

1 item关键数据结构


typedef struct _stritem {

    struct _stritem *next;

    struct _stritem *prev;

    struct _stritem *h_next;    /* hash chain next */

    rel_time_t      time;       /* least recent access */

    rel_time_t      exptime;    /* expire time */

    int             nbytes;     /* size of data */

    unsigned short  refcount;

    uint8_t         nsuffix;    /* length of flags-and-length string */

    uint8_t         it_flags;   /* ITEM_* above */

    uint8_t         slabs_clsid;/* which slab class we're in */

    uint8_t         nkey;       /* key length, w/terminating null and padding */

    /* this odd type prevents type-punning issues when we do

     * the little shuffle to save space when not using CAS. */

    union {

        uint64_t cas;

        char end;

    } data[];

    /* if it_flags & ITEM_CAS we have 8 bytes CAS */

    /* then null-terminated key */

    /* then " flags length\r\n" (no terminating null) */

    /* then data with terminating \r\n (no terminating null; it's binary!) */

} item;



static item *heads[LARGEST_ID];

保存各个slab class所对应的item链表的表头。

static item *tails[LARGEST_ID];

保存各个slab class所对应的item链表的表尾。

static unsigned int sizes[LARGEST_ID];

保存各个slab class所对应的items数目。

2 item分配机制的函数实现


  在前面的分析中已介绍过,memcached不会释放已分配的内存。记录超时后,客户端就无法再看见该记录(invisible,透明),其存储空间即可重复使用。Memcached采用的是Lazy Expiration,即memcached内部不会监视记录是否过期,而是在get时查看记录的时间戳,检查记录是否过期。这种技术被称为lazy(惰性)expiration。因此,memcached不会在过期监视上耗费CPU时间。

  memcached会优先使用已超时的记录的空间,但即使如此,也会发生追加新记录时空间不足的情况,此时就要使用名为 Least Recently Used(LRU)机制来分配空间,即删除“最近最少使用”的记录。



item *do_item_alloc(char *key, const size_t nkey, const int flags, const rel_time_t exptime, const int nbytes);


* key       - The key

* nkey     - The length of the key

* flags     - key flags

*exptime  –item expired time

* nbytes  - Number of bytes to hold value and addition CRLF terminator


item *do_item_alloc(char *key, const size_t nkey, const int flags, const rel_time_t exptime, const int nbytes) {

    uint8_t nsuffix;

    item *it = NULL;

    char suffix[40];

    size_t ntotal = item_make_header(nkey + 1, flags, nbytes, suffix, &nsuffix);


         if (settings.use_cas) {

        ntotal += sizeof(uint64_t);


    unsigned int id = slabs_clsid(ntotal);//获得slabclass索引值

    if (id == 0)

        return 0;

    /* do a quick check if we have any expired items in the tail.. */

    int tries = 50;

    item *search;


    for (search = tails[id];

         tries > 0 && search != NULL;

         tries--, search=search->prev) {

        if (search->refcount == 0 &&

            (search->exptime != 0 && search->exptime < current_time)) {





    if (it == NULL && (it = slabs_alloc(ntotal, id)) == NULL) {


        ** Could not find an expired item at the tail, and memory allocation

        ** failed. Try to evict some items!


        tries = 50;

        /* If requested to not push old items out of cache when memory runs out,

         * we're out of luck at this point...


                   // 当内存存满时,是否淘汰老数据。默认为真。可用-M修改为否。此时内容耗尽时,新插入数据时将返回失败。


        it = slabs_alloc(ntotal, id); //返回新分配的slab的第一个item


        if (it == 0) {


            /* Last ditch effort. There is a very rare bug which causes

             * refcount leaks. We've fixed most of them, but it still happens,

             * and it may happen in the future.

             * We can reasonably assume no item can stay locked for more than

             * three hours, so if we find one in the tail which is that old,

             * free it anyway.


            tries = 50;

            for (search = tails[id]; tries > 0 && search != NULL; tries--, search=search->prev) {


                                     if (search->refcount != 0 && search->time + TAIL_REPAIR_TIME < current_time) {



            it = slabs_alloc(ntotal, id);

            if (it == 0) {

                return NULL;





    it->next = it->prev = it->h_next = 0;

    it->refcount = 1;     /* the caller will have a reference */

    DEBUG_REFCNT(it, '*');

    it->it_flags = settings.use_cas ? ITEM_CAS : 0;

    it->nkey = nkey;

    it->nbytes = nbytes;


    memcpy(ITEM_key(it), key, nkey);

    it->exptime = exptime;

    memcpy(ITEM_suffix(it), suffix, (size_t)nsuffix);

    it->nsuffix = nsuffix;

    return it;




  若向前查找50次都没有找到过期的item,则调用slabs_alloc()分配内存,如果alloc失败,接着从链表尾开始向前找出一些没有人用的refcount=0的item,调用do_item_unlink(),再用slabs_alloc()分配内存,如果还失败,只能从链表中删除一些正在引用但过期时间小于current_time – CURRENT_REPAIR_TIME的节点,这个尝试又从尾向前尝试50次,OK,再做最后一次尝试再去slabs_alloc()分配内存,如果这次还是失败,那就彻底放弃了,内存分配失败。


posted @ 2012-05-21 16:09  Moon_Bird  阅读(3245)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报