Orleans之Event Sourcing自定义存储
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Orleans实现Event Sourcing(事件溯源)机制主要依赖于2个元素:
- Journaled Grains
- Log Consistency Provider
Journaled Grains(日记颗粒)
Journaled Grain职责:
- 表示 grain 状态的TGrainState,它必须是具有公共默认构造函数的类。
- TEventBase是可为此 grain 引发的所有事件的公用超类型,可以是任何类或接口。
在Journaled Grain派生类中调用RaiseEvent(@event)会触发Event Sourcing的日志一致性程序进行事件提交和存储。
RaiseEvent(new DepositTransaction() { DepositAmount = amount, Description = description }); await ConfirmEvents();
GrainState 类可以在StateType上实现一个或多个Apply方法,方法里的代码用来指定如何更新状态以响应事件。通常,用户会创建多个重载,并为事件的运行时类型选择最接近的匹配项:
class GrainState { Apply(E1 @event) { // code that updates the state } Apply(E2 @event) { // code that updates the state } }
其实还可以通过重写Grain 类的
函数,达到相同的效果,但使用此函数需要在内部编写大量swich case才能实现分类处理,不如Apply那样优雅和易于维护。Log Consistency Provider(日志一致性提供程序)
Log Consistency Provider职责:
尽管Orleans官方提供了3种Log Consistency Providers,但让人意外的是,这3种都不适合直接用在实际的生产环境。其中StateStorage.LogConsistencyProvider根本就不作用于对象事件,它只记录对象在应用了事件之后的最终状态,属于一种快照式的实现。而LogStorage.LogConsistencyProvider刚好相反,它只存储对象的所有事件,但不存储对象的状态,属于一种事件流式的实现。唯一可能用于实际生产环境的是第三种CustomStorage.LogConsistencyProvider,这个自定义存储日志一致性提供程序的接口ICustomStorageInterface<StateType, EventType>需要实现2个方法-ReadStateFromStorage和ApplyUpdatesToStorage,看上去似乎并不复杂,但你可能已经猜到了,魔鬼都藏在细节中...
ReadStateFromStorage 预期会返回读取的版本和状态。 如果尚未存储任何内容,则它应为版本返回零,并且匹配的状态对应于 StateType 的默认构造函数。
- 创建状态对象(对应version为0)
- 读取状态存储中最新的状态快照(如果有),并更新状态对象的version和快照内容
- 根据version将之后发生的新事件应用(重播一遍)到当前version状态快照
- 对比version,将最新的状态快照重新写入状态存储
- 返回最终的version和状态
这个方法返回的是一个KeyValuePair<int, StateType>,其中int是version(版本号,每应用一个事件版本号+1),StateType是状态对象。
/// <summary> /// Reads the current state and version from storage /// (note that the state object may be mutated by the provider, so it must not be shared). /// </summary> /// <returns>the version number and a state object.</returns> Task<KeyValuePair<int,TState>> ReadStateFromStorage();
如果预期的版本与实际版本不匹配,则 ApplyUpdatesToStorage 必须返回 false(这类似于 e-tag 检查)。
/// <summary> /// Applies the given array of deltas to storage, and returns true, if the version in storage matches the expected version. /// Otherwise, does nothing and returns false. If successful, the version of storage must be increased by the number of deltas. /// </summary> /// <returns>true if the deltas were applied, false otherwise</returns> Task<bool> ApplyUpdatesToStorage(IReadOnlyList<TDelta> updates, int expectedversion);
IReadOnlyList<DomainEventBase> updates——增量事件列表
int expectedversion——预期版本
- 获取存储中最新事件的版本
- 如果获取到的版本与预期的版本不一致,则什么都不做,并返回false
- 如果获取到的版本为0,则新写入事件和状态快照
- 对于updates中的增量事件列表,循环将事件写入存储,并逐步增量更新版本
- 退出并返回true
Event Sourcing自定义存储解决方案示例剖析
项目环境:.Net Core+Orleans Event Sourcing+MySql
由于本示例是由国外一名40年code经验的大叔根据自身金融从业经验基于Orleans的Event Sourcing编写的简单范例——金融客户管理系统。功能较为完善,代码量较大,因此这里仅针对项目中的关键点作出讲解。
/* Navicat Premium Data Transfer Source Server : 本地Mysql Source Server Type : MySQL Source Server Version : 80029 Source Host : localhost:3306 Source Schema : OrleansESL Target Server Type : MySQL Target Server Version : 80029 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 21/08/2022 17:03:25 */ SET NAMES utf8mb4; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for CustomerEventStream -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `CustomerEventStream`; CREATE TABLE `CustomerEventStream` ( `CustomerId` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `ETag` int NOT NULL, `Timestamp` char(33) NOT NULL, `EventType` varchar(10000) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL, `Payload` varchar(10000) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`CustomerId`,`ETag`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;
/* Navicat Premium Data Transfer Source Server : 本地Mysql Source Server Type : MySQL Source Server Version : 80029 Source Host : localhost:3306 Source Schema : OrleansESL Target Server Type : MySQL Target Server Version : 80029 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 21/08/2022 17:03:33 */ SET NAMES utf8mb4; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for CustomerSnapshot -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `CustomerSnapshot`; CREATE TABLE `CustomerSnapshot` ( `CustomerId` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `ETag` int NOT NULL, `Snapshot` varchar(10000) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`CustomerId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;
