



nslookup domain-name server-address



> help
命令:   (标识符以大写表示,[] 表示可选)
NAME            - 打印有关使用默认服务器的主机/域 NAME 的信息
NAME1 NAME2     - 同上,但将 NAME2 用作服务器
help or ?       - 打印有关常用命令的信息
set OPTION      - 设置选项
    all                 - 打印选项、当前服务器和主机
    [no]debug           - 打印调试信息
    [no]d2              - 打印详细的调试信息
    [no]defname         - 将域名附加到每个查询
    [no]recurse         - 询问查询的递归应答
    [no]search          - 使用域搜索列表
    [no]vc              - 始终使用虚拟电路
    domain=NAME         - 将默认域名设置为 NAME
    srchlist=N1[/N2/.../N6] - 将域设置为 N1,并将搜索列表设置为 N1、N2 等
    root=NAME           - 将根服务器设置为 NAME
    retry=X             - 将重试次数设置为 X
    timeout=X           - 将初始超时间隔设置为 X 秒
    type=X              - 设置查询类型(如 A、AAAA、A+AAAA、ANY、CNAME、MX、
                          NS、PTR、SOA 和 SRV)
    querytype=X         - 与类型相同
    class="X"             - 设置查询类(如 IN (Internet)和 ANY)
    [no]msxfr           - 使用 MS 快速区域传送
    ixfrver=X           - 用于 IXFR 传送请求的当前版本
server NAME     - 将默认服务器设置为 NAME,使用当前默认服务器
lserver NAME    - 将默认服务器设置为 NAME,使用初始服务器
root            - 将当前默认服务器设置为根服务器
ls [opt] DOMAIN [> FILE] - 列出 DOMAIN 中的地址(可选: 输出到文件 FILE)
    -a          -  列出规范名称和别名
    -d          -  列出所有记录
    -t TYPE     -  列出给定 RFC 记录类型(例如 A、CNAME、MX、NS 和 PTR 等)
view FILE           - 对 'ls' 输出文件排序,并使用 pg 查看
exit            - 退出程序




dig @server-address domain-name


具体的使用方法可在Linux的命令行输入dig -h获得帮助信息。

# dig -h
Usage:  dig [@global-server] [domain] [q-type] [q-class] {q-opt}
            {global-d-opt} host [@local-server] {local-d-opt}
            [ host [@local-server] {local-d-opt} [...]]
Where:  domain    is in the Domain Name System
        q-class  is one of (in,hs,ch,...) [default: in]
        q-type   is one of (a,any,mx,ns,soa,hinfo,axfr,txt,...) [default:a]
                 (Use ixfr=version for type ixfr)
        q-opt    is one of:
                 -x dot-notation     (shortcut for reverse lookups)
                 -i                  (use IP6.INT for IPv6 reverse lookups)
                 -f filename         (batch mode)
                 -b address[#port]   (bind to source address/port)
                 -p port             (specify port number)
                 -q name             (specify query name)
                 -t type             (specify query type)
                 -c class            (specify query class)
                 -k keyfile          (specify tsig key file)
                 -y [hmac:]name:key  (specify named base64 tsig key)
                 -4                  (use IPv4 query transport only)
                 -6                  (use IPv6 query transport only)
                 -m                  (enable memory usage debugging)
        d-opt    is of the form +keyword[=value], where keyword is:
                 +[no]vc             (TCP mode)
                 +[no]tcp            (TCP mode, alternate syntax)
                 +time=###           (Set query timeout) [5]
                 +tries=###          (Set number of UDP attempts) [3]
                 +retry=###          (Set number of UDP retries) [2]
                 +domain=###         (Set default domainname)
                 +bufsize=###        (Set EDNS0 Max UDP packet size)
                 +ndots=###          (Set NDOTS value)
                 +edns=###           (Set EDNS version)
                 +[no]search         (Set whether to use searchlist)
                 +[no]showsearch     (Search with intermediate results)
                 +[no]defname        (Ditto)
                 +[no]recurse        (Recursive mode)
                 +[no]ignore         (Don't revert to TCP for TC responses.)
                 +[no]fail           (Don't try next server on SERVFAIL)
                 +[no]besteffort     (Try to parse even illegal messages)
                 +[no]aaonly         (Set AA flag in query (+[no]aaflag))
                 +[no]adflag         (Set AD flag in query)
                 +[no]cdflag         (Set CD flag in query)
                 +[no]cl             (Control display of class in records)
                 +[no]cmd            (Control display of command line)
                 +[no]comments       (Control display of comment lines)
                 +[no]question       (Control display of question)
                 +[no]answer         (Control display of answer)
                 +[no]authority      (Control display of authority)
                 +[no]additional     (Control display of additional)
                 +[no]stats          (Control display of statistics)
                 +[no]short          (Disable everything except short
                                      form of answer)
                 +[no]ttlid          (Control display of ttls in records)
                 +[no]all            (Set or clear all display flags)
                 +[no]qr             (Print question before sending)
                 +[no]nssearch       (Search all authoritative nameservers)
                 +[no]identify       (ID responders in short answers)
                 +[no]trace          (Trace delegation down from root)
                 +[no]dnssec         (Request DNSSEC records)
                 +[no]nsid           (Request Name Server ID)
                 +[no]sigchase       (Chase DNSSEC signatures)
                 +trusted-key=####   (Trusted Key when chasing DNSSEC sigs)
                 +[no]topdown        (Do DNSSEC validation top down mode)
                 +[no]multiline      (Print records in an expanded format)
                 +[no]onesoa         (AXFR prints only one soa record)
        global d-opts and servers (before host name) affect all queries.
        local d-opts and servers (after host name) affect only that lookup.
        -h                           (print help and exit)
        -v                           (print version and exit)


posted @ 2016-05-11 15:04  IT-初学者  阅读(3154)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报