

create   or   replace   function GetDayName(theDate in varchar2)
RETURN varchar2 is Result varchar2(64); 
 Result := substr(theDate,1, 4) + '年' + substr(theDate, 6, 2) + '月' + substr(theDate,9, 2) + '日';
END GetDayName;

create   or   replace function GetGroupbyName(theDate in varchar2)
RETURN varchar2 is Result varchar2(64);
 Result :=substr(theDate, 1, 10);
return  Result;
END GetGroupbyName;

CREATE     or   replace  FUNCTION uf_GetYearName(theDate in varchar2)
RETURN varchar2 is Result varchar2(64);
Result := substr(theDate,1, 4) + '年' ;
return  Result;
END uf_GetYearName;

CREATE     or   replace  FUNCTION uf_GetMonthName(theDate in varchar2)
RETURN varchar2 is Result varchar2(64); 
Result:=substr(theDate,1, 4) + '年' + substr(theDate, 6, 2) + '月';
return  Result;

END uf_GetMonthName;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION uf_GetDayName(theDate in varchar2)
RETURN varchar2 is Result varchar2(64); 
 Result:=substr(theDate, 4) + '年' + substr(theDate, 6, 2) + '月' + substr(theDate,9, 2) + '日';
return Result;
END uf_GetDayName;

CREATE     or   replace     FUNCTION GetTimeStr(sec in NUMBER)
RETURN varchar2
result varchar2(64);

select trunc(sec / 3600)||':'|| trunc(mod(sec,3600)/60)||':'||trunc(mod(mod(sec,3600),60)) Into result from dual;
return result;
END GetTimeStr;


CREATE or replace   FUNCTION uf_MillisecondToTimeString(ms in NUMBER)
RETURN varchar2
result varchar2(64); 
select trunc((ms/1000)/3600)||':'|| trunc(mod(ms/1000,3600)/60)|| ':' || trunc(mod(mod(ms/1000,3600),60)) Into result from dual;
return result;
END uf_MillisecondToTimeString;

create   or   replace function GetTimeGroup(time in Date,fmt in varchar2)
RETURN varchar2 is Result varchar2(30);
if fmt='day' then
Select to_char(time,'yyyy-mm-dd') Into Result From dual;
Elsif  fmt='month' then
Select to_char(time,'yyyy-mm') Into Result From dual;
Elsif  fmt='quarter' then
Select to_char(time,'yyyy')||'年'||
Case When to_char(time,'mm')<=3 Then '1'
When to_char(time,'mm')<=6 Then '2' When to_char(time,'mm')<=9 Then '3' Else '4'  End||'季度'
Into Result From dual;
Elsif fmt='year' then
Select to_char(time,'yyyy') Into Result From dual;
Else Result:= 'error';
End If;
Return Result;
End GetTimeGroup;


CREATE  Or Replace     FUNCTION uf_GetSeasonName(theDate Varchar2)
Return Varchar2 AS 
Result Varchar2(64);
Result:=substr(theDate, 0, 4)||'年'||ceil(substr(theDate, 6, 2)/3)||'季度' ;
return  Result;


CREATE     or replace FUNCTION GetWorkTime(time Date)

RETURN number is
v_value number(10);
v_week_d number(3);

select case to_char(time,'day') when '星期一' then 1 when '星期二' then 2 when '星期三' then 3 when '星期四' then 4 when '星期五' then 5 when '星期六' then 6 when '星期日' then 7 end
into v_week_d from dual; --取星期几

select value into v_value from
(SELECT case WeekID
  when 0 then 7
  when WeekID then WeekID
  end as WeekID,
sum( (StartTime-EndTime+RestTime)*24*60 )as value FROM WorkSheet
group by WeekID) a
where WeekID=v_week_d;

return v_value;

END GetWorkTime;

create or replace function QUOTENAME(id in Varchar2, Type In Varchar2)
return Varchar2 is
  Result Varchar2(100);
end ;





