Perl project

13791 302 17 4 months ago diff-so-fancy/1 Good-lookin' diffs. Actually… nah… The best-lookin' diffs. 🎉
10247 1224 111 2 months ago FlameGraph/2 Stack trace visualizer
10174 612 13 5 days ago cloc/3 cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages.
7758 980 5 2 months ago gitolite/4 Hosting git repositories -- Gitolite allows you to setup git hosting on a central server, with very fine-grained access control and many (many!) more powerful features.
6318 1005 43 2 hours ago MySQLTuner-perl/5 MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with your MySQL configuration and make recommendations for increased performance and stability.
4227 690 79 12 days ago nikto/6 Nikto web server scanner
4155 246 20 3 years ago Expose/7 A simple static site generator for photoessays
3729 475 15 2 years ago sicp-pdf/8 SICP PDF with Texinfo and LaTeX source
3666 2106 14 3 years ago EQGRP/9 Decrypted content of eqgrp-auction-file.tar.xz
2524 424 3 6 months ago nginx-tutorials/10 Nginx Tutorials
2440 109 21 a month ago rcm/11 rc file (dotfile) management
2218 518 46 6 days ago mojo/12 ✨ Mojolicious - Perl real-time web framework
2195 661 49 4 months ago owasp-modsecurity-crs/13 OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) Project (Official Repository)
2174 729 75 1 year, 11 months ago ABTestingGateway/14 None
2122 143 50 2 years ago afterglow-theme/15 A minimal dark Theme for Sublime Text 2 and 3
2091 238 5 2 months ago pgbadger/16 A fast PostgreSQL Log Analyzer
2062 173 65 18 days ago sqitch/17 Sensible database change management
2002 120 8 12 days ago postgresqltuner/18 Simple script to analyse your PostgreSQL database configuration, and give tuning advice
1979 523 0 3 years ago ua-parser/19 A multi-language port of Browserscope's user agent parser.
1830 194 61 a month ago rsnapshot/20 a tool for backing up your data using rsync (if you want to get help, use
1776 348 15 1 year, 5 months ago Mojo-Webqq/21 【重要通知:WebQQ将在2019年1月1日停止服务,此项目目前已停止维护,感谢大家四年来的一路陪伴】使用Perl语言(不会没关系)编写的smartqq/webqq客户端框架(非GUI),可通过插件提供基于HTTP协议的api接口供其他语言或系统调用
1765 296 32 3 months ago imapsync/22 Imapsync is an IMAP transfers tool. The purpose of imapsync is to migrate IMAP accounts or to backup IMAP accounts. IMAP is one of the three current standard protocols to access mailboxes, the two others are POP3 and HTTP with webmails, webmails are often tied to an IMAP server. Upstream website is
1570 220 27 1 year, 5 months ago duckduckgo/23 DuckDuckGo Instant Answer Infrastructure
1533 162 98 4 months ago sanoid/24 Policy-driven snapshot management and replication tools. Using ZFS for underlying next-gen storage. (Btrfs support plans are shelved unless and until btrfs becomes reliable.) Primarily intended for Linux, but BSD use is supported and reasonably frequently tested.
1509 149 9 1 year, 6 months ago ack2/25 ack 2 is no longer being maintained. ack 3 is the latest version.
1440 407 4 6 years ago Linux_Exploit_Suggester/26 Linux Exploit Suggester; based on operating system release number
1436 414 140 3 days ago munin/27 Main repository for munin master / node / plugins
1358 290 27 a month ago openresty-systemtap-toolkit/28 Real-time analysis and diagnostics tools for OpenResty (including NGINX, LuaJIT, ngx_lua, and more) based on SystemTap
1318 155 0 a month ago get_iplayer/29 A utility for downloading TV and radio programmes from BBC iPlayer and BBC Sounds
1163 262 16 1 year, 9 days ago Mojo-Weixin/30 使用Perl语言(不会没关系)编写的个人账号微信/weixin/wechat客户端框架(非GUI),可通过插件提供基于HTTP协议的api接口供其他语言或系统调用
1136 258 7 a month ago dvcs-ripper/31 Rip web accessible (distributed) version control systems: SVN/GIT/HG...
1081 59 17 5 years ago git-cal/32 github like contributions calendar on terminal
1079 420 64 2 years ago mha4mysql-manager/33 Development tree of Master High Availability Manager and tools for MySQL (MHA), Manager part
1070 67 2 1 year, 10 months ago rainbarf/34 it's like Rainmeter, but for CLI!
1040 549 5 9 years ago MultiMarkdown/35 Expanded perl version of John Gruber's original Markdown --- No longer under active development since MMD 3
1030 672 47 2 days ago contrib/36 Contributed stuff for munin (plugins, tools, etc...)
1023 404 1 3 years ago xcode_shell/37 shell script that used to auto-build xcode project
1015 224 3 1 year, 8 months ago vanilla/38 An OpenResty Lua MVC Web Framework
1013 126 4 a month ago Golang-Regex-Tutorial/39 Golang - Regular Expression Tutorial
1008 255 8 3 months ago evilgrade/40 Evilgrade is a modular framework that allows the user to take advantage of poor upgrade implementations by injecting fake updates.
1001 147 16 6 years ago AirChat/41 Free Communications For Everyone.
997 260 36 2 years ago lua-resty-waf/42 High-performance WAF built on the OpenResty stack
966 285 1969 5 months ago perl5/43 🐫The Perl language interpreter.
934 56 16 1 year, 8 months ago nodebrew/44 Node.js version manager
931 919 90 5 days ago openkore/45 A free/open source client and automation tool for Ragnarok Online
926 1871 65 1 year, 3 months ago zeroclickinfo-goodies/46 DuckDuckGo Instant Answers based on Perl & JavaScript
910 331 7 6 months ago Th3inspector/47 Th3Inspector 🕵️ Best Tool For Information Gathering 🔎
898 455 14 22 days ago ggplot2-book/48 ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis
895 209 12 2 months ago nipe/49 An engine to make Tor network your default gateway
877 129 0 1 year, 2 months ago code2ebook/50 Generate pretty ebooks in various formats from source trees in various programming languages
875 164 0 8 months ago linux-exploit-suggester-2/51 Next-Generation Linux Kernel Exploit Suggester
849 114 40 11 months ago gitprep/52 Portable GitHub system into your own server
848 428 26 a day ago ember-cli-mirage/53 An Ember Addon to easily add Mirage JS to your Ember app.
845 117 9 10 months ago i3-starterpack/54 A simple guide (and example of configuration) to install i3 & its and essentials packages, then make them look eye candy.
819 96 0 7 years ago ack1/55 This repository is for ack 1.x, which is no longer being maintained. DO NOT SUBMIT ISSUES HERE. ack 2.0 has a new GitHub project at
810 66 20 5 years ago git-deploy/56 Tool to manage using git as a deployment management tool
806 206 0 16 days ago SecToolSet/57 The security tool(project) Set from github。github安全项目工具集合
805 218 454 21 hours ago packetfence/58 PacketFence is a fully supported, trusted, Free and Open Source network access control (NAC) solution. Boasting an impressive feature set including a captive-portal for registration and remediation, centralized wired and wireless management, powerful BYOD management options, 802.1X support, layer-2 isolation of problematic devices; PacketFence can be used to effectively secure networks small to very large heterogeneous networks.
800 311 0 9 months ago XcodeCoverage/59 Code coverage for Xcode projects (Objective-C only)
800 379 34 26 days ago XAttacker/60 X Attacker Tool ☣ Website Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter
792 41 5 1 year, 6 months ago dank-selfhosted/61 Automated solution for hosting email, web, DNS, XMPP, and ZNC on OpenBSD.
789 121 65 12 hours ago backuppc/62 BackupPC is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up to a server's disk.
783 171 0 5 days ago everything-curl/63 The book documenting the curl project, the curl tool, libcurl and everything related to this.
779 151 32 13 days ago Monitorix/64 Monitorix is a free, open source, lightweight system monitoring tool.
754 54 11 3 years ago st/65 simple statistics from the command line
738 42 45 5 months ago vyatta-wireguard/66 None
731 428 16 a day ago otrs/67 ((OTRS)) Community Edition is one of the most flexible web-based ticketing systems used for Customer Service, Help Desk, IT Service Management. Please note that ((OTRS)) Community Edition offers limited OTRS functionality.
730 76 8 4 years ago speedread/68 A simple terminal-based open source Spritz-alike (per-word RSVP aligned on optimal reading points)
729 165 13 4 months ago ModSecurity-nginx/69 ModSecurity v3 Nginx Connector
725 98 0 6 months ago sysadmin-util/70 Tools for Linux/Unix sysadmins.
722 57 28 11 days ago youtube-viewer/71 Lightweight application for searching and playing videos from YouTube.
711 289 1 16 hours ago ATSCAN/72 Advanced dork Search & Mass Exploit Scanner
710 225 80 a day ago Dancer/73 The easiest way to write web applications with Perl (Perl web micro-framework)
710 101 4 7 months ago urxvt-perls/74 Perl extensions for the rxvt-unicode terminal emulator
696 236 40 1 year, 2 months ago sortphotos/75 SortPhotos is a Python script that organizes photos and videos into folders using date/time information
688 466 9 3 years ago opencv-haar-classifier-training/76 Learn how to train your own OpenCV Haar classifier
686 201 115 a month ago cpanminus/77 cpanminus - get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN
684 77 40 a month ago thinkpad-ec/78 Infrastructure for examining and patching Thinkpad embedded controller firmware
681 246 2 4 years ago mlf/79 大数据机器学习框架
681 60 23 5 days ago convos/80 Convos 👥 is the simplest way to use IRC in your browser
679 62 24 3 months ago clusterssh/81 Cluster SSH - Cluster Admin Via SSH
676 36 40 24 days ago trizen/82 Lightweight AUR Package Manager
662 213 176 20 days ago App-perlbrew/83 Manage perl installations in your $HOME
648 86 7 5 days ago exiftool/84 ExifTool meta information reader/writer
639 211 193 2 days ago Rex/85 Rex, the friendly automation framework
634 144 6 1 year, 3 months ago Google Drive direct download of big files
628 132 80 2 months ago SmokePing/87 The Active Monitoring System
622 122 90 2 months ago fwknop/88 Single Packet Authorization > Port Knocking
622 185 18 1 year, 1 month ago modern_perl_book/89 Modern Perl: the book
619 338 4 2 years ago dotphiles/90 A community driven framework of dotfiles.
616 60 15 8 days ago inxi/91 inxi is a full featured CLI system information tool. It is available in most Linux distribution repositories, and does its best to support the BSDs.
598 107 21 3 months ago innotop/92 A realtime terminal-based top-like monitor for MySQL
589 101 8 a month ago broadcom-bt-firmware/93 Repository for various Broadcom Bluetooth firmware
577 163 47 6 days ago slimserver/94 Server for Logitech Squeezebox players. This server is also called Logitech Media Server
569 380 38 12 hours ago vghetto-scripts/95 Various virtuallyGhetto scripts for VMware based solutions
566 205 36 21 hours ago ora2pg/96 Ora2Pg is a free tool used to migrate an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL compatible schema. It connects your Oracle database, scan it automatically and extracts its structure or data, it then generates SQL scripts that you can load into PostgreSQL.
562 149 42 15 days ago ddclient/97 This is the new home for ddclient. Ddclient is a Perl client used to update dynamic DNS entries for accounts on 'Dynamic DNS Network Services' free DNS service. It currently supports a lot of different routers and a few different services.
553 132 2 7 months ago dotdotpwn/98 DotDotPwn - The Directory Traversal Fuzzer
548 145 16 a month ago stapxx/99 Simple macro language extentions to systemtap
543 92 0 2 days ago dotfiles/100 💾 Ian's dotfiles, utils, and Zsh/Vim/tmux configs
542 225 53 3 hours ago musicbrainz-server/101 The official musicbrainz-server codebase
540 177 91 14 hours ago rt/102 Request Tracker, an enterprise-grade issue tracking system
527 122 7 2 months ago pixload/103 Image Payload Creating/Injecting tools
526 181 4 9 years ago PadBuster/104 Automated script for performing Padding Oracle attacks
521 56 35 6 years ago mt-aws-glacier/105 Perl Multithreaded Multipart sync to Amazon Glacier
511 259 28 3 months ago trinityrnaseq/106 Trinity RNA-Seq de novo transcriptome assembly
511 61 98 14 days ago btrbk/107 Tool for creating snapshots and remote backups of btrfs subvolumes
508 82 5 a month ago awesome-perl/108 A curated list of awesome Perl frameworks and libraries. Come on Pull Requests!
499 68 63 4 days ago asbru-cm/109 Ásbrú Connection Manager is a user interface that helps organizing remote terminal sessions and automating repetitive tasks.
