//delay, deletion, immediate, notify, obligation, presentation, at one's discretion, in advance, leave sb. with no profit, telegraphic transfer

delay - 延误
When there is a delay, it means that something is postponed or takes longer than expected. It refers to a situation where there is a time gap or interruption in the expected progress or completion of an action or event.

deletion - 删除
Deletion refers to the act of removing or erasing something. It involves the elimination or removal of a particular item, piece of information, or content.

immediate - 立即的
Immediate means happening or being done without any delay. It signifies something that occurs or is carried out right away, without any intervening time or action.

notify - 通知
To notify someone is to inform or give notice to them about something. It involves the act of communicating or letting someone know about a particular piece of information or event.

obligation - 义务
An obligation is a duty or responsibility that someone is required or expected to fulfill. It signifies a moral, legal, or social requirement to perform a certain action or meet a certain standard.

presentation - 出示
A presentation refers to the act of showing or demonstrating something to others. It involves the display or exhibition of information, ideas, or visuals in a structured and organized manner.

at one's discretion - 由某人斟酌决定
When something is at one's discretion, it means that the decision or choice is left to the judgment and personal preference of a particular individual. It implies that they have the authority or freedom to decide how to proceed or act.

in advance - 提前
In advance means before a particular event, deadline, or scheduled time. It signifies doing something ahead of time or prior to the expected occurrence or requirement.

leave sb. with no profit - 无利可图
When someone is left with no profit, it means that they do not gain any financial or material benefit from a particular transaction, venture, or endeavor. It implies that the outcome or result is not advantageous or profitable for them.

telegraphic transfer - 电汇
A telegraphic transfer refers to a method of transferring money electronically from one bank account to another. It involves the transmission of funds through a telegraph or electronic communication system.


  1. The flight was delayed due to bad weather conditions.
  2. We apologize for the delay in processing your order.
  3. The construction project experienced a significant delay due to unforeseen circumstances.


  1. The document requires the deletion of sensitive information before it can be shared.
  2. The email contained a deletion of the previous message for confidentiality reasons.
  3. The editor made several deletions to improve the clarity and flow of the article.


  1. Please take immediate action to resolve the issue.
  2. The patient requires immediate medical attention.
  3. The company responded to the customer's complaint with immediate effect.


  1. The school will notify parents of any changes to the schedule.
  2. Please notify us if you will be unable to attend the meeting.
  3. The company will notify employees of the new policies through email.


  1. It is our obligation to protect the environment for future generations.
  2. The contract outlines the obligations and responsibilities of both parties.
  3. The employee has an obligation to report any unethical behavior.


  1. The presenter used visual aids to enhance the presentation.
  2. The sales team delivered a persuasive presentation to potential clients.
  3. The student received positive feedback on her presentation skills.

at one's discretion:

  1. The manager can grant additional vacation days at his discretion.
  2. The judge has the power to impose a sentence at his discretion.
  3. The use of company resources is at the CEO's discretion.

in advance:

  1. Please RSVP in advance for the event.
  2. The hotel requires a deposit in advance to secure the reservation.
  3. The speaker sent her presentation slides to the audience in advance.

leave sb. with no profit:

  1. The business deal left us with no profit and significant losses.
  2. The investment turned out to be a failure, leaving the investors with no profit.
  3. The high production costs left the company with no profit margin.

telegraphic transfer:

  1. The payment was made through telegraphic transfer to ensure a secure transaction.
  2. The company uses telegraphic transfer for international money transfers.
  3. The bank provides telegraphic transfer services for its customers.

Title: Managing Obligations and Ensuring Smooth Transactions

In today's fast-paced world, delays can often disrupt our plans and cause inconvenience. Whether it's a flight delay or a delay in processing an order, it is important to stay patient and understanding. Deletions of sensitive information may be necessary to protect privacy and confidentiality. Immediate action is required to address urgent matters and prevent further complications.

When changes occur, it is crucial to notify all parties involved in advance. This ensures that everyone is well-informed and can make necessary adjustments. Obligations and responsibilities should be clearly defined to avoid misunderstandings and disputes. Presentations play a vital role in conveying information and ideas effectively. They provide a platform for showcasing achievements and sharing knowledge.

At times, decisions need to be made at one's discretion. This allows individuals to exercise their judgment and make choices based on their expertise and experience. However, it is important to consider the impact of these decisions and act responsibly. Planning in advance helps to anticipate potential challenges and make necessary preparations.

It is unfortunate when transactions leave parties with no profit. This highlights the importance of careful evaluation and risk assessment. Telegraphic transfers provide a secure and efficient method of transferring funds across borders. They ensure timely and reliable transactions, facilitating global business operations.

