临时帖 | 用于在手机端背英语的帖子

  • relax + make friends
  • efficient, internet - convenient, money-saving
  • first priority is to study
  • serious attitude
  • motivate students / citizens to work harder

1 段子

  • unit 1: 休息,缓解压力,social 的方式
    • 1 this is going to be very interesting, it's a very good chance to learn something new
    • 2 it's a fantastic way for students to take a break from their study tasks. 【难背】
      • Take my example, as a student, very studys [?], so this will be a very good opportunity for me to take a break from studying.
    • 3 social: these activities are going to provide with a chance or a platform to social with other people and make new friends, which is also very important for their development.
    • 例子:take me as an example, when i was a sophomore, and my study was really busy, there was a xxx, and it was a fantastic journey for me. In the xxx, i 1 xxx 2 xxx 3 xxx. so i think it's a really good way to unwind myself, refresh my mind, and release the stress. (and also, learn something new.)
      • fantastic way to release my stress.
    • 例子:
      • 古典音乐会:classical concert, enjoyed symphonies of Tchaikovsky and violin concertos (conchertos) of Bruch (pohe)
      • 参演音乐剧:a chance to play a role in a musical, Hamilton. enjoyed rap songs and pop musics, and was very lucky to be a part of it, and also gained a better understanding of American history and literature.
      • 公园散步:actually it's going to be a very good chance for the residents or for citizens to take a break from the work or study, whenever they are exhausted after their study or work, and are tired of learning their major subjects or dealing with their work loads. So, taking a walk in this kind of only green space, can be a fantastic opportunity for them to release their stress.
      • 跳舞:open class for dancing, in the class, I found that Latin (Laten) dance was not only vibrant, dynamic, vigorous, but also actually... easy to get started with.
  • unit 2: 贫穷的学生
    • you know, as a student, i don't have much money, all my money comes from my parents, so I would rather use money not buying paper version of books to buy more e-version of books, which is going to help me save a lot of money.
    • we have to spend around sixty to a hundreds dollars for each textbook, as well as the novels and reference books we need, and there're going be very expensive. so, if we can have the e-version of those books from the internet, we are going to save a lot of money, and that can add up in the long term [in the long run].
    • I would rather use this money to buy more books, to broaden my horizon, enrich my knowledge and improve my performance in the final exam.
  • 电子书,科技
    • save money; convenient, efficient, time-saving
    • although there are many technological products that focus on entertainment, we still can utilize technology
    • i think the way we get information or the way we read has been changed, because of the popularity of the technology.
    • for example, nowadays whenever i want to find out the answer of some of my questions, the only thing i need to do is to put the keywords of my question to search engines like Google, an the information i need will just pop up in a few seconds, which is really convenient as well as time-saving.
    • but i cannot imagine this kind of life of, going to the bookstore or the library to find out the reference books, and to locate the information i need in those books, which is really inconvenient as well as inefficient.
  • unit 4: 效率,合作,学习时需要朋友帮助,高效的方法
    • i believe, these co-workers will be a very good sources of help with my work, whenever i'm in need
    • i prefer to have discussion with my friends, when i encounter some academic problems.
    • so i believe, if i can work in a big company, or work in accompany with thousands of employees, it will be more possible for me to find someone to help me, to have a better work efficiency.
    • 与朋友在一起缓解压力:i / my friends prefer to spend time with my family and friends [xxx] / me, because it is a very good way for me / them to release their / my stress, which in turn leaves them more energy for the next day. And also, since I help them a lot, they are willing to help me whenever I'm in need.
    • making phone calls directly is going to solve my problems in a very effective way, my friends can be a more convenient source of help with my study, if i make phone calls directly with them, whenever i'm in need.
    • i prefer to study at evening, because my friends are not available during the daytime, and i can't have group discussion with them whenever I'm in need.
    • It will encourage students to learn to communicate with others, which is also a very important skill they should cultivate before they enter society. (class participation)
    • 礼貌受欢迎:I would like to suggest him to be more polite and always have a good manner. Because, take me as an example, I'm always very polite to my friends, so I'm very popular among them, and they are willing to help me with my problem, whenever I'm in need.
      • do not turn other people down when they are in need / when they are asking for help, and he's going to be more popular among Chinese people.
    • 例子:Take me as an example, as an undergraduate, [For example, ] I'm not good at chemistry, and my friend Jenny, she majors in biology so she is good at chemistry, so I always have discussions with her, and she helps me out. And also, I'm good at coding with python, which she's not good at, so we can learn from each other.
  • unit 6: 努力工作,他人给我宝贵的建议,宝贵的一课,意见不一致,聆听
    • share different perspective about the same issue, so we can learn from each other.
    • A developed education system can cultivate a lot of elites for the country, who can contribute most to the country's success. And actually, qualified teachers play a very important role in shaping the students' personality and cultivating the elites.
    • For example, I used to learn a very important lessons from my teacher, who taught me this lesson: the greatest predictor for me, if I want to be successful in my life, is how many hours ...
    • 例子:Once I believed that, the reason I couldn't get a good academic performance in school, is that I'm not talented or i believe I'm not talented. But one of my best friends / professors told me that, actually the greatest predictor of being a successful student in score, is always how many hours i devote to the goal that i want to achieve. [Talent might be also important, but it's never the guarantee to success.]
    • I started to realize the importance of cultivating myself a strong work ethic, and finally i become more successful in my academic performance and also in my life.
    • if i choose to listen to other people's opinion first, i can always learn some different perspective about the same issue.
  • 旅行 travel:
    • i would definitely prefer to get unique experience by traveling to different places.
    • you know what, I'm a big fan of traveling, since i always believe the problem i encounter is caused by being in a same place for a long time, and my world is going to be smaller if i keep staying on one place all the time. So, traveling can help me to clear my mind, to broaden my horizon, and to make myself a better person. so as long as i can save money or have the opportunity or time to go to someplace new or someplace to travel, I would definitely go to traveling,
    • 出行很方便:nowadays it's really convenient for us to get to places that we are planning to go, because there are very sound transportation system.
    • 例子:For example, last year I went on a journey to Thailand, together with my friends, where we admired magnificent temples, like Wat Fo in Bankok and Wa-rong-kun in Chain Mai. And also, we enjoyed delicious foods, like pineapple rice and jackfruits.
  • unit 8: 环境,保护环境,每周都去做志愿,种树
    • 志愿种树:I do the volunteer work of planting trees in the community from time to time. Because I realize, ...
    • 树很好:trees can protect environment by absorbing carbon dioxide, conserving water and preventing soil erosion.
    • So i would like to take the energy and environment course, because now i have realized the importance to protect the environment, and the mother earth is something that we should devote ourselves to protect, because we have to make the planet a better place to live.
    • 北京:I used to live in Beijing, the capital city of china. At that time, there was always smog in Beijing, the air quality was terrible, and the streets are foggy, sometimes I couldn't see people's faces clearly, if we were a little further away.
    • the reason behind this is that we do not pay more attention on the protection to the environment.
    • and one of the reason behind the air pollution problem is that, there are too many cars on the road, or people do not actually realize or have this kind of awareness of protecting the environment. if I'm going to [take this energy and environment course], i can evolve myself or i can contribute myself to protect the environment.