496 21 4 2 years ago zsh-autoenv/110 Autoenv for zsh
494 82 4 5 years ago httpry/111 HTTP logging and information retrieval tool
487 171 17 1 year, 2 months ago ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module/112 a filter module which can do both regular expression and fixed string substitutions for nginx
481 56 3 1 year, 9 months ago Academic-Writing-Check/113 check for passive words, weasel words, duplicate words, typographical errors and words strunk & white don't like
477 202 43 7 days ago percona-toolkit/114 Percona Toolkit
475 42 0 2 years ago cli/115 This is the DEPRECATED Linode CLI. Use
473 271 136 2 months ago Dancer2/116 Perl Dancer Next Generation (rewrite of Perl Dancer)
470 82 0 8 months ago dot_debian/117 Config files for linux (debian based)
469 207 92 5 months ago Plack/118 PSGI toolkit and server adapters
461 89 93 2 years ago carton/119 Bundler or pip freeze for Perl
450 67 100 6 days ago bucardo/120 Bucardo multimaster and master/slave Postgres replication
450 113 0 1 year, 10 months ago ec2-consistent-snapshot/121 [SUNSET] Initiate consistent EBS snapshots in Amazon EC2
449 41 16 8 months ago ls--/122 ls on steroids
447 177 23 9 years ago jFeed/123 jQuery RSS/ATOM feed parser plugin
446 59 28 1 year, 30 days ago xSwipe/124 Multitouch gestures with synaptics driver on X11, Linux
438 216 24 4 days ago Script Repository for Irssi
432 166 2 2 years ago dots/126 dotfiles for my local setup
430 65 27 3 years ago dejavu-fonts/127 None
429 309 1 4 years ago ctf-tools/128 tổng hợp tool ctf
428 111 119 24 days ago znapzend/129 zfs backup with remote capabilities and mbuffer integration.
426 94 52 a month ago altium2kicad/130 Altium to KiCad converter for PCB and schematics
424 162 95 21 days ago lm-sensors/131 lm-sensors repository
421 121 27 3 years ago lua-resty-logger-socket/132 Raw-socket-based Logger Library for Nginx (based on ngx_lua)
420 147 85 24 days ago check_postgres/133 Nagios check_postgres plugin for checking status of PostgreSQL databases
419 199 184 2 days ago fixmystreet/134 This is mySociety's popular map-based reporting platform: easy to install in new countries and regions
418 63 46 4 years ago plexWatch/135 Notify and Log watched content on a Plex Media Server
415 65 5 6 months ago mathgen/136 Generate random nonsense math papers
413 76 43 3 years ago noembed/137 oEmbed gateway service with additional non-oEmbed sources
412 10 10 3 years ago DejaVuSansCode/138 Monospaced font with programming ligatures based on DejaVu Sans Mono
410 46 8 2 years ago urxvt-font-size/139 Change the urxvt font size on the fly
409 20 3 8 months ago distribution/140 Short, simple, direct scripts for creating ASCII graphical histograms in the terminal.
407 168 267 23 days ago hydra/141 Hydra, the Nix-based continuous build system
402 16 24 28 days ago wireguard-vyatta-ubnt/142 WireGuard for Ubiquiti Devices
394 99 4 4 years ago 1-billion-word-language-modeling-benchmark/143 Formerly known as
393 103 1 2 years ago metasploit-vulnerability-emulator/144 Created by Jin Qian via the GitHub Connector
393 143 95 2 months ago prokka/145 ⚡ ♒ Rapid prokaryotic genome annotation
390 59 7 5 months ago timeout/146 A script to measure and limit CPU time and memory consumption of black-box processes in Linux
389 141 0 4 years ago nlptutorial/147 A Tutorial about Programming for Natural Language Processing
386 2 0 5 months ago kobo-ja-dict-enhance/148 Enhance built-in Japanese dictionaries from Kobo with English definitions
385 41 7 a month ago Perlito/149 "Perlito" Perl programming language compiler
385 127 30 3 years ago lua-resty-jwt/150 JWT For The Great Openresty
383 1 0 2 years ago debian-graph/151 Representing Debian UDD in a graph database
383 35 3 2 months ago feedgnuplot/152 Tool to plot realtime and stored data from the commandline, using gnuplot.
383 105 15 1 year, 3 months ago aws/153 Easy command line access to Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, ELB, and SDB
383 1 2 5 years ago jfontmaps/154 dvipdfmx map files and support programs for Japanese font setup
376 0 0 4 years ago texlive-rewrite/155 Rewrite of some core scripts in TeX Live from shell to perl
374 52 53 6 months ago abi-compliance-checker/156 A tool for checking backward API/ABI compatibility of a C/C++ library
373 0 0 5 years ago tlptexlive-root/157 packaging stuff for tlptexlive
369 117 52 3 days ago zentyal/158 Linux Small Business Server
363 130 29 a month ago lcov/159 LCOV
360 106 33 a day ago movabletype/160 Movable Type
351 79 2 3 years ago nmt-tips/161 A tutorial about neural machine translation including tips on building practical systems
347 144 18 4 hours ago Thruk/162 Thruk is a multibackend monitoring webinterface for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken using the Livestatus API.
346 96 15 5 years ago dnsenum/163 dnsenum is a perl script that enumerates DNS information
346 209 20 3 months ago bugzilla/164 Official repository for the Bugzilla bug tracking system. Report bugs to . Main website:
346 217 151 6 days ago metacpan-web/165 Web interface for MetaCPAN
339 61 37 4 months ago twitrssme/166 Tool to make Twittter timelines and searches into RSS feeds
337 63 6 2 years ago eflame/167 Flame Graph profiler for Erlang
337 217 0 2 months ago Koha/168 Koha is a free software integrated library system (ILS). Koha is distributed under the GNU GPL version 3 or later. Note: this is a synced mirror of the official Koha repo. Note: This project uses its own bug tracker, see to report a bug or submit a patch.
336 64 5 3 years ago ggautoblocker/169 Good Game Auto Blocker
336 223 12 2 years ago XposedTools/170 These tools can be used to compile and package the Xposed framework.
334 91 29 19 days ago test-nginx/171 Data-driven test scaffold for Nginx C module and OpenResty Lua library development
331 44 1 2 years ago tpacpi-bat/172 ThinkPad ACPI Battery Util
331 106 14 9 months ago rtsp-server/173 Lightweight RTSP/RTP streaming media server
324 39 4 a month ago sherloq/174 An open-source digital image forensic toolset
321 31 30 3 days ago LANraragi/175 Web application for archival and reading of manga/doujinshi. Lightweight and Docker-ready for NAS/servers.
320 115 34 21 days ago pulledpork/176 Pulled Pork for Snort and Suricata rule management (from Google code)
317 45 25 4 years ago longview/177 Linode Longview Agent
314 81 12 1 year, 1 month ago atomiadns/178 Atomia DNS
313 117 6 3 months ago enum4linux/179 enum4Linux is a Linux alternative to enum.exe for enumerating data from Windows and Samba hosts.
313 48 18 5 years ago spread0r/180 spread0r is a txt reader, which makes your reading twice as fast as usual
312 121 0 3 years ago browsersploit/181 BrowserExploit is an advanced browser exploit pack for doing internal and external pentesting, helping gaining access to internal computers.
307 35 4 3 years ago weed/182 Heavily Xchat inspired beautiful irssi theme.
307 72 1 3 months ago qqwry.dat/183 纯真IP地址数据库镜像,mirror of qqwry.dat
307 38 36 2 years ago oysttyer/184 An interactive console text-based command-line Twitter client written in Perl
305 28 2 27 days ago programming-openresty/185 Programming OpenResty Book
305 136 42 22 days ago defects4j/186 A Database of Real Faults and an Experimental Infrastructure to Enable Controlled Experiments in Software Engineering Research
303 160 14 2 years ago mha4mysql-node/187 Development tree of Master High Availability Manager and tools for MySQL (MHA), Node (MySQL Server) part
300 79 14 3 months ago sqlserver2pgsql/188 Migration tool to convert a Microsoft SQL Server Database into a PostgreSQL database, as automatically as possible
296 399 10 5 years ago DEPRECATED-bc/189 DEPRECATED: This repository is now frozen - please see individual lesson repositories.
294 123 80 1 year, 2 months ago apt-mirror/190 Official apt-mirror source.
292 27 6 4 years ago stabilizer/191 Stabilizer: Rigorous Performance Evaluation
291 65 11 6 months ago autodl-irssi/192 A community-driven fork of autodl-irssi
290 123 1 1 year, 3 months ago vbscan/193 OWASP VBScan is a Black Box vBulletin Vulnerability Scanner
287 219 0 12 minutes ago repo-info/194 Extended information (especially license and layer details) about the published Official Images
285 77 76 2 months ago cdhit/195 Automatically exported from
284 78 6 3 months ago O-Saft/196 O-Saft - OWASP SSL advanced forensic tool
282 21 3 9 years ago Graph-Easy/197 Convert or render graphs (as ASCII, HTML, SVG or via Graphviz)
282 66 24 1 year, 10 months ago psad/198 psad: Intrusion Detection and Log Analysis with iptables
281 77 175 8 days ago openxpki/199 OpenXPKI Code
278 39 11 14 days ago PAF/200 PostgreSQL Automatic Failover: High-Availibility for Postgres, based on Pacemaker and Corosync.
277 90 33 5 months ago mod0BurpUploadScanner/201 HTTP file upload scanner for Burp Proxy
274 63 76 6 days ago LaTeXML/202 LaTeXML: a TeX and LaTeX to XML/HTML/ePub/MathML translator.
273 35 129 3 months ago ack3/203 ack is a grep-like search tool optimized for source code.
272 29 10 3 months ago RecordStream/204 commandline tools for slicing and dicing JSON records.
269 75 47 7 months ago Starman/205 Starman is a high-performance preforking Perl PSGI web server
268 130 22 a month ago lua-resty-cookie/206 Lua library for HTTP cookie manipulations for OpenResty/ngx_lua
267 17 1 7 years ago js-in-ten-minutes/207 JavaScript in Ten (arbitrarily long) Minutes
265 54 0 4 years ago defcon-vm/208 Files from my DEFCON CTF VM.
264 57 1 5 days ago apache2buddy/209 apache2buddy
263 33 6 2 months ago Focus-Points/210 Plugin for Lightroom to show which focus point was active in the camera when a photo was taken
261 44 59 3 months ago zonemaster/211 The Zonemaster Project
260 68 0 16 days ago dotfiles/212 My dotfiles
260 141 244 20 hours ago xcat-core/213 Code repo for xCAT core packages
258 56 11 12 days ago netdisco/214 A web-based network management tool.
258 34 22 1 year, 3 months ago japi-compliance-checker/215 A tool for checking backward API/ABI compatibility of a Java library
256 104 25 26 days ago catalyst-runtime/216 The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework
255 46 5 3 months ago Crypt-LE/217 Crypt::LE - Let's Encrypt / Buypass / ACME client and library in Perl for obtaining free SSL certificates (inc. generating RSA/ECC keys and CSRs). HTTP/DNS verification is supported out of the box, easily extended with plugins, easily dockerized.
254 34 8 8 years ago asciiquarium/218 Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own terminal!
251 83 1 3 years ago fierce-domain-scanner/219 Domain Scanner
250 33 24 2 months ago rperl/220 RPerl Compiler
249 123 1 1 year, 8 months ago Deprecated tools from
249 23 1 5 years ago lingua-sinica-perlyuyan/222 Perl in Classical Chinese in Perl
250 49 2 3 years ago HeatMap/223 Heat map generation tools
248 18 0 a day ago mmdb_china_ip_list/224 Geoip MaxMind Database for china ip list! This is also an example of generating MaxMind Database!
248 27 9 7 months ago ferm/225 ferm is a frontend for iptables
247 49 0 30 days ago samytools/226 Simple tools to make reverse engineering and console cowboying easier, primarily by data translation and manipulation + file handle piping. Mostly *nix tools with an emphasis on macOS.
245 51 8 13 days ago lua-resty-mlcache/227 Layered caching library for OpenResty
243 71 11 7 hours ago resty-redis-cluster/228 Openresty lua client for redis cluster.
242 38 2 a month ago pgcluu/229 PostgreSQL Cluster performances monitoring and auditing tool
242 52 18 6 months ago nginx_ajp_module/230 support AJP protocol proxy with Nginx
238 43 1 5 hours ago address-formatting/231 templates to format geographic addresses
236 172 102 a month ago metacpan-api/232 A free, open API for everything you want to know about CPAN
236 162 43 5 months ago bioperl-live/233 Core BioPerl 1.x code
236 71 23 2 years ago get-flash-videos/234 Download or play videos from various Flash-based video hosting sites, without having to use the Flash player.
