QuickCam Resources Collection
QuickCam Resources
My experiences with QuickCam are based on using the Lego Cam and more information on how to get it working in Windows and Linux for a programming session is available here, though I cannot guarantee how well it will work under Linux for you, since I've done a great deal of experimenting before reaching conclusions. Below is a list of some links to sites hosting files for the QuickCam (esp. the Color QuickCam Web/Express). If you happen to encounter such sites, drop a line or two.
TRIPOD: Template for Real-Time Image Processing Development by Paul Y. Oh : http://www.boondog.com/tutorials/tripodBinarize/tripodBinarize.html. This is a cool programming system written using MFC and Visual C++ that allows you to use the VideoPortal from the Logitech SDK effectively by extending its features to real-time video processing, pixel access. And guess what: TRIPOD has been written specifically for the Lego Cam (there are no LegoCam-specific routines). The tutorial also has information on how to get TRIPOD up and running and this is the best learning environment I've found so far.
QuickCam SDK: http://developer.logitech.com/. The Logitech QuickCam Software Development Kit is a free 9.59MB download from Logitech that contains an extensive set of routines for use under Visual C++, Visual Basic and MFC. It comes with three PDF files describing each set of functions after a brief introduction. For programming the QuickCam cameras, this download is a prerequisite (unless you invent your own SDK alternative).
TRIPOD Laplace Edge Detection Tutorial: http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~weg22/TRIPODlaplace.html. Another TRIPOD tutorial, this time from Bill Green. It describes a method using which you can implement the Laplace Edge Detection Algorithm on a live video stream coming from a QuickCam and display the edge detected video simultaneously. It gives an excellent idea of how to do real time video processing using TRIPOD.
QuickCam Third-Party Drivers: http://www.crynwr.com/qcpc/
QuickCam Web under Linux: http://www.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de/~delwi/quickcam/
Linux driver for Logitech Quickcam Express with HDCS1000/PB0100 image sensors: http://wwwbode.cs.tum.edu/~acher/quickcam/quickcam.html
VV5410/VV6410 CMOS image sensor (used in QuickCam Express): http://www.vvl.co.uk/products/image_sensors/410/410.htm
Third Party QuickCam software: http://www.cs.duke.edu/~reynolds/quickcam/
Installing the Logitech Quickcam Express on Redhat Linux 7.1 or 7.2: http://www2.farbot.com:81/linux/quickcamexpressusb_rh71.php
Logitech Quickcam QC-USB driver for Linux: http://www.ee.oulu.fi/~tuukkat/quickcam/quickcam.html. And at last, a page that has a mention of the Lego Cam!!
I have worked very little with MCU/MPUs so far, but here are a few links that might be useful.
GNU Development Chain for 68HC11&68HC12: http://www.gnu-m68hc11.org/
Shadow 11 vv1.50: The Art of Debugging M68HC11: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/4125/
The Handy Board: http://www.handyboard.com
M68HC11 Family Info: http://margo.student.utwente.nl/el/fuzzy/hc11_fam.html
M68HC11 Family Info [Motorola]: http://e-www.motorola.com/webapp/sps/site/taxonomy.jsp?nodeId=01624684498635
8085 Project Page: http://www.izabella.freeuk.com/html/8085_project_page.html
8085 Simulator for KDE: http://freshmeat.net/projects/ks8085/