Verilog project

1450 676 33 1 year, 1 month ago e200_opensource/1 The Ultra-Low Power RISC Core
1371 362 27 5 months ago picorv32/2 PicoRV32 - A Size-Optimized RISC-V CPU
1157 399 23 10 months ago wujian100_open/3 IC design and development should be faster,simpler and more reliable
936 371 176 2 years ago hw/4 RTL, Cmodel, and testbench for NVDLA
930 61 2 1 year, 6 months ago amiga2000-gfxcard/5 MNT VA2000, an Open Source Amiga 2/3/4000 Graphics Card (Zorro II/III), written in Verilog
886 119 7 20 hours ago darkriscv/6 opensouce RISC-V cpu core implemented in Verilog from scratch in one night!
618 160 10 3 years ago miaow/7 An open source GPU based off of the AMD Southern Islands ISA.
615 921 25 a day ago hdl/8 HDL libraries and projects
581 70 0 2 months ago zipcpu/9 A small, light weight, RISC CPU soft core
573 199 16 16 hours ago verilog-ethernet/10 Verilog Ethernet components for FPGA implementation
547 194 30 2 years ago oh/11 Verilog library for ASIC and FPGA designers
487 426 38 23 days ago uhd/12 The USRP™ Hardware Driver Repository
475 87 11 2 hours ago corundum/13 Open source, high performance, FPGA-based NIC
409 192 6 1 year, 10 months ago ODriveHardware/14 High performance motor control
400 138 4 5 months ago open-fpga-verilog-tutorial/15 Learn how to design digital systems and synthesize them into an FPGA using only opensource tools
387 86 38 3 days ago sd2snes/16 SD card based multi-purpose cartridge for the SNES
384 149 1 3 years ago mips-cpu/17 MIPS CPU implemented in Verilog
360 71 0 9 months ago LeFlow/18 Enabling Flexible FPGA High-Level Synthesis of Tensorflow Deep Neural Networks
317 116 24 2 months ago mor1kx/19 mor1kx - an OpenRISC 1000 processor IP core
294 139 0 5 years ago FPGA-Imaging-Library/20 An open source library for image processing on FPGA.
289 151 37 4 years ago riffa/21 The RIFFA development repository
286 48 11 4 months ago riscv-formal/22 RISC-V Formal Verification Framework
270 96 0 2 years ago verilog/23 Repository for basic (and not so basic) Verilog blocks with high re-use potential
269 89 7 1 year, 4 months ago icezum/24 🌟 IceZUM Alhambra: an Arduino-like Open FPGA electronic board
267 124 14 8 years ago netfpga/25 NetFPGA 1G infrastructure and gateware
255 43 8 4 days ago serv/26 SERV - The SErial RISC-V CPU
252 86 4 a month ago verilog-axi/27 Verilog AXI components for FPGA implementation
250 37 8 3 months ago VerilogBoy/28 A Pi emulating a GameBoy sounds cheap. What about an FPGA?
243 27 7 1 year, 4 months ago Project-Zipline/29 Defines a lossless compressed data format that is independent of CPU type, operating system, file system, and character set, and is suitable for compression using the XP10 algorithm.
235 114 6 6 years ago FPGA-Litecoin-Miner/30 A litecoin scrypt miner implemented with FPGA on-chip memory.
213 54 2 2 years ago zet/31 Open source implementation of a x86 processor
210 96 16 2 years ago convolution_network_on_FPGA/32 CNN acceleration on virtex-7 FPGA with verilog HDL
209 20 65 7 months ago ucr-eecs168-lab/33 The lab schedules for EECS168 at UC Riverside
198 85 2 3 months ago cores/34 Various HDL (Verilog) IP Cores
194 21 20 1 year, 6 days ago spispy/35 An open source SPI flash emulator and monitor
193 37 1 3 years ago ridecore/36 RIDECORE (RIsc-v Dynamic Execution CORE) is an Out-of-Order RISC-V processor written in Verilog HDL.
190 53 32 24 days ago OpenROAD/37 OpenROAD's unified application implementing an RTL-to-GDS Flow
190 69 0 a month ago basic_verilog/38 Must-have verilog systemverilog modules
190 46 1 5 months ago riscv/39 RISC-V CPU Core (RV32IM)
189 30 4 6 days ago Flute/40 RISC-V CPU, simple 5-stage in-order pipeline, for low-end applications needing MMUs and some performance
184 69 13 11 months ago fpu/41 synthesiseable ieee 754 floating point library in verilog
183 49 22 8 years ago fpga_nes/42 FPGA-based Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator
181 62 1 4 years ago verilog-6502/43 A Verilog HDL model of the MOS 6502 CPU
179 35 13 a month ago Piccolo/44 RISC-V CPU, simple 3-stage pipeline, for low-end applications (e.g., embedded, IoT)
174 64 6 16 hours ago verilog-pcie/45 Verilog PCI express components
173 58 10 5 months ago Verilog-Generator-of-Neural-Net-Digit-Detector-for-FPGA/46 Verilog Generator of Neural Net Digit Detector for FPGA
168 7 1 1 year, 9 months ago fpga-chip8/47 CHIP-8 console on FPGA
165 169 1 4 months ago fpga/48 The USRP™ Hardware Driver FPGA Repository
163 26 5 2 years ago TinyFPGA-B-Series/49 Open source design files for the TinyFPGA B-Series boards.
162 21 0 6 years ago ez8/50 The Easy 8-bit Processor
156 37 94 6 hours ago basejump_stl/51 BaseJump STL: A Standard Template Library for SystemVerilog
155 10 0 11 months ago fpg1/52 PDP-1 FPGA implementation in Verilog, with CRT, Teletype and Console.
153 32 14 6 hours ago openlane/53 OpenLANE is an automated RTL to GDSII flow based on several components including OpenROAD, Yosys, Magic, Netgen, Fault and custom methodology scripts for design exploration and optimization.
150 52 1 3 years ago sdram-controller/54 Verilog SDRAM memory controller
146 47 3 10 months ago AccDNN/55 A compiler from AI model to RTL (Verilog) accelerator in FPGA hardware with auto design space exploration.
146 59 2 1 year, 4 months ago verilog-i2c/56 Verilog I2C interface for FPGA implementation
145 65 0 2 months ago Kryon/57 FPGA,Verilog,Python
142 61 4 1 year, 6 months ago verilog-uart/58 Verilog UART
137 53 2 6 months ago sha256/59 Hardware implementation of the SHA-256 cryptographic hash function
137 50 3 2 years ago CNN-FPGA/60 使用Verilog实现的CNN模块,可以方便的在FPGA项目中使用
133 20 1 9 days ago wb2axip/61 Bus bridges and other odds and ends
127 102 114 3 months ago black-parrot/62 A Linux-capable host multicore for and by the world
124 38 0 6 years ago milkymist/63 SoC design for Milkymist One - LM32, DDR SDRAM, 2D TMU, PFPU
123 24 0 1 year, 10 months ago SimpleVOut/64 A Simple FPGA Core for Creating VGA/DVI/HDMI/OpenLDI Signals
122 23 4 11 months ago FPGA-peripherals/65 🌱 ❄️ Collection of open-source peripherals in Verilog
119 41 5 1 year, 2 months ago Tang_E203_Mini/66 LicheeTang 蜂鸟E203 Core
118 66 3 3 years ago FPGA_Based_CNN/67 FPGA based acceleration of Convolutional Neural Networks. The project is developed by Verilog for Altera DE5 Net platform.
118 44 2 a month ago SCALE-MAMBA/68 Repository for the SCALE-MAMBA MPC system
116 25 0 a month ago wbuart32/69 A simple, basic, formally verified UART controller
113 41 3 6 years ago fpganes/70 NES in Verilog
113 41 19 11 months ago open-register-design-tool/71 Tool to generate register RTL, models, and docs using SystemRDL or JSpec input
110 20 5 1 year, 6 months ago DisplayPort_Verilog/72 A Verilog implementation of DisplayPort protocol for FPGAs
110 51 0 27 days ago openwifi-hw/73 FPGA/hardware design of openwifi
110 77 16 2 years ago orpsoc-cores/74 Core description files for FuseSoC
108 57 0 5 days ago aes/75 Verilog implementation of the symmetric block cipher AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) as specified in NIST FIPS 197. This implementation supports 128 and 256 bit keys.
107 41 0 22 days ago schoolMIPS/76 CPU microarchitecture, step by step
106 58 5 a month ago openofdm/77 Sythesizable, modular Verilog implementation of 802.11 OFDM decoder.
106 26 1 23 days ago iceGDROM/78 An FPGA based GDROM emulator for the Sega Dreamcast
105 10 0 2 years ago vm80a/79 i8080 precise replica in Verilog, based on reverse engineering of real die
102 30 3 a day ago nandland/80 All code found on nandland is here. underconstruction.gif
101 27 0 2 years ago mriscv/81 A 32-bit Microcontroller featuring a RISC-V core
100 43 1 8 years ago fft-dit-fpga/82 Verilog module for calculation of FFT.
98 14 3 a month ago DreamcastHDMI/83 Dreamcast HDMI
98 26 2 6 months ago RePlAce/84 RePlAce global placement tool
97 68 4 3 years ago Hardware-CNN/85 A convolutional neural network implemented in hardware (verilog)
97 29 2 2 years ago Single_instruction_cycle_OpenMIPS/86 通过学习《自己动手写CPU》,将书中实现的兼容MIPS32指令集架构的处理器——OpenMIPS(五级流水线结构),简化成单指令周期实现的处理器
97 70 4 7 years ago uvm_axi/87 uvm AXI BFM(bus functional model)
96 16 0 19 days ago a2o/88 None
96 13 58 1 year, 10 months ago spatial-lang/89 Spatial: "Specify Parameterized Accelerators Through Inordinately Abstract Language"
95 17 17 a day ago livehd/90 Live Hardware Development (LiveHD), a productive infrastructure for Synthesis and Simulation
95 19 3 5 months ago biriscv/91 32-bit Superscalar RISC-V CPU
95 12 1 2 months ago cpu11/92 Revengineered ancient PDP-11 CPUs, originals and clones
94 61 1 4 years ago or1200/93 OpenRISC 1200 implementation
93 20 3 11 days ago warp-v/94 WARP-V is an open-source RISC-V CPU core generator written in TL-Verilog.
93 17 1 5 years ago oldland-cpu/95 Oldland CPU - a 32-bit RISC FPGA CPU including RTL + tools
92 29 1 3 years ago kamikaze/96 Light-weight RISC-V RV32IMC microcontroller core.
90 18 0 3 years ago archexp/97 浙江大学计算机体系结构课程实验
90 12 3 10 months ago panologic-g2/98 Pano Logic G2 Reverse Engineering Project
86 29 2 2 months ago apple-one/99 An attempt at a small Verilog implementation of the original Apple 1 on an FPGA
85 23 0 10 months ago mips32-cpu/100 奋战一学期,造台计算机(编译出的bit文件在release中,可以直接食用)
85 14 2 11 months ago raven-picorv32/101 Silicon-validated SoC implementation of the PicoSoc/PicoRV32
86 22 1 28 days ago ice40-playground/102 Various iCE40 cores / projects to play around with (mostly targeted at the icebreaker)
84 9 1 1 year, 10 months ago NeoGeoFPGA-sim/103 Simulation only cartridge NeoGeo hardware definition
83 29 0 3 days ago ivtest/104 Regression test suite for Icarus Verilog.
82 76 0 2 years ago FPGA-CNN/105 FPGA implementation of Cellular Neural Network (CNN)
82 16 3 5 years ago NeoGeoHDMI/106 Verilog project that takes the digital video and audio from a Neo Geo MVS before going through the DACs and outputs the signals over HDMI
81 5 0 a month ago vgasim/107 A Video display simulator
80 36 8 1 year, 3 months ago mipsfpga-plus/108 MIPSfpga+ allows loading programs via UART and has a switchable clock
80 16 0 3 months ago openarty/109 An Open Source configuration of the Arty platform
79 29 1 7 years ago Xilinx-Serial-Miner/110 Bitcoin miner for Xilinx FPGAs
79 10 4 13 days ago n64rgb/111 Everything around N64 and RGB
79 35 8 10 months ago Tang_FPGA_Examples/112 LicheeTang FPGA Examples
78 10 1 3 months ago lpc_sniffer_tpm/113 A low pin count sniffer for ICEStick - targeting TPM chips
78 20 15 2 years ago c65gs/114 FPGA-based C64 Accelerator / C65 like computer
78 8 1 9 years ago Homotopy/115 Homotopy theory in Coq.
78 8 0 2 years ago iCE40/116 Lattice iCE40 FPGA experiments - Work in progress
78 18 1 9 months ago usbcorev/117 A full-speed device-side USB peripheral core written in Verilog.
78 34 18 8 days ago Hermes-Lite2/118 A second generation low-cost amateur HF software defined radio transceiver.
77 26 0 9 months ago NaiveMIPS-HDL/119 Naïve MIPS32 SoC implementation
77 24 0 5 years ago lm32/120 LatticeMico32 soft processor
77 18 3 3 months ago tinyfpga_bx_usbserial/121 USB Serial on the TinyFPGA BX
76 23 0 5 years ago cpu/122 A very primitive but hopefully self-educational CPU in Verilog
76 44 65 8 hours ago fomu-workshop/123 Support files for participating in a Fomu workshop
76 7 3 5 hours ago jt12/124 FM sound source written in Verilog, fully compatible with YM2612, YM3438 (JT12), YM2203 (JT03) and YM2610 (JT10)
75 11 3 4 years ago fpgaboy/125 Implementation Nintendo's GameBoy console on an FPGA
75 7 4 a month ago usb3_pipe/126 USB3 PIPE interface for Xilinx 7-Series / Lattice ECP5
75 43 3 7 years ago Icarus/127 DUAL Spartan6 Development Platform
74 11 1 4 months ago Toooba/128 RISC-V Core; superscalar, out-of-order, multi-core capable; based on RISCY-OOO from MIT
74 7 1 5 months ago antikernel/129 The Antikernel operating system project
72 18 0 a month ago icebreaker-examples/130 This repository contains small example designs that can be used with the open source icestorm flow.