235 42 0 1 year, 4 months ago lancache/235 Dynamically Cache Game Installs at LAN’s using Nginx
235 18 12 2 months ago git-number/236 Use numbers for dealing with files in git
235 86 5 22 days ago zmeventnotification/237 Machine Learning powered Secure Websocket & MQTT based ZoneMinder event notification server
234 89 0 3 months ago hexchat-addons/238 Plugins and scripts made for HexChat
232 43 3 6 years ago GrowthForecast/239 Lightning Fast Graphing/Visualization
228 35 14 9 months ago hsxkpasswd/240 A Perl module and terminal command for generating secure memorable passwords inspired by the fabulous XKCD web comic and Steve Gibson's Password Hay Stacks. This is the library that powers
227 85 74 a month ago ensembl-vep/241 The Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor predicts the functional effects of genomic variants
226 49 2 a month ago PQCrypto-VPN/242 Post-quantum Cryptography VPN
226 65 0 2 years ago massive-octo-spice/243 DEPRECATED - USE v3 (bearded-avenger)
224 169 4 2 years ago XBruteForcer/244 X Brute Forcer Tool 🔓 WordPress , Joomla , DruPal , OpenCart , Magento
223 194 113 3 hours ago centreon-plugins/245 Collection of plugins for softwares compatible with Nagios plugins
223 50 51 20 hours ago coreruleset/246 OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (Official Repository)
220 56 8 6 days ago resty-cli/247 Fancy command-line utilities for OpenResty
220 129 104 21 hours ago ravada/248 Remote Virtual Desktops Manager
219 94 95 4 months ago awstats/249 AWStats Log Analyzer project (official sources)
218 124 48 10 months ago misterhouse/250 Perl open source home automation program. It's fun, it's free, and it's entirely geeky.
217 79 31 a month ago bobby-tables/251, the site for preventing SQL injections
216 92 16 5 months ago images using fonts from King Fahed Complex /
216 93 3 2 months ago openresty-devel-utils/253 Utilities for nginx module development
215 6 3 3 months ago johnny-deps/254 Barebones dependency manager for Go.
214 80 1 23 hours ago TrimGalore/255 A wrapper around Cutadapt and FastQC to consistently apply adapter and quality trimming to FastQ files, with extra functionality for RRBS data
213 26 39 4 years ago exobrain/256 Automate your life with Exobrain
213 26 3 5 years ago HostDB/257 HostDB: a new tool to help manage data center inventory and write applications around it.
213 64 70 2 months ago snippy/258 ✂️ ⚡ Rapid haploid variant calling and core genome alignment
212 14 5 9 years ago github-growler/259 Growl github updates
212 38 1 4 years ago FLEXLoader/260 A jailbreak iOS device tweak which can load FLEX dynamiclly
211 25 36 1 year, 8 months ago taskopen/261 Script for taking notes and open urls with taskwarrior
210 223 1 5 years ago dotfiles/262 Dotfiles
208 264 16 7 years ago gas-preprocessor/263 Perl script that implements a subset of the GNU as preprocessor that Apple's as doesn't
207 137 60 2 months ago vcf2maf/264 Convert a VCF into a MAF, where each variant is annotated to only one of all possible gene isoforms
203 27 19 5 years ago dockerana/265 Docker Monitoring with support for Grafana and Graphite
203 76 9 a month ago fai/266 non-interactive system to install, customize and manage Linux systems
203 117 4 2 years ago asterisk-speech-recog/267 Speech recognition script for Asterisk that uses google's speech engine.
203 6 3 9 months ago ColoredConsole/268 Reenabling colors in Xcode's console
202 107 4 a month ago mongo-perl-driver/269 Perl driver for the MongoDB
202 43 7 a day ago scot/270 Sandia Cyber Omni Tracker (SCOT)
202 10 0 3 years ago payphone/271 notes and code for my payphone project
202 44 20 9 days ago serge/272 Continuous localization platform
200 91 19 6 days ago OCSInventory-Server/273 Communication server of OCS Inventory
200 19 2 a month ago asemica/274 An asemic Markov-chained cipher
200 36 28 18 days ago needrestart/275 Restart daemons after library updates.
199 41 0 21 days ago SARS-CoV-2_Sequencing/276 A collection of sequencing protocols and bioinformatic resources for SARS-CoV-2 sequencing.
199 71 5 3 years ago lua-resty-iputils/277 Utility functions for working with IP addresses in Openresty
194 39 16 2 years ago shocco/278 shocco is a quick-and-dirty, literate-programming-style documentation generator for / in POSIX shell
194 25 16 13 days ago hw-probe/279 Probe for hardware, check operability and find drivers
193 106 16 2 years ago nagios-plugins-rabbitmq/280 A set of nagios checks for RabbitMQ using the management interface
193 10 443 5 months ago papers/281 ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 paper scheduling and management
192 34 21 6 months ago md2inao/282 Convert markdown to inao-format for WEB+DB PRESS
192 32 21 2 years ago dklab_realsync/283 dkLab RealSync: replicate developer's files over SSH in realtime
192 51 63 3 years ago pacmanager/284 Perl/GTK Gnome SSH GUI on steroids. Configure SSH/Telnet connections: users, passwords, EXPECT regular expressions, macros, ...
192 70 38 6 months ago Gekko-BacktestTool/285 Batch backtest, import and strategy params optimalization for Gekko Trading Bot. With one command you will run any number of backtests.
191 44 14 5 months ago rakudobrew/286 Perl 6 installation manager
190 17 4 1 year, 6 months ago alfred2-layout/287 Alfred 2 Layout workflow
188 103 36 11 days ago zbx-smartctl/288 Templates and scripts for monitoring disks health with Zabbix and smartmontools
188 147 25 3 hours ago openQA/289 openQA web-frontend, scheduler and tools.
187 19 0 6 months ago wagon/290 免安裝可攜的 Laravel 開發環境
186 24 7 5 years ago Vimana/291 Vimana is an easy to use system for searching , installing, and downloading vim script. Vimana provides a command-line interface such like aptitude programe on Debian linux, for you to search , download , install , upgrade scripts from (vimonline site).
184 27 6 1 year, 4 months ago LISA/292 Linguistically-Informed Self-Attention implemented in TensorFlow
183 15 0 23 days ago cloc/293 An npm module for distributing cloc by Al Danial
182 44 10 5 years ago hls-fetch/294 Download and decrypt videos served by the HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) protocol.
181 22 8 a month ago realtimeconfigquickscan/295 Linux configuration checker for systems to be used for real-time audio
180 22 25 1 year, 2 months ago stow/296 GNU Stow - mirror of savannah git repository occasionally with more bleeding-edge branches
180 17 19 1 year, 8 months ago github-keygen/297 Easy creation of secure SSH configuration for your GitHub account(s)
180 53 31 1 year, 9 months ago elsa/298 Enterprise Log Search and Archive
180 9 4 8 months ago djdt-flamegraph/299 Flamegraphs for Django Debug Toolbar
179 63 42 2 years ago letsencrypt-cpanel/300 cPanel/WHM plugin for Let's Encrypt client
178 64 0 4 months ago exploit/301 Exploits and advisories
177 57 4 1 year, 9 months ago mysql-sandbox/302 Quick and painless install of one or more MySQL servers in the same host.
177 148 80 4 months ago Dist-Zilla/303 scary tools for building CPAN distributions
177 58 0 7 years ago pastemon/304 Content Monitoring Tool
177 13 18 1 year, 4 months ago vuln-regex-detector/305 Detect vulnerable regexes in your project. REDOS, catastrophic backtracking.
177 78 0 10 days ago Magento-mysql/306 Magento default mysql settings
175 11 2 3 years ago git-foresta/307 git-foresta: Text-based git log graph viewer
174 30 3 3 years ago velocity-painting/308 #VelocityPainting: patterning 3D prints by modulating the print speed
174 15 8 3 years ago YNABLinuxInstall/309 Install script for YNAB 4 on Linux
174 9 5 1 year, 28 days ago clerk/310 clerk - mpd client, based on rofi/fzf
174 99 6 11 months ago nickname-and-diminutive-names-lookup/311 A CSV file that containing US given names (first name) and their associated nicknames or diminutive names.
174 40 8 6 years ago plagger/312 Pluggable RSS/Atom aggregator
173 18 9 5 months ago towncrier/313 A status dashboard
172 57 46 5 days ago fink/314 The fink package manager
172 24 4 1 year, 6 months ago jpegrescan/315 JPEGrescan: losslessly shrink any JPEG file - YOU PROBABLY SHOULD USE MozJPEG
171 66 5 5 years ago hoover/316 Wireless Probe Requests Sniffer
171 43 2 3 months ago filebuster/317 An extremely fast and flexible web fuzzer
171 29 6 2 years ago wp-tools/318 Tools to backup and upgrade WordPress installations
171 51 0 3 hours ago spamassassin/319 Read-only mirror of Apache SpamAssassin. Submit patches to Do not send pull requests
170 184 2 5 years ago mtk-tools/320 Unpack / repack MT65xx/MT83xx boot.img, recovery.img or logo.bin
170 123 45 10 days ago ntppool/321 NTP Pool Project
171 36 2 7 years ago Roboo/322 Roboo - HTTP Robot Mitigator
170 51 47 4 months ago Netdot/323 Network Documentation Tool
169 32 0 3 months ago 7z2hashcat/324 extract information from password-protected .7z archives (and .sfx files) such that you can crack these "hashes" with hashcat
168 53 21 a month ago xv6-book/325 Commentary for xv6-public
167 40 11 a month ago minion/326 🐙 Perl job queue
167 34 2 8 months ago lua-resty-jit-uuid/327 Fast and dependency-free UUID library for LuaJIT/ngx_lua
166 58 25 6 years ago iOSMessageExport/328 None
166 71 2 26 days ago p5-ssl-tools/329 various standalone perl scripts
166 38 2 a month ago openssh-ldap-publickey/330 Wrapper for OpenSSH to store public keys inside the OpenLDAP entry.
165 24 19 6 months ago rsu-client/331 A git repository for the RuneScape Linux/Unix Client Project
165 6 4 8 years ago manservant/332 Browse man pages in style with your personal manservant.
164 101 2 2 years ago asterisk-googletts/333 Asterisk AGI script that uses Google's translate text to speech service.
164 33 1 1 year, 3 months ago omnipitr/334 Advanced WAL File Management Tools for PostgreSQL
164 13 8 5 years ago pgtoolkit/335 Tools for PostgreSQL maintenance
164 10 0 10 months ago Elymas/336 A programming language I can like. Unholy and full of magic.
162 24 7 3 days ago swaks/337 Swaks - Swiss Army Knife for SMTP
163 127 39 3 months ago gsl-firmware/338 Firmware repository for Silead touchscreen controllers
161 121 99 12 days ago Roary/339 Rapid large-scale prokaryote pan genome analysis
161 36 9 6 years ago Gitalist/340 A modern git web viewer
160 13 7 2 years ago dj_voice_organize/341 同人音声资料库系统
160 106 96 a day ago fusioninventory-agent/342 FusionInventory Agent
159 36 3 7 years ago textwrangler-bbedit-solarized/343 solarized color scheme for BBEdit and TextWrangler
159 15 12 10 months ago dropbox-api-command/344 command line interface to access Dropbox API
159 32 4 7 years ago Hacksby/345 Description and unofficial implementation of Furby's audio protocol
159 92 48 2 days ago Selenium-Remote-Driver/346 Perl Bindings to the Selenium Webdriver server
159 120 125 14 days ago libwww-perl/347 The libwww-perl collection is a set of Perl modules which provides a simple and consistent application programming interface to the World-Wide Web. The main focus of the library is to provide classes and functions that allow you to write WWW clients. The library also contain modules that are of more general use and even classes that help you implement simple HTTP servers.
158 12 0 7 months ago dategrep/348 print lines matching a time range
158 13 2 5 months ago ZFS-TimeMachine/349 TimeMachine style backup for ZFS
157 50 18 2 years ago munin-mysql/350 Improved MySQL Graphs for Munin
156 38 123 6 months ago xchataqua/351 An IRC client, OS X native front-end for XChat ( )
156 34 4 14 days ago MaxMind-DB/352 Spec and test data for the MaxMind DB file format
156 11 4 9 years ago Waldo/353 A generic port of TextMate's Find-In-Project, with associated MacVim plugin
156 27 1 10 months ago lstu/354 Lightweight URL shortener. Read-only mirror of
156 41 123 3 years ago perl5i/355 A single module to fix as much of Perl 5 as possible in one go
155 8 3 2 years ago void-bspwm-dotfiles/356 My personal backup of my dotfiles (Void Linux).
155 34 0 16 days ago eep/357 Erlang Enhancement Proposals
154 43 12 2 months ago Amon/358 yet another web application framework
154 28 3 3 years ago PortableHexo/359 A Portable version of Hexo
154 79 0 10 months ago kiwi-legacy/360 KIWI - Appliance Builder (legacy please read deprecation notice)
154 44 1 10 days ago icons/361 Source files for the custom icon-font used by the File-Icons package.
