【转】application.properties 常见配置
Various properties can be specified inside your application.properties
file or as command line switches. This section provides a list common Spring Boot properties and references to the underlying classes that consume them.
Property contributions can come from additional jar files on your classpath so you should not consider this an exhaustive list. It is also perfectly legit to define your own properties.
This sample file is meant as a guide only. Do not copy/paste the entire content into your application; rather pick only the properties that you need.
# =================================================================== # COMMON SPRING BOOT PROPERTIES # # This sample file is provided as a guideline. Do NOT copy it in its # entirety to your own application. ^^^ # =================================================================== # ---------------------------------------- # CORE PROPERTIES # ---------------------------------------- # SPRING CONFIG (ConfigFileApplicationListener) spring.config.name= # config file name (default to 'application') spring.config.location= # location of config file # PROFILES spring.profiles.active= # comma list of active profiles spring.profiles.include= # unconditionally activate the specified comma separated profiles # APPLICATION SETTINGS (SpringApplication) spring.main.sources= spring.main.web-environment= # detect by default spring.main.show-banner=true spring.main....= # see class for all properties # LOGGING logging.path=/var/logs logging.file=myapp.log logging.config= # location of config file (default classpath:logback.xml for logback) logging.level.*= # levels for loggers, e.g. "logging.level.org.springframework=DEBUG" (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, OFF) # IDENTITY (ContextIdApplicationContextInitializer) spring.application.name= spring.application.index= # EMBEDDED SERVER CONFIGURATION (ServerProperties) server.port=8080 server.address= # bind to a specific NIC server.session-timeout= # session timeout in seconds server.context-parameters.*= # Servlet context init parameters, e.g. server.context-parameters.a=alpha server.context-path= # the context path, defaults to '/' server.servlet-path= # the servlet path, defaults to '/' server.ssl.enabled=true # if SSL support is enabled server.ssl.client-auth= # want or need server.ssl.key-alias= server.ssl.ciphers= # supported SSL ciphers server.ssl.key-password= server.ssl.key-store= server.ssl.key-store-password= server.ssl.key-store-provider= server.ssl.key-store-type= server.ssl.protocol=TLS server.ssl.trust-store= server.ssl.trust-store-password= server.ssl.trust-store-provider= server.ssl.trust-store-type= server.tomcat.access-log-pattern= # log pattern of the access log server.tomcat.access-log-enabled=false # is access logging enabled server.tomcat.compression=off # is compression enabled (off, on, or an integer content length limit) server.tomcat.compressableMimeTypes=text/html,text/xml,text/plain # comma-separated list of mime types that Tomcat will compress server.tomcat.internal-proxies=10\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}|\\ 192\\.168\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}|\\ 169\\.254\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}|\\ 127\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3} # regular expression matching trusted IP addresses server.tomcat.protocol-header=x-forwarded-proto # front end proxy forward header server.tomcat.port-header= # front end proxy port header server.tomcat.remote-ip-header=x-forwarded-for server.tomcat.basedir=/tmp # base dir (usually not needed, defaults to tmp) server.tomcat.background-processor-delay=30; # in seconds server.tomcat.max-http-header-size= # maximum size in bytes of the HTTP message header server.tomcat.max-threads = 0 # number of threads in protocol handler server.tomcat.uri-encoding = UTF-8 # character encoding to use for URL decoding # SPRING MVC (WebMvcProperties) spring.mvc.locale= # set fixed locale, e.g. en_UK spring.mvc.date-format= # set fixed date format, e.g. dd/MM/yyyy spring.mvc.favicon.enabled=true spring.mvc.message-codes-resolver-format= # PREFIX_ERROR_CODE / POSTFIX_ERROR_CODE spring.mvc.ignore-default-model-on-redirect=true # If the the content of the "default" model should be ignored redirects spring.view.prefix= # MVC view prefix spring.view.suffix= # ... and suffix # SPRING RESOURCES HANDLING (ResourceProperties) spring.resources.cache-period= # cache timeouts in headers sent to browser spring.resources.add-mappings=true # if default mappings should be added # SPRING