在manager console 里创建 StatusTable
SELECT A.*,M.MaTolID,D.DeptName,G.MaTolGrpName,D.DeptID,G.MaTolGrpID
   case BaseState
  when 'IDLE' then '空闲'
  when 'RUNNING  ' then '运行'
  end as status, BaseStateDuring as statusTimeValue,StartTime,MaTolName
 FROM MachineBaseRunState
         case D.IsError
  when 0 then '空闲'
  when 1 then '故障'
  end as status,  AlarmDuring as statusTimeValue,R.StartTime,R.MaTolName
 FROM AlarmRunInfo  R ,AlarmInfoDefine  D
 WHERE R.MaTolName=(SELECT MaTolName From MachineTools WHERE MaTolID= D.MaTolID) AND R.AlarmID=D.AlarmID)  A,
 MachineTools  M,MachineToolGroups  G,Departments  D
 WHERE  M.DeptID=D.DeptID AND M.MaTolGrpID=G.MaTolGrpID AND A.MaTolName=M.MaTolName


CREATE  or replace VIEW StatusTable AS

SELECT A.*,M.MaTolID,D.DeptName,G.MaTolGrpName,D.DeptID,G.MaTolGrpID
   case BaseState
  when 'IDLE' then '空闲'
  when 'RUNNING  ' then '运行'
  end as status, BaseStateDuring as statusTimeValue,StartTime,MaTolName
 FROM MachineBaseRunState
         case D.IsError
  when 0 then '空闲'
  when 1 then '故障'
  end as status,  AlarmDuring as statusTimeValue,R.StartTime,R.MaTolName
 FROM AlarmRunInfo  R ,AlarmInfoDefine  D
 WHERE R.MaTolName=(SELECT MaTolName From MachineTools WHERE MaTolID= D.MaTolID) AND R.AlarmID=D.AlarmID)  A,
 MachineTools  M,MachineToolGroups  G,Departments  D
 WHERE  M.DeptID=D.DeptID AND M.MaTolGrpID=G.MaTolGrpID AND A.MaTolName=M.MaTolName;


CREATE OR REPLACE package pk_wtWorkpieceDetailReport
type mytype is ref cursor;
  procedure WorkpieceDetailReport( rst out mytype ,MaTolName in nvarchar2,dtpBegin Date,dtpEnd Date );
create or replace package body pk_wtWorkpieceDetailReport
  procedure WorkpieceDetailReport( rst out mytype ,MaTolName in nvarchar2,dtpBegin Date,dtpEnd Date )
    open rst for  SELECT MaTolName,ProgramName, StartTime, During
     FROM ProgramRunInfo
     WHERE StartTime>=dtpBegin||'00:00:00'and StartTime <=dtpEnd||'23:59:59'AND MaTolName=MaTolName;
2:CREATE OR REPLACE package pk_wtWorkpiece_DetailReport
type mytype is ref cursor;
  procedure Workpiece_DetailReport( rst out mytype ,MaTolName in nvarchar2,dtpBegin Date,dtpEnd Date );
create or replace package body pk_wtWorkpiece_DetailReport
  procedure Workpiece_DetailReport( rst out mytype ,MaTolName in nvarchar2,dtpBegin Date,dtpEnd Date )
    open rst for  SELECT MaTolName,ProgramName, StartTime, GetTimeStr(During) AS During
     FROM ProgramRunInfo
     WHERE StartTime>=dtpBegin||'00:00:00'and StartTime <=dtpEnd||'23:59:59'AND MaTolName=MaTolName;

CREATE OR REPLACE package pk_wtWorkpiece_CountReport
type mytype is ref cursor;
  procedure Workpiece_CountReport( rst out mytype ,MaTolName in nvarchar2,dtpBegin Date,dtpEnd Date );
create or replace package body pk_wtWorkpiece_CountReport
  procedure Workpiece_CountReport( rst out mytype ,MaTolName in nvarchar2,dtpBegin Date,dtpEnd Date )
  if(MaTolName='#') then
     open rst for SELECT MaTolName,ProgramName, count(ProgramName) as ProgramNameCount,ProgramName As ReportGroup
     FROM ProgramRunInfo
     WHERE StartTime>=dtpBegin||'00:00:00'and StartTime <=dtpEnd||'23:59:59' group by MaTolName,ProgramName;
  elsif(MaTolName IS not null) then
    open rst for SELECT MaTolName,ProgramName, count(ProgramName) as ProgramNameCount,ProgramName As ReportGroup
     FROM ProgramRunInfo
     WHERE StartTime>=dtpBegin||'00:00:00'and StartTime <=dtpEnd||'23:59:59'AND MaTolName=MaTolName group by MaTolName,ProgramName;  
   open rst for SELECT MaTolName, count(*) as ProgramNameCount,MaTolName as ReportGroup
    FROM ProgramRunInfo
     WHERE StartTime>=dtpBegin||'00:00:00'and StartTime <=dtpEnd||'23:59:59'group by MaTolName,ProgramName;
   end if;