70 9 0 4 years ago PonyLink/131 A single-wire bi-directional chip-to-chip interface for FPGAs
70 12 1 3 days ago Radioberry-2.x/132 Ham Radio hat for Raspberry PI
70 12 0 7 months ago agc_simulation/133 Verilog simulation files for a replica of the Apollo Guidance Computer
69 7 1 6 months ago display_controller/134 FPGA display controller with support for VGA, DVI, and HDMI.
69 19 7 4 months ago ice40_examples/135 Public examples of ICE40 HX8K examples using Icestorm
68 30 24 4 days ago ao486_MiSTer/136 ao486 port for MiSTer
68 46 4 6 years ago DSLogic-hdl/137 An open source FPGA design for DSLogic
67 7 1 18 hours ago icestation-32/138 Compact FPGA game console
67 41 18 2 months ago Genesis_MiSTer/139 Sega Genesis for MiSTer
67 27 0 1 year, 8 months ago PASC/140 Parallel Array of Simple Cores. Multicore processor.
66 28 0 3 months ago Verilog-Practice/141 HDLBits website practices & solutions
65 4 4 a month ago RISCBoy/142 Portable games console, designed from scratch: CPU, graphics, PCB, and the kitchen sink
65 8 8 2 months ago xcrypto/143 XCrypto: a cryptographic ISE for RISC-V
64 28 8 1 year, 1 month ago c5soc_opencl/144 DE1SOC DE10-NANO DE10-Standard OpenCL hardware that support VGA and desktop. And Some applications such as usb camera YUYV to RGB , Sobel and so on.
63 17 2 1 year, 9 months ago ZAP/145 ZAP is a pipelined ARMv4T architecture compatible processor with cache and MMU.
62 11 0 4 years ago cpus-caddr/146 FPGA based MIT CADR lisp machine - rewritten in modern verilog - boots and runs
62 32 1 2 years ago zynq-axis/147 Hardware, Linux Driver and Library for the Zynq AXI DMA interface
62 14 5 1 year, 1 month ago Reindeer/148 PulseRain Reindeer - RISCV RV32I[M] Soft CPU
61 9 3 30 days ago jt_gng/149 CAPCOM arcade hardware accurately replicated on MiST and MiSTer FPGA platforms. It covers Ghosts'n Goblins, 1942, 1943, Commando, F1-Dream, GunSmoke, Tiger Road, Black Tiger, Bionic Commando and Vulgus.
60 14 0 1 year, 3 days ago MobileNet-in-FPGA/150 Generator of verilog description for FPGA MobileNet implementation
59 16 6 8 months ago Haasoscope/151 Docs, design, firmware, and software for the Haasoscope
58 13 3 8 years ago ao68000/152 The OpenCores ao68000 IP Core is a Motorola MC68000 binary compatible processor.
58 22 18 a day ago Minimig-AGA_MiSTer/153 None
58 7 0 3 years ago FPGA-TX/154 FPGA based transmitter
58 8 0 2 years ago toygpu/155 A simple GPU on a TinyFPGA BX
57 8 1 11 months ago Riscy-SoC/156 Riscy-SoC is SoC based on RISC-V CPU core, designed in Verilog
57 9 0 1 year, 1 month ago MIPS-pipeline-processor/157 A pipelined implementation of the MIPS processor featuring hazard detection as well as forwarding
56 23 1 2 years ago VidorFPGA/158 repository for Vidor FPGA IP blocks and projects
55 30 19 8 days ago NeoGeo_MiSTer/159 NeoGeo for MiSTer
54 23 2 5 months ago SD-card-controller/160 WISHBONE SD Card Controller IP Core
54 7 13 1 year, 3 months ago Neogeo_MiSTer_old/161 SNK NeoGeo core for the MiSTer platform
54 13 0 4 months ago hardenedlinux_profiles/162 It contains hardenedlinux community documentation.
53 24 0 a month ago cdbus_ip/163 CDBUS Protocol and the IP Core for FPGA users
53 18 0 2 years ago clacc/164 Deep Learning Accelerator (Convolution Neural Networks)
52 25 0 a month ago timetoexplore/165 Source code to accompany
52 13 0 4 years ago fpga-md5-cracker/166 A 64-stage pipelined MD5 implementation written in verliog. Runs reliably on a DE0-Nano at 100mhz, computing 100 million hashes per second.
52 17 14 1 year, 28 days ago alpha-release/167 Builds, flow and designs for the alpha release
52 9 1 7 months ago ice40_ultraplus_examples/168 Examples for iCE40 UltraPlus FPGA: BRAM, SPRAM, SPI, flash, DSP and a working RISC-V implementation
51 30 0 7 years ago uart/169 Verilog UART
51 11 0 1 year, 5 months ago MARLANN/170 Multiply-Accumulate and Rectified-Linear Accelerator for Neural Networks
51 4 2 10 months ago ay-3-8910_reverse_engineered/171 The reverse-engineered AY-3-8910 chip. Transistor-level schematics, verilog model and a testbench with tools, that can render register dump files into .flac soundtrack.
50 7 0 1 year, 4 months ago up5k_basic/172 A small 6502 system with MS BASIC in ROM
50 21 1 10 months ago opencpi/173 Open Component Portability Infrastructure
50 20 51 5 days ago bsg_manycore/174 Tile based architecture designed for computing efficiency, scalability and generality
50 22 0 2 years ago verilog-lfsr/175 Fully parametrizable combinatorial parallel LFSR/CRC module
50 47 5 2 years ago Convolutional-Neural-Network/176 Implementation of CNN using Verilog
50 13 0 1 year, 9 months ago VexRiscvSoftcoreContest2018/177 None
50 28 34 4 years ago minimig-mist/178 Minimig for the MiST board
49 28 0 a month ago cdpga/179 FPGA core boards / evaluation boards based on CDCTL hardware
49 9 0 1 year, 11 months ago riscv/180 Verilog implementation of a RISC-V core
48 11 3 19 days ago aib-phy-hardware/181 Advanced Interface Bus (AIB) die-to-die hardware open source
48 2 0 1 year, 6 months ago soc/182 An experimental System-on-Chip with a custom compiler toolchain.
47 15 0 6 years ago verilog_fixed_point_math_library/183 Fixed Point Math Library for Verilog
46 40 1 a month ago Practical-UVM-Step-By-Step/184 This is the main repository for all the examples for the book Practical UVM
46 22 3 3 years ago digital-servo/185 NIST digital servo: an FPGA based fast digital feedback controller
45 3 1 3 years ago 21FX/186 A bootloader for the SNES console
46 14 0 2 years ago hyperram/187 Portable Verilog RTL interface to S27KL0641DABHI020 64Mbit HyperRAM IC
46 20 2 1 year, 4 days ago daisho/188 Test of the USB3 IP Core from Daisho on a Xilinx device
45 14 1 8 months ago aib-phy-hardware/189 None
45 9 1 2 years ago RISC-V-CPU/190 RISC-V CPU with 5-stage pipeline, implemented in Verilog HDL.
45 10 1 1 year, 5 months ago up5k/191 Upduino v2 with the ice40 up5k FPGA demos
45 33 1 5 years ago mips32r1_xum/192 A 32-bit MIPS processor which aims for conformance to the MIPS32 Release 1 ISA. This is a bare-metal CPU with no virtual memory. (Old University of Utah XUM archive)
44 3 0 21 days ago wbscope/193 A wishbone controlled scope for FPGA's
44 26 2 6 years ago beagle/194 BeagleBone HW, SW, & FPGA Development
44 3 0 2 years ago collection-iPxs/195 Icestudio Pixel Stream collection
44 14 0 2 years ago SoftMC/196 SoftMC is an experimental FPGA-based memory controller design that can be used to develop tests for DDR3 SODIMMs using a C++ based API. The design, the interface, and its capabilities and limitations are discussed in our HPCA 2017 paper: "SoftMC: A Flexible and Practical Open-Source Infrastructure for Enabling Experimental DRAM Studies"
44 17 2 2 years ago chiphack/197 Repository and Wiki for Chip Hack events.
44 5 0 2 months ago XilinxUnisimLibrary/198 None
44 15 3 8 years ago ORGFXSoC/199 An Example implementation of Open Source Graphics Accelerator, (A fixed point, fixed function pipeline GPU)
44 7 47 21 days ago rigel/200 Rigel is a language for describing image processing hardware embedded in Lua. Rigel can compile to Verilog hardware designs for Xilinx FPGAs, and also can compile to fast x86 test code using Terra.
43 22 8 3 years ago nysa-sata/201 None
44 20 0 2 years ago TOE/202 TCP Offload Engine
43 24 0 25 days ago async_fifo/203 A dual clock asynchronous FIFO written in verilog, tested with Icarus Verilog
43 17 0 2 years ago MIPS/204 A classic 5-stage pipeline MIPS 32-bit processor, including a 2-bit branch predictor, a branch prediction buffer and a direct-mapped cache.
43 4 0 1 year, 5 months ago rt/205 A Full Hardware Real-Time Ray-Tracer
42 4 1 8 months ago flickerfixer/206 An open source flicker fixer for Amiga 500/2000
41 37 1 1 year, 3 months ago AlteraDE2Labs_Verilog/207 My solutions to Alteras example labs
41 15 0 5 years ago Verilog-caches/208 Various caches written in Verilog-HDL
41 10 0 3 years ago mc6809/209 Cycle-Accurate MC6809/E implementation, Verilog
40 7 0 4 years ago MAM65C02-Processor-Core/210 Microprogrammed 65C02-compatible Processor Core for FPGAs (Verilog-2001)
40 21 1 a month ago libsystemctlm-soc/211 SystemC/TLM-2.0 Co-simulation framework
40 5 1 1 year, 2 months ago engine-V/212 SoftCPU/SoC engine-V
40 13 0 4 years ago yarvi/213 Yet Another RISC-V Implementation
39 7 15 2 days ago hrm-cpu/214 Human Resource Machine - CPU Design #HRM
39 5 1 2 years ago lpc_sniffer/215 a low pin count sniffer for icestick
39 8 0 3 months ago moxie-cores/216 Moxie-compatible core repository
39 3 1 a month ago iua/217 ice40 USB Analyzer
39 12 0 4 years ago sds7102/218 A port of Linux to the OWON SDS7102 scope
38 19 1 2 months ago cnn_hardware_acclerator_for_fpga/219 This is a fully parameterized verilog implementation of computation kernels for accleration of the Inference of Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGAs
38 10 0 1 year, 5 months ago Speech256/220 An FPGA implementation of a classic 80ies speech synthesizer. Done for the Retro Challenge 2017/10.
38 26 1 1 year, 8 months ago GNSS_Firehose/221 Wideband front-end digitizer for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou
38 7 1 11 months ago panologic/222 PanoLogic Zero Client G1 reverse engineering info
37 9 0 1 year, 3 months ago ctf/223 Stuff from CTF contests
37 30 0 5 years ago mojo-base-project/224 This is the base project for the Mojo. It should be used as the starting point for all projects.
37 6 0 5 months ago MIPS48PipelineCPU/225 冯爱民老师《计算机组成原理A》课程设计
37 7 0 3 years ago mips-cpu/226 A MIPS CPU implemented in Verilog
37 14 0 11 months ago R8051/227 8051 soft CPU core. 700-lines statements for 111 instructions . Fully synthesizable Verilog-2001 core.
37 12 2 1 year, 4 months ago Verilog-Projects/228 This repository contains source code for past labs and projects involving FPGA and Verilog based designs
37 10 0 3 months ago challenges-2020/229 Pwn2Win 2020 Challenges
37 21 2 1 year, 2 months ago verilog-cam/230 Verilog Content Addressable Memory Module
37 6 2 9 months ago OpenAmiga500FastRamExpansion/231 4/8 MB Fast RAM Expansion for the Commodore Amiga 500
36 8 2 4 years ago ACC/232 Apollo CPU Core in Verilog. For learning and having fun with open FPGA
36 7 2 2 years ago cnnhwpe/233 None
36 12 1 5 months ago fpga-sdft/234 sliding DFT for FPGA, targetting Lattice ICE40 1k
36 12 0 4 months ago sha3/235 None
36 9 0 8 years ago dcpu16/236 Pipelined DCPU-16 Verilog Implementation
35 16 1 2 years ago ARM7/237 Implemetation of pipelined ARM7TDMI processor in Verilog
35 2 0 2 years ago vga_to_ascii/238 Realtime VGA to ASCII Art converter
35 29 1 2 years ago ethernet_10ge_mac_SV_UVM_tb/239 SystemVerilog-based UVM testbench for an Ethernet 10GE MAC core
35 18 18 17 days ago MegaCD_MiSTer/240 Mega CD for MiSTer
35 9 0 1 year, 8 months ago HyperBUS/241 A basic HyperRAM controller for Lattice iCE40 Ultraplus FPGAs
35 7 9 1 year, 11 months ago BeagleWire/242 This repository contains software for BeagleWire. It is a realization of my project for GSOC-2017
35 12 0 3 years ago caribou/243 Caribou: Distributed Smart Storage built with FPGAs
35 4 0 2 years ago RISC-processor/244 Simple single cycle RISC processor written in Verilog
35 24 3 2 years ago prog_fpgas/245 The repository for the Verilog code examples and ISE projects that accompany the book Programming FPGAs: Getting Started with Verilog.
