UVA - 814 The Letter Carrier's Rounds

  用到的处理手法 or 收获 or 注意事项:
  1. substr函数分离邮箱的用户名和MTA,当需要有两个返回值时,通过传两个引用并改变它们来实现
  见blog: http://www.cnblogs.com/nzbbody/p/3409298.html


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
//#define debug
using namespace std;
const string space = "     ";  

void separate(const string &s, string &user, string &mta)
	int k = s.find('@');
	user = s.substr(0, k);
	mta = s.substr(k + 1);

int main()
	#ifdef debug
	freopen("E:\\in.txt", "r", stdin);
	freopen("E:\\out.txt", "w", stdout);
	int k;
	string s, t, user1, mta1, user2, mta2;
	set<string> addr;

	while (cin >> s && s != "*") //s为 MTA 而非 *  
		cin >> s >> k;
		while (k--)
			cin >> t;
			addr.insert(t + "@" + s);

	while (cin >> s && s != "*") //处理发件人地址 
		separate(s, user1, mta1);
		vector<string> mta; //所有需要连接的mta,按照输入排序
		map<string, vector<string> > dest; //每个MTA需要发送的客户
		set<string> vis;
		while (cin >> t && t != "*")
			separate(t, user2, mta2); //处理收件人地址
			if (vis.count(t)) continue; //重复的收件人
			if (!dest.count(mta2))
				dest[mta2] = vector<string> ();
		getline(cin, t); //是为了吃掉 * 后的那个回车,也可用 getchar() 代替
		string data;
		while (getline(cin, t) && t[0] != '*') data += space + t + "\n";
		for (int i = 0; i < mta.size(); i++)
			string mta2 = mta[i];
			vector<string> users = dest[mta2];
			cout << "Connection between " << mta1 << " and " << mta2 << endl;
			cout << space << "HELO " << mta1 << "\n"; 
			cout << space + "250\n";
			cout << space + "MAIL FROM:<" + s + ">\n";
			cout << space + "250\n"; 
			bool ok = false;
			for (int j = 0; j < users.size(); j++)
				cout << space + "RCPT TO:<" + users[j] << ">\n";
				cout << space;
				if (addr.count(users[j]))
					ok = true;
					cout << "250\n";
				else cout << "550\n";
			if (ok) cout << space + "DATA\n" + space + "354\n" + data + space + ".\n" + space + "250\n";
			cout << space + "QUIT\n" + space << "221\n";
	#ifdef debug

	return 0;

posted @ 2017-09-02 11:15  mofushaohua  阅读(153)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报