css 垂直居中方法总结
1.1 只有一行的情况下
.link { padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px; }
.center-text-trick { height: 100px; line-height: 100px; white-space: nowrap; }
1.2 内容有多行
或者用flexbox, A single flex-child can be made to center in a flex-parent pretty easily.前提是父级的高度固定
.flex-center-vertically { display: flex; justify-content: center; flex-direction: column; height: 400px; }
或者使用"ghost element" , in which a full-height pseudo element is placed inside the container and the text is vertically aligned with that.
.ghost-center { position: relative; } .ghost-center::before { content: " "; display: inline-block; height: 100%; width: 1%; vertical-align: middle; } .ghost-center p { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; }
2.1 高度已知
.parent { position: relative; } .child { position: absolute; top: 50%; height: 100px; margin-top: -50px; /* account for padding and border if not using box-sizing: border-box; */ }
2.2 高度未知
.parent { position: relative; } .child { position: absolute; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); }
2.3 使用flexbox将会容易很多
.parent { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; }
参考: https://css-tricks.com/centering-css-complete-guide/