1 2019 题目


Well, I think friends can definitely have different opinions and still remain friends, because we all have different backgrounds, for example, family backgrounds, educational backgrounds. So it is actually very common for friends to share a different perspective about the same issue. And also I believe that we can learn from each other through communication about some of the problems. For example, my friend Jenny and I. I major in computer science, and her major is biology, so the way we see the world is very different, but we can still remain friends and learn from each other.


Well, I disagree with the idea, because I believe that the essence of a conversation is the exchange of information. So, if I do not agree with other people's opinions, I think I can interrupt them, politely. For example, one day my friend Jenny, she was saying something like, she's not gifted, she's not talented, so she is feeling depressed. And I just interrupted her and told her, let's just go to work -- hard work is more important than talent.


Well, I definitely agree with that, school can have the study hall for students.

Because first of all, it can be a very good opportunity for students to take a break from their study. You know, they can be very busy with their study all the time. Whenever they feel exhausted after whole this study, tired of learning their major subjects, well, having a talk or a conversation in the study hall, can be a very good way to refresh their mind and release the stress -- they can usually have a better study efficiency before they go back to study again.

And also, it can be a very good place for them to social with each other, and to make friends, which is also very important for their development.

  1. 阅读时,疯狂连读的语言习惯
  2. 自己说时,如何流畅的连读。


Well, I think it'll be better for university to require the student to learn several fields at first, and then choose a major fields of study.

Because first of all, it can be a better chance for them to find what they really like, or what they really interested in doing, when university can allow them to do this. For example, some students find that gradually, they may lose their interest in the field of study, but they are not allowed to choose another field of study, which can make them desperate. So, it can be a disaster for their study, when they're doing something they really don't like.

And also, it can be a very good opportunity for students to make some new friends, when they learn several fields at first. Because, by taking different courses, they can enlarge their social network.


Well, I agree with that, parents should not be allowed to see children's grades without their permission.

Because, first of all, the grades should be children's privacy, and parents should be respectful of their own privacy. It will be more beneficial to develop children's independent personality.