154 47 11 22 days ago PerlPowerTools/362 Perl Power Tools
152 35 11 3 years ago bti/363 bash twitter ididocy
152 80 130 7 months ago aws-sdk-perl/364 A community AWS SDK for Perl Programmers
152 107 2 8 years ago Introducing-Regular-Expressions/365 Example code and target text files for the O'Reilly book Introducing Regular Expressions
150 101 13 2 months ago Moose/366 Official repository for Moose
150 37 5 4 months ago pythonrouge/367 Python wrapper for evaluating summarization quality by ROUGE package
150 32 12 a month ago pgcompacttable/368 None
150 90 1 5 months ago Exploits/369 Containing Self Made Perl Reproducers / PoC Codes
149 23 15 23 days ago lesspipe/370 lesspipe (formerly on sourceforge)
149 15 6 9 years ago irclogger/371 Sinatra based
149 30 2 4 months ago urxvt-resize-font/372 URxvt Perl extension for resizing the font
148 19 11 11 months ago pg_sample/373 PostgreSQL utility for creating a small, sample database from a larger one
148 45 1 8 years ago WeBaCoo/374 Web Backdoor Cookie Script-Kit
148 38 0 4 years ago Praeda/375 None
148 25 6 6 years ago cloudforecast/376 the server metrics gathering
148 24 18 4 years ago irssi-scripts/377 Repo to store some personal irssi scripts
148 59 18 a month ago AS-Stats/378 A simple tool to generate per-AS traffic graphs from NetFlow/sFlow records
147 53 29 2 months ago NicTool/379 NicTool: a DNS management solution
146 21 1 6 years ago smokeping-3.x/380 reengineered SmokePing, using Extopus as its frontend
145 92 25 3 months ago ocpi/381 The Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI) allows for a scalable, automated roaming setup between Charge Point Operators and e-Mobility Service Providers. It supports authorisation, charge point information exchange (incl transaction events), charge detail record exchange and finally, the exchange of smart-charging commands between parties.
145 49 6 4 years ago gmetric/382 Repository of user-contributed gmetric scripts
145 35 0 4 months ago pymeta/383 Pymeta will search the web for files on a domain to download and extract metadata. This technique can be used to identify: domains, usernames, software/version numbers and naming conventions.
145 36 18 7 years ago mytop/384 a "top" clone for MySQL
145 28 1 4 years ago rank-amateur-cowsay/385 Fork me if you want to maintain cowsay.
144 51 41 1 year, 11 months ago incubator-pagespeed-cpanel/386 mod_pagespeed module for CPanel WHM
145 27 37 2 months ago Catmandu/387 Catmandu - a data processing toolkit developed by Ghent University Library
144 49 3 5 months ago ParsCit/388 An open-source CRF Reference String Parsing Package
143 30 0 7 years ago chef_cookbooks_deprecated/389 Opinionated chef recipes for Ubuntu/Debian. Manage nginx, unicorn, UNIX user accounts, postgresql, and more!
143 87 5 4 years ago whatsapp_discover/390 "Whatsapp Discover" is a tool for getting phone numbers of devices using Whatsapp by real time sniffing from an interface (disabled in this first version) or from a list of pcap files, which can be processed in batch
143 86 354 27 days ago Perl-Critic/391 The leading static analyzer for Perl. Configurable, extensible, powerful.
142 41 88 21 days ago gmusicbrowser/392 jukebox for large collections of music
142 31 10 1 year, 4 months ago mp4fixer/393 Recover damaged/unfinished mp4 files with h264 video
142 51 1 1 year, 3 months ago codeviz/394 CodeViz: A CallGraph Visualiser
142 50 103 5 days ago pause/395 Perl authors upload server
141 32 11 2 years ago Gekko-Datasets/396 Gekko Trading Bot dataset dumps. Ready to use and download history files in SQLite format.
141 8 4 4 years ago irssi-smartfilter/397 Irssi smart filter to selectively hide JOIN/QUIT in busy channels
141 35 15 2 years ago zabbix-notify/398 Notify alarms from Zabbix to Slack Hipchat and PagerDuty
140 47 14 1 year, 3 months ago postgrey/399 Postfix Greylisting Policy-Daemon
140 35 34 2 years ago p5-mop-redux/400 A(nother) MOP for Perl 5
140 147 59 3 months ago DBIx-Class/401 GitHub side of the DBIx::Class ( DBIC ) repository
138 27 20 4 days ago latex2html/402 Converts LaTeX documents to HTML
138 11 2 3 months ago jailing/403 super-easy chroot jail builder/runner for Linux
138 28 1 21 days ago es-utils/404 ElasticSearch Utilities
137 16 0 7 years ago p5-mop-original/405 A MOP for Perl 5
137 32 3 2 years ago ngx_mongo/406 Non-blocking upstream module for Nginx to connect to MongoDB
136 61 4 4 years ago LibLime-Koha/407 LibLime Koha is the most mature of the open source ILS applications. Based on the ground-breaking 3.0 platform (derived from the original Koha offering of 1999), LibLime Koha is a completely web-based open source ILS, with library staff, systems librarians, and library users all accessing LibLime Koha through a web browser. Relying on the MySQL relational database, all LibLime Koha data is readily accessible.
136 31 2 6 years ago MojoExample/408 Mojolicious example with DBIx::Class schema load, deploy, fixtures, and tests.
136 30 2 4 years ago non-planar-layer-fdm/409 None
135 29 26 3 years ago dnscheck/410 DNSCheck code, DNS delegation quality checker.
135 23 2 3 years ago redis-traffic-stats/411 Redis query analyzer for counting, traffic stats by command
135 49 15 1 year, 6 months ago coreference-resolution/412 Efficient and clean PyTorch reimplementation of "End-to-end Neural Coreference Resolution" (Lee et al., EMNLP 2017).
135 38 5 6 years ago nginx_syslog_patch/413 add the full syslog feature to Nginx
135 17 0 5 months ago sec/414 Simple Event Correlator releases
134 45 15 2 years ago colorgcc/415 colorgcc is a perl script to colorize gcc output. I'm collecting random patches and changes
134 32 9 21 days ago clamtk/416 An easy to use, light-weight, on-demand virus scanner for Linux systems
134 27 16 1 year, 3 months ago twirssi/417 An irssi script allowing the use of Twitter from within the IRC client.
134 40 2 28 days ago gitbuilder/418 Auto-builds and tests all the branches of your git projects, showing pass/fail results on a web page/RSS feed. Isolates failures to the first commit that caused the problem.
134 47 13 21 days ago VarDict/419 VarDict
134 60 27 a month ago STAR-Fusion/420 STAR-Fusion codebase
133 42 38 36 minutes ago check_pgactivity/421 Nagios remote agent
133 9 6 1 year, 3 months ago abi-tracker/422 A tool to visualize ABI changes timeline of a C/C++ software library
134 30 0 3 years ago sec-tools/423 Docker images for infosec tools
132 50 158 8 days ago sympa/424 Sympa, Mailing List Management Software
131 14 7 8 years ago collectd-graphite/425 collectd plugin for sending data to graphite
131 53 3 10 months ago kill-close-wait-connections/426 Kills all TCP CLOSE_WAIT connections
132 53 11 7 months ago docker-images/427 Dreamcat4's Docker Images (Trusted Builds)
131 36 23 4 months ago abricate/428 🔎 💊 Mass screening of contigs for antimicrobial and virulence genes
131 20 1 3 years ago dotfiles/429 ⚡ Awesome configurations for the development environments
130 13 3 1 year, 2 months ago spotify-connect-resources/430 A repository to hold any data/stuff related to reversing the Spotify Connect protocol. Mostly just data dumps at the moment, but if you have something to add to it, be it an implementation, information or just another data dump, make a PR and I will add it asap.
131 2 1 1 year, 5 months ago network-testing/431 This is a small collection of GPLv3-licensed tools to assist an intrepid researcher in testing the performance of networks, wired or wireless.
131 23 0 2 years ago SMBCrunch/432 3 tools that work together to simplify reconaissance of Windows File Shares
130 34 0 10 months ago lua-resty-redis-ratelimit/433 Limit the request processing rate between multiple NGINX instances backed by Redis
128 34 6 10 months ago mrtg/434 MRTG - Multi Router Traffic Grapher
128 82 10 2 days ago test-more/435 Test2, Test::More, Test::Simple and Test::Builder Perl modules for writing tests
128 20 26 3 years ago altsql-shell/436 An easily extensible DBI shell, perfect for a drop-in replacement to mysql-client
128 23 5 8 years ago Autobench/437 None
128 6 0 4 months ago difff/438 Webベースのテキスト比較ツール difff《デュフフ》
128 76 34 1 year, 4 months ago nagios-plugin-check_raid/439 Nagios/Icinga plugin to check current server's RAID status
128 49 56 2 years ago mojomojo/440 A Catalyst & DBIx::Class powered Wiki.
128 29 6 11 days ago email-outlook-message-perl/441 Email::Outlook::Message Perl module for reading Outlook .msg files
127 74 77 8 days ago Template2/442 Perl Template Toolkit v2
127 17 1 8 years ago dotfiles/443 My command line life.
127 43 74 1 year, 11 months ago TransDecoder/444 TransDecoder source
126 18 3 1 year, 8 months ago dfwfw/445 Docker Firewall Framework
126 16 1 4 years ago font-awesome-balsamiq/446 Font Awesome icons as .png, ready for use with Balsamiq
126 22 1 5 months ago Marpa--R2/447 Parse any language you can describe in BNF -- Release 4.000000, STABLE
126 129 21 13 days ago node-ldapauth/448 UNMAINTAINED. Simple node.js module to authenticate against an LDAP server
124 155 297 30 days ago dw-free/449 Dreamwidth's open source repository
123 80 114 29 days ago check_nwc_health/450 check_nwc_health is a plugin which checks the health of network components and interfaces.
123 151 24 3 days ago ecosystem/451 Raku ecosystem – modules and more
123 5 2 1 year, 1 month ago clike/452 A simple C-like language compiler with an extensible syntax and typed macros support
122 10 110 6 months ago cperl/453 A perl5 with classes, types, compilable, company friendly, security
122 12 115 4 years ago remedie/454 perl based pluggable media center application
123 93 3 10 months ago linux-sysadmin-course/455 Linux System Administration 101
122 16 6 6 years ago wakeonlan/456 Perl script for waking up computers via Wake-On-LAN magic packets
122 4 0 6 months ago ssh-chain/457 None
122 35 45 20 days ago rla-es/458 Recursos lingüísticos abiertos del español
122 36 14 4 months ago pkgdiff/459 A tool for visualizing changes in Linux software packages
121 60 1 4 years ago pentest-tools/460 Penetration testing scripts
121 18 36 1 year, 7 months ago Git-Mediawiki/461 Gate between Git and Mediawiki
121 26 2 4 years ago unbound-block-hosts/462 a script to convert Dan Pollock's ad blocking hosts file into Unbound local-data.
121 9 0 6 months ago libSFX/463 Super Nintendo (SNES) development framework
121 14 16 7 months ago elm-upgrade/464 Upgrade Elm projects
121 3 8 5 years ago irssi-docs/465 In-depth documentation of the Irssi IRC Client
120 31 45 3 months ago xkcd-Bucket/466 Bucket is the channel bot for #xkcd
120 15 1 10 years ago get_iplayer/467 A utility for grabbing tv and radio from BBC iPlayer. Phil Lewis has stopped developed it so I've forked it.
120 65 11 3 months ago qpsmtpd/468 qpsmtpd is a flexible smtpd daemon written in Perl
120 34 0 1 year, 6 months ago lua-resty-consul/469 Library to interface with the consul HTTP API from ngx_lua
119 12 0 8 years ago figlet-fonts/470 A collection of fonts for FIGlet
119 7 4 3 months ago vidir/471 edit directory in $EDITOR (better than vim . with netrw)
119 20 0 7 months ago unreal-directory/472 Directory of useful Unreal Engine 4 resources
119 20 20 a month ago chordpro/473 Reference implementation of the ChordPro standard for musical lead sheets.
117 40 24 11 months ago loftee/474 None
117 50 32 4 months ago p5-Text-Xslate/475 Scalable template engine for Perl5
116 31 21 1 year, 6 months ago squid-windows/476 Squid Proxy built for Microsoft Windows
116 42 5 6 days ago dmarcts-report-parser/477 A Perl based tool to parse DMARC reports from an IMAP mailbox or from the filesystem, and insert the information into a database. ( Formerly known as imap-dmarcts )
115 33 7 1 year, 2 months ago squidanalyzer/478 Squid Analyzer parses Squid proxy access log and reports general statistics about hits, bytes, users, networks, top URLs, and top second level domains. Statistic reports are oriented toward user and bandwidth control.
115 44 21 9 months ago ipxe-buildweb/479 iPXE Prebuilt binary web interface
115 29 19 5 years ago Instacurate/480 Turn your Twitter timeline into a personalised news site, in an instant. Fetches links from your timeline and displays them in a discovery friendly design.
116 32 18 2 months ago terra-mystica/481 Online Terra Mystica
115 78 1 18 days ago lua-resty-hmac/482 HMAC functions for ngx_lua and LuaJIT
115 12 10 1 year, 15 days ago Carmel/483 CPAN Artifact Repository Manager
114 28 19 3 months ago cpm/484 fast CPAN client
114 32 1 1 year, 6 months ago design-patterns/485 design patterns impelemented in serveral programming languages
114 17 6 3 months ago ttmp32gme/486 a tool to create tiptoi gme files from mp3 files. Also creates a printable sheet to play the music.
