贴个不知真假的 representation learning for RL 综述

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Act as a reinforcement learning expert. Please do a review for representation learning in RL. Should focus on how to map a trajectory to a latent.

Representation learning in Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a critical area of study. It focuses on how an agent can learn to represent its environment in a way that simplifies the policy or value function approximation problem. Here’s a brief review focusing on mapping a trajectory to a latent representation:
强化学习 (RL) 中的表征学习是一个关键的研究领域。它侧重于代理如何学习以简化策略或值函数近似问题的方式表示其环境。下面是一个简短的回顾,重点是将轨迹映射到潜在表示:

Trajectory-based Representation Learning

In many RL problems, especially in high-dimensional ones, raw observations from the environment may not be the most effective way to represent the state. This is where trajectory-based representation learning comes in. It aims to map a sequence of actions and observations, i.e., a trajectory, to a latent space.

The key idea is to learn a representation that captures the essential information over a trajectory that is relevant for decision-making, while discarding irrelevant details. This is typically achieved through some form of dimensionality reduction or feature learning.

Methods 方法

  1. Auto-encoders: Auto-encoders can be used to learn a compressed representation of a trajectory. The encoder maps the trajectory to a lower-dimensional latent space, and the decoder reconstructs the trajectory from this latent representation. The aim is to minimize the reconstruction error.
  2. Variational methods: Variational methods like Variational Auto-encoders (VAEs) or Gaussian Processes (GPs) can be used to learn a probabilistic mapping from trajectories to a latent space. These methods provide a measure of uncertainty along with the learned representation.
    变分方法:变分自动编码器 (VAE) 或高斯过程 (GP) 等变分方法可用于学习从轨迹到潜在空间的概率映射。这些方法提供了不确定性的度量以及学习的表示。
  3. Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL): IRL methods can be used to learn a reward function that explains the trajectories. This reward function can serve as a latent representation of the trajectory.
    逆强化学习 (IRL):IRL 方法可用于学习解释轨迹的奖励函数。这个奖励函数可以作为轨迹的潜在表示。
  4. Successor Representations (SR): SR provides a way to represent the state such that the value function can be easily computed. It can be seen as a mapping from a trajectory to a latent space where the value function is linear.
    后继表示 (SR):SR 提供了一种表示状态的方法,以便可以轻松计算值函数。它可以看作是从轨迹到潜在空间的映射,其中值函数是线性的。

Challenges and Future Directions

While trajectory-based representation learning has shown promise, there are several challenges to be addressed. These include handling partial observability, scaling to large environments, and dealing with non-stationarity. Furthermore, how to best utilize these learned representations in an RL algorithm is still an open question.

In conclusion, trajectory-based representation learning provides a powerful tool for RL. By mapping trajectories to a latent space, it can potentially simplify the policy or value function approximation problem, making it easier for the RL agent to learn. However, more research is needed to fully realize its potential and address the existing challenges.
总之,基于轨迹的表征学习为强化学习提供了一个强大的工具。通过将轨迹映射到潜在空间,它可以潜在地简化策略或值函数近似问题,使 RL 代理更容易学习。然而,需要更多的研究来充分发挥其潜力并应对现有的挑战。

Please provide several articles for the above 4 methods. I'm very curious about these methods!

Sure, here are some articles for each of the methods:

Auto-encoders in Reinforcement Learning:

  1. “The Dreaming Variational Autoencoder for Reinforcement Learning Environments” by Per-Arne Andersen, Morten Goodwin, Ole-Christoffer Granmo.
  2. “Reinforcement Learning on Robot with Variational Auto-Encoder” by Yiwen Chen, Chenguang Yang & Ying Feng.
  3. “On the use of Deep Autoencoders for Efficient Reinforcement Learning” on arXiv.

Variational Methods in Reinforcement Learning:

  1. “Variational methods for Reinforcement Learning” by Thomas Furmston, David Barber.
    “强化学习的变分方法”,作者:Thomas Furmston,David Barber。
  2. “Deep Variational Reinforcement Learning for POMDPs” on arXiv5.
    arXiv 5 上的“Deep Variational Reinforcement Learning for POMDPs ”。
  3. “VIREL: A Variational Inference Framework for Reinforcement Learning” on arXiv.

Inverse Reinforcement Learning:

  1. “A Survey of Inverse Reinforcement Learning: Challenges, Methods and Progress” by Saurabh Arora, Prashant Doshi.
    “逆强化学习的调查:挑战、方法和进展”,作者:Saurabh Arora,Prashant Doshi 。
  2. “Learning from humans: what is inverse reinforcement learning?” on The Gradient.
  3. “Inverse Reinforcement Learning” by Stanford University.

Successor Representations in Reinforcement Learning:

  1. “Deep Successor Reinforcement Learning” by Tejas D. Kulkarni, Ardavan Saeedi, Simanta Gautam, Samuel J. Gershman.
  2. “Successor Feature Representations” on arXiv.
    arXiv 上的“后继特征表示”。
  3. “The successor representation in human reinforcement learning” on Nature Human Behaviour.

These articles should provide you with a deeper understanding of each method. Happy reading! 😊

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