CREATE OR REPLACE package pk_wtReport_MaTolInfo
type mytype is ref cursor;
  procedure Report_MaTolInfo( rst out mytype,vID in nvarchar2,vtable in nvarchar2 );
create or replace package body pk_wtReport_MaTolInfo
   procedure Report_MaTolInfo( rst out mytype ,vID in nvarchar2,vtable in nvarchar2 )
--declare vvalue nvarchar2;
   --vvalue: =vtable;
 if vtable='Departments'  then
   open rst for SELECT D.* FROM Departments  D,UsersInDepartments  U WHERE D.DeptID=U.DeptID AND U.UserID=cast(vID AS rowid);
 elsif(vtable='MachineToolGroups') then
 open rst for SELECT * FROM MachineToolGroups WHERE DeptID=cast(vID AS rowid); --根据DeptID查机床组
 elsif(vtable='MachineTools') then
 open rst for SELECT * FROM MachineTools WHERE MaTolGrpID=cast(vID AS rowid); --根据MaTolGrpID查机床
  end if;

   procedure Report_MaTolInfo( rst out mytype ,vID in nvarchar2,vtable in nvarchar2 )
--declare vvalue nvarchar2;
   --vvalue: =vtable;
 if vtable='Departments'  then
   open rst for SELECT D.* FROM Departments  D,UsersInDepartments  U WHERE D.DeptID=U.DeptID AND U.UserID=vID;
 elsif(vtable='MachineToolGroups') then
 open rst for SELECT * FROM MachineToolGroups WHERE DeptID=vID; --根据DeptID查机床组
 elsif(vtable='MachineTools') then
 open rst for SELECT * FROM MachineTools WHERE MaTolGrpID=vID; --根据MaTolGrpID查机床
  end if;

CREATE OR REPLACE package pk_wtMachineBaseRunStateReport
type mytype is ref cursor;
  procedure MachineBaseRunStateReport( rst out mytype ,MaTolName in nvarchar2,dtpBegin Date,dtpEnd Date);
create or replace package body pk_wtMachineBaseRunStateReport
  procedure MachineBaseRunStateReport( rst out mytype ,MaTolName in nvarchar2,dtpBegin Date,dtpEnd Date)
  if(MaTolName='ALL')  then
   open rst for select  matolname, case basestate when 'IDLE' THEN '空闲' when 'RUNNING' THEN '运行' when 'OFFLINE' THEN '关机'when '' then '其他'end as basestate,starttime,basestateduring
     from machinebaserunstate
     where StartTime>=dtpBegin and StartTime <=dtpEnd group by basestate,matolname,starttime,basestateduring;
 open rst for select  matolname, case basestate when 'IDLE' THEN '空闲' when 'RUNNING' THEN '运行' when 'OFFLINE' THEN '关机'when '' then '其他'end as basestate,starttime,basestateduring
 from machinebaserunstate
 where StartTime>=dtpBegin and StartTime <=dtpEnd and MaTolName=MaTolName group by basestate,matolname,starttime,basestateduring;
  end if;