114 124 1 7 years ago github-taiwan/487 Taiwan Developers on Github
113 35 0 9 months ago langs-performance/488 C++ vs. Python vs. Perl vs. PHP vs. Java vs. NodeJS vs. Go vs. Ruby vs. Rust vs. Swift vs. D performance benchmark
113 16 6 2 years ago catt/489 Certification Authority Trust Tracker
112 1 1 3 years ago nfu/490 Numeric Fu for the command line
112 19 0 3 years ago redis-sharding/491 Redis Sharding is a multiplexed proxy-server, designed to work with the database divided to several servers. It's a temporary substitution of Redis Cluster that is under development.
111 53 6 3 years ago php5-fpm-munin-plugins/492 A set of Munin plugins for PHP5-FPM
110 15 6 a month ago keepass4web/493 An application that serves KeePass database entries on a web frontend
110 37 96 4 days ago dada-mail/494 Self-Hosted, Full Featured, Email Mailing List Manager. Announcement + Discussion Lists, Web-based Installer, Installs with minimal dependencies, sendmail/SMTP/Amazon SES supported
110 21 19 6 months ago flac2mp3/495 flac2mp3 is a tool to convert audio files from flac to mp3 format including the copying of tags.
110 19 5 7 years ago nginx-munin/496 A set of plugins for monitoring nginx with Munin
110 58 5 20 days ago log4perl/497 Log4j Implementation For Perl
109 28 3 4 years ago sshbatch/498 SSH::Batch for cluster operations
110 54 21 7 years ago sendemail/499 lightweight, command line SMTP email client
110 26 3 9 months ago lua-resty-upstream/500 Upstream connection load balancing and failover module for Openresty
110 48 9 5 years ago bricolage/501 Content management and publishing system
110 43 0 1 year, 10 months ago asciidoc-cheatsheet/502 Asciidoc cheatsheet for GitHub
110 6 0 2 years ago torch/503 Generate CPU FlameGraphs based on DWARF Debug Info
110 13 5 3 months ago obmenu-generator/504 A fast menu generator for the Openbox Window Manager.
109 22 10 3 years ago Colormake/505 A simple wrapper around make to colorize the output.
109 97 0 5 years ago pydata2014nyc/506 Materials for my pandas tutorial at PyData 2014, NYC
109 13 6 5 years ago specifications/507 SPORE specifications
109 25 11 6 years ago vroom-pm/508 Vim Based Slideshow Presentations
109 17 1 6 years ago theos-ref/509 Theos Docs! (because there never was a chapter 2)
108 27 6 1 year, 10 months ago rdp-sec-check/510 rdp-sec-check is a Perl script to enumerate security settings of an RDP Service (AKA Terminal Services)
108 22 18 2 years ago jmap-perl/511 JMAP Proxy implemented in Perl
108 20 0 10 months ago newsroom/512 Tools for downloading and analyzing summaries and evaluating summarization systems.
107 71 0 1 year, 9 months ago DAVOSET/513 DDoS attacks via other sites execution tool (DAVOSET) - it is command line tool for conducting DDoS attacks on the sites via Abuse of Functionality and XML External Entities vulnerabilities at other sites.
107 23 27 2 months ago shovill/514 ⚡♠️ Assemble bacterial isolate genomes from Illumina paired-end reads
107 56 16 10 months ago check_vmware_esx/515 chech_vmware_esx Fork of
106 43 12 2 years ago mib2zabbix/516 SNMP Template generator for Zabbix
106 22 5 2 years ago biopieces/517 Biopieces is a bioinformatic framework of tools easily used and easily created.
106 29 0 5 years ago myq_gadgets/518 myq_gadgets is deprecated by myq-tools!
106 35 13 3 years ago ec2-expire-snapshots/519 Delete expired EBS snapshots in Amazon EC2. Install on Ubuntu with: sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:alestic && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y ec2-expire-snapshots
106 22 12 1 year, 3 months ago abi-dumper/520 Dump ABI of an ELF object containing DWARF debug info
105 31 2 5 years ago DataURLToolkit/521 Various tools for working with Data URLs, incl. web application (, Mac OS X GUI app, command line tool, Perl modules and Apache module.
106 34 12 12 days ago infinitude/522 Open control of Carrier/Bryant thermostats
105 32 5 7 years ago Cloudflare-Tools/523 Tools which enable you to get the full benefit of using the Cloudflare service.
106 21 42 3 years ago CityGenerator/524 CityGenerator is a tool for generating a setting for Fantasy Roleplaying games.
105 24 2 a month ago Antidoto/525 Linux antimalware and antirootkit tool
105 28 56 5 years ago squeezebox-googlemusic/526 Squeezebox (Logitech Media Server) Plugin for Google Play Music
105 48 3 3 months ago Examples/527 LaTeX Examples Document Source
105 25 17 6 days ago EDTA/528 Extensive de-novo TE Annotator
104 30 12 8 years ago pogo/529 Pogo is an agent-based system for running interruptive commands safely on thousands of machines in parallel
104 25 6 28 days ago For info see
104 7 2 7 years ago little_plack_book/531 Using Plack and PSGI in Modern Perl Web Applications
104 42 4 2 months ago files2rouge/532 Calculating ROUGE score between two files (line-by-line)
104 44 13 3 years ago MDWamp/533 MDWamp is a client side objective-C implementation of the WebSocket subprotocol WAMP.
104 15 24 a month ago parsyncfp/534 follow-on to parsync (parallel rsync) with better startup perf
104 33 17 a day ago khcoder/535 KH Coder: for Quantitative Content Analysis or Text Mining
104 45 11 2 months ago mysqldiff/536 tool and CPAN suite backend for comparing MySQL database schemas
103 62 4 5 months ago perl-net-github/537 Perl interface to GitHub
102 25 112 3 years ago Octopussy/538 Octopussy - Open Source Log Management Solution
102 16 10 1 year, 10 months ago dfm/539 dotfiles manager
102 146 24 1 year, 2 months ago cocos2d-x-3rd-party-libs-src/540 Dependencies of cocos2d-x.
102 23 5 1 year, 4 months ago dbseer/541 DBSeer
101 7 0 5 years ago Smackbook-Yosemite/542 Updated Smackbook script for OS X Yosemite
102 42 3 1 year, 6 months ago pytorch-pcnn/543 supervised relation extraction for PCNN (Zeng 2014) in pytorch 关系抽取
101 32 1 2 years ago form-input-nginx-module/544 This is a nginx module that reads HTTP POST and PUT request body encoded in "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", and parse the arguments in request body into nginx variables.
101 13 2 1 year, 14 days ago h2c/545 headers 2 curl. Provided a set of HTTP request headers, output the curl command line for generating that set. Try the converter online at
101 168 9 22 hours ago bmo/546 source - report issues here:
100 20 4 1 year, 2 months ago py-rouge/547 Full Python implementation of the ROUGE metric, producing same results as in the official perl implementation.
100 22 19 5 years ago .../548 Dot Dot Dot
100 22 11 2 years ago pocketio/549 SocketIO PSGI App
100 11 7 3 years ago merge-this/550 Revision control stress tests
100 19 0 16 days ago autodoc/551 PostgreSQL Autodoc - dumps a Postgres schema in several useful documentary forms
99 27 0 a month ago sippts/552 Set of tools to audit SIP based VoIP Systems
99 16 10 2 months ago blade-shadow-beta/553 Application Shadow Bêta pour différentes versions de Linux
99 7 0 3 months ago dotfiles/554 🛠👾 Config files for various things
99 26 3 3 years ago simple-google-tts/555 Use Google text-to-speech on your Linux desktop
99 22 1 4 months ago Tools/556 Tools from WFA 4/e, timeline tools, etc.
99 53 4 6 months ago Uniscan/557 Uniscan web vulnerability scanner
99 8 0 11 days ago qqwry2mmdb/558 为 Wireshark 能使用纯真网络 IP 数据库(QQwry)而提供的格式转换工具
99 16 0 6 years ago Flickr-StatsD/559 Mirror of Flickr-StatsD
98 48 3 2 months ago ensembl-rest/560 Language agnostic RESTful data access to Ensembl data over HTTP
98 15 3 1 year, 3 months ago gitzone/561 git-based zone management tool for static and dynamic domains
98 8 4 8 years ago Markdown.codaplugin/562 A Markdown plugin for Coda.
98 146 7 2 days ago os-autoinst/563 OS-level test automation
98 63 26 6 years ago WL-NagiosPlugins/564 Clone of naglio-plugins repository for those using old name
97 8 1 10 years ago GodAuth/565 Authentication layer for web app tools
97 12 3 4 years ago jenkins-cli/566 Simple Jenkins Command Line Interface
97 38 29 17 days ago v5/567 MailScanner v5
97 30 1 5 years ago Mojolicious-Boilerplate/568 The Web in an Awesome Box
97 31 26 a month ago ember-cli-tailwind/569 Adds Tailwind CSS to your app or addon
97 7 2 6 years ago Pizza-Party-0.1.b/570 Order pizza over the commandline (circa 2004)
97 25 4 2 months ago LTR_retriever/571 LTR_retriever is a highly accurate and sensitive program for identification of LTR retrotransposons; The LTR Assembly Index (LAI) is also included in this package.
97 29 7 4 years ago web-scraper/572 Perl web scraping toolkit
97 4 0 1 year, 6 months ago convert-websters/573 Convert Webster's Unabridged Dictionary from Project Gutenberg to OSX dictionary
96 9 1 22 minutes ago scihub_ck/574 A tiny tool for checking the working domain of sci-hub
96 41 21 2 years ago Furl/575 pretty fast http client library for perl5
96 10 28 4 years ago Perl-Lint/576 Yet Another Perl Source Code Linter
96 21 2 9 years ago adHocGenerate/577 Wireless ad hoc distribution of iOS applications
96 94 3 1 year, 10 months ago nagios-plugins/578 Collection of some handy Nagios plugins
95 66 17 4 years ago Not written by me, no longer maintained by me :
95 58 23 a month ago perl-redis/580 Perl binding for Redis database
95 11 0 6 months ago thinkpad-bios-software-flashing-guide/581 flashing coreboot on thinkpads without external programmer
94 26 25 3 years ago frozen-bubble/582 Making frozen bubble cross platform
94 32 4 2 years ago RNAseqDB/583 None
94 27 3 5 years ago node-cgi/584 An http/stack/connect layer to invoke and serve CGI executables.
93 3 0 2 months ago Chess-Inspector/585 Visualize move, protection and threat status
92 139 134 17 days ago webwork2/586 Course management front end for WeBWorK
92 12 2 a month ago elkdat/587 ELKDAT: easy linux kernel development and test tool
92 8 0 6 days ago dotfiles/588 My dotfiles (zsh, vim, tmux, etc etc)
91 10 0 5 years ago kaztools/589 shellscripts and utilities for myself
91 502 7 2 years ago dockerfile-wizard/590 Use CircleCI to build custom Docker images with combinations of common languages/dependencies
91 37 70 7 days ago BRAKER/591 BRAKER is a pipeline for fully automated prediction of protein coding gene structures with GeneMark-ES/ET and AUGUSTUS in novel eukaryotic genomes
91 5 1 7 months ago dots/592 make macos how i like it
90 43 2 1 year, 8 months ago pgtreats/593 Tasty treats for PostgreSQL
90 28 29 a month ago Ubic/594 Polymorphic service manager.
90 45 3 6 days ago mojo-pg/595 Mojolicious ❤️ PostgreSQL
90 8 9 1 year, 7 months ago sslmate/596 The SSLMate Client - Buy and Manage SSL Certs from the Command Line
90 10 44 4 years ago http-redirector/597 Debian mirrors HTTP redirector
91 15 0 8 years ago git-what-branch/598 Discover what branch a commit is on, or how it got to a named branch
89 77 75 4 months ago Devel--Cover/599 Code coverage metrics for Perl
89 12 0 3 months ago try-pollen/600 📔🌼 An example website/book created with Pollen.
89 42 11 15 days ago excel-writer-xlsx/601 Perl module to create Excel XLSX files.
88 54 14 30 days ago xmltv/602 Utilities to obtain, generate, and post-process TV listings data in XMLTV format
88 8 6 5 days ago UnlinkMKV/603 Merges ordered chapters / segmented MKVs back into a single file.
88 10 1 5 years ago docor/604 a smart and tiny README maker using default manifest package.json
89 14 0 3 years ago MultiMarkdown-CMS/605 Package to assist with publishing a web site using MMD and a few perl scripts
87 32 33 3 years ago mbzdb/606 🎵 Port of the MusicBrainz database to run on other RDBMSs with replication (previously named MB_MySQL.)
87 38 5 a month ago mysql_monitor/607 MySQL Monitor面向研发人员图形可视化监控工具
87 22 15 3 years ago libskylark/608 Sketching-based Distributed Matrix Computations for Machine Learning
87 9 2 6 days ago lua-resty-shell/609 Lua module for nonblocking system shell command executions
87 8 5 5 years ago stf/610 STF - Distributed Object Storage (Perl/MySQL/(Q4M
87 114 35 14 hours ago fhem-mirror/611 Branch 'master' is an unofficial read-only-mirror of which is updated once a day. (branch sf_old a mirror of the old repo: svn://
87 14 1 3 years ago bootylicious/612 LIghtweight blog engine on Mojo steroids!