var host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args); host.UseOrleans(builder => { builder //silo使用localhost机群 .UseLocalhostClustering() // cluster and service IDs default to "dev" //在没有配置cluster和service的ID情况下,默认cluster和service的ID为"dev" .Configure<EndpointOptions>(options => options.AdvertisedIPAddress = IPAddress.Loopback) //表示使用自定义存储作为默认的日志一致性提供程序 .AddCustomStorageBasedLogConsistencyProviderAsDefault() //依赖注入Grain类和自定义的日志一致性提供程序 .ConfigureApplicationParts(parts => { parts.AddApplicationPart(typeof(CustomerCommands).Assembly).WithReferences(); parts.AddApplicationPart(typeof(CustomerQueries).Assembly).WithReferences(); parts.AddApplicationPart(typeof(CustomerManager).Assembly).WithReferences(); }); });
namespace DomainModel.DomainEvents { public class DomainEventBase { public static readonly int NEW_ETAG = -1; public DateTimeOffset Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now;//时间戳 public int ETag { get; set; } = NEW_ETAG;//版本号,同Version } }
namespace DomainModel.DomainEvents { public class AccountAdded : DomainEventBase { public Account Account; } }
namespace DomainModel { public class Account { public bool IsPrimaryAccount; public string AccountType; public string AccountNumber; public decimal Balance; } }
作为Event Sourcing自定义存储机制实现类库,依赖Microsoft.Orleans.Core.Abstractions、Microsoft.Orleans.CodeGenerator.MSBuild和Microsoft.Orleans.EventSourcing包,定义了接口封装,实现了日志一致性存储及应用事件更新到状态。
namespace ServiceCustomerManager { public interface ICustomerManager : IGrainWithStringKey , IEventSourcedGrain<Customer, DomainEventBase> //日志一致性自定义存储接口 , ICustomStorageInterface<CustomerState, DomainEventBase> { } }
namespace ServiceCustomerManager { public class CustomerManager : EventSourcedGrain<Customer, CustomerState, DomainEventBase> , ICustomerManager//封装好的接口 { //数据库连接字符串切换为Mysql //private static string ConnectionString = @"Server=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Integrated Security=true;Database=OrleansESL"; private static string ConnectionString = @"Server=localhost;DataBase=OrleansESL;uid=root;pwd=12345678;pooling=true;port=3306;CharSet=utf8;sslMode=None;"; private readonly ILogger<CustomerManager> Log; public CustomerManager(ILogger<CustomerManager> log) { Log = log; } //实现ICustomStorageInterface接口方法,从存储中读取状态 public async Task<KeyValuePair<int, CustomerState>> ReadStateFromStorage() { //开启数据库连接 Log.LogInformation("ReadStateFromStorage: start"); using var connection = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString); await connection.OpenAsync(); //读取数据库存储中最新的状态快照和版本号 var (etag, state) = await ReadSnapshot(connection); Log.LogInformation($"ReadStateFromStorage: ReadSnapshot loaded etag {etag}"); //根据数据库当前版本号,将更高版本的事件逐个应用到当前状态快照 var newETag = await ApplyNewerEvents(connection, etag, state); //将应用后的最新状态和版本号写入数据库存储中 if (newETag != etag) await WriteNewSnapshot(connection, newETag, state); etag = newETag; //关闭数据库连接 await connection.CloseAsync(); Log.LogInformation($"ReadStateFromStorage: returning etag {etag}"); return new KeyValuePair<int, CustomerState>(etag, state); } //实现ICustomStorageInterface接口方法,应用更新到存储 public async Task<bool> ApplyUpdatesToStorage(IReadOnlyList<DomainEventBase> updates, int expectedversion) { //开启数据库连接 Log.LogInformation($"ApplyUpdatesToStorage: start, expected etag {expectedversion}, update count {updates.Count}"); using var connection = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString); await connection.OpenAsync(); //获取数据库存储中的事件流最新版本号 Log.LogInformation("ApplyUpdatesToStorage: checking persisted stream version"); int ver = await GetEventStreamVersion(connection); Log.LogInformation($"ApplyUpdatesToStorage: persisted version {ver} is expected? {(ver == expectedversion)}"); //如果预期版本与实际存储版本不一致,则直接返回false if (ver != expectedversion) return false; //如果存储的版本号为0 if (ver == 0) { //则新写入一个事件流 Log.LogInformation("ApplyUpdatesToStorage: etag 0 special-case write Initialized event"); await WriteEvent(connection, new Initialized { ETag = 0, CustomerId = GrainPrimaryKey }); //并新写入一个状态快照 Log.LogInformation("ApplyUpdatesToStorage: etag 0 special-case write snapshot"); await WriteNewSnapshot(connection, 0, State); } //循环此次增量事件列表 foreach (var e in updates) { ver++; Log.LogInformation($"ApplyUpdatesToStorage: update ver {ver} event {e.GetType().Name} has etag {e.ETag}"); if (e.ETag == DomainEventBase.NEW_ETAG) { //将事件逐个写入数据库存储 e.ETag = ver; await WriteEvent(connection, e); } } //关闭数据库连接 await connection.CloseAsync(); Log.LogInformation("ApplyUpdatesToStorage: exit"); return true; } //获取JournaledGrain主键 