Docker Images for MySQL Group Replication 5.7.14
Posted on 2018-07-14 17:09 moss_tan_jun 阅读(264) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报In this post, I will point you to Docker images for MySQL Group Replication testing.
There is a new release of MySQL Group Replication plugin for MySQL 5.7.14. It’s a “beta” plugin and it is probably the last (or at lease one of the final pre-release packages) before Group Replication goes GA (during Oracle OpenWorld 2016, in our best guess).
Since it is close to GA, it would be great to get a better understanding of this new technology. Unfortunately, MySQL Group Replication installation process isn’t very user-friendly.
Or, to put it another way, totally un-user-friendly! It consists of a mere “50 easy steps” – by which I think they mean “easy” to mess up.
Matt Lord, in his post, acknowledges: “getting a working MySQL service consisting of 3 Group Replication members is not an easy “point and click” or automated single command style operation.”
I’m not providing a review of MySQL Group Replication 5.7.14 yet – I need to play around with it a lot more. To make this process easier for myself, and hopefully more helpful to you, I’ve prepared Docker images for the testing of MySQL Group Replication.
Docker Images
To start the first node, run:
docker run -d --net=cluster1 --name=node1 perconalab/mysql-group-replication --group_replication_bootstrap_group=ON
To join all following nodes:
docker run -d --net=cluster1 --name=node2 perconalab/mysql-group-replication --group_replication_group_seeds='node1:6606'
Of course, you need to have Docker Network running:
docker network create cluster1
I hope this will make the testing process easier!