CREATE OR REPLACE package pk_wtAlarm_FrequencyReport1
type mytype is ref cursor;
  procedure Alarm_FrequencyReport1( rst out mytype ,MaTolName in nvarchar2,Alarm_no in nvarchar2,dtpBegin Date,dtpEnd Date,grouptime int );
create or replace package body pk_wtAlarm_FrequencyReport1
  procedure Alarm_FrequencyReport1( rst out mytype ,MaTolName in nvarchar2,Alarm_no in nvarchar2,dtpBegin Date,dtpEnd Date,grouptime int)
  if(grouptime=0)  then
   open rst for select  count(AlarmID) as countAlarmID,Alarm_no as AlarmID ,AlarmInfo as AlarmInfo,GetTimeStr(sum(AlarmDuring)) AS sumAlarmDuring ,uf_GetDayName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) as ReportGroup from AlarmRunInfo where AlarmID =Alarm_no and StartTime>=dtpBegin and StartTime <=dtpEnd AND MaTolName=MaTolName group by uf_GetDayName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')),AlarmInfo;
 elsif(grouptime=1) then
 open rst for select  count(AlarmID) as countAlarmID,Alarm_no as AlarmID ,AlarmInfo as AlarmInfo,GetTimeStr(sum(AlarmDuring)) AS sumAlarmDuring ,uf_GetMonthName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) as ReportGroup from AlarmRunInfo where AlarmID =Alarm_no and StartTime>=dtpBegin and StartTime <=dtpEnd AND MaTolName=MaTolName group by uf_GetMonthName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')),AlarmInfo;
        elsif(grouptime=2)  then
        open rst for select  count(AlarmID) as countAlarmID,Alarm_no as AlarmID ,AlarmInfo as AlarmInfo,GetTimeStr(sum(AlarmDuring)) AS sumAlarmDuring ,uf_GetSeasonName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) as ReportGroup from AlarmRunInfo where AlarmID =Alarm_no and StartTime>=dtpBegin and StartTime <=dtpEnd AND MaTolName=MaTolName group by uf_GetSeasonName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')),AlarmInfo;
 elsif(grouptime=3) then 
 open rst for select  count(AlarmID) as countAlarmID,Alarm_no as AlarmID ,AlarmInfo as AlarmInfo,GetTimeStr(sum(AlarmDuring)) AS sumAlarmDuring ,uf_GetYearName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) as ReportGroup from AlarmRunInfo where AlarmID =Alarm_no and StartTime>=dtpBegin and StartTime <=dtpEnd AND MaTolName=MaTolName group by uf_GetYearName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')),AlarmInfo;
        end if;


CREATE OR REPLACE package pk_wtAlarm_FrequencyReport
type mytype is ref cursor;
  procedure Alarm_FrequencyReport( rst out mytype ,MaTolName in nvarchar2,dtpBegin Date,dtpEnd Date);
create or replace package body pk_wtAlarm_FrequencyReport
  procedure Alarm_FrequencyReport( rst out mytype ,MaTolName in nvarchar2,dtpBegin Date,dtpEnd Date)
  open rst for  SELECT count(AlarmID) as countAlarmID,AlarmID AS AlarmID, AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,GetTimeStr(sum(AlarmDuring)) AS sumAlarmDuring,AlarmID as ReportGroup
  FROM AlarmRunInfo
  WHERE StartTime>=dtpBegin||'00:00:00'and StartTime <=dtpEnd||'23:59:59' and MaTolName=MaTolName group by AlarmID,AlarmInfo;