private string GrainPrimaryKey { get => ((Grain)this).GetPrimaryKeyString(); } //读取数据库存储最新的状态快照 private async Task<(int etag, CustomerState state)> ReadSnapshot(MySqlConnection connection) { Log.LogInformation("ReadSnapshot: start"); int etag = 0; var state = new CustomerState(); state.CustomerId = GrainPrimaryKey; using var cmd = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT ETag, Snapshot FROM CustomerSnapshot WHERE CustomerId=@customerId;"); cmd.Connection = connection; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customerId", GrainPrimaryKey); using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(); if(reader.HasRows) { Log.LogInformation("ReadSnapshot: found snapshot to load"); await reader.ReadAsync(); etag = reader.GetInt32(0); var snapshot = reader.GetString(1); state = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CustomerState>(snapshot, JsonSettings); } await reader.CloseAsync(); Log.LogInformation($"ReadSnapshot: exit returning etag {etag}"); return (etag, state); } //将更高版本的事件逐个应用到当前状态快照 private async Task<int> ApplyNewerEvents(MySqlConnection connection, int snapshotETag, CustomerState state) { //获取大于当前版本号的事件流内容列表 Log.LogInformation($"ApplyNewerEvents: start for etags newer than {snapshotETag}"); using var cmd = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT ETag, Payload FROM CustomerEventStream WHERE CustomerId = @customerId AND ETag > @etag ORDER BY ETag ASC;"); cmd.Connection = connection; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customerId", GrainPrimaryKey); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@etag", snapshotETag); using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(); int etag = snapshotETag; if (reader.HasRows) { //循环读取事件流内容 while (await reader.ReadAsync()) { etag = reader.GetInt32(0); var payload = reader.GetString(1); //将事件流Json内容反序列化为事件对象 var eventbase = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(payload, JsonSettings) as DomainEventBase; Log.LogInformation($"ApplyNewerEvents: applying event {eventbase.GetType()} for etag {etag}"); //调用Grain状态类的Apply方法将事件应用到状态 MethodInfo apply = typeof(CustomerState).GetMethod("Apply", new Type[] { eventbase.GetType() }); apply.Invoke(state, new object[] { eventbase }); } } await reader.CloseAsync(); Log.LogInformation($"ApplyNewerEvents: exit returning etag {etag}"); return etag; } //写入/更新状态快照 private async Task WriteNewSnapshot(MySqlConnection connection, int etag, CustomerState state) { Log.LogInformation($"WriteNewSnapshot: start write for etag {etag}"); var snapshot = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(state, JsonSettings); using var cmd = new MySqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = connection; cmd.CommandText = (etag == 0) ? $"INSERT INTO CustomerSnapshot (CustomerId, ETag, Snapshot) VALUES (@customerId, @etag, @snapshot);" : $"UPDATE CustomerSnapshot SET ETag = @etag, Snapshot = @snapshot WHERE CustomerId = @customerId;"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customerId", GrainPrimaryKey); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@etag", etag); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@snapshot", snapshot); await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); Log.LogInformation("WriteNewSnapshot: exit"); } //获取数据库存储中最大的版本号 private async Task<int> GetEventStreamVersion(MySqlConnection connection) { // The MAX aggregate returns NULL for no rows, allowing ISNULL to substitute the 0 value, otherwise // ExecuteScalarAsync would return null for an empty recordset //这里需要注意将SQL语句切换为Mysql语法 using var cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT ETag FROM CustomerEventStream WHERE CustomerId = @customerId ORDER BY ETag DESC Limit 1;"); cmd.Connection = connection; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customerId", GrainPrimaryKey); //int etag = (int)await cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync(); //兼容Mysql object etagobj = await cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync(); int etag = 0; if (etagobj != null) { etag = (int)etagobj; } return etag; } //写入事件 private async Task WriteEvent(MySqlConnection connection, DomainEventBase e) { Log.LogInformation($"WriteEvent: start for {e.GetType().Name}"); var payload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(e, JsonSettings); using var cmd = new MySqlCommand($"INSERT INTO CustomerEventStream (CustomerId, ETag, Timestamp, EventType, Payload) VALUES (@customerId, @etag, @timestamp, @typeName, @payload);"); cmd.Connection = connection; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customerId", GrainPrimaryKey); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@etag", e.ETag); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@timestamp", e.Timestamp.ToString("o")); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@typeName", e.GetType().Name); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@payload", payload); await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); Log.LogInformation("WriteEvent: exit"); } private JsonSerializerSettings JsonSettings { get; } = new JsonSerializerSettings() { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All }; } }
public class CustomerState : Customer { public void Apply(Initialized e) { // Do nothing, this represents the default constructor } public void Apply(AccountAdded e) { var acct = Accounts.Find(a => a.AccountNumber.Equals(e.Account.AccountNumber)); if(acct == null) Accounts.Add(e.Account); } public void Apply(AccountRemoved e) { Accounts.RemoveAll(a => a.AccountNumber.Equals(e.AccountNumber)); } public void Apply(CustomerCreated e) { PrimaryAccountHolder = e.PrimaryAccountHolder; MailingAddress = e.MailingAddress; } public void Apply(MailingAddressChanged e) { MailingAddress = e.Address; } public void Apply(ResidencePrimaryChanged e) { PrimaryAccountHolder.Residence = e.Address; } public void Apply(ResidenceSpouseChanged e) { Spouse.Residence = e.Address; } public void Apply(SpouseChanged e) { Spouse = e.Spouse; } public void Apply(SpouseRemoved e) { Spouse = null; } public void Apply(TransactionPosted e) { var acct = Accounts.Find(a => a.AccountNumber.Equals(e.AccountNumber)); if (acct != null) acct.Balance = e.NewBalance; } }
public CustomerCommands(IClusterClient clusterClient, ILogger<CustomerCommands> log) { OrleansClient = clusterClient; Log = log; } public async Task<APIResult<Customer>> AddAccount(string customerId, Account account) { try { var mgr = OrleansClient.GetGrain<ICustomerManager>(customerId); //调用RaiseEvent引发事件 await mgr.RaiseEvent(new AccountAdded { Account = account }); //等待事件确认 await mgr.ConfirmEvents(); return new APIResult<Customer>(await mgr.GetManagedState()); } catch (Exception ex) { return new APIResult<Customer>(ex); } }
static async Task<IClusterClient> GetOrleansClusterClient() { var client = new ClientBuilder() .ConfigureLogging(logging => { logging .AddFilter("Microsoft", LogLevel.Warning) .AddFilter("Orleans", LogLevel.Warning) .AddFilter("Runtime", LogLevel.Warning) .AddConsole(); }) //和silo配置保持一致 .UseLocalhostClustering() // cluster and service IDs default to "dev" .ConfigureApplicationParts(parts => { parts.AddApplicationPart(typeof(CustomerCommands).Assembly).WithReferences(); parts.AddApplicationPart(typeof(CustomerQueries).Assembly).WithReferences(); parts.AddApplicationPart(typeof(CustomerManager).Assembly).WithReferences(); }) .Build(); await client.Connect(); return client; }
public static async Task Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Connecting client."); var clusterClient = await GetOrleansClusterClient(); Console.WriteLine("Retrieving CQRS grains."); var cmd = clusterClient.GetGrain<ICustomerCommands>(0); var query = clusterClient.GetGrain<ICustomerQueries>(0); string id = "12345678"; var exists = await query.CustomerExists(id); Console.WriteLine($"Customer exists? {exists.Output}"); APIResult<Customer> snapshot; if(!exists.Output) { var residence = new Address { Street = "10 Main St.", City = "Anytown", StateOrProvince = "TX", PostalCode = "90210", Country = "USA" }; var person = new Person { FullName = "John Doe", FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", Residence = residence, TaxId = "555-55-1234", DateOfBirth = DateTimeOffset.Parse("05/01/1960") }; Console.WriteLine("Creating new customer."); snapshot = await cmd.NewCustomer(id, person, residence); } else { Console.WriteLine("Retrieving customer."); snapshot = await query.FindCustomer(id); } if(snapshot.Success) { Console.WriteLine($"Customer name: {snapshot.Output.PrimaryAccountHolder.FullName}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Exception:\n{snapshot.Message}"); } await clusterClient.Close(); clusterClient.Dispose(); if(!Debugger.IsAttached) { Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(true); } }
先后运行DemoHost和DemoClient项目,即可在数据库看到Event Sourcing自定义存储效果:
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