HATEOAS (HateoasProperties) spring.hateoas.apply-to-primary-object-mapper=true # if the primary mapper should also be configured # HTTP encoding (HttpEncodingProperties) spring.http.encoding.charset=UTF-8 # the encoding of HTTP requests/responses spring.http.encoding.enabled=true # enable http encoding support spring.http.encoding.force=true # force the configured encoding # HTTP message conversion spring.http.converters.preferred-json-mapper= # the preferred JSON mapper to use for HTTP message conversion. Set to "gson" to force the use of Gson when both it and Jackson are on the classpath. # HTTP response compression (GzipFilterProperties) spring.http.gzip.bufferSize= # size of the output buffer in bytes spring.http.gzip.minGzipSize= # minimum content length required for compression to occur spring.http.gzip.deflateCompressionLevel= # the level used for deflate compression (0-9) spring.http.gzip.deflateNoWrap= # noWrap setting for deflate compression (true or false) spring.http.gzip.methods= # comma-separated list of HTTP methods for which compression is enabled spring.http.gzip.mimeTypes= # comma-separated list of MIME types which should be compressed spring.http.gzip.excludedAgents= # comma-separated list of user agents to exclude from compression spring.http.gzip.excludedAgentPatterns= # comma-separated list of regular expression patterns to control user agents excluded from compression spring.http.gzip.excludedPaths= # comma-separated list of paths to exclude from compression spring.http.gzip.excludedPathPatterns= # comma-separated list of regular expression patterns to control the paths that are excluded from compression spring.http.gzip.vary= # Vary header to be sent on responses that may be compressed # JACKSON (JacksonProperties) spring.jackson.date-format= # Date format string (e.g. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss), or a fully-qualified date format class name (e.g. com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ISO8601DateFormat) spring.jackson.property-naming-strategy= # One of the constants on Jackson's PropertyNamingStrategy (e.g. CAMEL_CASE_TO_LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES) or the fully-qualified class name of a PropertyNamingStrategy subclass spring.jackson.deserialization.*= # see Jackson's DeserializationFeature spring.jackson.generator.*= # see Jackson's JsonGenerator.Feature spring.jackson.mapper.*= # see Jackson's MapperFeature spring.jackson.parser.*= # see Jackson's JsonParser.Feature spring.jackson.serialization.*= # see Jackson's SerializationFeature # THYMELEAF (ThymeleafAutoConfiguration) spring.thymeleaf.check-template-location=true spring.thymeleaf.prefix=classpath:/templates/ spring.thymeleaf.excluded-view-names= # comma-separated list of view names that should be excluded from resolution spring.thymeleaf.view-names= # comma-separated list of view names that can be resolved spring.thymeleaf.suffix=.html spring.thymeleaf.mode=HTML5 spring.thymeleaf.encoding=UTF-8 spring.thymeleaf.content-type=text/html # ;charset=<encoding> is added spring.thymeleaf.cache=true # set to false for hot refresh # FREEMARKER (FreeMarkerAutoConfiguration) spring.freemarker.allow-request-override=false spring.freemarker.cache=true spring.freemarker.check-template-location=true spring.freemarker.charset=UTF-8 spring.freemarker.content-type=text/html spring.freemarker.expose-request-attributes=false spring.freemarker.expose-session-attributes=false spring.freemarker.expose-spring-macro-helpers=false spring.freemarker.prefix= spring.freemarker.request-context-attribute= spring.freemarker.settings.*= spring.freemarker.suffix=.ftl spring.freemarker.template-loader-path=classpath:/templates/ # comma-separated list spring.freemarker.view-names= # whitelist of view names that can be resolved # GROOVY TEMPLATES (GroovyTemplateAutoConfiguration) spring.groovy.template.cache=true spring.groovy.template.charset=UTF-8 spring.groovy.template.configuration.*= # See Groovy's TemplateConfiguration spring.groovy.template.content-type=text/html spring.groovy.template.prefix=classpath:/templates/ spring.groovy.template.suffix=.tpl spring.groovy.template.view-names= # whitelist of view names that can be resolved # VELOCITY TEMPLATES (VelocityAutoConfiguration) spring.velocity.allow-request-override=false spring.velocity.cache=true spring.velocity.check-template-location=true spring.velocity.charset=UTF-8 spring.velocity.content-type=text/html spring.velocity.date-tool-attribute= spring.velocity.expose-request-attributes=false spring.velocity.expose-session-attributes=false spring.velocity.expose-spring-macro-helpers=false spring.velocity.number-tool-attribute= spring.velocity.prefer-file-system-access=true # prefer file system access for template loading spring.velocity.prefix= spring.velocity.properties.