And also, sometimes, parents want to see children's grades, just to satisfy their own vanity or sense of presence. In fact, parents are not personally involved in the children's study process, so it's not really fair to judge their children's study grades. It's not necessary for parents to see children's grades, if they are not a part of it.


表达:feed the pets, walk the pets, play with it, bath the pats

Well, I think, kids should be allowed to keep pets.

Because, first of all, pets can be their friends. Kids can have a very enjoyable time when getting along with the pets, for example, to feed a dog, to walk the dog, and to play with the dog.

And also, kids can learn how to be more empathetic and caring for others, while taking care of their pets. It will be more beneficial for kids' development, as well as help to make kids a better person.


Well, I agree with the statement that, I should always be honest to my friends, even if my words can make them uncomfortable. For example, my friend Jenny, she used to say something like, she is not gifted or talented, so she cannot get a good academic performance. Instead of echoing back to her opinion politely, I just told her the truth that, the greatest predictor of being successful in scores, is not being gifted or talented -- it is how many hours you devote to the goal that you want to achieve. And finally, she accepted my idea and started to work harder.


Well, I would like to preserve old things.

Because, first of all, it is very good way to relax from daily studying or working, and to refresh my mind and release stress. They can always remind me about the sweet time that I used to have.

And also if I keep old things, I will have a lot of topic when chatting with my friends. For example, I can talk about my journey to Thailand last year, by showing them the souvenir of a micro version of the famous temple of Thailand.

/// reverse ///

Well, I don't like to preserve old things, because I want to live in the moment.

For me, to preserve old things for memorization, or to take photos or buy souvenirs when I'm traveling, is actually a distraction for me.

You know, I'm a big fan of traveling, since i always believe the problem i encounter is caused by being in a same place for long time. And I believe that traveling can help me to broaden my horizon, to enrich my mind. So, if there are some opportunities to travel to a different country of different places, I'd like to traveling.

And during the traveling, I seldom take photos or pursue some souvenirs, because I want to live in the moment. So I think, it is unnecessary to keep old things.


Well, I agree with that, it is better to praise a good behavior than to criticize a bad one.

Because, first of all, it can give kids or students a positive reinforcement, so they will become more willing to do the right things. So I believe that give children's a positive feedback, can help them cultivate good habits and become a better person.

Also, if we always tend to output negative words, even if we just want to criticize the behaviors, we may focus more on the expression of emotions, rather than to really solve the problem.


Well, I think it is better for us to learn mathematics after we go to work, because to learn math in school is actually useless. Actually, it is hard to find a real world application for those kinds of complex mathematics, when we are in school, we may only do the basic calculations, for example, when we purchase something, and to figure out the money we spend.

So I believe that it is more reasonable to spend time on more meaningful things, on the things that I really interested in doing, for example, to dance, to play music, or to travel. When we finish school, if we really need to learn complicated mathematics and advanced math techniques, we learn the math.

/// reverse ///

Well, I think it is better for us to learn mathematics in school, rather than after we go to work.

Because, in that case, it will be more likely for us to obtain a solid foundation of mathematics algorithms.

Also, it is always better for us to have one less thing to worry about when we are working, because we must be very busy with our work, fulfilling the needs of our managers, and dealing with the tasks we are required to do, all this kind of stuff. So, it's gonna be a huge distraction if we learn mathematics while working.

integrated writing template

  • The reading passage lists three arguments to indicate that
    However, according to the lecture,

  • First, the reading passage points out that
    Nevertheless, the listening material argues that

  • Second, in view of the author,
    But the lecture also disputes this by saying that

  • Third, the reading passage suggests that
    However, according to the listening material,



  • 简单版:

    • 认可反方向观点 compelling argument,复述其理由 Admittedly。
    • 给出自己的观点 However, considering, I am inclined to prioritize,给出新理由 n my view, serving as, not only, but also。
    • for example 举例。therefore 结尾。
  • (短 10-15)让步认可一位同学的观点

    • Andrew presents a compelling argument in favor of promoting student sports activities.
  • (短 10-15)让步认可的理由

    • Admittedly, sports participation is an effective means to promote students' physical health.
  • (长 15-20)转折提出自己的观点

    • However, considering the university's responsibilities in promoting academic preeminence, I am inclined to prioritize the construction of a new library.
  • (短 10-15)给予新的支持理由

    • In my view, a new library can enhance teaching and scholarly communication.
  • (长 20-25)解释陈述

    • A well-equipped library, serving as a platform for academic exchange and cooperation, not only provides access to print books but also offers high-speed internet connectivity and databases for interdisciplinary collaborations.
  • (长 25-30)例证细节

    • For example, as cross-disciplinary collaborations have been increasing, both faculty and students in our Architecture Department require establishing a new library that enhances networks across departments, which will profoundly enrich the interdisciplinary research database.
  • (短 10-15)总结观点

    • Therefore, I firmly believe that constructing a new library, through integrating multidisciplinary materials, will substantially improve scholarly communication and strengthen our research capabilities.


