[ Java学习 ] 异常实验
//1. import java.util.Arrays; class MyException extends Exception { MyException ( String s ) { super(s); } } class Triangle { double side[]; Triangle() { } Triangle ( double a, double b, double c ) { side = new double[3]; side[0] = a; side[1] = b; side[2] = c; Arrays.sort(side); } double getArea() //Heron's formula { double p = 0.0, s; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) p += side[i]; p /= 2; s = Math.sqrt(p * (p - side[0]) * (p - side[1]) * (p - side[2]) ); return s; } void countArea() { boolean jud = true; try { for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) if ( side[i] < 0) throw new MyException("Invalid input! You have input a negative !"); if ( side[0] + side[1] <= side[2] ) throw new MyException("Invalid input! The three sides can not form a triangle!"); } catch (MyException e) { jud = false; System.out.println(e.toString()); } if (jud) { System.out.println("The square for the triangle is " + getArea()); } } } public class test1 { public static void main(String[] args) { Triangle t[] = new Triangle[3]; t[0] = new Triangle(-3, 4, 5); t[1] = new Triangle(1, 1, 3); t[2] = new Triangle(3, 4, 5); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) t[i].countArea(); } }
//2.(1) import java.util.*; class Student implements Comparable<Student> { String name; double height; Student (String n, double h) { name = n; height = h; } Student () { } public int compareTo(Student s) { if (this.height != s.height) return (this.height > s.height? 1 : -1); //身高不同按身高 return this.name.compareTo(s.name); //身高相同按名字字典序 } void display() { System.out.println(name + " " + height); } } class SetDemo { TreeSet<Student> ts; void init() { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); ts = new TreeSet<Student>(); String []info = {"一", "二"}; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { System.out.println("请输入第" + info[i] + "个人的姓名"); String n = ""; double h = 0.0; n = sc.next(); sc.nextLine(); // name boolean loop = true; while (loop) { System.out.println("请输入第" + info[i] + "个人的身高"); try { h = sc.nextDouble(); loop = false; } catch (InputMismatchException e) { System.out.println("身高数据有误,请重新输入!"); sc.nextLine(); } } Student s = new Student(n, h); ts.add(s); } } void solve() { System.out.println("----------------------------"); System.out.println("按身高排序后的结果是:"); Iterator<Student> it = ts.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) it.next().display(); } } public class test2 { public static void main(String[] args) { SetDemo demo = new SetDemo(); demo.init(); demo.solve(); } }
//2.(2)用 Scanner 类的函数进行改写 //不用 try catch 来判断输入类型的合法性,而是改用 Scanner 类的函数来判断 import java.util.*; class Student implements Comparable<Student> { String name; double height; Student (String n, double h) { name = n; height = h; } Student () { } public int compareTo(Student s) { if (this.height != s.height) return (this.height > s.height? 1 : -1); //身高不同按身高 return this.name.compareTo(s.name); //身高相同按名字字典序 } void display() { System.out.println(name + " " + height); } } class SetDemo { TreeSet<Student> ts; void init() { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); ts = new TreeSet<Student>(); String []info = {"一", "二"}; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { System.out.println("请输入第" + info[i] + "个人的姓名"); String n = ""; double h = 0.0; n = sc.next(); sc.nextLine(); // name boolean loop = true; while (loop) { System.out.println("请输入第" + info[i] + "个人的身高"); if (sc.hasNextDouble()) { h = sc.nextDouble(); loop = false; } else { System.out.println("身高数据有误,请重新输入!"); sc.nextLine(); } } Student s = new Student(n, h); ts.add(s); } } void solve() { System.out.println("----------------------------"); System.out.println("按身高排序后的结果是:"); Iterator<Student> it = ts.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) it.next().display(); } } public class test2 { public static void main(String[] args) { SetDemo demo = new SetDemo(); demo.init(); demo.solve(); } }
//3. import java.util.*; import java.util.TreeMap; public class test3 { public static void main(String []args) { TreeMap<String, Integer> map = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); String str = "aaa bbb ccc ccc ccc ccc bbb bbb aaa"; Scanner sc = new Scanner(str); System.out.print("{"); while (sc.hasNext()) { String s = sc.next(); if (!map.containsKey(s)) map.put(s, new Integer(1)); else { int val = map.get(s); map.put(s, new Integer(val + 1)); } } Iterator<String> it = map.keySet().iterator(); boolean first = true; while (it.hasNext()) { if (first) first = false; else System.out.print(","); String s = it.next(); System.out.print(s + "=" + map.get(s)); } System.out.println("}"); } }
[eclipse]Syntax error on token ";",{ expected after this token
StackOverflow Duplicate static field (Array vs String)
java序列化问题:The serializable class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long
What does it mean: The serializable class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field?
关于The serializable class XXX does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long的警告
java 异常捕捉 ( try catch finally ) 你真的掌握了吗?
学习笔记--如何使用Comparable接口里compareTo 方法进行排序
使用treeSet报cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable
错误:in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem [问题点数:100分]
Java 集合系列12之 TreeMap详细介绍(源码解析)和使用示例
1. 回去检查优化时,突然发现三角形的边长,其实不一定是整型啊!我怎么能直接定义成int型呢?应该用double才对…然后就把所有涉及到,相关数据类型的地方,都回去改了改/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
2. 做的过程中,觉得自己好多都不懂啊!遇到了很多不会的地方,或者错误的地方,感觉自己泛型学的还是不到位,实验做得磕磕碰碰的,课下应该好好复习。
等这周过了,才能继续做ACM了 T^T