*= spring.velocity.request-context-attribute= spring.velocity.resource-loader-path=classpath:/templates/ spring.velocity.suffix=.vm spring.velocity.toolbox-config-location= # velocity Toolbox config location, for example "/WEB-INF/toolbox.xml" spring.velocity.view-names= # whitelist of view names that can be resolved # JERSEY (JerseyProperties) spring.jersey.type=servlet # servlet or filter spring.jersey.init= # init params spring.jersey.filter.order= # INTERNATIONALIZATION (MessageSourceAutoConfiguration) spring.messages.basename=messages spring.messages.cache-seconds=-1 spring.messages.encoding=UTF-8 # SECURITY (SecurityProperties) security.user.name=user # login username security.user.password= # login password security.user.role=USER # role assigned to the user security.require-ssl=false # advanced settings ... security.enable-csrf=false security.basic.enabled=true security.basic.realm=Spring security.basic.path= # /** security.basic.authorize-mode= # ROLE, AUTHENTICATED, NONE security.filter-order=0 security.headers.xss=false security.headers.cache=false security.headers.frame=false security.headers.content-type=false security.headers.hsts=all # none / domain / all security.sessions=stateless # always / never / if_required / stateless security.ignored= # Comma-separated list of paths to exclude from the default secured paths # DATASOURCE (DataSourceAutoConfiguration & DataSourceProperties) spring.datasource.name= # name of the data source spring.datasource.initialize=true # populate using data.sql spring.datasource.schema= # a schema (DDL) script resource reference spring.datasource.data= # a data (DML) script resource reference spring.datasource.sql-script-encoding= # a charset for reading SQL scripts spring.datasource.platform= # the platform to use in the schema resource (schema-${platform}.sql) spring.datasource.continue-on-error=false # continue even if can't be initialized spring.datasource.separator=; # statement separator in SQL initialization scripts spring.datasource.driver-class-name= # JDBC Settings... spring.datasource.url= spring.datasource.username= spring.datasource.password= spring.datasource.jndi-name= # For JNDI lookup (class, url, username & password are ignored when set) spring.datasource.max-active=100 # Advanced configuration... spring.datasource.max-idle=8 spring.datasource.min-idle=8 spring.datasource.initial-size=10 spring.datasource.validation-query= spring.datasource.test-on-borrow=false spring.datasource.test-on-return=false spring.datasource.test-while-idle= spring.datasource.time-between-eviction-runs-millis= spring.datasource.min-evictable-idle-time-millis= spring.datasource.max-wait= spring.datasource.jmx-enabled=false # Export JMX MBeans (if supported) # DAO (PersistenceExceptionTranslationAutoConfiguration) spring.dao.exceptiontranslation.enabled=true # MONGODB (MongoProperties) spring.data.mongodb.host= # the db host spring.data.mongodb.port=27017 # the connection port (defaults to 27107) spring.data.mongodb.uri=mongodb://localhost/test # connection URL spring.data.mongodb.database= spring.data.mongodb.authentication-database= spring.data.mongodb.grid-fs-database= spring.data.mongodb.username= spring.data.mongodb.password= spring.data.mongodb.repositories.enabled=true # if spring data repository support is enabled # JPA (JpaBaseConfiguration, HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration) spring.jpa.properties.*= # properties to set on the JPA connection spring.jpa.open-in-view=true spring.jpa.show-sql=true spring.jpa.database-platform= spring.jpa.database= spring.jpa.generate-ddl=false # ignored by Hibernate, might be useful for other vendors spring.jpa.hibernate.naming-strategy= # naming classname spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto= # defaults to create-drop for embedded dbs spring.data.jpa.repositories.enabled=true # if spring data repository support is enabled # JTA (JtaAutoConfiguration) spring.jta.log-dir= # transaction log dir spring.jta.