35 16 1 5 years ago minimig-de1/246 Minimig for the DE1 board
34 13 0 7 years ago Multiplier16X16/247 Classic Booth Code, Wallace Tree, and SquareRoot Carry Select Adder
34 11 5 5 days ago mflowgen/248 mflowgen -- A Modular ASIC/FPGA Flow Generator
34 11 0 4 months ago max1000-tutorial/249 Tutorial and example projects for the Arrow MAX1000 FPGA board
34 10 0 9 months ago icebreaker-workshop/250 iCEBreaker Workshop
34 7 1 2 years ago BAR-Tender/251 An FPGA I/O Device which services physical memory reads/writes via UMDF2 driver
34 21 3 4 years ago bch_verilog/252 Verilog based BCH encoder/decoder
33 12 1 8 years ago vSPI/253 Verilog implementation of an SPI slave interface. Intially targetted for Atlys devkit (Xilinx Spartan-6) controlled by TotalPhase Cheetah USB/SPI adapter
33 6 0 28 days ago rsyocto/254 🤖 SoCFPGA: Open Source embedded Linux developed for Intel (ALTERA) SoC-FPGAs (Cyclone V & Arria 10)
33 19 1 3 years ago h.265_encoder/255 None
33 7 3 a month ago iceZ0mb1e/256 FPGA 8-Bit TV80 SoC for Lattice iCE40 with complete open-source toolchain flow using yosys and SDCC
32 13 0 5 years ago verilog-utils/257 native Verilog pcap, littletoe, bcd, xml and hash modules, with Icarus testbenches
32 11 1 12 days ago fusesoc-cores/258 FuseSoC standard core library
32 5 0 1 year, 4 months ago fpga-odysseus/259 FPGA Odysseus with ULX3S
32 4 2 3 years ago Frix/260 IBM PC Compatible SoC for a commercially available FPGA board
32 18 0 2 years ago mnist_fpga/261 using xilinx xc6slx45 to implement mnist net
32 19 0 1 year, 10 months ago huaweicloud-fpga/262 The official repository of the HUAWEI CLOUD FPGA Development Kit based on HUAWEI CLOUD FPGA Accelerated Cloud Server.
32 7 0 7 months ago dpll/263 A collection of phase locked loop (PLL) related projects
31 12 2 6 months ago h265-encoder-rtl/264 None
31 16 1 17 years ago 8051/265 8051 core
31 18 1 2 years ago GnuRadar/266 Open-source software defined radar based on the USRP 1 hardware.
31 13 0 2 years ago robot-arm-v01/267 None
31 2 0 5 years ago gb/268 The Original Nintendo Gameboy in Verilog
31 8 3 5 months ago tinyriscv/269 A very simple and easy to understand RISC-V core.
31 6 0 3 years ago wiki/270 None
31 13 0 7 years ago fpganes/271 FPGA-based AI for Super Mario Bros. Designed for an Altera DE2
31 10 0 9 months ago drec-fpga-intro/272 Materials for "Introduction to FPGA and Verilog" at MIPT DREC
30 5 1 5 years ago oc_jpegencode/273 Fork of OpenCores jpegencode with Cocotb testbench
30 27 0 5 years ago IPCORE/274 None
30 1 2 10 months ago spokefpga/275 FPGA Tools and Library
30 26 3 6 years ago cordic/276 An implementation of the CORDIC algorithm in Verilog.
30 24 0 8 years ago DDR2_Controller/277 DDR2 memory controller written in Verilog
29 3 0 1 year, 10 months ago riscv-megaproject/278 A series of (practise) projects of RISC-V cores. All cores will support at least the I instruction set. Expect bugs/limitations for earlier ones
29 2 0 4 years ago HaSKI/279 Cλash/Haskell FPGA-based SKI calculus evaluator
29 5 0 2 years ago OpenFPGA/280 OpenFPGA
29 10 3 a month ago verilog-math/281 Mathematical Functions in Verilog
29 21 0 3 months ago thinpad_top/282 Project template for Artix-7 based Thinpad board
29 3 0 1 year, 8 months ago tiny_usb_examples/283 Using the TinyFPGA BX USB code in user designs
29 5 0 2 years ago screen-pong/284 Pong game in a free FPGA.
29 34 1 5 days ago oc-accel/285 OpenCAPI Acceleration Framework: develop an accelerator with OpenCAPI technology
29 21 2 4 days ago blinky/286 Example LED blinking project for your FPGA dev board of choice
28 5 0 2 years ago DIY_OpenMIPS/287 實作《自己動手寫CPU》書上的程式碼
28 8 3 4 months ago i3c-slave-design/288 MIPI I3C Basic v1.0 communication Slave source code in Verilog with BSD license to support use in sensors and other devices.
28 3 1 12 days ago VGChips/289 Video Game custom chips reverse-engineered from silicon
28 3 3 4 months ago observer/290 None
28 10 0 1 year, 2 months ago csirx/291 Open-source CSI-2 receiver for Xilinx UltraScale parts
28 18 1 7 years ago Atalanta/292 Atalanta is a modified ATPG (Automatic Test Pattern Generation) tool and fault simulator, orginally from VirginiaTech University.
28 10 41 23 days ago zx-evo/293 TS-Configuration for ZX Spectrum clone named ZX-Evolution
28 3 0 2 years ago Computer-Architecture-Task-2/294 Riscv32 CPU Project
28 5 2 a day ago ice-chips-verilog/295 IceChips is a library of all common discrete logic devices in Verilog
28 7 0 2 months ago first-fpga-pcb/296 FPGA dev board based on Lattice iCE40 8k
28 9 0 4 months ago MangoMIPS32/297 A softcore microprocessor of MIPS32 architecture.
28 4 0 6 years ago CPU32/298 Tiny MIPS for Terasic DE0
27 14 0 2 years ago eddr3/299 mirror of
27 12 0 4 years ago yosys-bigsim/300 A collection of big designs to run post-synthesis simulations with yosys
27 12 0 4 years ago yosys-bigsim/301 A collection of big designs to run post-synthesis simulations with yosys
27 23 3 28 days ago Menu_MiSTer/302 None
27 12 51 4 months ago tapasco/303 The Task Parallel System Composer (TaPaSCo)
27 31 0 6 years ago FPGA_image_processing/304 Image capture, image filtering and image display (VGA) : picture in picture, edge detection, gray image and smooth image
27 15 0 8 years ago verilog-sha256/305 Implementation of the SHA256 Algorithm in Verilog
27 17 0 1 year, 6 months ago x393/306 mirror of
27 17 0 8 years ago tdc-core/307 A 26ps RMS time-to-digital converter (TDC) core for Spartan-6 FPGAs
27 3 1 4 years ago RISCV_Piccolo_v1/308 Implementation of RISC-V RV32IM. Simple in-order 3-stage pipeline. Low resources (e.g., FPGA softcore).
27 3 2 3 days ago QuokkaEvaluation/309 Example projects for Quokka FPGA toolkit
27 9 0 1 year, 4 months ago BUAA_CO/310 2017级北航计算机学院计算机组成原理课程设计(MIPS CPU)
26 13 1 1 year, 7 days ago ethmac/311 Ethernet MAC 10/100 Mbps
26 3 0 2 years ago s6soc/312 CMod-S6 SoC
26 8 17 8 days ago symbiflow-examples/313 Examples designs for showing different ways to use SymbiFlow toolchains.
26 5 2 1 year, 9 months ago iCEstick-UART-Demo/314 This is a simple UART echo test for the iCEstick Evaluation Kit
26 8 0 5 months ago LUTNet/315 None
26 13 0 4 years ago peridot/316 'PERIDOT' - Simple & Compact FPGA board
26 6 0 2 days ago trng/317 True Random Number Generator core implemented in Verilog.
26 15 0 7 years ago rfid-verilog/318 RFID tag and tester in Verilog
25 21 0 5 years ago CNN_FPGA/319 verilog CNN generator for FPGA
25 3 2 8 months ago zbasic/320 A bare bones, basic, ZipCPU system designed for both testing and quick integration into new systems
25 16 0 3 years ago HitchHike/321 None
25 8 0 6 years ago vj-uart/322 Virtual JTAG UART for Altera Devices
25 13 1 2 years ago openmsp430/323 The openMSP430 is a synthesizable 16bit microcontroller core written in Verilog.
25 9 0 4 days ago myslides/324 Collection of my presentations
25 5 2 8 months ago datc_robust_design_flow/325 DATC Robust Design Flow.
25 2 4 11 months ago quark/326 Stack CPU 🚧 Work In Progress 🚧
25 14 0 5 years ago Video-and-Image-Processing-Design-Using-FPGAs/327 Video and Image Processing
25 10 0 3 years ago ECE1373_2016_hft_on_fpga/328 High Frequency Trading using Vivado HLS
25 6 0 2 months ago jt49/329 Verilog clone of YM2149
25 13 1 6 years ago ddk-fpga/330 FPGA HDL Sources.
25 21 0 7 years ago opensketch/331 simulation and netfpga code
25 2 1 1 year, 3 months ago icebreaker-candy/332 Eye candy from an iCEBreaker FPGA and a 64×64 LED panel
25 18 0 2 years ago OV7670-Verilog/333 Verilog modules required to get the OV7670 camera working
25 0 0 6 months ago gameboy-fpga-cartridge/334 None
24 9 1 3 years ago ocpi/335 Semi-private RTL development upstream of OpenCPI - this is not the OpenCPI repo!
24 9 0 7 years ago lsasim/336 Educational load/store instruction set architecture processor simulator
24 18 0 3 years ago fpga_design/337 这是我所开发的两个项目,包括ov5640-ddr3-usb2.0高速图像采集系统以及NOIP1SN1300A-ddr3-sdhc高速地表图像采集及存储系统
24 4 1 1 year, 9 months ago Lichee-Tang/338 Lichee Tang FPGA board examples
24 5 0 6 years ago LVDS-7-to-1-Serializer/339 An Verilog implementation of 7-to-1 LVDS Serializer. Which can be used for comunicating FPGAs with LVDS TFT Screens.
24 20 7 6 years ago MM/340 Miner Manager
24 11 0 4 years ago nfmac10g/341 Open source 10 Gigabit Ethernet MAC core compatible with Xilinx's non-free 10GMAC
24 4 3 1 year, 3 months ago v-regex/342 A simple regex library for V
24 4 0 4 months ago EDN8-PRO/343 EverDrive N8 PRO dev sources
23 6 0 10 months ago fftdemo/344 A demonstration showing how several components can be compsed to build a simulated spectrogram
23 4 4 7 months ago A500-8MB-FastRAM/345 8MB FastRAM Board for the Amiga 500 & Amiga 500+
23 7 0 6 years ago aoOCS/346 The OpenCores aoOCS SoC is a Wishbone compatible implementation of most of the Amiga Original Chip Set (OCS) and computer functionality. aoOCS is not related in any way with Minimig - it is a new and independent Amiga OCS implementation.
23 17 0 3 years ago fast/347 FAST
23 4 0 10 months ago hackaday_supercon_2019_logic_noise_FPGA_workshop/348 Hackaday Supercon 2019 Logic Noise Badge Workshop
23 12 2 4 years ago FPU/349 IEEE 754 floating point unit in Verilog
23 7 0 8 years ago aemb/350 Multi-threaded 32-bit embedded core family.
23 11 0 2 years ago workshops/351 ❄️ 🌟 Workshops with Icestudio and the IceZUM Alhambra board
23 4 0 4 months ago poyo-v/352 Open source RISC-V IP core for FPGA/ASIC design
23 14 0 10 years ago sparc64soc/353 OpenSPARC-based SoC
23 2 1 a month ago basic-ecp5-pcb/354 None
23 9 40 3 days ago mantle/355 mantle library
23 13 0 4 years ago AES-FPGA/356 AES加密解密算法的Verilog实现
23 15 20 3 years ago RetroCade_Synth/357 RetroCade Synth - C64 SID, YM2149, and POKEY audio chips with MIDI interface.
23 6 2 2 months ago benchmarks/358 EPFL logic synthesis benchmarks
23 11 0 6 months ago sha1/359 Verilog implementation of the SHA-1 cryptgraphic hash function
23 8 3 3 years ago Nitro-Parts-lib-Xilinx/360 This is mainly a simulation library of xilinx primitives that are verilator compatible.
23 10 2 2 years ago CNN_VGG19_verilog/361 Convolution Neural Network of vgg19 model in verilog
23 7 0 1 year, 4 months ago Open-FPGA/362 Devotes to open source FPGA
22 10 0 4 years ago FFT_Verilog/363 FFT implement by verilog_测试验证已通过
22 3 0 1 year, 4 months ago thunderclap-fpga-arria10/364 Thunderclap hardware for Intel Arria 10 FPGA
22 8 2 1 year, 3 months ago Posit-HDL-Arithmetic/365 Universal number Posit HDL Arithmetic Architecture generator
22 25 2 1 year, 1 month ago block-nvdla-sifive/366 None
22 9 0 4 years ago stx_cookbook/367 Altera Advanced Synthesis Cookbook 11.0
22 19 1 1 year, 6 days ago LimeSDR-PCIe_GW/368 Altera Cyclone IV FPGA project for the PCIe LimeSDR board
22 7 1 7 months ago Tang-Nano-examples/369 Tang-Nano-examples
22 12 0 4 years ago FPGA_Ultrasound/370 CMU 18545 FPGA project -- Multi-channel ultrasound data acquisition and beamforming system.
22 12 2 1 year, 11 months ago ARM9-compatible-soft-CPU-core/371 This ARMv4-compatible CPU core is written in synthesiable verilog.It could launch uCLinux and Linux in MODELSIM. It has high Dhrystone benchmark value: 1.2 DMIPS/MHz. It could be utilized in your FPGA design as one submodule, if you master the interface of this .v file. This IP core is very compact. It is one .v file and has only less 1800 lines.
23 12 0 10 months ago spi_mem_programmer/372 Small (Q)SPI flash memory programmer in Verilog
22 6 0 10 years ago osdvu/373 None
22 7 0 2 years ago Spartan-Mini-NES/374 An FPGA based handheld NES system built around the Spartan 6 and the Spartan Mini development board.
22 3 0 3 days ago SM3_core/375 None
22 5 0 2 years ago MIPS-Verilog/376 MIPS R3000 processor verilog code to be synthesized on Spartan 3E FPGA board.
22 7 0 8 years ago tinycpu/377 Tiny CPU is a small 32-bit CPU done mostly as a hobby for educational purposes.
22 5 1 5 years ago Y86-CPU/378 A pipeline CPU in Verilog for the Y86 instruction set.
22 29 0 a month ago jtag_vpi/379 TCP/IP controlled VPI JTAG Interface.
22 9 0 6 months ago chacha/380 Verilog 2001 implementation of the ChaCha stream cipher.