CREATE OR REPLACE package pk_wtAlarm_DistributedReport
type mytype is ref cursor;
  procedure Alarm_DistributedReport( rst out mytype ,MaTolName in nvarchar2,AlarmID in nvarchar2,dtpBegin Date,dtpEnd Date,grouptime int );
create or replace package body pk_wtAlarm_DistributedReport
  procedure Alarm_DistributedReport( rst out mytype ,MaTolName in nvarchar2,AlarmID in nvarchar2,dtpBegin Date,dtpEnd Date,grouptime int)
  if(grouptime=0)  then
   open rst for SELECT count(*) as countAlarm,AlarmID AS AlarmID, AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,
         uf_GetDayName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) as AlarmTime,
         uf_GetDayName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) as ReportGroup
         FROM AlarmRunInfo
         WHERE StartTime>=dtpBegin||'00:00:00'and StartTime <=dtpEnd||'23:59:59'AND MaTolName=MaTolName
         and AlarmID=AlarmID group by AlarmID,AlarmInfo,uf_GetDayName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd'));
 elsif(grouptime=1) then
 open rst for SELECT count(*) as countAlarm,AlarmID AS AlarmID, AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,
         uf_GetMonthName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) as AlarmTime,
         uf_GetMonthName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) as ReportGroup
     FROM AlarmRunInfo
     WHERE StartTime>=dtpBegin||'00:00:00'and StartTime <=dtpEnd||'23:59:59'AND MaTolName=MaTolName 
         and AlarmID=AlarmID group by AlarmID,AlarmInfo,uf_GetMonthName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd'));
        elsif(grouptime=2)  then
        open rst for  SELECT count(*) as countAlarm,AlarmID AS AlarmID, AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,
         uf_GetSeasonName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) as AlarmTime,
         uf_GetSeasonName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) as ReportGroup
     FROM AlarmRunInfo
     WHERE StartTime>=dtpBegin||'00:00:00'and StartTime <=dtpEnd||'23:59:59'AND MaTolName=MaTolName 
         and AlarmID=AlarmID group by AlarmID,AlarmInfo,uf_GetSeasonName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd'));
        elsif(grouptime=3) then 
 open rst for SELECT count(*) as countAlarm,AlarmID AS AlarmID, AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,
         uf_GetYearName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) as AlarmTime,
         uf_GetYearName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) as ReportGroup
     FROM AlarmRunInfo
     WHERE StartTime>=dtpBegin||'00:00:00'and StartTime <=dtpEnd||'23:59:59'AND MaTolName=MaTolName
         and AlarmID=AlarmID group by AlarmID,AlarmInfo,uf_GetYearName(to_char(StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd'));
     end if;


CREATE OR REPLACE package pk_wtAlarm_StatisicReport
type mytype is ref cursor;
  procedure Alarm_StatisicReport
 ( rst out mytype,
   UserId rowID,
   Workshop rowID,
   Team rowID,
   Machine in nvarchar2,
   machinetype in nvarchar2,
   dtpBegin Date,
   dtpEnd Date);
create or replace package body pk_wtAlarm_StatisicReport
  procedure Alarm_StatisicReport
  ( rst out mytype,
   UserId rowID,
   Workshop rowID,
   Team rowID,
   Machine in nvarchar2,
   machinetype in nvarchar2,
   dtpBegin Date,
   dtpEnd Date)
  if (Workshop='66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(machinetype IS null)AND(Team='66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Machine is NULL)  then
   open rst for  SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
        mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
          FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
          UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
        WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
        AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName order by StartTime desc;
        elsif(machinetype IS null) then -- /*DeptName不为空,MaTolType为空*/
             if(Workshop IS NOT null AND Workshop<>'66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Team='66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Machine is NULL) then
        open rst for  SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
               mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
               FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
               UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop) order by StartTime desc;
            elsif(Workshop IS not null AND Workshop<>'66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')and(Team is not null and Team<>'66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Machine is NULL) then
         open rst for  SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team) order by StartTime desc;
         open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND(mt.MaTolName=Machine) order by StartTime desc;
            end if;
        elsif(machinetype IS not null) then
            if(Workshop='66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Team='66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Machine is NULL) then
  open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
         mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
           FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
           UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype order by StartTime desc;
           elsif(Workshop IS NOT null AND Workshop<>'66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Team='66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Machine is NULL) then
         open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype order by StartTime desc;
           elsif(Workshop IS not null AND Workshop<>'66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')and(Team is not null AND Team<>'66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Machine is NULL) then
         open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype order by StartTime desc;
         open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND(mt.MaTolName=Machine)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype order by StartTime desc;
           end if;
        end if;