In conclusion, managing obligations and ensuring smooth transactions require attention to detail and effective communication. By addressing delays promptly, handling deletions responsibly, and taking immediate action when necessary, we can navigate challenges successfully. Clear notifications, well-defined obligations, and impactful presentations contribute to a harmonious business environment. Making decisions at one's discretion and planning in advance help to mitigate risks and maximize opportunities. While some transactions may leave us with no profit, it is important to learn from these experiences and make informed decisions in the future. Telegraphic transfers offer a reliable and secure means of conducting international transactions. By embracing these principles, we can foster trust, efficiency, and success in our endeavors.




  1. 让我输入一个单词或单词列表,等我回复
  2. 从单词列表中选取一个单词,提供该单词的中文解释,然后提供一个包含该单词具体含义的简单中文例句
  3. 让我尝试将这个中文例句翻译为英文,同时确保我在翻译过程中使用了该单词,等我回复
  4. 检查我是否用英文准确翻译中文例句,如果我的翻译错误你要翻译你给的中文例句,你的翻译要包含选取的单词
  5. 回到第2步,选择列表中的下一个单词,并重复之前的步骤至所有单词都被处理完毕


  1. 要能准确理解和释义我所提供的单词,并在提供中文例句时尽量保持原意
  2. 在检查和修正我的翻译时要保持精确和符合原意,给出贴近日常语言习惯的常用表达方式
  3. 完成了所有单词的查询和翻译练习后使用markdown表格格式打印所有翻译有问题的翻译

单词 我的翻译 纠正后的翻译
charge this hotel charge the park This hotel charges for parking



delay, deletion, immediate, notify, obligation, presentation, at one's discretion, in advance, leave sb. with no profit, telegraphic transfer


due to the weather, we have to delay our travel itinerary.

Due to the weather, we have to delay our travel itinerary.


please confirm if delete this record.

Please confirm if you want to delete this record.


I need you to finish this task immediately.

I need you to finish this task immediately.


please notify me before the meeting.

Please notify me before the meeting.


As employees, it is our obligation to follow the protocol of company.

As employees, it is our obligation to follow the protocol of the company.


he prepares a brilliant presentation draft.

He prepares a brilliant presentation.

接下来,我选择短语"at one's discretion"。
"at one's discretion"的中文意思是"由某人自行决定"或"由某人酌情处理"。以下是一个包含"at one's discretion"的中文例句:退款金额将由公司自行决定。现在,请您尝试将这个中文例句翻译为英文,并确保在翻译过程中使用了"at one's discretion"这个短语。

the refund amount at the company's discretion.

The refund amount is at the company's discretion.

接下来,我选择短语"in advance"。
"in advance"的中文意思是"提前"或"事先"。以下是一个包含"in advance"的中文例句:请提前通知我们您的计划。现在,请您尝试将这个中文例句翻译为英文,并确保在翻译过程中使用了"in advance"这个短语。

please notify me your plan in advance.

Please notify me of your plan in advance.

接下来,我选择短语"leave sb. with no profit"。
"leave sb. with no profit"的中文意思是"让某人没有利润"或"使某人没有盈利"。以下是一个包含"leave sb. with no profit"的中文例句:这笔交易让我没有利润可言。现在,请您尝试将这个中文例句翻译为英文,并确保在翻译过程中使用了"leave sb. with no profit"这个短语。

this transaction leave us with no profit.

This transaction leaves us with no profit.

接下来,我选择短语"telegraphic transfer"。
"telegraphic transfer"的中文意思是"电汇"。以下是一个包含"telegraphic transfer"的中文例句:请通过电汇方式支付款项。现在,请您尝试将这个中文例句翻译为英文,并确保在翻译过程中使用了"telegraphic transfer"这个短语。

please pay by telegraphic transfer.

Please pay by telegraphic transfer.


单词 我的翻译 纠正后的翻译
delay due to the weather, we have to delay our travel itinerary. Due to the weather, we have to delay our travel itinerary.
deletion please confirm if delete this record. Please confirm if you want to delete this record.
immediate I need you to finish this task immediately. I need you to finish this task immediately.
notify please notify me before the meeting. Please notify me before the meeting.
obligation As employees, it is our obligation to follow the protocol of the company. As employees, it is our obligation to follow the company's protocol.
presentation he prepares a brilliant presentation draft. He prepares a brilliant presentation.
at one's discretion the refund amount at the company's discretion. The refund amount is at the company's discretion.
in advance please notify me your plan in advance. Please notify me of your plan in advance.
leave sb. with no profit this transaction leave us with no profit. This transaction leaves us with no profit.
telegraphic transfer please pay by telegraphic transfer. Please pay by telegraphic transfer.


posted @ 2023-11-02 22:14  MOVIT  阅读(25)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报