21 5 0 9 years ago pdfparser/381 None
21 17 0 3 years ago 99tsp/382 The 99 Traveling Salespeople Project
21 8 0 8 years ago Pong/383 Pong game on an FPGA in Verilog.
21 4 1 2 years ago riscv-soc-cores/384 None
21 4 0 2 years ago bapi-rv32i/385 A extremely size-optimized RV32I soft processor for FPGA.
21 17 4 1 year, 6 months ago spi-slave/386 SPI Slave for FPGA in Verilog and VHDL
21 13 1 4 months ago fifo/387 Generic FIFO implementation with optional FWFT
21 15 1 4 years ago Nitro-Parts-lib-SPI/388 Verilog SPI master and slave
21 13 0 2 years ago NPU_on_FPGA/389 在FPGA上面实现一个NPU计算单元。能够执行矩阵运算(ADD/ADDi/ADDs/MULT/MULTi/DOT等)、图像处理运算(CONV/POOL等)、非线性映射(RELU/TANH/SIGM等)。
21 8 7 6 days ago corescore/390 CoreScore
21 15 0 1 year, 7 months ago de10nano_vgaHdmi_chip/391 Test for video output using the ADV7513 chip on a de10 nano board
21 20 0 11 months ago AMBA_AXI_AHB_APB/392 AMBA bus lecture material
21 14 1 2 years ago nysa-verilog/393 Verilog Repository for GIT
21 3 0 4 months ago HDMI-to-FPGA-to-APA102-Pixels/394 Final Project written in Lucid (verilog) for the Mojo FPGA development board. Reads pixels from HDMI and sends pixel data to 22,000 APA102 LEDs over SPI.
21 9 3 1 year, 5 months ago ODIN/395 ODIN online-learning digital spiking neural network (SNN) processor - HDL source code and documentation.
21 0 0 4 months ago HW-Syn-Lab/396 ⚙Hardware Synthesis Laboratory Using Verilog
21 5 2 7 months ago VGA1306/397 VGA1306 (VGA-out for DIY Arduboys implemented on an FPGA!)
21 5 0 7 years ago usb-de2-fpga/398 Hardware interface for USB controller on DE2 FPGA Platform
21 8 0 a month ago core_ddr3_controller/399 A DDR3 memory controller in Verilog for various FPGAs
21 0 1 20 days ago MiSTery/400 Atari ST/STe core for MiST
20 13 0 5 years ago yafpgatetris/401 Yet Another Tetris on FPGA Implementation
20 4 2 1 year, 9 months ago recon/402 The RECON project creates library for Nios II Microcontroller System and Tool chain. The library includes a collection of hardware configurations and Arduino-style software APIs.
20 9 1 6 years ago neural-hardware/403 Verilog library for implementing neural networks.
20 4 1 2 years ago Verilog-VGA-game/404 A simple game written in Verilog HDL language and display on the VGA screen.
20 22 0 3 years ago SIMD-architecture/405 Overall multi-core SIMD microarchitecture
20 10 0 23 days ago Booth_Multipliers/406 Parameterized Booth Multiplier in Verilog 2001
20 2 0 5 years ago BCOpenMIPS/407 跟着《自己动手写 CPU》书上写的 OpenMIPS CPU。
20 6 0 3 years ago book-examples/408 None
20 11 1 4 years ago Propeller_1_Design/409 Propeller 1 design and example files to be run on FPGA boards.
20 8 1 4 years ago mipscpu/410 Fully pipelined MIPS CPU in Verilog/SystemVerilog with advanced branch prediction, register renaming, and value prediction
20 7 0 9 months ago Uranus/411 Uranus MIPS processor by MaxXing & USTB NSCSCC team
21 3 1 1 year, 8 months ago fpga-virtual-graf/412 None
20 9 1 2 years ago ARM-LEGv8/413 Verilog Implementation of an ARM LEGv8 CPU
20 10 1 3 years ago Design-and-Verification-of-LDPC-Decoder/414 - Designed the LDPC decoder in the Matlab using the min-sum approach. - Designed quantized RTL in Verilog with the min-sum approach and parallel architecture. - Created modules for all variants of the variable node unit(VNU) and the check-node unit(CNU) based on the H matrix. Created script for module instantiation of VNU and CNU as per the H matrix. - Verified the functionality of the Verilog implementation by self-checking test-bench in Verilog to compare the results with Matlab.
20 5 0 1 year, 5 months ago snes_dejitter/415 NES/SNES 240p de-jitter mod
19 2 0 4 years ago literate-broccoli/416 An open source FPGA architecture
19 8 0 1 year, 2 months ago tiny-tpu/417 Small-scale Tensor Processing Unit built on an FPGA
19 10 0 9 years ago dma_axi/418 AXI DMA 32 / 64 bits
19 7 2 2 years ago Processor-UVM-Verification/419 System Verilog based Verification of MIPS 5 staged pipelined processor using UVM environment
19 4 0 1 year, 4 months ago fpga-examples/420 FPGA examples for
19 6 0 6 years ago azpr_cpu/421 用Altera FPGA芯片自制CPU
19 14 2 2 days ago blake2/422 Hardware implementation of the blake2 hash function
19 2 0 1 year, 29 days ago A500_ACCEL_RAM_IDE-Rev-2/423 Improved design attempt for Amiga 500 in socket 68000 Accelerator, FastRAM and IDE Interface
19 2 1 4 years ago icestick-vga-test/424 Test of ICEstick PLL usage with Yosys/Arachne-PNR/Icetools
19 2 0 a month ago nintendo-switch-i2s-to-spdif/425 I2S to S/PDIF conversion on SiPeed Tang Nano (GOWIN GW1N-LV1) which aims to convert Nintendo Switch's internal I2S signal.
19 10 1 2 years ago up5k-demos/426 ice40 UltraPlus demos
19 5 0 3 years ago Yoshis-Nightmare/427 FPGA Based Platformer Video Game
19 2 0 4 months ago EDSAC/428 FPGA Verilog implementation of 1949 EDSAC Computer with animated tape reader, panel, teleprinter and CRT scope
19 6 0 1 year, 1 month ago core_audio/429 Audio controller (I2S, SPDIF, DAC)
19 11 1 10 months ago Open_RegModel/430 🐥Use ORDT and systemRDL tools to generate C/Verilog header files, register RTL, UVM register models, and docs from compiled SystemRDL.
19 7 0 1 year, 6 months ago verilog-mini-demo/431 Verilog极简教程
18 7 0 2 months ago RDF-2019/432 DATC RDF
18 5 9 8 years ago hdl_devel/433 A new CASPER toolflow based on an HDL primitives library
18 1 0 2 years ago VerilogCommon/434 A repo of basic Verilog/SystemVerilog modules useful in other circuits.
18 8 0 4 years ago Make-FPGA/435 Repository of Verilog code for Make:FPGA book Chapters 2 & 3.
18 10 0 7 years ago ovs-hw/436 An open source hardware engine for Open vSwitch on FPGA
18 10 0 3 years ago usb2_dev/437 USB 2.0 Device IP Core
18 12 2 10 years ago round_robin_arbiter/438 round robin arbiter
18 4 1 1 year, 11 months ago Basic-SIMD-Processor-Verilog-Tutorial/439 Implementation of a simple SIMD processor in Verilog, core of which is a 16-bit SIMD ALU. 2's compliment calculations are implemented in this ALU. The ALU operation will take two clocks. The first clock cycle will be used to load values into the registers. The second will be for performing the operations. 6-bit opcodes are used to select the functions. The instruction code, including the opcode, will be 18-bit.
18 3 0 1 year, 4 months ago enigmaFPGA/440 Enigma in FPGA
18 2 0 6 months ago dbgbus/441 A collection of debugging busses developed and presented at
18 2 0 1 year, 3 months ago gameduino-fpga-mods/442 Mods of the FPGA code from @jamesbowman's Gameduino file repository
18 0 0 2 years ago sdaccel_chisel_integration/443 Chisel Project for Integrating RTL code into SDAccel
18 4 0 1 year, 8 months ago redpid/444 migen + misoc + redpitaya = digital servo
18 10 0 9 months ago TPU-Tensor-Processing-Unit/445 IC implementation of TPU
18 3 4 6 months ago amiga_replacement_project/446 This is an attempt to make clean Verilog sources for each chip on the Amiga.
18 9 0 8 months ago FAST9-Accelerator/447 FAST-9 Accelerator for Corner Detection
18 12 1 8 months ago matrix-creator-fpga/448 Reference HDL code for the MATRIX Creator's Spartan 6 FPGA
18 6 3 6 months ago UPduino-v2.1/449 UPduino
18 18 7 4 months ago UHD-Fairwaves/450 Fairwaves version of the UHD drivers, tweaked to support Fairwaves UmTRX.
18 3 0 6 months ago interpolation/451 Digital Interpolation Techniques Applied to Digital Signal Processing
18 2 1 1 year, 6 months ago time-sleuth/452 Time Sleuth - Open Source Lag Tester
18 11 0 4 months ago verilog-arbiter/453 A look ahead, round-robing parametrized arbiter written in Verilog.
18 1 0 2 years ago UART2NAND/454 Interface for exposing raw NAND i/o over UART to enable pc-side modification.
18 13 1 5 months ago Pepino/455 None
18 4 0 3 months ago iverilog-tutorial/456 A quickstart guide on how to use Icarus Verilog.
18 7 1 2 days ago jtframe/457 Common framework for MiST(er), SiDi, ZX-UNO/DOS and Unamiga core development. With special focus on arcade cores.
18 4 0 5 years ago Pet2001_Nexys3/458 A Commodore PET in an FPGA.
18 13 1 6 years ago 8051/459 FPGA implementation of the 8051 Microcontroller (Verilog)
17 4 1 2 years ago UPDuino-OV7670-Camera/460 Design to connect Lattice Ultraplus FPGA to OV7670 Camera Module
17 9 1 2 years ago FPGA-Accelerator-for-AES-LeNet-VGG16/461 FPGA/AES/LeNet/VGG16
17 3 1 7 months ago StereoCensus/462 Verilog Implementation of the Census Transform Stereo Vision algorithm
17 13 1 7 years ago turbo8051/463 turbo 8051
17 3 4 1 year, 11 months ago fLaCPGA/464 Implementation of fLaC encoder/decoder for FPGA
17 13 0 1 year, 10 months ago face_detect_open/465 A Voila-Jones face detector hardware implementation
17 9 0 a month ago xfcp/466 Extensible FPGA control platform
17 3 0 7 years ago fpgaminer-vanitygen/467 Open Source Bitcoin Vanity Address Generation on FPGAs
17 10 0 3 years ago SVM-Gaussian-Classification-FPGA/468 SVM Gaussian Classifier of 30x30 greyscale image on Verilog
17 5 0 5 years ago orgexp/469 Computer Organization Experiment, Shi Qingsong, Zhejiang University.
17 9 0 10 years ago jpegencode/470 JPEG Encoder Verilog
17 2 0 11 months ago VirtualTap/471 Mod kit for the Virtual Boy to make it output VGA or RGB video
17 7 1 6 years ago ws2812-verilog/472 This is a Verilog module to interface with WS2812-based LED strips.
17 12 0 3 years ago H264/473 H264视频解码verilog实现
17 3 0 2 years ago USB/474 FPGA USB 1.1 Low-Speed Implementation
17 4 0 8 years ago amber_samples/475 None
17 12 0 4 months ago x393_sata/476 mirror of
17 9 0 4 years ago ethernet_10ge_mac_SV_tb/477 SystemVerilog testbench for an Ethernet 10GE MAC core
17 16 0 12 years ago xge_mac/478 Ethernet 10GE MAC
17 17 1 7 years ago RSA4096/479 4096bit RSA project, with verilog code, python test code, etc
17 5 0 22 days ago jelly/480 Original FPGA platform
17 1 0 8 months ago cisco-hwic-3g-cdma/481 Reverse Engineering of the Cisco HWIC-3G-CDMA PCB
16 4 0 8 years ago verilog-vga-controller/482 A very simple VGA controller written in verilog
16 1 0 3 years ago fpga-sram/483 mystorm sram test
16 11 0 6 months ago sha512/484 Verilog implementation of the SHA-512 hash function.
16 4 0 2 months ago k1801/485 1801 series ULA reverse engineering
16 10 2 14 years ago can/486 CAN Protocol Controller
16 7 0 7 years ago riscv-invicta/487 A simple RISC-V core, described with Verilog
16 12 1 3 years ago Hardware-Implementation-of-AES-Verilog/488 Hardware Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm in Verilog
16 9 12 3 months ago nanorv32/489 A small 32-bit implementation of the RISC-V architecture
16 1 2 13 days ago ThymesisFlow/490 Memory Disaggregation on POWER9 with OpenCAPI
16 5 0 4 years ago icestick/491 Simple demo for Lattice iCEstick board as seen on Hackaday
16 5 5 3 years ago polaris/492 RISC-V RV64IS-compatible processor for the Kestrel-3
16 3 0 a month ago core_dvi_framebuffer/493 Minimal DVI / HDMI Framebuffer
16 3 1 a month ago DetectHumanFaces/494 Real time face detection based on Arm Cortex-M3 DesignStart and FPGA
16 2 0 1 year, 11 months ago verifla/495 Fork of OpenVeriFla - FPGA debugging logic analyzer to use with your designs - examples (so far) for ice40/IceStorm
16 3 0 3 years ago MesaBusProtocol/496 Flexible Byte transport protocol for bus bridging CPUs to FPGAs over UART,SPI,SERDES physical interfaces
16 9 0 1 year, 6 months ago riscv_soc/497 Basic RISC-V Test SoC
16 1 0 1 year, 2 months ago spi_tb/498 CPOL=0, CPHA=0 SPI core for practicing formal verification with yosys
16 4 1 11 days ago vga-clock/499 None
16 8 0 1 year, 8 months ago 8-bits-RISC-CPU-Verilog/500 Architecture and Verilog Implementation of 8-bits RISC CPU based on FSM. 基于有限状态机的8位RISC(精简指令集)CPU(中央处理器)简单结构和Verilog实现。
16 12 1 3 years ago fpga-nn/501 NN on FPGA
16 6 0 7 months ago SIGMA/502 RTL implementation of Flex-DPE.
