using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Net; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.IO; namespace Zt2SinaTaoKaTool { public partial class MainForm : Form { public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); } private int ka_ren_count = 10; private WebClient client = null; private StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("ka.txt", true); private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { button1.Enabled = false; button2.Enabled = true; textBox1.Enabled = false; try { ka_ren_count = Int32.Parse(textBox1.Text); } catch (Exception) { ka_ren_count = 10; } //开始任务 if (client == null) { client = new WebClient(); } else { if (client.IsBusy) { client.Dispose(); } client = new WebClient(); } client.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(client_OpenReadCompleted); // Add a user agent header in case the // requested URI contains a query. client.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.0.3705;)"); timer1.Start(); } private int tao_count = 0; void client_OpenReadCompleted(object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e) { MainForm pThis = sender as MainForm; if (e.Result != null) { using (e.Result) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(e.Result); string s = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); Regex reg = new Regex(@"本组卡号已经被[\d]{0,4}人淘过"); Match match = reg.Match(s); if (match.Success) { string value = match.Value; string int_value = value.Replace("本组卡号已经被", "").Replace("人淘过", "").Trim(); if (int_value != "") { int ren = Convert.ToInt32(int_value); if (ren <= ka_ren_count) { Regex reg_ka = new Regex("(.){5}-(.){5}-(.){5}-(.){5}"); MatchCollection ka_matchs = reg_ka.Matches(s); if (ka_matchs.Count > 0) { StreamWriter sw_single = new StreamWriter(string.Format("ka_{0}_{1}.txt", DateTime.Now.Ticks, int_value), true); string _tempLastKa = ""; foreach (Match item in ka_matchs) { string _ka = item.Value; if (_tempLastKa == _ka) { continue; } _tempLastKa = _ka; sw.WriteLine(_ka); sw.Flush(); sw_single.WriteLine(_ka); listBox1.Items.Add(_ka); } sw_single.Close(); } } } } else { MessageBox.Show("网络请求出错了,重新打开试试!"); } } tao_count++; label2.Text = tao_count.ToString(); } } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { timer1.Stop(); client.OpenReadCompleted -= client_OpenReadCompleted; button1.Enabled = true; button2.Enabled = false; textBox1.Enabled = true; } private int timer_count = 0; private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { timer_count++; label4.Text = timer_count.ToString(); if (timer_count >= 20) { timer_count = 0; try { client.OpenReadAsync(new Uri("http://ka.sina.com.cn/index.php/request/pickNum/gid/722/itemId/3843/1371195204095"), this); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("网络异常,关了重试!"); } } } private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { //System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection s = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); //MessageBox.Show(listBox1.SelectedItem as string); //s.Add(listBox1.SelectedItem as string); Clipboard.SetDataObject(listBox1.SelectedItem as string); } private void MainForm_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { sw.Close(); } } }
Dim a SetSimMode 2 VBS Dim fso,ts,text VBS Const ForReading = 1 VBS Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile("e:\ka_tool\ka.txt", ForReading) Rem Read_1 VBS kaTest=ts.ReadLine if kaTest="" or ts.AtEndOfStream Goto Read_Over End If LeftClick 1 /*左键,这是点NPC的*/ '==========以下是按键精灵录制的内容========== Delay 100 MoveTo 456, 337 Delay 30 MoveTo 452, 337 Delay 10 MoveTo 450, 337 Delay 30 MoveTo 442, 337 Delay 10 MoveTo 438, 337 Delay 30 MoveTo 431, 335 Delay 10 MoveTo 426, 335 Delay 30 MoveTo 424, 335 Delay 10 MoveTo 422, 334 Delay 30 MoveTo 419, 333 Delay 10 MoveTo 416, 333 Delay 30 MoveTo 414, 332 MoveTo 412, 331 Delay 20 MoveTo 408, 330 Delay 10 MoveTo 398, 328 Delay 10 MoveTo 385, 325 Delay 20 MoveTo 374, 321 Delay 100 MoveTo 357, 320 Delay 100 MoveTo 349, 319 Delay 200 MoveTo 342, 318 Delay 200 MoveTo 338, 318 MoveTo 336, 318 Delay 500 LeftDown 1 LeftClick 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 500 '==========以上是按键精灵录制的内容========== a = left(kaTest, 23) //Plugin.Sys.SetCLB (a) //Delay 240 //KeyDown "Ctrl", 1 //Delay 150 //KeyDown "V", 1 //Delay 100 //KeyUp "V", 1 //Delay 30 //KeyUp "Ctrl", 1 SayString a KeyPress 13,1 Delay 1000 /*延迟1秒*/ KeyPress "Enter", 1 /*回车兑换*/ Delay 2000 /*延迟1秒*/ //下面这句在屏幕区域范围内截图保存到("C:\PIC.bmp")里 //Call Plugin.Pic.PrintScreen(369,274,716,422, "C:\PIC.bmp") FindPic 369,274,716,422,"Attachment:\2013621113659.bmp",0.9,intX,intY If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then Call Plugin.File.WriteFileEx("E:\ka_tool\ka_error.txt", a) Else Call Plugin.File.WriteFileEx("E:\ka_tool\ka_ok.txt", a) End If KeyPress "Enter", 1 /*把弹出的那个兑换成功啊还有卡号错误那个框框按掉*/ Delay 500 '==========以下是按键精灵录制的内容========== Delay 100 MoveTo 336, 318 MoveTo 338, 318 Delay 20 MoveTo 342, 318 Delay 20 MoveTo 349, 319 Delay 10 MoveTo 357, 320 Delay 10 MoveTo 374, 321 Delay 20 MoveTo 385, 325 Delay 10 MoveTo 398, 328 Delay 10 MoveTo 408, 330 Delay 20 MoveTo 412, 331 Delay 30 MoveTo 416, 333 Delay 10 MoveTo 419, 333 Delay 30 MoveTo 422, 334 Delay 10 MoveTo 424, 335 Delay 30 MoveTo 426, 335 Delay 10 MoveTo 431, 335 Delay 30 MoveTo 438, 337 Delay 10 MoveTo 442, 337 Delay 30 MoveTo 450, 337 Delay 10 MoveTo 452, 337 Delay 30 MoveTo 456, 337 Delay 100 '==========以上是按键精灵录制的内容========== Goto Read_1 Rem Read_Over VBS ts.Close