03 2014 档案
摘要:Redo Log Buffer ContentThe Oracle server processes copy redo entries from the user’s memory space to the redo log buffer for each DML or DDL statement.The redo entries contain the information necessary to reconstruct or redo changes made to the database by INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ALTER or DR
摘要:Buffer Cache 特性The buffer cache holds copies of the data blocks from the data files. Because the buffer cache is a part of the SGA, these blocks can be shared by all users. The server processes read data from the data files into buffer cache.(是server process 将数据从硬盘读取到内存的) To improve performance, the
摘要:Shared Pool Tuning目标是提高命中率, 以减少 I/O 操作shared pool : 是由 library cache, data dictionary cache 两部分组成. 由于 data dictionary cache 在内存中的时间比 library cache 时间长...
摘要:工欲善其事, 必先利其器.oracle 调优方面有很多工具, 目前 UI 个人只打算使用 Toad.重要文件一. alert log file. (位置 parameter BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST) 这个文件中有很多重要的内容, 可以通过调整 LOG_CHECKPOINTS_TO_...
摘要:oracle tuning 分为3个阶段1. application 调优阶段, 包括设计的调优, SQL语句调优, 管理权限等内容, (这部分是我的重点) (调优人员 application designer and application developer)2. instance 调优阶段, ...
摘要:The Export utility can provide a logical backup of:Database objectsA tablespaceAn entire databaseThe Import utility is used to read a valid Export file for moving data into a database. Redo log history cannot be applied to objects that are imported from an export file, therefore data loss may occur,
摘要:Complete recovery:rman target / nocatalogstartup mount;restore database;recover database;alter database open; -- 在归档模式下恢复的之后, 更改的路径rman target / nocatalogstartup mount;run { set newname for datafile 1 to ‘//system01.dbf’ … restore database; switch datafile all; recover database; alter database open;
摘要:CROSSCHECK: 确认 rman repository 与 实际的备份集 是否同步.你可以先使用 LIST 命令查看你之前做的备份的情况, 然后使用 CROSSCHECK 命令来确认这些文件还存在没有. 如果RMAN没有找到这些文件, 它将更新 respository 显示 expired超期. 你可以用过 LIST EXPIRED 查看那些文件超期了, 将超期的文件删除.CROSSCHECK BACKUP; -- 用于确认备份集, backup pieces, and proxy copies, 默认的是会确认整个数据库CROSSCHECK COPY; -- cross check d
摘要:RMAN 组件:1. RMAN 执行程序, 也就是RMAN 命令.2. Server session : 服务器上的进程, 是真正用来干活的.3. Target database: 你想要进行备份的数据库4. RMAN Repository: RMAN的源数据, 这部分内容可以存储在control ...
摘要:手工备份, 我只考虑全备, 即 control file, redo log file, datafile, password file, spfile(pfile), listener.ora, tnsnames.ora 等全部备份. 这样,在数据库恢复时, 啥文件都全了, 能够很顺利的恢复到备份...
摘要:share pool : (组成)library cache: stores shared sql and pl/sql code (包含 statement text, parsed code, execution plan)data dictionary cache : keeps information about dictionary objects. (包含 definitions for tables, columns, and privileges from the data dictionary tables)调优 share pool 考虑的内容:A cache miss o