//adjustment, advance, commodity, considerable, decline, extent, follow, force, gain, indication, percent, revise, worthwhile, wholesale, go up

adjustment - 调整,调节

An adjustment refers to a change or modification made to something in order to make it more suitable, accurate, or effective. It involves making alterations or adaptations to achieve a desired outcome or result.

advance - 前进,提前,预付

Advance has multiple meanings depending on the context. It can mean to move forward or progress, to make a payment or provide funds before the expected time, or to promote or develop something ahead of its current state.

commodity - 商品,物品

A commodity refers to a raw material or product that is bought and sold in large quantities, usually without any significant differentiation between different suppliers. It can also refer to any valuable or useful item.

considerable - 相当大的,可观的

Considerable means significant in size, amount, or importance. It implies a substantial or noteworthy degree or extent of something.

decline - 下降,减少,谢绝

Decline can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a decrease or reduction in quantity, quality, or value. It can also mean to politely refuse or reject an offer, invitation, or request.

extent - 程度,范围

Extent refers to the degree or measure to which something happens or is true. It implies the range, scope, or magnitude of something.

follow - 跟随,遵循

To follow means to go or come after someone or something, to observe or comply with instructions or rules, or to understand or come to a conclusion based on reasoning or logic.

force - 力量,力气,强迫

Force can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to physical power or energy, the strength or effort exerted to do something, or the act of compelling or pressuring someone to do something against their will.

gain - 获得,增加,收益

To gain means to obtain or acquire something, to increase in value, amount, or quality, or to benefit or profit from a particular situation or action.

indication - 迹象,指示

An indication refers to a sign, signal, or clue that suggests or reveals something. It implies providing evidence or information that points to a certain conclusion or direction.

percent - 百分比,百分之一

Percent represents a proportion or fraction of a whole, where one unit is divided into 100 equal parts. It is used to express ratios or rates in terms of hundredths.

revise - 修改,修订

To revise means to make changes or alterations to something, usually with the intention of improving or updating it. It implies reviewing and modifying the content, structure, or details of something.

worthwhile - 值得的,有价值的

Worthwhile means deserving of time, effort, or attention because it is valuable, beneficial, or rewarding. It implies something that is meaningful, important, or worth pursuing.

wholesale - 批发,大规模的

Wholesale refers to the selling of goods in large quantities to retailers or other businesses, usually at lower prices than retail. It can also describe something done or happening on a large scale or in a comprehensive manner.

go up - 上升,增加

To go up means to rise or increase in value, quantity, or intensity. It implies a movement or change from a lower position or level to a higher one.


  1. After receiving feedback from customers, the company made an adjustment to the product design to meet their needs.
  2. The therapist made an adjustment to the treatment plan based on the patient's progress and changing circumstances.
  3. In order to adapt to the new market conditions, the company made an adjustment to its pricing strategy.


  1. The research team made a significant advance in the field of medicine with their groundbreaking discovery.
  2. By attending the conference, I hope to advance my knowledge and skills in my area of expertise.
  3. The company's new technology allows for advances in efficiency and productivity.


  1. Oil is a valuable commodity that is traded on the global market.
  2. The company specializes in importing and exporting various commodities, including agricultural products and raw materials.
  3. The price of the commodity fluctuated due to changes in supply and demand.


  1. The project required a considerable amount of time and resources to complete.
  2. The company experienced a considerable increase in sales after implementing a new marketing strategy.
  3. The team made considerable progress in their research, which was recognized by their peers.


  1. The demand for the product started to decline as consumers shifted to alternative options.
  2. Despite the decline in revenue, the company managed to reduce costs and maintain profitability.
  3. The economy experienced a decline in growth due to various factors, including global market conditions.


  1. The extent of the damage caused by the storm was much worse than initially anticipated.
  2. The survey revealed the extent of customer satisfaction with the company's products and services.
  3. The report analyzed the extent of the impact of climate change on the environment.


