hackathon night

Hackathon come to China this year. It is a cool programming competition. All of the developers stay in the same room, and pick the team member rondamly to make up of a team. Then go to implement one idea in two days. The location of this year conference  is the CNCC. Our team is make up of 4 foreigner guys and 5 chinese guys. Yeah! we are the Multinational force ^_^. There are our member pictures:

They are cool guys. The subject of our team is so.map. What's so.map? It is cool idea. As you know, we have calendar and we have weibo. Then  please image this, when you go to one place, how do you know who and what event near you? correct! We idea provide a website let people can get the event and person which related the calendar. It is cool idea. We not only implement the website, but also create a android application for mobile. It is amazing. Yes! We implement this idea and show it on the conference in last two days.


 Thanks all guys. I am very happy work together with you. 

posted @ 2011-10-30 22:57  moonz-wu  阅读(322)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报