87 23 11 1 year, 4 months ago ClusterFlow/613 A pipelining tool to automate and standardise bioinformatics analyses on cluster environments.
86 21 6 3 months ago fpdns/614 Net::DNS::Fingerprint
86 18 6 2 months ago git-store-meta/615 Simple file metadata storing and applying for git.
86 76 42 3 years ago html-formhandler/616 a Perl Moose HTML form handler
86 13 0 6 years ago markdown2impress/617 markdown2impress is script to convert markdown into presentation using impress.js.
86 22 2 10 months ago irssi-libnotify/618 Automatically exported from
86 10 5 3 years ago ecantorix/619 Singing synthesis frontend for espeak
86 4 0 10 years ago riakfuse/620 Filesystem backed by riak
86 13 7 10 days ago GeoTag/621 Image geo location editing for macOS 10.13 and later. Available on the Mac App store (free). Instructions and a .dmg of the current version are on the application home page ==>
86 33 5 1 year, 6 months ago bk-tools/622 Scripts I wrote to help using MySQL and Percona products.
86 24 1 1 year, 10 months ago p5-app-dubioushttp/623 use ambiguous HTTP to circumvent security systems
86 56 28 26 days ago Minilla/624 Authorizing tool for CPAN modules
85 39 35 9 days ago NOVOPlasty/625 NOVOPlasty - The organelle assembler and heteroplasmy caller
85 25 18 2 years ago barrnap/626 🔬 ♌ Bacterial ribosomal RNA predictor
85 50 23 4 years ago IPTV-Analyzer/627 Fast MPEG2 Transport Stream Analyzer, based on Netfilter kernel module
84 32 17 7 years ago DJabberd/628 The main DJabberd source
84 32 6 5 years ago cinnamon/629 a simple deploy tool
84 9 0 6 years ago serf-hosts/630 None
84 18 7 11 months ago smtp-cli/631 The ultimate command line SMTP client
84 24 3 8 months ago poe/632 POE is a portable perl multitasking and networking framework for any event loop.
83 30 0 3 years ago vpn-arsenal/633 VPN pentest tools and scripts
83 68 17 11 days ago Data-Printer/634 colored pretty-print of Perl data structures and objects
83 30 7 1 year, 1 month ago 23andme2vcf/635 convert your 23andme raw file to VCF
83 57 3 8 months ago cal-open-library/636 C/AL Open Library is a repository for .NET Interop wrappers that will be included into Dynamics 365 for Financials and usable from Extensions V2
82 14 22 11 days ago amusewiki/637 Text::Amuse-based publishing platform
82 19 15 2 months ago zlb/638 This is the repository of ZEVENET Load Balancer (next generation of Zen Load Balancer)
82 19 0 10 months ago Template-Mustache/639 Drawing Mustaches on Perl, for fun and profit
82 34 32 7 days ago PASApipeline/640 PASA software
82 31 0 4 years ago assemblage/641 Tools for working with second gen assemblies, fasta sequences, etc
82 9 0 1 year, 5 months ago Apachetop/642 Apachetop is a console-based tool for monitoring the threads and overall performance of a set of Apache web servers, using the server-status information pages in Apache.
82 16 1 6 years ago nginx-lua-stuff/643 some libs for NginX-Lua integration
82 40 4 2 years ago Net-Twitter/644 A Perl interface to the Twitter APIs
82 30 51 2 months ago nullarbor/645 💾 📃 "Reads to report" for public health and clinical microbiology
82 34 4 8 days ago distro/646 START HERE! This is the Foswiki project "Distribution". It is a monolith repository with the core + default extensions.
82 40 0 3 years ago FingerPrint/647 web应用指纹识别
82 6 4 3 months ago git-util/648 Miscellaneous git scripts and utilities
82 7 1 9 years ago ack-tutorial/649 None
82 34 1 8 days ago pcsc-tools/650 Some tools to be used with smart cards and PC/SC
82 16 0 6 years ago iOSEmoji/651 information about unicode6 emoji used in iOS5
82 39 1 4 years ago ru4sphinx/652 Creating Russian voice model for cmu-sphinx
80 18 14 a month ago plerd/653 Ultralight Dropbox-friendly Markdown-based blogging.
81 8 2 2 months ago rename/654 Rename multiple files
81 7 0 5 years ago chip/655 A log file multiplexer and monitor. Tail multiple remote or local log files, set actions, and more. A friend to every developer and system admin. Alpha.
81 53 0 7 years ago myawr/656 awr of MySQL
80 65 13 4 months ago ansible-playbook/657 An Ansible playbook for automated deployment of full-stack Plone servers.
80 16 20 1 year, 4 months ago sexigraf/658 SexiGraf is a vSphere centric Graphite appliance with a Grafana frontend.
80 6 8 2 years ago advanced-google-maps-alfred-workflow/659 Advanced Google Maps and Apple Maps Workflow for Alfred
80 24 1 1 year, 25 days ago rtir/660 None
80 25 5 4 years ago T450-Hackintosh/661 T450-Hackintosh
80 8 0 7 months ago dtk/662 DTK (data toolkit) is a suite of tools for parsing, analyzing, and graphing logs and other datasets.
80 55 22 22 days ago elasticsearch-perl/663 Official Perl low-level client for Elasticsearch.
80 26 15 3 years ago nc220/664 Some stuff about TP-Link NC220 IP Camera
79 42 0 2 years ago scRNASeqPipeline/665 None
79 18 15 9 days ago FFI-Platypus/666 Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI. No XS required.
79 20 0 10 months ago misc/667 Little bit of this, little bit of that
79 32 1 5 years ago tsvm/668 experiments testing transductive svm for my blog posts
79 30 22 2 years ago MITObim/669 MITObim - mitochondrial baiting and iterative mapping
79 72 48 1 year, 10 months ago design-center/670 CFEngine community-contributed content
79 65 47 9 months ago Act/671 A Conference Toolkit (Git conversion of the Subversion repository)
78 59 13 2 days ago ipfire-2.x/672 IPFire 2.x development tree
78 45 12 3 months ago zm-build/673 zm-build for Zimbra Collaboration Suite, FOSS Edition
78 29 2 3 months ago ioprof/674 The Linux I/O profiler (ioprof) is a tool that provides significant insight into I/O workloads while remaining easy to use.
78 6 0 8 years ago xcode-text-macros/675 Some XCode text macros plus a macro overview HTML page generator
78 4 4 a day ago straw-viewer/676 Application for searching and playing videos from YouTube, using the API of
78 18 3 7 days ago yandex-music-download/677 Yandex Music Downloader
78 15 0 5 years ago fluent-agent-lite/678 Lightweight log delivery agent works w/ fluentd
78 6 3 1 year, 4 months ago sparrow/679 Sparrow - script distribution platform for Linux OS
78 20 1 2 years ago moedict-data-csld/680 中華大辭典
77 118 3 5 months ago refarch-privatecloud/681 This project provides guidance on how to deploy IBM Private Cloud
77 56 26 6 years ago naglio-plugins/682 Monitoring Plugins by William Leibzon
77 46 14 3 years ago lua-resty-redis-cluster/683 a openresty redis cluster client
77 23 19 2 months ago mlst/684 🆔 Scan contig files against PubMLST typing schemes
77 20 4 3 years ago timelapse-deflicker/685 Simple script to deflicker images taken for timelapses
77 24 14 2 years ago ilbot/686 IRC logging bot and web frontend
77 3 3 4 months ago ajoke/687 Abducting Java Onto Emacs, K is silent.
77 28 17 2 years ago cpanfile/688 Yet another way to declare CPAN dependencies
77 28 0 2 years ago memcache-top/689 "top" for memcache - watch the traffic and other stats in real-time. Yoikes. Forked from Nicholas Tang's Google Code project.
76 2 0 9 months ago mbase/690 Metaprogramming framework for .net
76 64 41 7 months ago cpanpm/691
76 36 12 6 months ago p5-Teng/692 simple DBI wrapper/ORMapper
76 15 1 9 years ago sd/693 A distributed issue tracker; upstream is now
76 10 23 6 years ago OpenDDR-Resources/694 OpenDDR resources
76 45 4 23 hours ago kivitendo-erp/695 Web-based ERP system for the German market
76 1 7 4 days ago sidef/696 A modern object-oriented programming language implemented in Perl.
75 18 6 1 year, 4 months ago perlsecret/697 The perl secret operators
75 11 1 7 years ago ark-perl/698 None
75 37 0 13 days ago community/699 Qualys community open source scripts. Please note these are provided as-is and are not supported.
75 132 93 9 minutes ago obs-build/700 OBS build script, can be used with OBS or stand alone
75 11 1 8 months ago opsboy/701 A rule-based sysadmin tool that helps setting up complex environment for blank machines
75 26 97 2 years ago SDL/702 Rehashing the old perl SDL binding on
74 25 8 3 years ago chart-clicker/703 Extensible, Beautiful Charts for Perl
74 209 3 10 years ago gollum-demo/704 Gollum test repo
74 15 4 4 years ago dbix-class-book/705 DBIx::Class book
74 76 16 8 days ago VEP_plugins/706 Plugins for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP)
74 37 2 9 years ago kiokudb/707 KiokuDB Core
74 51 1 6 years ago profile/708 My Bash profile
74 68 17 4 years ago jvpn/709 Perl script to connect to the Juniper VPN with Host Checker enabled
74 53 38 8 years ago urxvt-tabbedex/710 Tabbed plugin for rxvt-unicode with many enhancements
74 55 0 1 year, 7 months ago bio_scripts/711 Practical, reusable scripts for bioinformatics
74 6 0 7 months ago clatd/712 A 464XLAT CLAT implementation for Linux
74 16 2 8 months ago perl-systemtap-toolkit/713 Real-time analyzing and diagnosing tools for perl 5 based on SystemTap
73 34 21 2 years ago Padre/714 Offical repository of the core Padre code
73 35 9 9 years ago proto/715 A a hyper-lightweight dependency tracking and project installation system
73 3 0 9 days ago .dots/716 💻 All of my dotfiles.
73 45 16 6 years ago multi-metagenome/717 Scripts and tutorials on how to assemble individual microbial genomes from metagenomes
73 16 2 4 months ago Feersum/718 A PSGI engine for Perl based on EV/libev
73 13 1 5 years ago sail_align/719 SailAlign is an open-source software toolkit for robust long speech-text alignment implementing an adaptive, iterative speech recognition and text alignment scheme that allows for the processing of very long (and possibly noisy) audio and is robust to transcription errors. It is mainly written as a perl library but its functionality also depends on freely available software, namely HTK, srilm and sclite.
73 86 56 24 days ago sql-translator/720 SQL::Translator (SQLFairy)
73 11 9 6 years ago WebKeePass/721 Web interface over a KeePass database
73 9 0 7 years ago yadisk-sync/722 Linux syncronizer for Yandex.Disk
73 3 0 10 years ago calorific/723 Command-line nutrient tracking tool
72 16 5 4 years ago git-diff-blame/724 🕵 Display a diff alongside blame info like author and commit
72 91 52 12 days ago void-docs/725 mdbook source for
72 39 21 1 year, 28 days ago fits/726 File Information Tool Set
72 21 0 6 years ago mango/727 🙈 Pure-Perl non-blocking I/O MongoDB driver
72 9 3 8 years ago cil/728 DVCS backed issue tracking system
72 48 0 5 years ago zabbix-templates/729 Various Zabbix templates
73 32 116 1 year, 1 month ago Statocles/730 Static website CMS
72 19 3 4 years ago cheater/731 A tool and a language that help generating random complex database instance based on predefined rules
72 12 22 4 months ago logos/732 Preprocessor that simplifies Objective-C hooking.
71 12 1 1 year, 3 months ago lua-resty-httpipe/733 Lua HTTP client cosocket driver for OpenResty / ngx_lua, interfaces are more flexible
71 91 22 13 hours ago finance-quote/734 Finance::Quote module for Perl
71 24 5 1 year, 11 months ago gfortran-for-macOS/735 GNU Fortran (and GCC) compilers for macOS
71 22 0 7 years ago nginx_limit_access_module/736 support to deny specific variable with HTTP POST interface
71 24 25 5 years ago gms/737 The Genome Modeling System installer
71 8 6 3 years ago gerty/738 A universal framework for device management automation. Eventually a replacement for RANCID... and much more
71 16 102 6 years ago PhyloSift/739 Phylogenetic and taxonomic analysis for genomes and metagenomes
71 16 5 2 months ago ALLHiC/740 ALLHiC: phasing and scaffolding polyploid genomes based on Hi-C data
71 28 18 1 year, 7 months ago biosql/741 None
71 51 5 3 months ago Betty/742 Holberton-style C code checker written in Perl
70 21 13 2 years ago msjnc/743 MadScientist Juniper Network Connect Session Manager
70 69 0 3 years ago kodi-playercorefactory/744 kodi playercorefactory.xml players to play and record videos and bash scripts
70 27 15 3 days ago link-checker/745 Check links and anchors in Web pages or full Web sites.
