Each time we assign the same Object with a value type, a new boxing of the value occurs.Allowing access to the boxed value type allows in-memory update, which may provide significantperformance ...当我们... 阅读全文
C++的构造函数1. 类没实现,编译器提供默认构造函数2. 类自己实现,编译器不再提供任何构造函数3. 类实现带参数构造函数,编译器也不会提供默认构造函数4. 在赋值重载和带参数构造函数之间,编译器优先选择构造函数。5. 先调用基类的构造函数,再调用派生类的构造函数,析构函数是先析构派生类,再析构基类。C++的内存布局1. 空类大小为1个字节class Base{};2. 带virtual方法的类... 阅读全文
plum blossoms 梅花 : plum blossoms are out 梅花开了elegant 优雅 : look so elegant 开起来了如此优雅authentic 正宗的,真正的 :This is very authentic 这个非常正宗hand over one's work professionally during this transition period.在剩下的... 阅读全文
MVC模式:M(Model):Encapsulates the application state封装应用程序状态Exposes the application functionality暴露应用程序功能Notifies the View of changes报告视图的变化Responds to state queries (from the View)响应状态的改变V(View)Renders the Model渲染模型Receives update notifications from the Model从模型接收变化消息Sends user input to the Controller 阅读全文