16 1 0 4 years ago QuickSilverNEO/503 None
16 5 0 9 months ago ctfs/504 ctfs write-up
16 0 0 10 months ago BusPirateUltraHDL/505 Verilog for the Bus Pirate Ultra FPGA
16 13 0 1 year, 7 months ago gameduino/506 My own version of the @JamesBowman's Gameduino file repository
16 4 0 6 years ago magukara/507 FPGA-based open-source network tester
16 7 1 10 months ago ZBC---The-Zero-Board-Computer/508 Based heavily on and Terasic DE0
16 3 0 3 months ago Fuxi/509 Fuxi (伏羲) is a 32-bit pipelined RISC-V processor written in Chisel3.
16 4 1 2 months ago litex_vexriscv_smp/510 Test with LiteX and VexRiscv SMP
16 6 0 a month ago Simulator_CPU/511 Pipeline CPU of MIPS architecture with L1 Data Cache by Verilog
16 7 1 4 months ago MacPlus_MiSTer/512 Macintosh Plus for MiSTer
16 5 0 9 years ago video_stream_scaler/513 Video Stream Scaler
16 11 0 6 months ago MIPS-Processor/514 5-stage pipelined 32-bit MIPS microprocessor in Verilog
16 12 0 6 years ago MIPS-Processor-in-Verilog/515 Processor repo
16 2 23 22 days ago TART/516 Transient Array Radio Telescope
16 13 0 3 years ago 4-way-set-associative-cache-verilog/517 Verilog implementation of a 4-way Set associative cache with a write buffer (write) policy and FIFO replacement policy
16 9 0 5 years ago CPU/518 Verilog实现的简单五级流水线CPU,开发平台:Nexys3
16 14 0 1 year, 11 months ago Open-CryptoNight-ASIC/519 Open source hardware implementation of classic CryptoNight
16 4 7 4 years ago vector06cc/520 Вектор-06ц в ПЛИС / Vector-06c in FPGA
16 3 0 1 year, 1 month ago PACoGen/521 PACoGen: Posit Arithmetic Core Generator
16 8 0 2 years ago SHA256Hasher/522 SHA-256 IP core for ZedBoard (Zynq SoC)
16 3 0 4 years ago verilog_tutorials_BB/523 verilog tutorials for iCE40HX8K Breakout Board
16 6 0 2 years ago tinyfpga-bx-game-soc/524 A PicoRV32 SoC for the TinyFPGA BX with peripherals designed for building games
15 2 0 3 years ago PitchShifter/525 Change the pitch of your voice in real-time!
15 6 1 3 years ago arty-glitcher/526 FPGA-based glitcher for the Digilent Arty FPGA development board.
15 11 1 1 year, 9 months ago zuma-fpga/527 Fine Grain FPGA Overlay Architecture and Tools
15 5 1 4 years ago mips/528 Mips处理器仿真设计
15 3 0 4 years ago cpus-pdp8/529 FPGA based PDP-8/i clone in verilog. Includes several TSS/8 sources and utiltities to build from source
16 5 0 4 years ago CoCo3FPGA/530 FPGA implementation of the TRS-80 Color Computer 3 in Verilog, by Gary Becker et al.
15 3 6 6 months ago icestick-lpc-tpm-sniffer/531 FGBA-based LPC bus sniffing tool for Lattice iCEstick Evaluation Kit
15 8 0 2 years ago FFTVisualizer/532 This project demonstrates DSP capabilities of Terasic DE2-115
15 10 0 2 years ago trainwreck/533 Original RISC-V 1.0 implementation. Not supported.
15 6 0 1 year, 10 months ago OV7670_NEXYS4_Verilog/534 This code is used to connect the OV7670 Camera to a NEXYS4 and then display the image on a monitor in Verilog
15 3 0 10 months ago tinyfpga_examples/535 Verilog example programs for TinyFPGA
15 1 0 8 months ago verilog/536 None
15 17 3 3 years ago Cosmos-OpenSSD/537 None
15 2 0 3 years ago NeuralHDL/538 None
15 10 0 4 years ago heterosim/539 HeteroSim is a full system simulator supporting x86 multicore processors combined with a FPGA via bus-based architecture. Flexible design space exploration is enabled by a wide range of system configurations. A complete simulation flow with compiler support is provided so that a full system simulation can be performed with various performance metrics returned.
15 6 1 4 years ago dnn-sim/540 None
15 3 1 6 years ago descrypt-ztex-bruteforcer/541 descrypt-ztex-bruteforcer
15 5 0 5 months ago Computer-Experiment-on-the-principle-of-computer-composition/542 杭电计算机学院-《计算机组成原理》上机实验代码工程文件
15 5 1 1 year, 5 months ago buffets/543 Implementations of Buffets, which are efficient, composable idioms for implementing Explicit Decoupled Data Orchestration.
15 10 1 14 days ago Template_MiSTer/544 Template with latest framework for MiSTer
15 7 0 3 years ago Centaur/545 Centaur, a framework for hybrid CPU-FPGA databases
15 7 0 2 years ago posture_recognition_CNN/546 To help machines learn what we human beings are doing via a camera is important. Once it comes true, machines can make different responses to all kinds of human's postures. But the process is very difficult as well, because usually it is very slow and power-consuming, and requires a very large memory space. Here we focus on real-time posture recognition, and try to make the machine "know" what posture we make. The posture recognition system is consisted of DE10-Nano SoC FPGA Kit, a camera, and an HDMI monitor. SoC FPGA captures video streams from the camera, recognizes human postures with a CNN model, and finally shows the original video and classification result (standing, walking, waving, etc.) via HDMI interface.
16 1 0 a month ago UltraMIPS_NSCSCC/547 UltraMIPS SoC composed of dual-issue cpu, pipeline Cache and systematic peripheral.
15 12 2 5 years ago CAN-Bus-Controller/548 An CAN bus Controller implemented in Verilog
15 5 0 8 years ago openmsp430/549 openMSP430 CPU core (from OpenCores)
15 9 0 3 years ago Curso-Electronica-Digital-para-makers-con-FPGAs-Libres/550 Curso de 35h sobre el diseño de sistemas digitales usando FPGAs libres, orientado para makers
15 5 0 5 years ago fpga-spartan6/551 Support for zScale on Spartan6 FPGAs
15 2 0 5 months ago ws2812-core/552 verilog core for ws2812 leds
14 12 0 2 years ago verilog-osx/553 Barerbones OSX based Verilog simulation toolchain.
14 1 0 9 years ago Oberwolfach-explorations/554 collaboration on work in progress
14 1 0 6 months ago DSP-RTL-Lib/555 RTL Verilog library for various DSP modules
14 4 1 3 years ago handwriting-recognition-using-neural-networks-on-FPGA-final-year-project/556 None
14 1 0 2 years ago UPduino-Mecrisp-Ice-15kB/557 Mecrisp-Ice Forth running on 16bit j1a processor (iCE40UP5k based UPduino board) with full 15kB of bram and 48bit Floating Point Library.
14 0 0 2 years ago iPxs-Text/558 Text for a iPxs-Collection.
14 3 1 3 years ago Menu_MIST/559 Dummy FPGA core to display menu at startup
14 9 0 9 years ago dma_ahb/560 AHB DMA 32 / 64 bits
14 5 0 3 years ago iir-bandstop-filter/561 Implementation of pipelined IIR bandstop filter in Verilog, C++ and MATLAB with fixed point arithmetic
14 22 1 2 years ago moneroasic/562 Cryptonight Monero Verilog code for ASIC
14 2 0 5 years ago WitnessProtection/563 in FPGA
14 1 0 10 months ago RePLIA/564 FPGA Based lock in amplifier
14 12 4 a month ago ZX-Spectrum_MISTer/565 None
14 4 0 10 days ago SiDi-FPGA/566 SiDi FPGA for retro systems.
14 3 2 4 years ago icestickPWM/567 Simple USB to PWM Peripheral using Lattice iCEStick (Hackaday demo)
14 1 0 3 months ago EI332/568 SJTU EI332 CPU完整实验代码及报告
14 2 0 26 days ago serv_soc/569 SoC based on SERV, Olof Kindgren's bit-serial RISC-V processor. Provides Execute in Place (XiP) from Flash.
14 10 0 5 months ago DA_PUF_Library/570 Defense/Attack PUF Library (DA PUF Library)
14 1 0 8 months ago Async-Karin/571 Async-Karin is an asynchronous framework for FPGA written in Verilog. It has been tested on a Xilinx Artix-7 board and an Altera Cyclone-IV board.
14 5 1 2 years ago anlogic-picorv32/572 Optimized picorv32 core for anlogic FPGA
14 9 0 3 years ago ee260_lab/573 EE 260 Winter 2017: Advanced VLSI Design
14 3 0 1 year, 4 months ago wb_intercon/574 Wishbone interconnect utilities
14 10 1 10 years ago dvb_s2_ldpc_decoder/575 DVB-S2 LDPC Decoder
14 13 0 1 year, 1 month ago FPGA_CryptoNight_V7/576 FPGA CryptoNight V7 Minner
14 2 1 2 months ago icozip/577 A ZipCPU demonstration port for the icoboard
14 8 1 5 years ago AHB_Bus_Matrix/578 None
14 6 2 4 years ago idea/579 iDEA FPGA Soft Processor
14 7 0 11 months ago nica/580 An infrastructure for inline acceleration of network applications
14 5 1 7 months ago SDR-Micron/581 SDR Micron USB receiver
14 1 0 3 years ago iCEstick-hacks/582 iCEstick iCE40-HX1K FPGA hacks ~ iCEfm FM Transmitter
14 3 1 1 year, 1 month ago TMR/583 Triple Modular Redundancy
14 12 0 19 hours ago apio-examples/584 🌱 Apio examples
14 8 1 1 year, 6 months ago Zeus/585 NVDLA small config implementation on Zynq ZCU104 (evaluation)
14 5 0 6 years ago FPGA_Stereo_Depth_Map/586 None
14 15 1 8 years ago MIPS-in-Verilog/587 An implementation of MIPS single cycle datapath in Verilog.
14 1 1 1 year, 2 months ago Electronic-competition/588 全国大学生电子设计大赛往年赛题--仪器仪表类练习
14 4 4 3 months ago MiSTer-Arcade-SEGASYS1/589 FPGA implementation of SEGA SYSTEM 1 arcade board
14 4 0 5 months ago bitcoin_mining/590 Simple test fpga bitcoin miner
14 7 0 1 year, 8 months ago RISC-Processor/591 32-bit RISC processor
14 4 0 1 year, 6 months ago arrowzip/592 A ZipCPU based demonstration of the MAX1000 FPGA board
14 1 0 2 years ago arty-videocap/593 Repeat and capture the video signal with Digilent Arty-A7 and a video extender board.
14 5 0 9 months ago Digital_Front_End_Verilog/594 None
14 4 0 7 days ago avr/595 Reads a state transition system and performs property checking
14 1 1 6 years ago ethpipe/596 EtherPIPE: an Ethernet character device for packet processing
14 1 0 1 year, 2 months ago Merlin/597 RISC-V RV32I[C] CPU (Apache-2.0) - Merlin
15 2 0 3 years ago RiverRaidFPGA/598 River Raid game on FPGA
13 2 1 11 months ago galaksija/599 Galaksija computer for FPGA
13 10 0 8 months ago matrix-voice-fpga/600 HDL code for the MATRIX Voice's Spartan 6 FPGA
13 0 0 10 months ago FPGAGameBoy/601 an implementation of the GameBoy in Verilog
13 2 1 2 years ago mikrobus-upduino/602 Dual MikroBUS board for Upduino 2 FPGA
13 8 0 1 year, 11 months ago wb_sdram_ctrl/603 SDRAM controller with multiple wishbone slave ports
13 19 2 2 years ago FPGA-Keccak-Miner/604 None
13 0 0 1 year, 11 months ago fpga_tv/605 Some crazy experiments about using a FPGA to transmit a TV signal old-style
13 4 0 5 years ago ShootingGame-FPGA/606 Using verilog-HDL, xilinx-ISE and nexys-iii. A shooting game based on VGA and ps/2 keyboard.
13 3 0 4 years ago ASIC-FPGA-tetris/607 a FPGA implementation for tetris game.
13 4 1 4 years ago dyract/608 DyRACT Open Source Repository
13 5 1 3 years ago Verilog_Calculator_Matrix_Multiplication/609 This is a simple project that shows how to multiply two 3x3 matrixes in Verilog.
13 12 0 7 years ago ASIC/610 EE 287 2012 Fall
13 9 0 1 year, 2 months ago Ethernet-design-verilog/611 Gigabit Ethernet UDP communication driver
13 6 0 4 months ago MemTest_MiSTer/612 None
13 1 0 1 year, 26 days ago systolic-array-matrix-multiplier/613 A systolic array matrix multiplier
14 7 0 4 years ago ring_network-based-multicore-/614 多核处理器 ;ring network , four core, shared space memory ,directory-based cache coherency
13 2 0 2 years ago Ada-PicoRV32-example/615 Example of Ada code running on the PicoRV32 RISC-V CPU for FPGA
13 3 1 a day ago cpc_ram_expansion/616 A series of Amstrad CPC PCBs including a backplane, ROM and 512K and 1MByte RAM expansions.
13 3 0 4 years ago FPGA/617 computer hardware system including ps2/vga with tank war game in verilog and mips
13 4 4 6 days ago VossII/618 The source code to the Voss II Hardware Verification Suite
13 5 0 1 year, 8 months ago openzcore/619 powerpc processor prototype and an example of semiconductor startup biz plan
13 0 0 3 years ago 8bit-computer/620 Simple 8-bit computer build in Verilog
13 9 4 5 months ago Arcade-GnG_MiSTer/621 Arcade Ghosts'n Goblins for MiSTer
13 7 2 1 year, 8 months ago Parser-Verilog/622 A Standalone Structural Verilog Parser
13 0 0 11 months ago risc-v/623 RISC-VのCPU作った
13 4 7 3 years ago liquid-router/624 The Subutai™ Router open hardware project sources.
