//compromise, discuss, endeavor, inspect, lease, partial, specification, transshipment, workable, comply with, delivery date, loading port, maintenance service, prevailing market, stand up to

compromise - 折中
Compromise refers to finding a middle ground or reaching an agreement by making concessions. It involves finding a solution that is acceptable to all parties involved, even if it means giving up some of their original demands or desires.

discuss - 商量
To discuss means to talk about a topic or issue with others in order to exchange ideas, share information, or reach a decision. It involves engaging in a conversation or dialogue to explore different perspectives and come to a mutual understanding.

endeavor - 努力
Endeavor means to make a sincere and determined effort to achieve a goal or overcome a challenge. It involves putting in time, energy, and resources to pursue something with dedication and perseverance.

inspect - 检查
Inspect means to carefully examine or scrutinize something in order to assess its condition, quality, or compliance with certain standards or requirements. It involves a thorough examination to identify any issues or areas that need attention.

lease - 租赁
Lease refers to the contractual agreement between a lessor (owner) and a lessee (tenant) for the temporary use of a property, asset, or equipment. It involves renting or leasing something for a specified period of time in exchange for payment.

partial - 部分的
Partial means incomplete or biased towards a particular side or perspective. It indicates that something is not whole or comprehensive, but rather focuses on or favors a specific aspect or portion.

specification - 规格
Specification refers to a detailed description or set of requirements that define the characteristics, features, or performance standards of a product, service, or project. It provides clear guidelines and criteria for evaluation or implementation.

transshipment - 转运
Transshipment is the process of transferring goods or cargo from one transportation mode or vessel to another during the course of a journey. It involves the movement of goods between different transportation routes or vehicles.

workable - 可行的
Workable means feasible or practical, indicating that something can be done or implemented successfully. It suggests that a solution, plan, or approach is realistic and capable of producing the desired results.

comply with - 与……相符合
To comply with means to adhere to or follow rules, regulations, standards, or requirements. It involves acting in accordance with a set of guidelines or expectations to ensure compliance and conformity.

delivery date - 交货日期
Delivery date refers to the specific date or time by which goods, products, or services are expected to be delivered to the recipient or customer. It indicates the deadline or timeline for completing the delivery.

loading port - 装运港
Loading port is the location or facility where goods or cargo are loaded onto a vessel or transportation mode for shipment or transport. It serves as the point of departure for the goods in the logistics process.

maintenance service - 维修服务
Maintenance service refers to the activities or tasks performed to keep equipment, machinery, or systems in good working condition. It involves regular inspections, repairs, and upkeep to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

prevailing market - 现时市场
Prevailing market refers to the current or existing market conditions, trends, and dynamics. It indicates the state of the market at a given time, including factors such as supply and demand, prices, competition, and consumer behavior.

stand up to - 经受得起
To stand up to means to withstand or resist pressure, challenges, or adversity without giving in or compromising one's principles or values. It involves maintaining one's integrity and strength in the face of difficulties or opposition.


  1. They reached a compromise by agreeing to meet halfway on their demands.
  2. In a healthy relationship, both partners are willing to compromise for the sake of harmony.
  3. The compromise solution satisfied the needs of all stakeholders involved.


  1. Let's sit down and discuss the details of the project.
  2. We need to discuss the budget before making any decisions.
  3. The team gathered to discuss the potential solutions to the problem.


  1. She endeavored to learn a new language by practicing every day.
  2. The company is endeavoring to reduce its carbon footprint through sustainable practices.
  3. Despite the challenges, they continued to endeavor towards their goal.


  1. The inspector will inspect the building for any safety violations.
  2. Before purchasing a used car, it is important to have it inspected by a mechanic.
  3. The quality control team inspects each product before it is shipped to customers.


  1. They decided to lease a storefront for their new business.
  2. The landlord agreed to extend the lease for another year.
  3. The company leased several vehicles for its delivery service.


  1. The report provides only a partial analysis of the situation.
  2. The judge recused himself from the case due to a potential conflict of interest, to ensure a fair and impartial decision.
  3. The partial refund was issued to compensate for the inconvenience caused.


  1. The project manager provided detailed specifications for the software development.
  2. The product must meet the specifications outlined in the contract.
  3. The engineer reviewed the specifications to ensure compliance with safety standards.


  1. The cargo underwent transshipment at the port before being loaded onto the final vessel.
  2. The transshipment process allows for efficient distribution of goods to various destinations.
  3. The logistics company specializes in transshipment services for international trade.


  1. We need to come up with a workable solution to address the problem.
  2. The team brainstormed ideas and identified a workable plan of action.
  3. The workable schedule allowed for flexibility and adaptation to changing circumstances.

comply with:

  1. All employees must comply with the company's code of conduct.
  2. The manufacturer must comply with safety regulations to ensure product quality.
  3. Failure to comply with the rules may result in penalties or legal consequences.

delivery date:

  1. The delivery date for the package is scheduled for next Monday.
  2. We apologize for the delay in meeting the original delivery date.
  3. The customer requested an earlier delivery date for the order.

loading port:

  1. The goods were loaded onto the ship at the designated loading port.
  2. The loading port plays a crucial role in the logistics chain for international trade.
  3. The shipping company operates multiple loading ports around the world.

maintenance service:

  1. The car dealership offers maintenance services for all vehicle models.
  2. Regular maintenance service is essential to keep the equipment in optimal condition.
  3. The maintenance service contract includes routine inspections and repairs.

prevailing market:

  1. The company adjusted its pricing strategy to adapt to the prevailing market conditions.
  2. The prevailing market trends indicate a shift towards sustainable and eco-friendly products.
  3. The business needs to stay informed about the prevailing market dynamics to remain competitive.

stand up to:

  1. She stood up to her boss when he tried to take credit for her work.
  2. The team's resilience allowed them to stand up to the challenges they faced.
  3. The product's durability ensures that it can stand up to harsh environmental conditions.

Title: Achieving Success Through Collaboration and Adaptability

In today's complex and interconnected world, compromise plays a crucial role in resolving conflicts and finding common ground. It involves engaging in open and constructive discussions to reach agreements that satisfy the needs and interests of all parties involved. By endeavoring to understand different perspectives and being willing to make concessions, we can foster harmonious relationships and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

When embarking on any endeavor, it is essential to inspect and evaluate the feasibility and viability of our plans. Whether it is leasing equipment or entering into partnerships, careful consideration of the specifications and workability is necessary to ensure successful outcomes. By complying with industry standards and regulations, we can maintain high-quality services and products that meet customer expectations.

The delivery date and loading port are critical factors in logistics and supply chain management. Timely delivery and efficient transshipment are essential to meet customer demands and maintain a competitive edge in the prevailing market. Regular maintenance service ensures the reliability and longevity of equipment, allowing it to stand up to the challenges of daily operations.

In conclusion, success in today's dynamic business environment requires collaboration, adaptability, and a willingness to compromise. By engaging in meaningful discussions, we can find innovative solutions and overcome obstacles. Through careful inspection and adherence to specifications, we can ensure the quality and workability of our products and services. By complying with industry standards and regulations, we can build trust and credibility with our customers. By delivering on time and maintaining efficient operations, we can meet customer expectations and stay ahead in the prevailing market. Together, let us endeavor to achieve success through collaboration and adaptability.

posted @ 2023-11-06 23:01  MOVIT  阅读(5)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报