  procedure Alarm_StatisicReport
   UserId varchar2,
   Workshop varchar2,
   Team varchar2,
   Machine  varchar2,
   machinetype varchar2,
   dtpBegin Date,
   dtpEnd Date,
    rst out mytype)
  if (Workshop='1111111111')AND(machinetype IS null)AND(Team='1111111111')AND(Machine is NULL)  then
   open rst for  SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
        mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
          FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
          UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
        WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
        AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName order by StartTime desc;
        elsif(machinetype IS null) then -- /*DeptName不为空,MaTolType为空*/
             if(Workshop IS NOT null AND Workshop<>'1111111111')AND(Team='1111111111')AND(Machine is NULL) then
        open rst for  SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
               mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
               FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
               UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop) order by StartTime desc;
            elsif(Workshop IS not null AND Workshop<>'1111111111')and(Team is not null and Team<>'1111111111')AND(Machine is NULL) then
         open rst for  SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team) order by StartTime desc;
         open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND(mt.MaTolName=Machine) order by StartTime desc;
            end if;
        elsif(machinetype IS not null) then
            if(Workshop='1111111111')AND(Team='1111111111')AND(Machine is NULL) then
  open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
         mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
           FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
           UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype order by StartTime desc;
           elsif(Workshop IS NOT null AND Workshop<>'1111111111')AND(Team='1111111111')AND(Machine is NULL) then
         open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype order by StartTime desc;
           elsif(Workshop IS not null AND Workshop<>'1111111111')and(Team is not null AND Team<>'1111111111')AND(Machine is NULL) then
         open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype order by StartTime desc;
         open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND(mt.MaTolName=Machine)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype order by StartTime desc;
           end if;
        end if;


  procedure Alarm_StatisicReport
   UserId varchar2,
   Workshop varchar2,
   Team varchar2,
   Machine  varchar2,
   machinetype varchar2,
   dtpBegin Date,
   dtpEnd Date,
    rst out mytype)
  if (Workshop='1111111111')AND(machinetype='')AND(Team='1111111111')AND(Machine='')  then
   open rst for  SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
        mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
          FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
          UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
        WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
        AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName order by StartTime desc;
        elsif(machinetype='') then -- /*DeptName不为空,MaTolType为空*/
             if(Workshop<>'' AND Workshop<>'1111111111')AND(Team='1111111111')AND(Machine='') then
        open rst for  SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
               mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
               FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
               UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop) order by StartTime desc;
            elsif(Workshop<>'' AND Workshop<>'1111111111')and(Team<>'' and Team<>'1111111111')AND(Machine='') then
         open rst for  SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team) order by StartTime desc;
         open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND(mt.MaTolName=Machine) order by StartTime desc;
            end if;
        elsif(machinetype<>'') then
            if(Workshop='1111111111')AND(Team='1111111111')AND(Machine='') then
  open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
         mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
           FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
           UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype order by StartTime desc;
           elsif(Workshop<>'' AND Workshop<>'1111111111')AND(Team='1111111111')AND(Machine='') then
         open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype order by StartTime desc;
           elsif(Workshop<>'' AND Workshop<>'1111111111')and(Team<>'' AND Team<>'1111111111')AND(Machine='') then
         open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype order by StartTime desc;
         open rst for SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
                mr.AlarmID AS AlarmID,mr.AlarmInfo AS AlarmInfo,mr.StartTime AS StartTime,GetTimeStr(mr.AlarmDuring) AS AlarmDuring
                FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG,
                UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,AlarmRunInfo mr
         WHERE (U.UserID=UserId )AND(mr.StartTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StartTime>=dtpBegin)
         AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName
         AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND(mt.MaTolName=Machine)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype order by StartTime desc;
           end if;
        end if;