*= # technology specific configuration # ATOMIKOS spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.borrow-connection-timeout=30 # Timeout, in seconds, for borrowing connections from the pool spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.ignore-session-transacted-flag=true # Whether or not to ignore the transacted flag when creating session spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.local-transaction-mode=false # Whether or not local transactions are desired spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.maintenance-interval=60 # The time, in seconds, between runs of the pool's maintenance thread spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.max-idle-time=60 # The time, in seconds, after which connections are cleaned up from the pool spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.max-lifetime=0 # The time, in seconds, that a connection can be pooled for before being destroyed. 0 denotes no limit. spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.max-pool-size=1 # The maximum size of the pool spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.min-pool-size=1 # The minimum size of the pool spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.reap-timeout=0 # The reap timeout, in seconds, for borrowed connections. 0 denotes no limit. spring.jta.atomikos.connectionfactory.unique-resource-name=jmsConnectionFactory # The unique name used to identify the resource during recovery spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.borrow-connection-timeout=30 # Timeout, in seconds, for borrowing connections from the pool spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.default-isolation-level= # Default isolation level of connections provided by the pool spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.login-timeout= # Timeout, in seconds, for establishing a database connection spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.maintenance-interval=60 # The time, in seconds, between runs of the pool's maintenance thread spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.max-idle-time=60 # The time, in seconds, after which connections are cleaned up from the pool spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.max-lifetime=0 # The time, in seconds, that a connection can be pooled for before being destroyed. 0 denotes no limit. spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.max-pool-size=1 # The maximum size of the pool spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.min-pool-size=1 # The minimum size of the pool spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.reap-timeout=0 # The reap timeout, in seconds, for borrowed connections. 0 denotes no limit. spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.test-query= # SQL query or statement used to validate a connection before returning it spring.jta.atomikos.datasource.unique-resource-name=dataSource # The unique name used to identify the resource during recovery # BITRONIX spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.acquire-increment=1 # Number of connections to create when growing the pool spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.acquisition-interval=1 # Time, in seconds, to wait before trying to acquire a connection again after an invalid connection was acquired spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.acquisition-timeout=30 # Timeout, in seconds, for acquiring connections from the pool spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.allow-local-transactions=true # Whether or not the transaction manager should allow mixing XA and non-XA transactions spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.apply-transaction-timeout=false # Whether or not the transaction timeout should be set on the XAResource when it is enlisted spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.automatic-enlisting-enabled=true # Whether or not resources should be enlisted and delisted automatically spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.cache-producers-consumers=true # Whether or not produces and consumers should be cached spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.defer-connection-release=true # Whether or not the provider can run many transactions on the same connection and supports transaction interleaving spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.ignore-recovery-failures=false # Whether or not recovery failures should be ignored spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.max-idle-time=60 # The time, in seconds, after which connections are cleaned up from the pool spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.max-pool-size=10 # The maximum size of the pool. 0 denotes no limit spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.min-pool-size=0 # The minimum size of the pool spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.password= # The password to use to connect to the JMS provider spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.share-transaction-connections=false # Whether or not connections in the ACCESSIBLE state can be shared within the context of a transaction spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.test-connections=true # Whether or not connections should be tested when acquired from the pool spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.two-pc-ordering-position=1 # The postion that this resource should take during two-phase commit (always first is Integer.MIN_VALUE, always last is Integer.MAX_VALUE) spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.unique-name=jmsConnectionFactory # The unique name used to identify the resource during recovery spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.use-tm-join=true Whether or not TMJOIN should be used when starting XAResources spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.user= # The user to use to connect to the JMS provider spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.acquire-increment=1 # Number of connections to create when growing the pool spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.acquisition-interval=1 # Time, in seconds, to wait before trying to acquire a connection again after an invalid connection was acquired spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.acquisition-timeout=30 # Timeout, in seconds, for acquiring connections from the pool spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.allow-local-transactions=true # Whether or not the transaction manager should allow mixing XA and non-XA transactions spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.apply-transaction-timeout=false # Whether or not the transaction timeout should be set on the XAResource when it is enlisted spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.automatic-enlisting-enabled=true # Whether or not resources should be enlisted and delisted automatically spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.cursor-holdability= # The default cursor holdability for connections spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.defer-connection-release=true # Whether or not the database can run many transactions on the same connection and supports transaction interleaving spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.enable-jdbc4-connection-test # Whether or not Connection.isValid() is called when acquiring a connection from the pool spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.ignore-recovery-failures=false # Whether or not recovery failures should be ignored spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.isolation-level= # The default isolation level for connections spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.local-auto-commit # The default auto-commit mode for local transactions spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.login-timeout= # Timeout, in seconds, for establishing a database connection spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.max-idle-time=60 # The time, in seconds, after which connections are cleaned up from the pool spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.max-pool-size=10 # The maximum size of the pool. 0 denotes no limit spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.min-pool-size=0 # The minimum size of the pool spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.prepared-statement-cache-size=0 # The target size of the prepared statement cache. 0 disables the cache spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.share-transaction-connections=false # Whether or not connections in the ACCESSIBLE state can be shared within the context of a transaction spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.test-query # SQL query or statement used to validate a connection before returning it spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.two-pc-ordering-position=1 # The postion that this resource should take during two-phase commit (always first is Integer.MIN_VALUE, always last is Integer.MAX_VALUE) spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.unique-name=dataSource # The unique name used to identify the resource during recovery spring.jta.bitronix.datasource.use-tm-join=true Whether or not TMJOIN should be used when starting XAResources # SOLR (SolrProperties) spring.data.solr.host= spring.data.solr.zk-host= spring.data.solr.repositories.enabled=true # if spring data repository support is enabled # ELASTICSEARCH (ElasticsearchProperties) spring.data.elasticsearch.cluster-name= # The cluster name (defaults to elasticsearch) spring.data.elasticsearch.cluster-nodes= # The address(es) of the server node (comma-separated; if not specified starts a client node) spring.data.elasticsearch.properties.