  1. It is important to follow the instructions carefully to ensure the desired outcome.
  2. The team needs to follow the established protocols in order to maintain safety standards.
  3. The detective followed the suspect's every move in order to gather evidence.


  1. The company had to force layoffs due to financial difficulties.
  2. The strong wind force caused damage to buildings and trees in the area.
  3. The police used force to apprehend the suspect and ensure public safety.


  1. The stock market experienced significant gains as investors reacted positively to the company's earnings report.
  2. The athlete worked hard to gain strength and improve their performance.
  3. The new marketing campaign helped the company gain a competitive edge in the market.


  1. The early symptoms are an indication of a potential health issue that should be addressed.
  2. The increase in sales is an indication that the new product is meeting customer needs.
  3. The data collected from the survey provides an indication of customer satisfaction levels.


  1. The company increased its profits by 10 percent compared to the previous year.
  2. The discount offered to customers was 20 percent off the original price.
  3. The study found that 75 percent of participants preferred the new product over the previous version.


  1. The author was asked to revise the manuscript based on feedback from the editor.
  2. The company decided to revise its marketing strategy to better target their desired audience.
  3. The student revised their essay multiple times before submitting the final version.


  1. The investment in the new technology proved to be worthwhile, as it significantly improved efficiency.
  2. The conference provided valuable insights and networking opportunities, making it a worthwhile event to attend.
  3. The effort and time spent on the project were worthwhile, as it resulted in a successful outcome.


  1. The company sells its products at wholesale prices to retailers.
  2. The customer decided to purchase the items in bulk at a wholesale rate.
  3. The company offers discounts for wholesale orders to incentivize larger purchases.

go up:

  1. The price of gasoline continues to go up, causing concern among consumers.
  2. The demand for the product is expected to go up due to its popularity among customers.
  3. The company's stock value has been going up steadily over the past few months.

//Title: Navigating Market Volatility: Making Adjustments for Wholesale Gain

In the dynamic world of business, staying ahead requires constant adjustments to adapt to changing market conditions. This article explores the importance of making advances and revising strategies to maximize gains in the face of considerable fluctuations in commodity prices.

Market volatility is a reality that businesses must face. The decline or rise in prices can significantly impact profit margins and overall success. To a great extent, the ability to follow market trends and make timely adjustments is crucial.

Forces beyond our control, such as economic factors or consumer behavior, can greatly influence the market. It is essential to closely monitor these forces and gain insight into their implications. Indications of potential changes in commodity prices can serve as valuable cues for making proactive adjustments.

Percentages can provide a useful measure of the scale of change. A considerable increase or decrease in commodity prices may necessitate immediate action. By carefully analyzing the percentage change, businesses can determine the extent of adjustment required.

Revising strategies is often a worthwhile endeavor when faced with market volatility. It involves evaluating existing plans and making necessary modifications to adapt to changing conditions. By doing so, businesses can position themselves for wholesale gains and maintain a competitive edge.

Making worthwhile adjustments requires a comprehensive understanding of the market. It involves considering various factors, such as supply and demand, competitor activities, and consumer preferences. By gaining insights into these elements, businesses can make informed decisions that maximize their potential for success.

Wholesale gain refers to the overall increase in profits achieved through strategic adjustments. It is the cumulative effect of multiple adjustments made across different aspects of the business. By focusing on wholesale gain, businesses can optimize their operations and achieve sustainable growth.

While market fluctuations may initially pose challenges, they also present opportunities for growth and innovation. Businesses that are agile and quick to adjust can turn market volatility to their advantage. By embracing change and making necessary adjustments, they can navigate through uncertainty and thrive.

In conclusion, the ability to make adjustments in response to market volatility is essential for businesses seeking wholesale gain. By closely following market trends, gaining insights into forces at play, and revising strategies, businesses can position themselves for success. While market fluctuations may present challenges, they also offer opportunities for growth and advancement. So, let us embrace change, analyze percentages, and make worthwhile adjustments to navigate the dynamic landscape of business.

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