13 4 4 1 year, 10 days ago yosys-bench/625 Benchmarks for Yosys development
13 2 1 10 years ago soc-lm32/626 Open source/hardware SoC plattform based on the lattice mico 32 softcore
13 2 0 5 months ago Nu6509/627 Emulate a 6509 with a 6502
13 0 0 10 months ago wbfmtx/628 A wishbone controlled FM transmitter hack
13 0 0 a month ago ics-adpcm/629 Programmable multichannel ADPCM decoder for FPGA
13 10 12 2 months ago sancus-core/630 Minimal OpenMSP430 hardware extensions for isolation and attestation
13 1 0 3 years ago fpga_csgo/631 Counter Strike: Global Offensive FPGA Version (LOL)
13 2 0 3 years ago computer-systems-ucas/632 中国科学院大学 计算机组成原理FPGA实验课程 - "Five projects to better understand key principles of computer systems", UCAS Spring 2017 Session
13 9 0 1 year, 28 days ago computer-organization-lab/633 中山大学计算机组成原理实验 (2018 秋):用 Verilog 设计并实现的简易单周期和多周期 CPU
13 23 0 2 years ago sata3_host_controller/634 It is SATA 3 host controller. Using this you can read write to sata3 sdd/hdd from your fpga logic with simple memory like interface.
13 5 3 1 year, 4 months ago s7_mini_fpga/635 Example designs for the Spartan7 "S7 Mini" FPGA board
13 6 0 1 year, 11 months ago vp_awsfpga/636 Virtual Platform for AWS FPGA support
13 2 1 9 months ago SNKVerilog/637 Verilog definitions of custom SNK chips, for repairs and preservation.
13 9 1 6 years ago i2s/638 i2s core, with support for both transmit and receive
13 11 1 4 years ago lisnoc/639 LIS Network-on-Chip Implementation
13 1 5 28 days ago circuitgraph/640 Tools for working with circuits as graphs in python
13 3 1 2 years ago Nexys-4-DDR-Ethernet-Mac/641 Ethernet MAC for the Digilent Nexys 4 DDR FPGA.
13 6 0 5 years ago NetFPGA-10G-UPB-OpenFlow/642 An OpenFlow implementation for the NetFPGA-10G card
13 4 0 11 months ago SparkRoad-FPGA/643 None
13 0 0 3 days ago Colorlight-FPGA-Projects/644 current focus on Colorlight i5-v6.0
13 3 0 4 months ago riscv_sbc/645 A RISC-V SBC based around the LambdaConcept USB2Sniffer FPGA board.
13 15 0 5 years ago Open-Source-Network-on-Chip-Router-RTL/646 None
13 6 0 3 months ago evoapproxlib/647 Library of approximate arithmetic circuits
13 13 0 2 years ago Examples-in-book-write-your-own-cpu/648 《自己动手写CPU》一书附带的文件
13 10 0 1 year, 20 days ago gemac/649 Gigabit MAC + UDP/TCP/IP offload Engine
12 3 0 2 years ago ipxactexamplelib/650 Contains examples to start with Kactus2.
12 0 0 8 months ago eecs151/651
12 3 0 7 years ago 80211scrambler/652 Tools for working with the 802.11B scrambler when writing Packet-in-Packet exploits.
12 7 7 3 years ago pars/653 None
12 2 0 4 months ago FPGA_DevKit_HX1006A/654 None
12 12 4 3 years ago DE1-SoC-Sound/655 None
12 0 2 2 months ago Deep-DarkFantasy/656 Global Dark Mode for ALL apps on ANY platforms.
12 6 0 4 years ago PCIE_AXI_BRIDGE/657 Pcie to AXI Bridge in Xilinx series-7 Kintex and Artix devices
12 1 0 2 months ago jtopl/658 Verilog module compatible with Yamaha OPL chips
12 3 2 4 years ago hardcaml-riscv/659 RISC-V instruction set CPUs in HardCaml
12 5 0 5 years ago mips32r1_core/660 A 32-bit MIPS processor which aims for conformance to the MIPS32 Release 1 ISA.
12 2 0 1 year, 11 months ago pinky8bitcpu/661 Pinky (8-bit CPU) written in Verilog and an Assembler written in Python 3
12 5 2 6 years ago Modular-Exponentiation/662 Verilog Implementation of modular exponentiation using Montgomery multiplication
12 7 0 2 years ago JPEG-Decoder/663 Verilog Code for a JPEG Decoder
12 6 0 3 months ago fpga-bpf/664 A versatile Wireshark-compatible packet filter, capable of 100G speeds and higher. Also known as FFShark
12 8 0 2 years ago CPU/665 CS3339 Computer Architecture class project - 5 stage MIPS-like processor with forwarding, hazard control, no exception handling.
11 13 1 1 year, 5 months ago OpenHPSDR-Firmware/666 This is the verilog code for the various FPGA in the OpenHPSDR Radios
12 10 0 3 years ago FreeAHB/667 AHB Master
12 2 0 1 year, 5 months ago CNN-Based-FPGA/668 CNN implementation based FPGA
12 1 3 3 years ago oram/669 Hardware implementation of ORAM
12 1 0 6 years ago milkymist-mmu/670 Milkymist MMU project
12 5 1 6 months ago Vision-FPGA-SoM/671 Vision & Sensor FPGA System on Module
12 3 0 1 year, 10 months ago Flappy-Bird/672 FPGA program :VGA-GAME
12 12 0 6 years ago logi-pong-chu-examples/673 example code for the logi-boards from pong chu HDL book
12 5 0 5 years ago nes_mappers/674 NES mappers
12 4 0 1 year, 4 months ago Verilog-FIR/675 FIR implemention with Verilog
12 3 0 10 months ago 64-bit-Universal-Floating-Point-ISA-Compute-Engine/676 RISC-V Rocket Chip Strap-on-Booster with Fused Universal Neural Network (FuNN) eNNgine
12 13 4 3 years ago test_jpeg/677 This is a myhdl test environment for the open-cores jpeg_encoder.
12 0 1 1 year, 5 months ago HDL-deflate/678 FPGA implementation of deflate (de)compress RFC 1950/1951
12 0 0 4 years ago yosys-ice-experiments/679 Experiments for iCEstick evaluation board with iCE40HX-1k FPGA - using open source toolchain
12 3 1 5 years ago ICEd/680 Open Hardware for Open Source FPGA Toolchain
12 12 1 1 year, 10 months ago FPGA_rtime_HDR_video/681 We are aimed at making a device for shooting real-time HDR (High Dynamic Range) video using FPGA.
12 5 0 2 years ago Autonomous-Drone-Design/682 Design real-time image processing, object recognition and PID control for Autonomous Drone.
12 4 0 5 years ago radio-86rk-wxeda/683 Port of the original radio-86rk_SDRAM Altera DE1 code to the WXEDA board
12 9 1 2 years ago c64-dodgypla/684 Commodore 64 PLA replacement
12 5 0 8 years ago Open-Source-System-on-Chip-Experiment/685 Just experimenting with Open Source SoCs on my Altera dev kit.
12 3 0 2 years ago crap-o-scope/686 crap-o-scope scope implementation for icestick
12 1 0 4 years ago consolite-hardware/687 A hardware implementation of the Consolite game console written in Verilog.
12 0 0 2 years ago RISCV-CPU/688 SJTU Computer Architecture(1) Hw
12 1 0 2 months ago 3DORGB/689 RGB Project for most 3DO consoles.
12 2 0 8 months ago OPDB/690 OpenPiton Design Benchmark
12 4 0 8 years ago orpsoc/691 [abandoned fork] OpenRISC Reference Platform SoC
12 4 1 a month ago jtdd/692 Double Dragon FPGA core
12 8 0 7 years ago VP2motion/693 FPGA based motion controller for RepRap style 3D printers
12 6 0 4 months ago Reindeer_Step/694 Reindeer Soft CPU for Step CYC10 FPGA board
12 3 0 2 years ago DSITx/695 FPGA implementation of DSITx (single lane) used in conjunction with ipod nano 7th gen display
12 6 2 5 years ago Pano-Logic-Zero-Client-G2-FPGA-Demo/696 Constraints file and Verilog demo code for the Pano Logic Zero Client G2
12 7 0 3 years ago mriscv_vivado/697 A 32-bit Microcontroller for NEXYS4-DDR fpga based on mriscv.
12 2 2 11 months ago upduino/698 None
12 8 0 4 years ago 2-way-Set-Associative-Cache-Controller/699 Synthesizable and Parameterized Cache Controller in Verilog
12 6 0 2 years ago FPGA-SM3-HASH/700 Description of Chinese SM3 Hash algorithm with Verilog HDL
12 1 0 6 years ago nand2tetris-vhdl/701 nand2tetris files converted to VHDL so I can simulate them on an FPGA
11 13 0 1 year, 27 days ago fpga-sdk-prj/702 FPGA-based SDK projects for SCRx cores
11 0 1 a month ago TurboMaster/703 Reverse Engineering of the Schnedler Systems 4MHz TurboMaster accelerator cartridge for the Commodore 64
11 8 0 8 years ago wimax_ofdm/704 Partial Verilog implimentation of a WiMAX OFDM Phy
11 5 1 1 year, 2 months ago HDL-Bits-Solutions/705 This is a repository containing solutions to the problem statements given in HDL Bits website.
11 5 0 5 years ago parallella-fpga-tutorials/706 A place to store the code for FPGA tutorial projects I have written for the Parallella []
11 1 0 9 months ago bitmips2019/707 None
11 2 0 1 year, 7 months ago hilotof/708 HiLoTOF -- Hardware-in-the-Loop Test framework for Open FPGAs
11 0 1 2 years ago miniatom/709 Acorn Atom in minimal configuration for iCE40 HX8K board and ICOboard
11 0 0 4 months ago MiSTer-Arcade-DigDug/710 FPGA implementation of DigDug arcade game
11 0 0 2 years ago mera400f/711 MERA-400 in an FPGA
11 3 0 9 years ago opengg/712 OpenGL-like graphics pipeline on a Xilinx FPGA
11 1 1 1 year, 3 months ago Conways-Game-of-Life-with-Vlang/713 Conway's life game in V
11 8 0 2 years ago fpga-hdl/714 A set of small Verilog projects, to simulate and implement on FPGA development boards
11 4 0 4 years ago Hardware_circular_buffer_controller/715 This is a circular buffer controller used in FPGA.
11 7 0 8 years ago Verilog-Pac-Man/716 Verilog implementation of Pac-Man made for a class's final project
11 10 0 7 years ago 4way-cache/717 Verilog cache implementation of 4-way FIFO 16k Cache
11 7 0 3 years ago TinyFPGA-SoC/718 Opensource building blocks for TinyFPGA microcontrollers and retro computers.
11 2 0 1 year, 9 months ago xulalx25soc/719 A System on a Chip Implementation for the XuLA2-LX25 board
11 12 0 2 years ago OFDM_802_11/720 None
11 3 0 7 years ago ov/721 None
11 5 0 2 years ago pciebench-netfpga/722 pcie-bench code for NetFPGA/VCU709 cards
11 9 1 8 years ago mips_16/723 Educational 16-bit MIPS Processor
11 3 0 4 months ago Tutorials_MiSTer/724 Tutorials from the mist project converted to MiSTer
11 3 0 a month ago ssith-aws-fpga/725 Host software for running SSITH processors on AWS F1 FPGAs
11 3 3 6 years ago ahci_mpi/726 an sata controller using smallest resource.
11 12 1 1 year, 9 months ago digital-design-lab-manual/727 Digital Design Labs
11 5 0 2 months ago Fixed-Floating-Point-Adder-Multiplier/728 16-bit Adder Multiplier hardware on Digilent Basys 3
11 11 5 3 years ago papiGB/729 Game Boy Classic fully functional FPGA implementation from scratch
11 1 0 2 months ago de10-nano-riscv/730 A RISC-V SoC ( Hbird e203 ) on Terasic DE10-Nano
11 9 1 4 years ago BD3_FPGA/731 新一代北斗卫星导航监测接收机的FPGA实现
11 11 0 1 year, 8 months ago vivado-ip-cores/732 IP Cores that can be used within Vivado
11 2 0 9 months ago bfcpu/733 A simple CPU that runs Br**nf*ck code.
11 4 0 1 year, 11 months ago digital-design/734 An introduction to integrated circuit design with Verilog and the Papilio Pro development board.
11 3 0 1 year, 1 month ago cdsAsync/735 cdsAsync: An Asynchronous VLSI Toolset & Schematic Library
11 1 0 9 months ago ZC-RISCV-CORE/736 ZC RISCV CORE
10 0 0 5 months ago oberon/737 None
11 9 0 6 years ago Verilog-I2C-Slave/738 Verilog I2C Slave
11 5 0 4 years ago gng/739 Gaussian noise generator Verilog IP core
11 6 1 8 years ago md5_core/740 MD5 core in verilog
11 5 0 7 years ago orbuild/741 OpenRISC build system
11 4 0 3 years ago OpenMIPS/742 OpenMIPS——《自己动手写CPU》处理器部分
11 7 0 1 year, 9 months ago Convolution-using-systolic-arrays/743 None
11 0 0 1 year, 10 months ago ulx3s-foss-blinky/744 A template project for the ULX3S ECP5 FPGA board using only Open Source Software
11 2 0 1 year, 1 month ago yoloRISC/745 A RocketChip rv64imac blinky for yosys/nextpnr/trellis & the Lattice ECP5 fpga
11 0 0 5 months ago Life_MiSTer/746 Conway's Game of Life in FPGA
11 3 0 3 months ago picorv32_Xilinx/747 A picorv32-riscv Soc with DMAC and Ethernet controller & lwip & Kirtex7@333MHz
11 6 0 3 years ago ice40-stm32-sdram/748 Test code to talk from STM32 MCU over FSMC to SDRAM on ICE40 FPGA
11 3 1 4 years ago n64rgb/749 Alternative configuration for CPLD style N64 RGB mods to produce crisper image in 240p/288p modes
11 2 0 1 year, 25 days ago net2axis/750 Verilog network module. Models network traffic from pcap to AXI-Stream
11 13 0 8 years ago axi-bfm/751 git clone of
11 0 2 6 months ago plaid-bib-cpld/752 A replica of the Ad Lib MCA sound card, now with a CPLD instead of the bus interface chip
11 2 0 3 years ago fpga-synth/753 FPGA based modular synth.
