1 <html> 2 <head> 3 <style type="text/css"> 4 #d_clip_button { 5 text-align:center; 6 border:1px solid black; 7 background-color:#ccc; 8 margin:10px; padding:10px; 9 } 10 #d_clip_button.hover { background-color:#eee; } 11 #d_clip_button.active { background-color:#aaa; } 12 </style> 13 </head> 14 <body> 15 <script type="text/javascript" src="zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard.js"></script> 16 17 Copy to Clipboard: <input type="text" id="clip_text" size="40" value="Copy me!"/><br/><br/> 18 19 <div id="d_clip_button">Copy To Clipboard</div> 20 21 <script language="JavaScript"> 22 var clip = new ZeroClipboard.Client(); 23 24 clip.setText( '' ); // will be set later on mouseDown 25 clip.setHandCursor( true ); 26 clip.setCSSEffects( true ); 27 28 clip.addEventListener( 'load', function(client) { 29 // alert( "movie is loaded" ); 30 } ); 31 32 clip.addEventListener( 'complete', function(client, text) { 33 alert("Copied text to clipboard: " + text ); 34 } ); 35 36 clip.addEventListener( 'mouseOver', function(client) { 37 // alert("mouse over"); 38 } ); 39 40 clip.addEventListener( 'mouseOut', function(client) { 41 // alert("mouse out"); 42 } ); 43 44 clip.addEventListener( 'mouseDown', function(client) { 45 // set text to copy here 46 clip.setText( document.getElementById('clip_text').value ); 47 48 // alert("mouse down"); 49 } ); 50 51 clip.addEventListener( 'mouseUp', function(client) { 52 // alert("mouse up"); 53 } ); 54 55 clip.glue( 'd_clip_button' ); 56 </script> 57 </body> 58 </html>
ZeroClipboard.js ----------------> moviePath: 'zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard.swf', // URL to movie