cs 保研经验贴 | 英语口试


无论是笔试面试,还是联系导师 联系 hr,这种自我推销的事情,都会越做越熟练的。希望发表也是如此吧…(来自博零菜鸟的碎碎念…)




  • 忘光了,等我现场推吗?Sorry, I forgot most of the details. Would you wait for me to do some calculation right now, or continue with the next question?
  • 不知道,没上过这门课。Sorry, I don't know the answer. There is no ML course for CS major in SEU.
  • 忘光了,不是我们学校的重点。Sorry, I don't know the answer. It's not the focus of the data structure course I've learned.
  • 不知道,这部分是队友 / 学长做的。Sorry, I didn't do this part, so I don't know much of the details. But I can explain the basic idea of this part...


  • introduce yourself
  • introduce your research projects, contributions, innovations
    • introduction & contribution:照搬自我介绍
    • innovations:是第一个做的人,精准找到了影响合作效率的点,并且提出了在 training 中得到它们的方法。
  • why apply for PhD
    • first it is because, the work and life of faculties really attract me.
    • 如果没能成功成为 faculty,也可以进工业界做研发,也很有趣。
    • in general, i'm applying PhD to 接近目标,提升竞争力。
  • your plan for PhD years
    • I'll work hard to develop the necessary qualities of an independent researcher, including to find a meaningful idea, to implement my idea through coding, to conduct experiments, to write papers and give talks.
    • To do this, i'll work hard to publish meaningful papers, take part in our National Fund Projects and projects with industry, and also keep good relationships with my supervisor and collaborators.
  • why choose fudan / ruc gaoling / buaa / 计算所 / Institute of Automation / sjtu / tsinghua
    • xx is really nice.
    • and i'm really interested in machine learning, (DL / RL), (network system).
    • and just the same as the faculties in xx, i also believe that ML / DL / RL techniques can be utilized in many realistic fields, to develop new methods, to improve the existing methods, to bring us a wide range of probabilities, and to push the boundaries of science and technology.


  • introduce:
    • introduce your family
    • introduce your college
    • introduce your hometown
    • introduce your hobbies
    • introduce your strengths and weaknesses: Precocity cannot replace experience
  • favorite:
    • favorite ML algorithm: Adaboost
    • favorite professional course


  • what kind of professors do you like
  • 看过机器学习的什么文章(Viola-Jones)

英语自我介绍 1min(已去除个人信息)

Hello everyone!

I'm [MoonOut] from Southeast University and my major is computer science.

I got a rank [X] in my major, a [XXX] score for CET-6, and also i've got several awards in a wide range of competitions, and also honors such as the national scholarship.

As for my research experience, i've participated in a machine learning project. We proposed a framework for [some kinds of] task, which expand [some kinds of] reinforcement learning to [some kinds of] scenarios. We wrote a paper and submitted it to [some conference] 2022, and it is under review now.

And that's all. Thanks for listening.



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  1. 1 Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D Minor, Op. 47:III. Allegro, ma non tanto Jascha Heifetz / Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D Minor, Op. 47:III. Allegro, ma non tanto - Jascha Heifetz / Chicago Symphony Orchestra
00:00 / 00:00
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