11 4 0 1 year, 3 months ago arm_vhdl/754 Portable FPGA project based on the ARM DesignStart bundle with ARM Cortex-M3 processor
11 11 0 2 years ago riscvv/755 an open source uvm verification platform for e200 (riscv)
11 1 0 2 years ago mips-cpu/756 The Verilog implementation of five-stage-pipelined MIPS CPU (Classic RISC pipeline)
11 7 0 1 year, 7 months ago FPGA_NTP_SERVER/757 None
11 1 0 2 years ago sky-machine/758 An untyped lambda calculus machine designed in FPGA.
11 8 0 2 days ago sha3/759 FIPS 202 compliant SHA-3 core in Verilog
11 0 0 5 years ago tetris-verilog/760 Verilog Tetris
11 1 0 1 year, 2 months ago 100DayFPGA/761 Scratchpad repository for the 100-day FPGA challenge
11 5 0 5 years ago md5cracker/762 A Hardware MD5 Cracker for the Cyclone V SoC
11 0 0 3 years ago brainf__k_CPU/763 A CPU that executes brainf**k language. Can be synthesized on FPGA
11 9 1 1 year, 8 months ago fpga-tutorial/764 FPGA tutorial
11 2 0 3 years ago Hardware-Accelerated-SNN/765 Architecture for Spiking Neural Network
11 1 0 5 months ago CPU_start_from_0/766 从零开始设计一个CPU (Verilog)
10 11 17 8 years ago G729_CODE/767 G.729 Encoder
10 7 0 5 years ago mor1kx-dev-env/768 Development and verification environment for the mor1kx core
10 1 0 6 months ago Arduboy_MiSTer/769 Arduboy core for MiSTer, ported by Dan O'Shea and now based on Iulian Gheorghiu's atmega core.
10 10 0 4 years ago Indirectly-Indexed-2D-Ternary-Content-Addressable-Memory-TCAM/770 Modular SRAM-based indirectly-indexed 2D hierarchical-search Ternary Content Addressable Memory (II-2D-TCAM)
10 3 2 5 years ago novena-afe-hs-fpga/771 High Speed Analog Front End FPGA Firmware for Novena PVT1
10 4 1 7 months ago tonic/772 A Programmable Hardware Architecture for Network Transport Logic
10 2 0 8 months ago max2-audio-dac/773 24-bit Stereo Audio DAC for Raspberry Pi
10 3 0 3 years ago Fpga-PM-Radio/774 Implement Phase Modulation Radio Transmitter in FPGA Altera MAX10, with Marsohod3bis FPGA board.
10 0 0 1 year, 9 months ago ice-risc/775 RISC CPU by Icenowy
10 2 0 a month ago zxuno_spectrum_core/776 A ZX Spectrum hardware description for the ZXUNO hardware and other platforms
10 6 0 3 years ago energy_detection_system/777 USRP-N210 mixed FPGA/software implementation of an automated spectrum scanner
10 0 0 10 years ago qs-avg/778 Proofs of Quicksort's average case complexity
10 3 0 7 years ago Midi_SynthFpga/779 Sound synthetizer with an fpga
10 1 0 7 months ago Jaguar_MiSTer_new/780 None
10 2 0 2 years ago bladerf-dvbs2/781 16-APSK DVB-S2 Transmitter for BladeRF
10 2 0 6 years ago parallel-processor-design/782 Super scalar Processor design
10 6 1 7 years ago mojo-miner/783 A bitcoin miner for the mojo fpga development board by embedded micro
10 2 2 2 years ago protohdl/784 Streaming FPGA/ASIC code generator for Google Protocol Buffers.
10 1 0 25 days ago Solutions-to-HDLbits-Verilog-sets/785 Here are my solutions to HDLbits Verilog problem sets (HDLbits:
10 1 0 2 years ago pipelined-mips/786 A Verilog implementation of a pipelined MIPS processor
10 4 0 2 years ago LeNet_RTL/787 An LeNet RTL implement onto FPGA
10 6 0 4 years ago Example-Codes-for-Snorkeling-in-Verilog-Bay/788 Example Codes for Snorkeling in Verilog Bay
10 4 0 24 days ago vsdmixedsignalflow/789 This project describes how the PNR of an analog IP, 2:1 analog multiplexer is carried out by opensource EDA tools, Openlane. It also discusses the steps to modify the current IP layouts inorder to ensure its acceptance by the EDA tools.
10 3 0 1 year, 6 months ago BK0011M_MIST/790 BK0011M (USSR retro home computer) core for MiST board
10 5 0 4 years ago verilog-tetris/791 A Verilog implementation of the popular video game Tetris.
10 0 0 1 year, 7 months ago Virtual-Console/792 work in progress of a xterm-256color terminal
10 3 0 5 years ago SIMPLE_MIPS_CPU/793 A simple MIPS CPU, for fun.
10 2 1 4 months ago rudolv/794 RISC-V processor
10 4 0 5 years ago Computer-Architecture/795 A pipelined MIPS CPU supporting 31 MIPS instructions, interrupt and cache.
10 4 0 4 years ago NCL_sandbox/796 Is a collection of NULL Convention Logic (NCL) circuits and libraries written in Verilog to provide the experience of logically determined design in a familiar context. The tools used are Icarus verilog and gtkwave.
10 2 0 4 years ago hunter-fan-controller/797 An Lattice iCE40 FPGA based controller for ceiling fans by the Hunter Fan Company
10 7 0 2 years ago Mustang/798 Top level of PulseRain M10 RTL design
10 3 0 5 months ago 00_Image_Rotate/799 视频旋转(2019FPGA大赛)
10 1 0 9 months ago panog1_opl3/800 A port of the OPL3 to the Panologic G1 thin client
10 1 1 3 years ago fpga-cam-spartan6-mt9v034/801 None
10 2 17 1 year, 4 months ago Verilog/802 None
10 0 0 3 years ago fpga_nes/803 Recreating an NES in verilog
10 8 1 3 years ago Radix-2-FFT/804 Verilog code for a circuit implementation of Radix-2 FFT
10 9 0 4 years ago Asynchronous-FIFO/805 Asynchronous fifo in verilog
10 3 0 5 years ago SuperHexagonFPGA/806 FPGA clone of the game Super Hexagon
10 0 0 4 months ago DVP_to_UDP/807 Uncompressed video uver UDP using 1000BASE-T Ethernet on Cyclone IV FPGA
10 4 0 a month ago uart/808 A simple implementation of a UART modem in Verilog.
10 4 1 3 years ago fpga-wpa-psk-bruteforcer/809 WPA-PSK cracking for FPGA devices
10 2 0 2 years ago bextdep/810 Reference Hardware Implementations of Bit Extract/Deposit Instructions
10 8 0 5 years ago FT245_interface/811 Verilog module to communicate with the FT245 interface of an FTDI FT2232H
10 4 1 4 years ago dvi_lvds/812 DVI to LVDS Verilog converter
10 1 4 8 months ago fluent10g/813 Programmable FPGA-based Network Tester for Multi-10-Gigabit Ethernet
10 3 0 9 years ago crunchy/814 Distributed FPGA Number Crunching for the Masses
10 4 0 4 years ago ConvNN_FPGA_Accelerator/815 None
10 1 0 8 years ago bfcpu2/816 A pipelined brainfuck softcore in Verilog
10 1 0 5 years ago v.vga.font8x16/817 Verilog VGA font generator 8 by 16 pixels
10 5 0 3 years ago Single-Cycle-CPU/818 None
10 9 0 15 years ago uart16550/819 UART 16550 core
10 2 1 10 months ago RISC-V-CPU/820 A RISC-V 5-stage pipelined CPU that supports vector instructions. Tape-out with U18 technology.
10 0 0 2 months ago ulx3s_examples/821 Example Verilog code for Ulx3s
10 10 0 2 years ago 32-bit-MIPS-Processor/822 A 32-bit MIPS processor used Altera Quartus II with Verilog.
10 2 0 8 months ago color3/823 Information about eeColor Color3 HDMI FPGA board
10 2 0 9 years ago oc-i2c/824 I2C controller core from
10 1 4 1 year, 2 months ago pumpkin/825 None
10 5 0 5 years ago numatolib/826 Demo Library for Numato FPGA Boards
10 0 0 2 months ago fomu-vga/827 None
10 9 2 2 years ago Verilog-Snippets/828 Verilog Snippets for partial fulfilment of CS-F342 Computer Architecture,BITS Pilani
10 2 0 5 years ago mc6502/829 Cycle accurate MC6502 compatible processor in Verilog.
10 1 0 6 years ago next186_soc_pc/830 Next186 SoC PC
10 0 0 5 years ago JagNetlists/831 Atari Jaguar netlists compiler
10 1 0 9 months ago ice40_8bitworkshop/832 "Designing Video Game Hardware in Verilog" in iCE40HX8K Breakout Board.
10 8 0 3 years ago ft232h-core/833 None
10 7 0 10 months ago digital_lab/834 Laboratory works for digital electronics course in Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Department of Design of Electronic Digital Equipment, Electronics faculty
10 9 0 2 years ago nitro-parts-lib-mipi/835 RTL for mipi serialize and deserialize
10 1 0 6 months ago wbpmic/836 Wishbone controller for a MEMs microphone
10 2 0 17 days ago composite-design/837 仪科综合电子设计
9 1 0 9 years ago Four-Color-Theorem-Maintenance/838 Fixed FCT proof for latest coq and ssreflect
9 1 0 1 year, 6 months ago MIPS-pipeline-CPU/839 None
9 4 0 3 years ago dst40/840 None
9 0 0 9 months ago Arduissimo/841 Open source MPSoC running 620 MIPS (CHStone) of RISC-V (RV32iMC) programms on the ARTY board (XC7A35T).
9 2 0 1 year, 6 months ago FPGA_Vending_Machine/842 东南大学信息学院大三短学期FPGA课程设计——售货机
9 0 0 3 months ago HPS2FPGAmapping/843 SoCFPGA: Mapping HPS Peripherals, like I²C or CAN, over the FPGA fabric to FPGA I/O and using embedded Linux to control them (Intel Cyclone V)
9 22 2 5 days ago iob-soc/844 RISC-V System on Chip Template Based on the picorv32 Processor
9 1 0 11 months ago fpga_image_processing/845 IP operations in verilog (simulation and implementation on ice40)
9 8 4 a month ago Archie_MiSTer/846 Acorn Archimedes for MiSTer
9 2 0 5 years ago UART_ECHO/847 Verilog UART FIFO that will just echo back characters. Useful for testing the communications path.
9 3 2 3 years ago vivado-picorv32/848 A Vivado IP package of the PicoRV32 RISC-V processor
9 4 0 3 years ago S64X7/849 64-bit MISC Architecture CPU
9 2 0 5 years ago uart/850 Verilog uart receiver and transmitter modules for De0 Nano
9 5 0 5 years ago bwa-mem-sw/851 None
9 8 0 2 years ago single-cycle-CPU/852 单周期CPU设计与实现
9 1 0 4 months ago Colorlight-5A-75B/853 Notes for Colorlight-5A-75B.
9 4 0 12 years ago verilog_cordic_core/854 configurable cordic core in verilog
9 1 0 7 years ago ethernet_dpi/855 DPI module for Ethernet-based interaction with Verilator simulations
9 1 0 6 years ago Gameboy/856 18-545 Fighting Meerkats
9 0 1 10 years ago Amigo/857 Amigo 1000 - Conversion of the Amiga 1000 schematic into Verilog 2001 RTL
9 4 0 2 months ago FPGA-Snappy-Decompressor/858 A new kind of hardware decompressor for Snappy decompression. Much faster than the existing software one.
9 5 1 2 years ago FPGA-edge_detect/859 Nexys 4 DDR Artix-7
9 2 0 2 years ago workshop_badge/860 Proposal for FPGA workshop badge for Hackaday Belgrade 2018
9 6 0 1 year, 4 months ago AD9361_TX_MSK/861 A project demonstrate how to config ad9361 to TX mode and how to transmit MSK
9 4 0 3 years ago hdmi-ts/862 hdmi-ts Project
9 1 0 2 years ago cmpe220fall16/863 Public repository of the UCSC CMPE220 class project
9 3 0 3 years ago FPGAMAG18/864 FPGA Magazine No.18 - RISC-V
9 3 0 1 year, 11 months ago BareBonesCortexM0/865 Extremely basic CortexM0 SoC based on ARM DesignStart Eval
9 1 0 1 year, 2 months ago sequent/866 Sequential entries of a long number with offset for the FPGA microarchitecture on system verilog
9 5 0 1 year, 8 months ago Computer-Organization-and-Architecture-LAB/867 Solution to COA LAB Assgn, IIT Kharagpur
9 8 0 5 months ago DDLM/868 Исходные коды к главам книги "Цифровой синтез: практический курс" (под ред. А.Ю. Романова и Ю.В. Панчула)
9 4 0 8 months ago Arcade-1943_MiSTer/869 CAPCOM's 1943 arcade clone. (port of JT1943 core)
9 3 5 5 years ago bk0010/870 БК - в ФПГА!
9 6 0 2 years ago bbcpu/871 None
9 10 1 3 years ago sobel/872 Implementation of Sobel Filter in Verilog
9 3 0 2 years ago Nexys-4-DDR-Keyboard/873 None
9 4 0 1 year, 9 months ago tinyzip/874 A ZipCPU based demonstration for the TinyFPGA BX board
9 0 0 10 days ago Verilog-Playground/875 Verilog Experiment Area
9 2 0 2 days ago spam-1/876 Simple CPU simulation built using Logism Evolution and including and Assembler build using google sheets
9 2 1 12 hours ago Silice-Playground/877 None
9 4 0 16 years ago jtag/878 JTAG Test Access Port (TAP)
9 3 0 8 months ago rtcclock/879 A Real Time Clock core for FPGA's
9 1 0 3 years ago ice40-toys-and-examples/880 Some toy stuff I made while learning Verilog/FPGAs/Ice40 Toolchain
9 1 0 5 years ago VerilogCogs/881 Verilog Modules for DSP functions and other common tasks to make FPGA development easier and more fun.
