
tomcat有一个异步处理request和response的机制(long polling),是通过事件来完成的。以下是主要四个事件的解释:

Enumeration describing the major events that the container can invoke the CometProcessors event() method with
BEGIN - will be called at the beginning of the processing of the connection.
It can be used to initialize any relevant fields using the request and response objects.
Between the end of the processing of this event, and the beginning of the processing of the end or error events, it is possible to use the response object to write data on the open connection.
在begin事件结束后和end或error事件开始前, 可以使用response对象写数据到打开的连接上。
Note that the response object and depedent OutputStream and Writer are still not synchronized, so when they are accessed by multiple threads, synchronization is mandatory.
After processing the initial event, the request is considered to be committed.

READ - This indicates that input data is available, and that one read can be made without blocking.
The available and ready methods of the InputStream or Reader may be used to determine if there is a risk of blocking: the servlet should read while data is reported available.
InputStream或Reader的available和ready方法可以被用于确定这样的阻塞风险: servlet应该读取被报告可用的数据。
When encountering a read error, the servlet should report it by propagating the exception properly.
当遇到一个读取错误时, servlet应该通过异常来报告它。
Throwing an exception will cause the error event to be invoked, and the connection will be closed.
Alternately, it is also possible to catch any exception, perform clean up on any data structure the servlet may be using, and using the close method of the event.
因此,它必须抓住所有异常,并清理servlet可能正在使用的数据结构, 调用事件的close方法。
It is not allowed to attempt reading data from the request object outside of the execution of this method.

END - End may be called to end the processing of the request.
Fields that have been initialized in the begin method should be reset.
After this event has been processed, the request and response objects, as well as all their dependent objects will be recycled and used to process other requests.
End will also be called when data is available and the end of file is reached on the request input (this usually indicates the client has pipelined a request).

ERROR - Error will be called by the container in the case where an IO exception or a similar unrecoverable error occurs on the connection.
Fields that have been initialized in the begin method should be reset.
After this event has been processed, the request and response objects, as well as all their dependent objects will be recycled and used to process other requests.

posted @ 2011-06-20 08:24  moonz-wu  阅读(1553)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报