关于Windows phone 7.1 IsolatedStorageFile问题

    private const string FolderName = "temp1/NewFolder";

        void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            using (IsolatedStorageFile file = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                string[] array = file.GetDirectoryNames("temp1/");


    查到MSDN 示例如下:

  // Create directorie


  // Create subdirectorie under MyApp1.

  string subdirectory1 = Path.Combine("MyApp1", "SubDir1");


  // Create a file in a subdirectory.

  IsolatedStorageFileStream subDirFile = store.CreateFile(Path.Combine(subdirectory1, "MyApp1A.txt"));


  // Gather file information

  string searchpath = Path.Combine(subdirectory1, "*.*");

  string[] filesInSubDirs = store.GetFileNames(searchpath);

  // Find subdirectories within the MyApp1 // directory using the multi character '*' wildcard.

  string[] subDirectories = store.GetDirectoryNames(Path.Combine("MyApp1", "*"));

  其中使用到了Path类并且使用了Combine方法,继续查找Path,没有查到Combine方法。所以 在Windows phone 中不能够使用Path


  至于windows phone 7.1 如何让使用IdolatedStorageFile 仍在迷惑中。。。 如果你知道的话,请留言,分享是一种美德!!


posted on 2011-11-24 17:01  Games  阅读(414)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报