update gpu drivers





https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/install-nvidia-driver-ubuntu-18-04  (great)






https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-install-nvidia-driver-latest-proprietary-driver/  (best one)

Ubuntu Install Nvidia driver using the CLI method # 2

Open the termial application and search for nvidia drivers using the apt command or apt-get command:
$ apt search nvidia-driver
OR use the apt-cache command to search package:
$ apt-cache search nvidia-driver
apt-get search for Nvidia driver package

Updating and installing all security and important updates on Ubuntu

Do not skip the following two commands as you must apply all pending security updates:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade

Installing NVIDIA drivers on Ubuntu

Let us install the nvidia-driver-390 package:
$ sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390
At this time, the latest tested proprietary drive version is 460. We can install that one as follows on Ubuntu Linux 20.04 LTS:
$ sudo apt install nvidia-driver-460
Reboot the Linux with help of either reboot or shutdown command:
$ sudo reboot


posted on 2020-07-23 16:26  cdekelon  阅读(317)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
