TOEFL | 202307 改革 · 新版题型总结


2 conversation,3 lecture。

conversation 有 5 道题,lecture 有 6 道题,3 / 3.5min 作答时间,平均一道题半分钟。

题型貌似没有变化,有双选、Yes or No(?)、排序。


从原来的三篇减为两篇,题型没有变化(见本站博客),一篇 17min,一共 35min。

一篇 10 道题,可能有词义直译、句意转述、双选题、句子选填位置、六选三总结。


1 独立口语 independent speaking:15s 准备,45s 作答。

  • 听说要准备一个鲜明的论点,2-3 个论据,包含自己的具体例子和事情细节。

3 综合口语 integrated speaking:

  • 形式 1:
    • 45s 读一段材料(不可回看),关于学校的一个决策,以及决策的原因(大概率几个并列)。
    • 再听一段 conversation,两个学生讨论这个决策,大概率反对这个决策,并对前面材料的原因一一回应。
    • 30s 准备,60s 作答,阐述 conversation 中的学生观点,解释这个观点背后的所有原因。
  • 形式 2:
    • 45s 读一段材料(不可回看),关于一种理论或现象。
    • 再听一段教授的 lecture,是这种理论或现象的具体例子(大概率几个并列的例子)。
    • 30s 准备,60s 作答,用教授举的(所有)例子,说明这个理论或现象。
  • 形式 3:
    • 直接听 lecture,会介绍两种并列的 相互对应的东西。
    • 20s 准备,60s 作答,用 lecture 里的例子,说明这两种相互对应的东西。


1 综合写作 integrated writing:

  • 先读 3min 文章(写作时可回看),文章提出论点 A,给出三个并列的论据。
  • 然后听一个相关的 lecture,lecture 反驳论点 A,并对三个论据一一进行反驳。
  • 然后写作 20min(但感觉不一定有这么多时间),150 - 225 个词(但范文写了 276 词),总结 lecture 的论点,并清楚地说明,lecture 是怎么反驳文章的三个论点的。
  • (这个题型貌似没改)(感觉可以套路)

附一个 integrated writing 范文:

The lecture explained why the computerized voting system can not replace the traditional voting system. Here are the following three reasons.

First of all, not everyone can use computers correctly. Some people do not have access to computers, some people are not used of computers, and some people are even scared of this new technology. If the voters do not know how to use a computer, how do you expect them to finish the voting process through computers? This directly refutes the reading passage which states that computerized voting is easier by just touching the screen.

Secondly, computers may make mistakes as the people do. As computers are programmed by the human beings, thus errors are inevitable in the computer system. Problems caused by computer voting systems may be more serious than those caused by people. A larger number of votes might be miss counted or even removed from the system. Furthermore, it would take more energy to recount the votes. Again this contradicts what is stated in the reading which stated that only people will make mistakes in counting.

Thirdly, computerized voting system is not reliable because it has not reached a stable status. People trust computers to conduct banking transactions because the computerized banking system is being used daily and frequently and has been stable. How ever, the voting does not happen as often as banking thus the computerized voting system has not been proved to be totally reliable.

All in all, not everyone can use a computer properly, computer cause mistakes and computerized voting system is not reliable are the main reasons why computerized voting system can not replace the traditional voting system.

1 学术讨论 academic discussion:

  • 在课堂上,教授和前面两个学生 发表了三段话,我要发表第四段,作答时间 10min,不少于 100 词。
  • 1 阐述并支持我的观点,2 为讨论做出贡献。
  • 我的观点可能是二选一的,也可能是开放性的。

附两个 academic discussion 题:


Dr. Gupta

As I mentioned in class, governments make public policies to describe their responses to various problems that affect a community. Part of this process involves setting and defending priorities about which issues deserve the most attention and resources. For example, governments need to decide whether they should spend more money on education or on environmental protections. If you were a policy maker, which issue would you argue is more important—education or environmental protections? Why?


We all live on planet Earth, and it is the only planet we have. Therefore, we must take care of it. Clearly, protecting the environment should be the government’s priority over education. I think the REAL question is, which approach to protecting the environment—restricting pollution, regulating population, promoting clean energy, or something else—should be the government’s priority.


I disagree with Kelly that that the environment is more important than education. Education is actually the best way to protect the environment. Educated people can see how their decisions affect the world around them. Also, with better science and technology education, we can develop solutions to environmental problems. Therefore, I think the government should spend more money on education.


Dr. Achebe

When people are asked about the most important discoveries or inventions made in the last two hundred years, they usually mention something very obvious, like the computer or the cell phone. But there are thousands of other discoveries or inventions that have had a huge impact on how we live today. What scientific discovery or technological invention from the last two hundred years—other than computers and cell phones—would you choose as being important? Why?


I mean, we’re so used to science and technology that we are not even aware of all the things we use in our daily lives. I would probably choose space satellites. This technology happened in the last hundred years, and it has become important for so many things. Just think about navigation, or telecommunications, or even the military.


I am thinking about medical progress. Like, for example, when scientists discovered things about healthy nutrition. I am thinking of identifying all the vitamins we need to stay healthy. I am not sure exactly when the vitamin discoveries happened, but I know they are very important. Our health is much better than it was 200 years ago.



In the past 200 years, tons of scientific discoveries or technological inventions have been shown to the world. If I had to choose one in particular it will probably be vaccine or antibiotics. With Pasteur's work and discoveries, the world changed in a way people couldn't imagine. So many people were dying really young because at that time life's conditions were not as good as the one we have now. With vaccine, we could now irradicate diseases that were killing millions of people, we learn so much about the immune system and ways our body was reacting to pathogens and the answers he could produce to defend us against it. Medicine evolved so much and keeps evolving every day because scientists are curious to understand how our body is working and how he is able to communicate with our environment. People aged 40 are now not that old and still have a really long life to live and enjoy when 2 centuries ago it was synonymous of 80% chance of dying.


From my personal point of view, I think the most important invention is the light bulb. Before it was invented, people had have to use candles for illumination in the evening. It's performance is not very stable, and it is produce really high temperature which would probably lead to a fire accident. Light bulbs, however, produce constant and bright lighting at nights. One light bulb could use for several years, which is quite convenient-people don't need to storage many bulbs. What's more, it is safer than past candles. This is a huge progress in technology, and I consider it as the most vital invention from the last 200 years.



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  1. 1 Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D Minor, Op. 47:III. Allegro, ma non tanto Jascha Heifetz / Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D Minor, Op. 47:III. Allegro, ma non tanto - Jascha Heifetz / Chicago Symphony Orchestra
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