CREATE OR REPLACE package pk_wtDownTimeReasonReport
type mytype is ref cursor;
  procedure DownTimeReasonReport
 ( rst out mytype,
   UserId rowID,
   Workshop rowID,
   Team rowID,
   Machine in nvarchar2,
   machinetype in nvarchar2,
   dtpBegin Date,
   dtpEnd Date);
create or replace package body pk_wtDownTimeReasonReport
  procedure DownTimeReasonReport
  ( rst out mytype,
   UserId rowID,
   Workshop rowID,
   Team rowID,
   Machine in nvarchar2,
   machinetype in nvarchar2,
   dtpBegin Date,
   dtpEnd Date)
  if (Workshop='66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(machinetype IS null)AND(Team='66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Machine is NULL)  then
   open rst for  SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName)  a, downTimeReason  b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
        elsif(machinetype IS null) then -- /*DeptName不为空,MaTolType为空*/
             if(Workshop IS NOT null AND Workshop<>'66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Team='66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Machine is NULL) then
        open rst for  SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND (D.DeptID=Workshop))  a, downTimeReason  b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
            elsif(Workshop IS not null AND Workshop<>'66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')and(Team is not null and Team<>'66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Machine is NULL) then
         open rst for  SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team))  a, downTimeReason  b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
         open rst for SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND(mt.MaTolName=Machine))  a, downTimeReason b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
            end if;
        elsif(machinetype IS not null) then
            if(Workshop='66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Team='66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Machine is NULL) then
  open rst for SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype )  a, downTimeReason  b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
           elsif(Workshop IS NOT null AND Workshop<>'66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Team='66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Machine is NULL) then
         open rst for SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID
          AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype )  a, downTimeReason  b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
           elsif(Workshop IS not null AND Workshop<>'66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')and(Team is not null AND Team<>'66755c63-9846-401d-a228-4c164b82330e')AND(Machine is NULL) then
         open rst for SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID
          AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype )  a, downTimeReason  b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
         open rst for SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID
          AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND(D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND(mt.MaTolName=Machine)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype )  a, downTimeReason  b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
           end if;
        end if;
    end DownTimeReasonReport;
  end pk_wtDownTimeReasonReport;

  procedure DownTimeReasonReport
  ( rst out mytype,
   UserId varchar2,
   Workshop varchar2,
   Team varchar2,
   Machine  varchar2,
   machinetype varchar2,
   dtpBegin Date,
   dtpEnd Date)
  if (Workshop='1111111111')AND(machinetype='')AND(Team='1111111111')AND(Machine='')  then
   open rst for  SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName)  a, downTimeReason  b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
        elsif(machinetype='') then -- /*DeptName不为空,MaTolType为空*/
             if(Workshop <>'' AND Workshop<>'1111111111')AND(Team='1111111111')AND(Machine='') then
        open rst for  SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND (D.DeptID=Workshop))  a, downTimeReason  b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
            elsif(Workshop<>'' AND Workshop<>'1111111111')and(Team<>''and Team<>'1111111111')AND(Machine='') then
         open rst for  SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team))  a, downTimeReason  b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
         open rst for SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND(mt.MaTolName=Machine))  a, downTimeReason b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
            end if;
        elsif(machinetype<>'') then
            if(Workshop='1111111111')AND(Team='1111111111')AND(Machine='') then
  open rst for SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype )  a, downTimeReason  b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
           elsif(Workshop<>'' AND Workshop<>'1111111111')AND(Team='1111111111')AND(Machine='') then
         open rst for SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID
          AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype )  a, downTimeReason  b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
           elsif(Workshop<>'' AND Workshop<>'1111111111')and(Team<>'' AND Team<>'1111111111')AND(Machine='') then
         open rst for SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID
          AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND (D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype )  a, downTimeReason  b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
         open rst for SELECT a.DeptName,a.MaTolGrpName,a.MaTolName,a.MaTolType,a.InfoText,a.StateTime ,b.DownTimeReason
      FROM (SELECT D.DeptName AS DeptName, MG.MaTolGrpName AS MaTolGrpName,mt.MaTolName AS MaTolName,mt.MaTolType AS MaTolType,
      mr.InfoText AS InfoText,mr.StateTime AS StateTime
      FROM Departments D,MachineToolGroups MG, UsersInDepartments U,MachineTools mt,MachineRunInfo mr
      WHERE (U.UserID=UserId)AND infotag='STOPCON' AND(mr.StateTime<=dtpEnd AND mr.StateTime>=dtpBegin)
      AND (D.DeptID = MG.DeptID)AND (U.DeptID = D.DeptID)and mt.MaTolGrpID =MG.MaTolGrpID
          AND mt.MaTolName = mr.MaTolName AND(D.DeptID=Workshop)AND(MG.MaTolGrpID=Team)AND(mt.MaTolName=Machine)AND mt.MaTolType=machinetype )  a, downTimeReason  b where a.infoText=b.downTimeReasonNo order by StateTime desc;
           end if;
        end if;
    end DownTimeReasonReport;
  end pk_wtDownTimeReasonReport;