*= # Additional properties used to configure the client spring.data.elasticsearch.repositories.enabled=true # if spring data repository support is enabled # DATA REST (RepositoryRestConfiguration) spring.data.rest.base-uri= # base URI against which the exporter should calculate its links # FLYWAY (FlywayProperties) flyway.check-location=false # check that migration scripts location exists flyway.locations=classpath:db/migration # locations of migrations scripts flyway.schemas= # schemas to update flyway.init-version= 1 # version to start migration flyway.init-sqls= # SQL statements to execute to initialize a connection immediately after obtaining it flyway.sql-migration-prefix=V flyway.sql-migration-suffix=.sql flyway.enabled=true flyway.url= # JDBC url if you want Flyway to create its own DataSource flyway.user= # JDBC username if you want Flyway to create its own DataSource flyway.password= # JDBC password if you want Flyway to create its own DataSource # LIQUIBASE (LiquibaseProperties) liquibase.change-log=classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml liquibase.check-change-log-location=true # check the change log location exists liquibase.contexts= # runtime contexts to use liquibase.default-schema= # default database schema to use liquibase.drop-first=false liquibase.enabled=true liquibase.url= # specific JDBC url (if not set the default datasource is used) liquibase.user= # user name for liquibase.url liquibase.password= # password for liquibase.url # JMX spring.jmx.enabled=true # Expose MBeans from Spring # RABBIT (RabbitProperties) spring.rabbitmq.host= # connection host spring.rabbitmq.port= # connection port spring.rabbitmq.addresses= # connection addresses (e.g. myhost:9999,otherhost:1111) spring.rabbitmq.username= # login user spring.rabbitmq.password= # login password spring.rabbitmq.virtual-host= spring.rabbitmq.dynamic= # REDIS (RedisProperties) spring.redis.database= # database name spring.redis.host=localhost # server host spring.redis.password= # server password spring.redis.port=6379 # connection port spring.redis.pool.max-idle=8 # pool settings ... spring.redis.pool.min-idle=0 spring.redis.pool.max-active=8 spring.redis.pool.max-wait=-1 spring.redis.sentinel.master= # name of Redis server spring.redis.sentinel.nodes= # comma-separated list of host:port pairs # ACTIVEMQ (ActiveMQProperties) spring.activemq.broker-url=tcp://localhost:61616 # connection URL spring.activemq.user= spring.activemq.password= spring.activemq.in-memory=true # broker kind to create if no broker-url is specified spring.activemq.pooled=false # HornetQ (HornetQProperties) spring.hornetq.mode= # connection mode (native, embedded) spring.hornetq.host=localhost # hornetQ host (native mode) spring.hornetq.port=5445 # hornetQ port (native mode) spring.hornetq.embedded.enabled=true # if the embedded server is enabled (needs hornetq-jms-server.jar) spring.hornetq.embedded.server-id= # auto-generated id of the embedded server (integer) spring.hornetq.embedded.persistent=false # message persistence spring.hornetq.embedded.data-directory= # location of data content (when persistence is enabled) spring.hornetq.embedded.queues= # comma-separated queues to create on startup spring.hornetq.embedded.topics= # comma-separated topics to create on startup spring.hornetq.embedded.cluster-password= # customer password (randomly generated by default) # JMS (JmsProperties) spring.jms.jndi-name= # JNDI location of a JMS ConnectionFactory spring.jms.pub-sub-domain= # false for queue (default), true for topic # Email (MailProperties) spring.mail.host=smtp.acme.org # mail server host spring.mail.port= # mail server port spring.mail.username= spring.mail.password= spring.mail.default-encoding=UTF-8 # encoding to use for MimeMessages spring.mail.properties.*= # properties to set on the JavaMail session # SPRING BATCH (BatchDatabaseInitializer) spring.batch.job.names=job1,job2 spring.batch.job.enabled=true spring.batch.initializer.enabled=true spring.batch.schema= # batch schema to load # AOP spring.aop.auto= spring.aop.proxy-target-class= # FILE ENCODING (FileEncodingApplicationListener) spring.mandatory-file-encoding=false # SPRING SOCIAL (SocialWebAutoConfiguration) spring.social.auto-connection-views=true # Set to true for default connection views or false if you provide your own # SPRING SOCIAL FACEBOOK (FacebookAutoConfiguration) spring.social.facebook.app-id= # your application's Facebook App ID spring.social.facebook.app-secret= # your application's