9 179 0 4 years ago ece4750-tut4-verilog/882 ECE 4750 Tutorial 4: Verilog Hardware Description Language
9 3 8 1 year, 11 months ago automatic-chainsaw/883 A custom 16-bit computer
9 3 0 1 year, 8 months ago MIPS-V/884 组成原理课程实验:MIPS 流水线CPU,实现36条指令,转发,冒险检测
9 1 0 3 years ago XNORNet4FPGA/885 XNOR-Net inference on low-power IGLOO FPGA using Chisel
9 2 0 2 years ago stargate/886 StarGate is a programming and runtime framework for enabing easy and efficient deployment of various accerators.
9 2 0 5 years ago Single-Cycle-MIPS/887 Single Cycle MIPS Implementation in Verilog
9 0 1 5 years ago oram/888 Recursive unified ORAM
9 7 6 4 years ago pifo-hardware/889 None
9 3 0 1 year, 2 months ago HDLBits_Practice_verilog/890 This is a practice of verilog coding
9 0 0 4 years ago VerilogTIS100/891 Implementation of the TIS-100 Tessellated Intelligence System.
9 5 0 21 days ago M65C02A/892 Enhanced 6502/65C02 Microprogrammed Verilog Processor Core
9 1 1 1 year, 11 months ago 32-bit-Multicycle-CPU/893 Verilog Implementation of a 32-bit Multicycle CPU
9 3 0 4 years ago NetUP_Dual_Universal_CI-fpga/894 VHDL NetUP Universal Dual DVB-CI FPGA firmware
9 9 0 8 years ago netv_fpga_hdmi_overlay/895 Mirror of NeTV FPGA Verilog Code
9 2 0 7 months ago ulx3s_zx81/896 ZX80/81 implementation for the Ulx3s
9 3 0 2 years ago xdcom/897 This is a demo for still image compression application
9 7 0 a month ago general-cores/898 general-cores
9 6 0 3 years ago HDC-Language-Recognition/899 Hyperdimensional computing for language recognition: Matlab and RTL implementations
9 2 1 10 months ago verilog/900 Verilog Examples and WebFPGA Standard Library
9 3 2 2 years ago TDC/901 Verilog implementation of a tapped delay line TDC
9 9 0 3 years ago AXI_BFM/902 AXI4 BFM in Verilog
9 7 1 6 years ago apbi2c/903 APB to I2C
9 1 0 1 year, 11 months ago VerilogSHA256Miner/904 Implementation of SHA256 Hasher with UART Transceiver in Verilog. Designed to run on Altera's DE2 FPGA Development Board.
9 7 1 2 years ago AX301/905 AX301
9 11 0 1 year, 11 months ago CurriculumDesign-PrinciplesOfComputerOrganization/906 华中科技大学计算机15级计算机组成原理课程设计,分别用logisim和Verilog实现简单CPU
9 0 0 6 years ago all_spark_cube/907 All files related to the All Spark Cube built by Adaptive Computing and friends
9 5 0 7 years ago verilog-pong/908 Pong on an FPGA in Verilog.
9 5 0 4 years ago FPGA_FM_transmitter/909 Implementation of FM (frequency modulation) radio transmitter in FPGA Altera Cyclone III.
9 4 0 3 years ago A2/910 None
9 4 0 7 years ago xula-lib-verilog/911 Collection of helper modules for XuLA-200 FPGA development board written in Verilog-2001.
9 1 0 2 years ago curso-verilog.v/912 None
9 4 0 1 year, 10 months ago MIPS-Architecture-CPU-design/913 BUAA SCSE - Computer Organization - Pipeline CPU design
9 8 1 26 days ago NandFlashController/914 AXI Interface Nand Flash Controller (Sync mode)
9 2 0 20 days ago OpenPhySyn/915 EDA physical synthesis optimization kit
9 5 0 5 years ago Simple-32bit-ALU-Design/916 A simple, working, 32-bit ALU design.
9 1 2 1 year, 7 months ago Nirah/917 Nirah is a project aimed at automatically wrapping verilator C++ models in python in order for high level, extendable control and verification of verilog systems.
9 1 0 8 months ago icestick-glitcher/918 Simple voltage glitcher implementation for the Lattice iCEstick Evaluation Kit
9 2 0 1 year, 11 months ago mips-pipeline/919 Mips Pipeline Processor
9 0 1 5 years ago novena-spi-romulator/920 SPI romulator
9 1 1 7 years ago uart_dpi/921 DPI module for UART-based console interaction with Verilator simulations
8 1 0 2 years ago computer_architecture_class/922 Resources from my class on computer architecture design
8 1 0 7 years ago rc4-prbs/923 A Verilog open-source implementation of a RC4 encryption algorigthm using a pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) for FPGA synthesis.
8 5 0 3 years ago axi-ddr3/924 学习AXI接口,以及xilinx DDR3 IP使用
8 0 0 Unknown flapga-mario/925 FlaPGA Mario - A flappy-bird like video game implemented in Verilog for Basys3
8 2 0 2 years ago HUST-Verilog-Labs/926 HUST Verilog Labs 2018 and Digital logic labs 2018
8 6 0 3 years ago alu-8bit/927 Verilog Code for an 8-bit ALU
8 5 0 Unknown nexys2-verilog-samples/928 Some verilog examples to run on a Digilent Nexys2
8 5 0 2 years ago ps2/929 PS2 interface
8 3 0 Unknown vlsi681spring09/930 Class Project for 681 VLSI System Design Course at The University of Cincinnati, Spring 2009
8 7 0 Unknown Amber-Marsohod2/931 Port of Amber ARM Core project to Marsohod2 platform
8 8 0 Unknown SoC-Design-DDR3-Controller/932 DDR3 SDRAM Memory Controller Design & Synthesis using System Verilog
8 1 0 10 years ago adat-verilog/933 Altera Cyclone FPGA cores for dealing with ADAT I/O, written in Verilog.
8 1 0 Unknown cpld-6502/934 6502 CPU in 4 small CPLDs
8 1 1 Unknown Chip-Design/935 Design and Verification of a Complete Application Specific Integrated Circuit
8 6 0 Unknown CyNAPSEv11/936 The CyNAPSE Neuromorphic Accelerator: A Digital Spiking neural network accelerator written in fully synthesizable verilog HDL
8 1 0 Unknown i2cmon/937 FPGA-based I2C to RS-232 serial converter / bus monitor
8 4 0 Unknown CPUonFPGA/938 It's a basic computer designed using VERILOG on XILINX FPGA architecture.
9 6 0 6 years ago Ethernet-communication-VHDL/939 FPGA implementation of Real-time Ethernet communication using RMII Interface
8 3 0 3 years ago Rocket-Chip/940 None
8 2 0 1 year, 10 months ago mini16_cpu/941 Very small and high performance CPU
8 0 0 9 months ago MiSTerTutorial/942 MiSTer Tutorial
8 1 0 9 months ago qemu-hdl-cosim/943 VM-HDL Co-Simulation for Servers with PCIe-Connected FPGAs
8 8 0 5 years ago Multiported-RAM/944 Modular Multi-ported SRAM-based Memory
8 2 0 2 years ago SpartanMini/945 A flexible, simple, yet powerful FPGA development board.
8 4 1 a month ago KWS-SoC/946 This is an SoC design dedicated to Keyword Spotting (KWS) based on a neural-network accelerator and the wujian100 platform.
8 2 0 2 years ago v8cpu/947 v8cpu is a simple multi-cycle von Neumann architecture 8-bit CPU in under 500 lines of Verilog.
8 2 1 2 years ago sigma/948 None
8 2 0 6 years ago cpu/949 fpga based cpu hackery
8 3 0 8 years ago GestureRecognition_Verilog/950 Identifies ASL Hand Gesture for numbers using image processing in verilog
8 1 1 1 year, 5 days ago plus4/951 FPGATED based plus4 implementation using Papilio Pro platform
8 1 0 10 months ago MiSTer-Lightweight-Framework/952 Lightweight framework using MiSTer IO board for core developers
8 0 0 5 days ago ctf-writeups/953 My CTF writeups
8 1 0 5 years ago Pulse-Width-Modulation-IP/954 A PWM Module IP core written in Verilog, along with a firmware driver (developed for the Zynq-7000 Programmable SoC)
8 8 0 5 years ago unambiguous-encapsulation/955 experiments relating to the encapsulation of data within other data
8 9 0 8 years ago minimig_tc64/956 MiniMig for TurboChameleon64
8 2 0 3 years ago GlitchHammer/957 A custom coprocessor and SoC for hardware security experiments in electronics.
8 3 0 1 year, 1 month ago CortexM3_SoC/958 None
8 5 0 5 years ago utrasound_mobile_fpga/959 fpga for utrasound mobile device
8 6 0 6 months ago fpga-workshop/960 Workshop that is going to be given together with the UPduino dev board
8 2 0 8 years ago Verilog-Spectrum-Analyzer/961 FFT algorithm coded in Verilog. Designed to run on a Xillinx Spartan 6 FPGA board.
8 1 0 2 months ago 32BIT-MIPS-CPU/962 Use Verilog
8 1 0 4 years ago Bresenham-Line-Drawing-Algorithm/963 Verilog implementation of Bresenham's line drawing algorithm.
8 0 1 3 years ago mawg/964 Modulation and Arbitrary Waveform Generator
8 7 0 2 years ago Viterbi-Decoder-in-Verilog/965 An efficient implementation of the Viterbi decoding algorithm in Verilog
8 2 0 10 months ago Verilog-for-Dummies/966 Workshop
8 1 0 11 days ago ice40_power/967 Power analysis of the ICE40UP5K-SG48 devices
8 3 0 3 years ago ml-ahb-gen/968 A Verilog AMBA AHB Multilayer interconnect generator
8 3 0 1 year, 7 months ago Atari7800_MiSTer/969 Atari 7800 for MiSTer
8 3 0 18 years ago wb_dma/970 WISHBONE DMA/Bridge IP Core
8 3 0 2 years ago sdio-device/971 None
8 1 0 4 years ago i2c-eeprom/972 Controller for i2c EEPROM chip in Verilog for Mojo FPGA board
8 0 3 4 months ago jtcontra/973 FPGA conversion of KONAMI's Contra PCB hardware
8 0 1 1 year, 5 months ago SoC_CNN/974 Convolutional Neural Network Implemented in Verilog for System on Chip
8 5 0 1 year, 2 months ago verilog-divider/975 a super-simple pipelined verilog divider. flexible to define stages
8 2 0 5 months ago CNNAF-CNN-Accelerator/976 CNN-Accelerator based on FPGA developed by verilog HDL.
8 0 0 2 years ago tiny_soc/977 Picorv32 SoC on the TinyFPGA BX, for games etc.
8 5 0 2 years ago FIFO_-asynchronous/978 异步FIFO的内部实现
8 2 0 3 years ago sp-i586/979 soft processor core compatible with i586 instruction set(Intel Pentium) developped on Nexys4 board boots linux kernel with a ramdisk contained in the SPI flash.
8 4 0 4 years ago mmuart/980 Simple RS232 UART
8 5 1 2 years ago M2GL025-Creative-Board/981 Igloo2 M2GL025 Creative Development Board
8 1 0 3 months ago core_usb_uart/982 USB serial device (CDC-ACM)
8 2 0 6 months ago wbpwmaudio/983 A wishbone controlled PWM (audio) controller
8 1 0 11 years ago nova/984 H.264/AVC Baseline Decoder
8 1 0 3 years ago netv2-fpga-hdcp-engine/985 HDCP cipher engine for the NeTV2 FPGA
8 3 0 4 years ago riffa2/986 Full duplex version of
8 8 3 2 years ago Chips-Demo/987 Chips 2.0 Demo for Atlys Spartan 6 development platform. Web app using C to Verilog TCP/IP server.
8 3 7 5 months ago scarv-cpu/988 SCARV: a side-channel hardened RISC-V platform
8 1 0 2 years ago SystemVerilog-Implementation-of-DDR3-Controller/989 The controller is a Verilog implementation through a state machine structure per Micro datasheet specifications, and connected to a predefined DDR3 memory. Successful design verification is achieved via a specialized test bench and connected to provided AHB by a SystemVerilog interface.
8 2 0 5 years ago ECG-feature-extraction-using-DWT/990 Haar wavelet based Discrete wavelet transform for ECG feature extraction in Verilog
8 2 0 3 years ago SimMIPS/991 a MIPS-based embedded system on FPGA
8 4 0 4 years ago Verilog-Single-Cycle-Processor/992 Verilog
8 2 1 6 months ago tv80/993 TV80 Z80-compatible microprocessor
8 2 0 2 years ago Ice40JupiterAce/994 Simple Jupiter Ace implementation for the Ice40 (myStorm BlackIce)
8 2 0 9 years ago virtexsquared/995 18-545 project: ARM-like SoC
8 4 0 5 years ago adsb_cape/996 None
8 2 1 1 year, 13 days ago sd_device/997 SD device emulator from ProjectVault
7 5 1 5 years ago 8PointDCT_Verilog/998 Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is one of the important image compression algorithms used in image processing applications. Several algorithms have been proposed over the last couple of decades to reduce the number of computations and memory requirements involved in the DCT computation algorithm. One of the algorithms is implemented here using Verilog HDL.
8 2 0 4 years ago GuitarHeroFFE/999 Guitar Hero: Fast Fourier Edition. An MIT 6.111 final project that uses the power of the FPGA to play guitar hero with real guitars.
8 3 0 9 months ago cpu_gs132/1000 Verilog code of Loongson's GS132 core
posted @ 2021-06-07 06:19  MOVIT  阅读(1879)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报