70 15 2 8 months ago pytorch-kaldi-neural-speaker-embeddings/746 A light weight neural speaker embeddings extraction based on Kaldi and PyTorch.
70 65 39 a day ago df-structures/747 Dwarf Fortress data structure descriptions
71 9 0 2 years ago m2elf/748 Converts Machine Code to x86 (32-bit) Linux executable (auto-wrapping with ELF headers)
70 39 5 8 months ago Mega-Bot/749 [NEW] : Mega Bot ☣ Scanner & Auto Exploiter
70 41 3 7 years ago cookbooks/750 My custom Cookbooks for Chef
70 6 1 5 days ago ni/751 Say "ni" to data of any size
70 26 2 3 years ago old-openresty/752 Obsolete 1st generation of OpenResty written mostly in Perl. Please check out the new OpenResty based on Nginx and Lua instead.
70 17 17 11 days ago geocraft/753 None
70 20 5 2 days ago App-TimeTracker/754 distributed timetracking from the commandline
69 26 7 6 years ago nginx-tcp-lua-module/755 A TCP server with lua supporting based on nginx
69 11 11 4 years ago gitpan/756 Git repositories for all of CPAN
69 4 1 2 years ago Kurado/757 monitor metrics
69 20 6 3 years ago varnish-mobiletranslate/758 Tool to translate the latest mobile detect script into varnish
69 47 16 2 months ago dbi/759 DBI - The Perl 5 Database Interface
69 8 6 1 year, 2 months ago aws-map/760 Make a network graph of an AWS region
69 21 3 11 days ago GAAS/761 Genome Assembly and Annotation Service code
68 60 0 2 years ago unbrick_8960/762 [DEPRECATED] A tool for unbricking MSM8960 devices in QDLOAD/SDBOOT mode
68 0 1 7 years ago mysqlenv/763 mysql binary manager
68 7 1 1 year, 16 days ago language-evaluation/764 📋 Collection of evaluation code for natural language generation.
68 11 2 8 years ago shptosvg/765 Shapefile to SVG renderer in Perl
68 11 7 1 year, 5 months ago contenticious/766 A simple file based "CMS" on Mojo steroids!
68 19 4 2 years ago lxctl/767 vzctl like utilities for lxc
68 11 44 2 years ago p5-Devel-IPerl/768 🔬📚 Perl5 language kernel for Jupyter
67 11 19 1 year, 3 months ago api-sanity-checker/769 An automatic generator of basic unit tests for a C/C++ library
67 26 3 10 months ago Starlet/770 a Plack Server, formerly known as Plack::Server::Standalone::Prefork::Server::Starter
67 34 14 27 days ago line-bot-sdk-perl/771 LINE Messaging API SDK for Perl
67 19 2 5 months ago kelp/772 A web framework light, yet rich in nutrients.
67 5 0 4 years ago DungeonGenerator/773 Dungeon generator for games.
67 22 30 1 year, 25 days ago task-kensho/774 A Glimpse at an Enlightned Perl Distribution
67 4 1 1 year, 3 months ago Soviet-Minecraft/775 a gross hack for chatty control of Minecraft
67 28 12 4 years ago mailgraph/776 Mail plotting script
67 16 6 10 months ago Gazelle/777 Preforked Plack Handler for performance freaks
67 32 8 5 years ago arcstat/778 uses Perl to extract, format, and display kstats from the ZFS ARC
67 21 0 2 years ago supermicro-ipmi-key/779 Generate keys for supermicro IPMI
67 14 3 2 years ago docker-proxify/780 Allows building and running docker container images from behind a corporate proxy
67 14 0 8 years ago irssiscripts/781 Scripts for the Irssi IRC client
67 42 28 1 year, 7 months ago warewulf3/782 Warewulf is a scalable systems management suite originally developed to manage large high-performance Linux clusters.
66 44 2 5 months ago ZabbixDBA/783 Zabbix Database Monitoring Service (Oracle, Pg, MySQL, MS SQL, DB2, etc.)
66 10 50 2 months ago rescuezilla/784 The Swiss Army Knife of System Recovery
66 38 46 16 days ago webc/785 Webconverger's curated chroot from which updates originate
66 15 2 1 year, 4 months ago baselines-emnlp2016/786 Baseline models, training scripts, and instructions on how to reproduce our results for our state-of-art grammar correction system from M. Junczys-Dowmunt, R. Grundkiewicz: Phrase-based Machine Translation is State-of-the-Art for Automatic Grammatical Error Correction, EMNLP 2016.
66 61 1 9 months ago fhem-docker/787 Just a template for a preconfigured fhem with mysql, mqtt and some other features in a docker environment
66 81 4 17 days ago perlweb/788 Various websites
66 12 3 5 years ago afterglow/789 graph visualization tool
66 27 27 4 days ago VirSorter/790 Source code of the VirSorter tool, also available as an App on CyVerse/iVirus (
66 36 18 4 years ago multipkg/791 Automation for package builds
65 326 14 6 hours ago NetKAN/792 Metadata files used by the NetKAN/CKAN indexer
65 20 9 9 years ago tweetylicious/793 a Twitter-like microblogging app in just one file
65 12 1 2 years ago wvec/794 Word vectors
65 2 1 5 months ago smarter-encryption/795 None
65 11 1 7 months ago pgshark/796 Messing with PostgreSQL network traffic to make some usefull things
65 14 0 6 years ago mutt/797 mutt configuration
65 8 0 2 months ago Dynamic DNS - Via Redis, Perl, and Amazon Route53.
65 40 12 18 days ago usermin/799 Usermin source code
65 26 7 2 years ago eesen-for-thchs30/800 ASR for Chinese Mandarin
65 12 35 8 months ago RepeatModeler/801 De-Novo Repeat Discovery Tool
65 34 1 2 months ago Perl-Build/802 None
65 4 1 5 months ago CSCvon8/803 A crazy small 8-bit CPU built with only seventeen 7400-series chips.
65 19 1 5 years ago isucon3/804 ISUCON3
64 19 20 2 years ago zfsmanager/805 ZFS administration tool for Webmin
64 10 7 5 days ago AGAT/806 Another Gff Analysis Toolkit
64 6 1 9 months ago russian-road-sign-font/807 Font which used for road signs in USSR and Russia
64 9 0 4 months ago dotfiles/808 Config files for OSX (master) and archlinux (archlinux)
64 14 11 1 year, 5 months ago redundans/809 Redundans is a pipeline that assists an assembly of heterozygous/polymorphic genomes.
64 154 30 6 days ago duckduckgo-locales/810 Translation files for
63 8 21 a month ago Perl-LanguageServer/811 Language Server for Perl
63 28 36 a month ago interchange/812 Interchange ecommerce framework
63 56 48 2 days ago snakemake-wrappers/813 This is the development home of the Snakemake wrapper repository, see
63 5 2 a month ago NewsUP/814 Fully feature high performance binary usenet uploader/poster
63 43 7 6 years ago webgui/815 A free open source content management system and web application framework. The most widely deployed mod_perl application on the planet.
63 27 10 4 years ago vcxproj2cmake/816 Convert Visual studio 2010 project(vcxproj) to CMakeFile.txt
63 34 3 8 months ago logbot/817 IRC logging bot
63 7 7 a month ago mashtree/818 🌳 Create a tree using Mash distances
63 4 0 8 years ago objc_api_visibility/819 Private API checker for iOS. Requires class-dump-z to be in the PATH
63 12 3 2 years ago Moonpig/820 the moonpig billing system
63 47 73 2 years ago Pinto/821 Curate your own repository of Perl modules
63 6 4 8 years ago ditaa-markdown/822 process ditaa diagrams embedded in pandoc markdown
62 22 1 3 years ago reflex/823 Reflex is a class library for writing reactive Perl programs. It provides base classes for reactive objects, and specific subclasses for various tasks.
62 29 4 6 months ago mirdeep2/824 Discovering known and novel miRNAs from small RNA sequencing data
62 12 1 4 years ago perl-ssh-tools/825 A more capable DSH / cluster ssh suite
62 66 9 6 months ago FreeRDP-Manuals/826 FreeRDP Manuals
62 20 37 a month ago RepeatMasker/827 RepeatMasker is a program that screens DNA sequences for interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences.
62 49 123 4 days ago WWW-Mechanize/828 None
62 26 2 4 years ago ansible/829 None
62 44 4 4 years ago An easy way to use Support Vector Machines in your .NET projects (c# code)
62 17 6 5 years ago wikipedia-parallel-titles/831 Tools for extracting parallel corpora from article titles across languages in Wikipedia
62 8 1 6 years ago bcvi/832 Back-channel vi
61 7 0 3 years ago colorize/833 Log colorizer perl script
61 8 0 4 months ago when/834 an extremely simple personal calendar program, aimed at the Unix geek who wants something minimalistic
61 67 16 6 days ago UnixAgent/835 This is the OCS unified agent for Unix operating systems
61 58 15 3 months ago manubulon-snmp/836 Set of Icinga/Nagios plugins to check hosts and hardware with the SNMP protocol.
61 31 50 20 days ago pdl/837 Scientific computing with Perl
61 9 9 5 years ago baker/838 The bash static site generator with real template engine
61 24 0 3 years ago hotoloti/839 documentation, scripts, tools related to Zena Forensics (
61 37 1 1 year, 6 months ago mbtget/840 A simple Modbus/TCP client write in pure Perl.
61 33 7 6 years ago mysql-snmp/841 Net-SNMP perl agent for monitoring MySQL servers
61 13 10 4 years ago OpenFPC/842 OpenFPC, Open Source Full Packet Capture
61 23 9 3 years ago pulp_centos_errata_import/843 Imports CentOS (from errata into Pulp / Katello
61 30 10 11 months ago 42us-stupidity/844 a tool set for spawning a set of checker files to check against the output of a student's exercises
61 20 0 5 years ago cif-v1/845 DEPRECATED USE v3!
61 12 0 8 years ago ddd/846 Domain Driven Design (Eric Evans's Patterns)
60 4 3 1 year, 18 days ago GUIDeFATE/847 GUI Design From A Text Editor
60 29 15 2 years ago project/848 Overall project configuration and documentation
60 9 0 2 months ago utils/849 Small useful utilities for everyday work
60 5 0 6 years ago terracuda/850 A high-level Lua API for GPU parallelism [15-418 final]
60 32 2 10 months ago Pithub/851 Perl Github v3 API
60 14 100 5 years ago Templates and stuff for the web site
60 18 2 8 days ago ParZu/853 The Zurich Dependency Parser for German
60 39 5 18 days ago slowquery/854 Slowquery图形化显示MySQL慢日志工具
60 16 0 1 year, 4 months ago amazon-polly-batch/855 Convert large plain text files to MP3 files via Amazon Polly
60 39 18 5 months ago ModSecurity-apache/856 ModSecurity v3 Apache Connector
60 34 13 5 years ago jemplate/857 Industrial strength JavaScript template framework
60 4 2 5 years ago tp-planner/858 A set of scripts for printing TaskPaper documents compactly for inserting into a "Junior" sized planner.
60 26 7 6 years ago lg/859 Looking Glass
60 14 10 2 years ago Filemin/860 File manager for Webmin written completely in perl
60 11 0 10 months ago pollen-tfl/861 Commented Pollen sample project
59 45 59 1 year, 6 months ago devel-nytprof/862 Devel::NYTProf is a powerful feature-rich source code profiler for Perl. (Mostly in maintenance mode, so PRs are much more likely to be acted upon than Issues.)
59 17 0 7 months ago ubnt-bcast-relay/863 UDP Packet Broadcast Relay, integrated with EdgeOS CLI
59 4 2 2 years ago titlecase/864 John Gruber’s Title Case
59 31 2 20 hours ago DevOps-Perl-tools/865 25+ DevOps CLI Tools - Kubernetes & Code templates, Log Anonymizer, SQL ReCaser (MySQL, PostgreSQL, AWS Redshift, Snowflake, Apache Drill, Hive, Impala, Cassandra CQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Couchbase N1QL, Dockerfiles), Hadoop HDFS & Hive tools, Solr/SolrCloud CLI, Nginx stats & HTTP(S) URL watchers for load-balanced web farms, Linux tools etc.
59 9 1 7 years ago iTunesFeaturedCheck/866 Scrapes the App Store and finds out whether an app is featured on either the App Store homepage or in a specific category
59 27 2 6 years ago lua-resty-wechat/867 基于ngx_lua的微信公众平台lua库
59 41 53 19 hours ago aredn_ar71xx/868 AREDN develop branch porting on top of OpenWRT 19.07.0
59 13 0 a month ago sendmailanalyzer/869 Sendmail log Analyzer is a tool to monitor sendmail usage and generate HTML and graph reports. It reports all you ever wanted to know about email trafic on your network. You can also use it in ISP environment with per domain and per mailbox report.
59 6 8 5 years ago yandex-music-mac-player/870 None
59 9 2 4 years ago Autodatamosh/871 Perl script that automatically datamoshes MPEG4-encoded AVI videos.