Facebook App Secret # SPRING SOCIAL LINKEDIN (LinkedInAutoConfiguration) spring.social.linkedin.app-id= # your application's LinkedIn App ID spring.social.linkedin.app-secret= # your application's LinkedIn App Secret # SPRING SOCIAL TWITTER (TwitterAutoConfiguration) spring.social.twitter.app-id= # your application's Twitter App ID spring.social.twitter.app-secret= # your application's Twitter App Secret # SPRING MOBILE SITE PREFERENCE (SitePreferenceAutoConfiguration) spring.mobile.sitepreference.enabled=true # enabled by default # SPRING MOBILE DEVICE VIEWS (DeviceDelegatingViewResolverAutoConfiguration) spring.mobile.devicedelegatingviewresolver.enabled=true # disabled by default spring.mobile.devicedelegatingviewresolver.normal-prefix= spring.mobile.devicedelegatingviewresolver.normal-suffix= spring.mobile.devicedelegatingviewresolver.mobile-prefix=mobile/ spring.mobile.devicedelegatingviewresolver.mobile-suffix= spring.mobile.devicedelegatingviewresolver.tablet-prefix=tablet/ spring.mobile.devicedelegatingviewresolver.tablet-suffix= # ---------------------------------------- # ACTUATOR PROPERTIES # ---------------------------------------- # MANAGEMENT HTTP SERVER (ManagementServerProperties) management.port= # defaults to 'server.port' management.address= # bind to a specific NIC management.context-path= # default to '/' management.add-application-context-header= # default to true management.security.enabled=true # enable security management.security.role=ADMIN # role required to access the management endpoint management.security.sessions=stateless # session creating policy to use (always, never, if_required, stateless) # PID FILE (ApplicationPidFileWriter) spring.pidfile= # Location of the PID file to write # ENDPOINTS (AbstractEndpoint subclasses) endpoints.autoconfig.id=autoconfig endpoints.autoconfig.sensitive=true endpoints.autoconfig.enabled=true endpoints.beans.id=beans endpoints.beans.sensitive=true endpoints.beans.enabled=true endpoints.configprops.id=configprops endpoints.configprops.sensitive=true endpoints.configprops.enabled=true endpoints.configprops.keys-to-sanitize=password,secret,key # suffix or regex endpoints.dump.id=dump endpoints.dump.sensitive=true endpoints.dump.enabled=true endpoints.env.id=env endpoints.env.sensitive=true endpoints.env.enabled=true endpoints.env.keys-to-sanitize=password,secret,key # suffix or regex endpoints.health.id=health endpoints.health.sensitive=true endpoints.health.enabled=true endpoints.health.mapping.*= # mapping of health statuses to HttpStatus codes endpoints.health.time-to-live=1000 endpoints.info.id=info endpoints.info.sensitive=false endpoints.info.enabled=true endpoints.mappings.enabled=true endpoints.mappings.id=mappings endpoints.mappings.sensitive=true endpoints.metrics.id=metrics endpoints.metrics.sensitive=true endpoints.metrics.enabled=true endpoints.shutdown.id=shutdown endpoints.shutdown.sensitive=true endpoints.shutdown.enabled=false endpoints.trace.id=trace endpoints.trace.sensitive=true endpoints.trace.enabled=true # HEALTH INDICATORS (previously health.*) management.health.db.enabled=true management.health.diskspace.enabled=true management.health.mongo.enabled=true management.health.rabbit.enabled=true management.health.redis.enabled=true management.health.solr.enabled=true management.health.diskspace.path=. management.health.diskspace.threshold=10485760 management.health.status.order=DOWN, OUT_OF_SERVICE, UNKNOWN, UP # MVC ONLY ENDPOINTS endpoints.jolokia.path=jolokia endpoints.jolokia.sensitive=true endpoints.jolokia.enabled=true # when using Jolokia # JMX ENDPOINT (EndpointMBeanExportProperties) endpoints.jmx.enabled=true endpoints.jmx.domain= # the JMX domain, defaults to 'org.springboot' endpoints.jmx.unique-names=false endpoints.jmx.static-names= # JOLOKIA (JolokiaProperties) jolokia.config.*= # See Jolokia manual # REMOTE SHELL shell.auth=simple # jaas, key, simple, spring shell.command-refresh-interval=-1 shell.command-path-patterns= # classpath*:/commands/**, classpath*:/crash/commands/** shell.config-path-patterns= # classpath*:/crash/* shell.disabled-commands=jpa*,jdbc*,jndi* # comma-separated list of commands to disable shell.disabled-plugins=false # don't expose plugins shell.ssh.enabled= # ssh settings ... shell.ssh.key-path= shell.ssh.port= shell.telnet.enabled= # telnet settings ... shell.telnet.port= shell.auth.jaas.domain= # authentication settings ... shell.auth.key.path= shell.auth.simple.user.name= shell.auth.simple.user.password= shell.auth.spring.roles= # GIT INFO spring.git.properties= # resource ref to generated git info properties file