Spring Cloud问题分析

  基于Spring Cloud框架开发时,经常会碰到各种开发问题,那么碰到这些问题时如何去解决呢?下面描述基于Spring Cloud问题定位的基本思路,大概可以分为如下几步:

  • 排查配置问题
  • 环境问题
  • 排查代码问题
  • 定位Spring-Cloud Bug






  • bootstrap.yml is loaded before application.yml
  • It is typically used for the following:
  1. when using Spring Cloud Config Server, you should specify spring.application.name and spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri inside bootstrap.yml
  2. some encryption/decryption information

    Technically, bootstrap.yml is loaded by a parent Spring ApplicationContext. That parent ApplicationContext is loaded before the one that uses application.yml







  (3)Spring Boot/Spring Cloud环境变量

 (4)Spring Boot/Spring Cloud允许使用环境变量加载配置

三、Spring Cloud Bug

   如:spring-boot 自定义内置tomcat信息泄漏问题,参见:https://my.oschina.net/u/252181/blog/832562

posted @ 2017-09-12 21:53  moonandstar08  阅读(625)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报