Changing the location of SharePoint 2007 logs

As any decent software has, SharePoint 2007 has a trace log for analysing any problems that might occur. By default, Sharepoint sets this logging to go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\LOGS\. Of course in any real world setup, the logging should probably not be happening on the main application partition, so what we generally do is setup a separate dedicated location (ie d:/logs) where the logging should occur.

In order to change the location of where logging occurs, you will need to go into the Central Administration console for Sharepoint. Once logged in, go to Operations and select Diagnostic logging. On this page you can specify the path for where you would like the logs to be written, as well as the maximum number of log files and for how long these should be retained. Just remember that the logs can grow in size very quickly, so the location you specify should have sufficient storage. The location you specify must also exist on all servers in the farm as they all will use this same path.

Event throttling can also be specified on this page, which is useful to turn on if you are having problems with a particular part of SharePoint. By increasing the logging of a particular feature of SharePoint, you can get much more detailed logging information and establish your problems sooner.

For more information on configuring the trace log, check out this article on TechNet.

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