreed-upon terms. In severe cases where stipulations are not met, it may be necessary to replace or revise the existing agreement.

Each sentence in an agreement carries significance and should be carefully crafted. Severe penalties may be imposed for non-compliance with stipulations. Bringing up concerns or points of discussion is encouraged to foster open dialogue and collaboration.

It is essential to point out any errors or discrepancies to maintain accuracy and transparency. By navigating changes and effectively communicating, agreements can be upheld and relationships can be strengthened.

posted @ 2023-11-06 23:06  MOVIT  阅读(33)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报