  • 方便;效率;经济
  • 安全;环保;健康
  • 交流、促进交流、电子资源促进跨学科交流
  • 乐趣
  • 缓解压力
  • 成就、帮助获得成就、个人成长、创造价值
  • 情感、经验、耐久【】


  • for example:时间 地点 人物,事件的起因 发展 结果,选 4 个要素即可
  • 插入语:considering the xxx..., serving as the xxx ..., as xxx have been xxxing ..., through xxxing


Paul presents a compelling argument in favor of grading students on both of performance and their effort.

Admittedly, it is an effective means to encourage students to work hard.

However, considering the importance of the efficiency of the grading process, I am inclined to support grading students based on only their performance.

In my view, assigning scores to students, serving as a crucial part of courses, should be not only fair as Kelly says, but also efficient enough and take less time.

For example, as a senior student in the Computer Science department, I used to join a course that graded students only based on their performance on examinations. As a result, the grading process is really efficient: we received the score only after a few days! And actually, no one thought it was unreasonable.

Therefore, I firmly believe that grading students based on only their performance is a better choice.


Claire presents a compelling argument in favor of constructing buildings to ensure a high-quality dwelling for more civilians.

Admittedly, constructing buildings for housing proposes is an effective means to utilize the available land space.

However, considering the necessity of people's physical development, I am inclined to prioritize the construction of a new sport place.

In my view, a well-equipped gym, serving as a platform for both exercise and relaxation, not only can significantly enhance people's healthy condition but also lighten the working pressure.

For example, as a programmer who sits all day and night in front of the computer, I always like to squeeze some time for working out at the company's gym. Through running on a treadmill and dripping sweat, the working pressure is alleviated, and I feel myself refreshed and full of power again.

Therefore, I firmly believe that constructing a new gym will substantially improve the life quality of civilians.


Paul presents a compelling argument in favor of the possibility of working for longer hours in the future, considering the competitive environment in modern society.

Admittedly, competition between countries, companies and workers is a crucial factor for predicting working time.

However, in my view, workers in the future, serving as the controllers of Artificial Intelligence, will work for fewer hours.

Nowadays, as Large Language Models like the famous ChatGPT become prevalent among the world, more and more jobs are being substituted with Artificial Intelligence, while people only need to learn how to manipulate these AI assistants and supporters.

For example, professionals in our Computer Science department have built a Deep Learning model powered by GPUs, which has the ability to automatically generate advertising planning, and I am one of the collaborators.

Therefore, I firmly believe that we are going to work less in the future.


Claire presents a compelling argument in favor of constructing large buildings.

Admittedly, to build more large buildings is an effective means to provide more houses for people to live in.

However, considering the technique of large building construction is expensive, I am inclined to prioritize the full utilization of available land mass, for example, to build small houses with only several floors in such areas.

In my view, available land mass, serving as the most accessible resource for people's dwelling, should be treated reasonably.

Compared to large buildings, constructing small houses with few floors not only can provide abundant dwelling places with high living quality, but also is safer and less expensive.

Take me as an example. As a developer working at an Internet company, I am always looking forward to live in the sub-urban area, where there are many unused land masses. The local government has made the plan to build some small houses with affordable prices here, which is a really inspiring message for me.

Therefore, I firmly believe making use of available land, through building more ordinary houses, is the most effective way to alleviate the housing shortage.


Kelly presents a compelling argument in favor of senior employees mentoring their younger colleagues.

Admittedly, this is an effective means to improve working efficiency.

However, considering the significance of communication in companies, I am inclined to support young employees in guiding their senior coworkers.

In my view, young workers, serving as the most vigorous power in the company, not only provide insights of the latest techniques but also offer more possibility for a smoother communication.

For example, as a senior developer in an Internet company, l used to be guided by a young intern student, who not only knew a lot about the newly emerging developing frameworks, but also promoted inter-department communication. His effort profoundly enhance the connection and collaboration between departments.

Therefore, I firmly believe that young employees should have the chance to mentor senior employees.



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  1. 1 Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D Minor, Op. 47:III. Allegro, ma non tanto Jascha Heifetz / Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D Minor, Op. 47:III. Allegro, ma non tanto - Jascha Heifetz / Chicago Symphony Orchestra
00:00 / 00:00
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