58 4 17 2 years ago angel-PS1/872 Your fancy shell prompt fed by your guardian angel
58 42 0 5 years ago WAFTest/873 WAF测试工具
58 20 0 9 months ago sentry/874 Bruteforce attack blocker (ssh, FTP, SMTP, and more)
58 7 2 4 years ago moedict-mac/875 轉換教育部國語辭典為 Mac 內建字典
58 20 26 5 days ago p5-sisimai/876 Mail Analyzing Interface for email bounce: A Perl module to parse RFC5322 bounce mails and generating structured data as JSON from parsed results. Formerly known as bounceHammer 4: an error mail analyzer.
58 4 34 9 years ago cardinal/877 Cardinal - Ruby compiler for Parrot
58 10 2 a month ago config-model/878 Perl module to create configuration editor wtih semantic validation
58 23 1 7 years ago Memcached-Munin-Plugin/879 Memcached Munin Plugins
58 19 2 8 years ago doxygen-lua/880 Make Doxygen support Lua
58 21 1 3 years ago lua-resty-beanstalkd/881 non-blocking beanstalkd client lib for ngx_lua
57 15 0 2 days ago ballast/882 Lightweight SSH load balancer supporting user-specific selection policies
57 17 15 4 years ago perl-mason/883 Mason 2
57 27 3 a month ago sloc/884 Source Lines of Code Counter
57 30 3 2 months ago orthomcl-pipeline/885 Automates running of OrthoMCL software from
57 19 27 7 months ago pegex-pm/886 Pegex Parser for Perl
57 12 0 5 years ago cpscam/887 Bypass captive portals by impersonating inactive users
57 37 1 3 months ago mu/888 Universal Raku repository (formerly called "pugs repository")
57 29 0 3 years ago itunes_backup2hashcat/889 Extract the information needed from the Manifest.plist files to convert it to hashes compatible with hashcat
57 17 29 4 years ago repositorio/890 Tool to administrate linux repositories
57 7 1 2 years ago git-build-rpm/891 Build an RPM from a Git repository
57 9 7 1 year, 10 months ago fwsnort/892 Application Layer IDS/IPS with iptables
56 19 2 3 months ago git-notes/893 Notes made while learning git, cheatsheets, etc.; may be useful to others...
56 5 4 4 years ago Monoceros/894 PSGI/Plack server with event driven connection manager, preforking workers
56 6 0 1 year, 10 months ago CAN-RE-Tool/895 A reverse engineering tool for systems based on CAN bus communications
56 22 18 3 years ago sendxmpp/896 perl-script to send xmpp (jabber), similar to what mail(1) does for mail.
56 14 2 3 years ago awesant/897 Awesant is a log shipper for logstash.
56 7 1 10 years ago SimplenoteSync/898 perl routine to sync folder of text files with your notes on Simplenote
56 5 0 1 year, 1 month ago dns2doh/899 DNS to DoH
56 8 6 1 year, 4 months ago any2fasta/900 Convert various sequence formats to FASTA
56 19 1 1 year, 8 months ago warcarrier/901 WARCARRIER RF Scanning Terminal with Advanced Logging Features
56 61 8 a month ago ensembl/902 The Ensembl Core Perl API and SQL schema
56 13 0 2 years ago templer/903 A modular extensible static-site-generator written in perl.
56 16 12 10 months ago HERA/904 None
56 18 1 6 years ago mysql-mmm/905 Enhanced MySQL Multi-Master-Manager based on Google's "mysql-mmm 2.2.1". Since Goolge's mysql-mmm has not been updated for a long time, and still has a number of bug and points of improvement, So I create this fork to make further improvement.
56 14 0 3 years ago udp-proto-scanner/906 udp-proto-scanner is a Perl script which discovers UDP services by sending triggers to a list of hosts
56 44 18 2 months ago http-browserdetect/907 Determine the Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string
56 18 2 7 years ago dancer_bootstrap_fontawesome_template/908 A template for quick-starting applications using Perl's Dancer, Twitter's Bootstrap and Font-Awesome.
55 23 73 8 months ago perl-compiler/909 B::C - Moved over from googlecode
55 14 17 6 months ago MetaMaps/910 Long-read metagenomic analysis
55 19 1 3 years ago grsecurity-scrape/911 [No more new test patches, repo will remain as archive] Unofficial grsecurity test patch archive.
55 14 2 7 years ago hard-dj/912 arduino based DJ MIDI cotroller using Harddisks as jog wheels
55 39 16 24 days ago nagios-plugins/913 Small army of nagios-plugins either made or maintained by opinkerfi
55 22 4 7 years ago psh/914 Perl Shell (psh) — Aspiring to be your primary login shell
55 6 3 1 year, 4 months ago menutray/915 An application menu through a GTK+ tray status icon.
55 19 3 6 years ago NunitoFont/916 repo for the Nunito Font family
55 5 1 13 days ago vnlog/917 Toolkit for manipulating data in an ASCII table
55 12 0 5 days ago perl-scripts/918 A nice collection of day-to-day Perl scripts.
55 8 4 1 year, 2 months ago unifi_miner/919 UniFi Miner helps deliver data from UniFi Controller to Zabbix
54 12 6 2 months ago Anonymous Email in Seconds
54 16 20 2 days ago civs/921 Condorcet Internet Voting System
54 9 10 2 months ago gridmapper/922 A little Javascript/SVG application to create dungeon maps for role-playing games.
54 20 0 9 years ago isucon/923 isucon web applications and tools
54 16 3 21 days ago Linguakit/924 Multilingual toolkit for NLP: dependency parser, PoS tagger, NERC, multiword extractor, sentiment analysis, etc.
54 4 2 19 days ago SummEval/925 Resources for the "SummEval: Re-evaluating Summarization Evaluation" paper
54 15 25 6 years ago watson-perl/926 None
54 22 8 6 years ago shipit/927 Software Release Tool
54 20 8 6 years ago perl-cwmp/928 Perl ACS server implementing CWMP protocol to manage CPE clients
54 14 0 10 years ago SteamCalculator-Scripts/929 Perl scripts, which parses the Valve's Steam store.
54 25 0 2 years ago Crack-file/930 Theos File
54 36 0 6 years ago opendlp/931 None
54 14 4 9 years ago thicknet/932 TCP session interception and injection framework
54 28 4 5 months ago spacewalk_scripts/933 Several spacewalk scripts
54 31 1 2 months ago Moo/934 Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
54 23 4 2 years ago davtest/935 davtest (improved)- Exploits WebDAV folders
54 55 19 1 year, 4 months ago services-examples/936 Examples of third-party integration scripts
54 43 166 1 year, 2 months ago eprints/937 EPrints 3.3 core and releases
54 16 20 8 months ago sonar-perl/938 Perl5 Plugin for SonarQube
54 7 0 17 days ago thenotepad/939 📓🍎An experimental blog written in Pollen / Racket
54 35 1 2 years ago roffit/940 converts nroff man pages to HTML
54 12 10 30 days ago Garmin-FIT/941 Perl code for reading and conversion of Garmin FIT binary files
53 13 4 4 years ago lnav-formats/942 Log format description files for lnav
53 21 12 2 months ago ViewBS/943 ViewBS - a powerful toolkit for visualization of high-throughput bisulfite sequencing data
53 87 13 2 months ago Monitoring/944 Monitoring plugins wich are Nagios/icinga compatible
53 18 0 4 years ago monobuildtools/945 None
53 13 11 3 years ago ljsm/946 perl script for LiveJournal blog backup
53 11 0 3 months ago spellbook/947 [Work in Progress] Micro-framework for rapid development of reusable security tools
53 5 5 4 days ago opi/948 OBS Package Installer (CLI)
53 19 33 3 years ago App-gh/949 GitHub Command-line Utility.
53 17 4 2 months ago open_fortress/950 [THIS GITHUB REPO IS OBSOLETE! We have MOVED to SVN! See our website @ for details! This repo is outdated! You will not be able to play on official servers with this!] Open Fortress is a free and open-source passion project lovingly crafted by nearly a hundred members of the Team Fortress community, with an ideal of fun gameplay and maximum customizability to tweak the game to your preference.
53 13 2 22 hours ago RegRipper3.0/951 RegRipper3.0
53 10 3 8 years ago symbolicatecrash-mac/952 A version of the symbolicatecrash script that works for Mac app crash logs
53 41 18 4 years ago Perl_Companies/953 A list of companies which use Perl. Initially generated from postings to
53 17 2 1 year, 8 months ago segmentation-kit/954 Speech Segmentation Toolkit using Julius
52 25 1 4 years ago v4/955 None
52 1 1 8 years ago DropboxIgnore/956 An ignore file like .gitignore but for Dropbox
52 19 8 5 years ago SystemImager/957 None
52 5 1 1 year, 1 month ago mojo.vim/958 Vim syntax for mojo epl templates in Mojo projects
52 24 7 10 years ago smolder/959 Web-based Continuous Integration Smoke Server
52 21 5 a month ago SNPGenie/960 Program for estimating πN/πS, dN/dS, and other diversity measures from next-generation sequencing data
52 27 12 2 years ago Maltego-Facebook/961 Maltego Local Transforms for Facebook
52 9 1 1 year, 5 months ago horenso/962 探しやすいコードで漢字直接入力
52 2 4 3 years ago autocomplete-ALL-the-things/963 Arbitrary text completion for urxvt
52 39 1 10 months ago Facebook-Graph/964 A perl module to help navigate the intricacies of the Facebook Graph API.
52 8 50 2 years ago Kinetic-Rules-Engine/965 Source code for KRE
52 7 34 11 months ago fuuka/966 Fuuka Imageboard Archiver
52 64 63 an hour ago ExtUtils-MakeMaker/967 Perl module to make Makefiles and build modules (what backs Makefile.PL)
52 43 0 8 years ago Bootimg-scripts/968 Perl scripts for unpacking and repackaging Android boot.img's. I did not write these, just sharing.
52 19 10 1 year, 4 months ago proovread/969 PacBio hybrid error correction through iterative short read consensus
52 16 3 10 years ago perl-tcp-proxy/970 A simple TCP proxy written in Perl. Uses IO::Socket::INET and IO::Select for multiplexing.
52 19 0 23 hours ago Prima/971 None
51 10 2 a month ago oddmuse/972 A simple wiki engine written in Perl. No database required.
51 204 36 6 hours ago os-autoinst-distri-opensuse/973 os-autoinst test cases for openSUSE
51 19 8 7 months ago GeoLite2xtables/974 Converter from GeoLite2 country database to legacy GeoIP CSV, for use with xtables-addons
51 7 2 8 years ago web/975 A Perl 6 web framework
51 18 0 5 years ago livejournal/976 LiveJournal Server Source Code (stale history from before it went closed-source)
51 37 0 8 months ago fateserver/977 Mirror of git://
51 27 16 3 months ago Raisin/978 Raisin - a REST API micro framework for Perl 🐫 🐪
51 40 6 2 years ago iso-country-flags-svg-collection/979 None
51 20 10 3 months ago ShinyCMS/980 ShinyCMS is an open source CMS built in Perl using the Catalyst framework.
51 81 0 6 years ago OozieSamples/981 Oozie Samples
51 2 0 6 years ago tora/982 Tora! Tora! Tora!
51 15 4 4 years ago rifec/983 Receive Images From Eye-Fi Cards
51 8 0 4 years ago perlwebbook/984 A book. About Perl. And the Web.
51 9 2 3 years ago tmux-url-select/985 Keyboard based URL selector that integrates with tmux
51 29 7 1 year, 7 months ago EDGE/986 EDGE is a highly adaptable bioinformatics platform that allows laboratories to quickly analyze and interpret genomic sequence data.
51 3 0 6 years ago jlilly-bashy-dotfiles/987 This is a collection of my dotfiles not related to either vim or emacs. Mostly just bashy stuff.
51 6 0 6 years ago pmacct-contrib/988 Contributions to pmacct
51 14 1 8 years ago hURL/989 hexadecimal & URL encoder + decoder
51 26 6 3 years ago check_nginx_status/990 Nagios check for nginx status report
51 11 2 4 years ago tangetools/991 Ole Tange's personal tools !!! MOVED TO !!!
51 1 1 6 years ago caterwaul/992 A Javascript-to-Javascript compiler
51 39 8 a month ago test-bdd-cucumber-perl/993 Test::BDD::Cucumber - Cucumber in Perl
51 7 0 4 years ago CreateAppStoreBill/994 A perl script and tex files to create bills for the German tax office from Apple's financial reports.
51 21 0 4 years ago logstash-delete-index/995 A script to delete Elasticsearch indices of Logstash
51 39 3 3 years ago Amazon-downloader/996 Two perl scripts to download and parse Amazon's reviews
51 5 2 7 years ago vim_colorscheme_template/997 An empty template to create a Vim colorscheme by hand.
51 37 1 5 years ago perl-scripts/998 useful perl script and snippets of code.
51 20 4 1 year, 3 months ago FazScan/999
51 24 0 3 years ago systemtap-toolkit/1000 YouZan systemtap toolkit to online analyze on production
posted @ 2021-06-07 06:24  MOVIT  阅读(279)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报