CREATE OR REPLACE package pk_wtReport_MaTolStartupEff
type mytype is ref cursor;
  procedure Report_MaTolStartupEff
  ( rst out mytype ,
    vID in nvarchar2,
    Name in nvarchar2,
    dbegin Date,
    dend Date,
    Time nvarchar2);
create or replace package body pk_wtReport_MaTolStartupEff
  procedure Report_MaTolStartupEff
  ( rst out mytype ,
    vID in nvarchar2,
    Name in nvarchar2,
    dbegin Date,
    dend Date,
    vTime nvarchar2)
  MaTol nvarchar2(100);
   vGroup nvarchar2(200);

       if(Name='All')  then
        elsif(Name='Dept') then
           MaTol:='DeptID='||QUOTENAME(vID,'''')||' AND';
        elsif(Name='MaTolGrp') then
          MaTol:='MaTolGrpID='||QUOTENAME(vID,'''')||' AND';
        elsif(Name='MaTol') then
           MaTol:='MaTolName='||QUOTENAME(vID,'''')||' AND';
        elsif(vTime='') then
        end if;
        open rst for SELECT MaTolName,sONLINE,WORKING,GetTimeStr(sONLINE) as STRONLINE,
        cast(sONLINE*10000/WORKING as decimal(10,2))/100 as STARTUPEFF,
        Select sum(statusTimeValue) AS sONLINE,
        sum(GetWorkTime(StartTime)) as WORKING,
        ('||DeptName||' || QUOTENAME('.', '''') ||
       '||MaTolGrpName||' || QUOTENAME('.', '''') || '||MaTolName||') as MaTolName,
        '||vGroup||' as sGroup
       From StatusTable
        WHERE '||MaTol||'||'|| StartTime||'
        BETWEEN '||QUOTENAME(dbegin,'''') ||' AND '||QUOTENAME(dend,'''')||'
       Group by MaTolName,DeptName,MaTolGrpName,'||vGroup||');

CREATE OR REPLACE package pk_wtReport_MaTolRunEff
type mytype is ref cursor;
  procedure Report_MaTolRunEff
  ( rst out mytype ,
    vID in nvarchar2,
    Name in nvarchar2,
    dbegin Date,
    dend Date,
    vTime nvarchar2);
create or replace package body pk_wtReport_MaTolRunEff
  procedure Report_MaTolRunEff
  ( rst out mytype ,
    vID in nvarchar2,
    Name in nvarchar2,
    dbegin Date,
    dend Date,
    vTime nvarchar2)
  MaTol nvarchar2(100);
  vGroup nvarchar2(200);
       if(Name='All')  then
        elsif(Name='Dept') then
           MaTol:='DeptID='||QUOTENAME(vID,'''')||' AND';
        elsif(Name='MaTolGrp') then
          MaTol:='MaTolGrpID='||QUOTENAME(vID,'''')||' AND';
        elsif(Name='MaTol') then
           MaTol:='MaTolName='||QUOTENAME(vID,'''')||' AND';
        elsif(vTime='') then
        end if;
       open rst for SELECT MaTolName,
         sum(case status when QUOTENAME('运行','''') then vValue else 0 end) as RUNNING,
      GetTimeStr(sum(case status when QUOTENAME('运行','''') then vValue else 0 end)) AS STRRUNNING,
      sum(vValue) as sONLINE,GetTimeStr(sum(vValue)) AS STRONLINE,
     cast(sum(case status when QUOTENAME('运行','''') then vValue else 0 end)*10000/sum(vValue) as decimal(10,2))/100 as RUNEFF,
       sGroup  From 
      (Select status,sum(statusTimeValue) AS vValue,
       ('||DeptName||' || QUOTENAME('.', '''') ||'||MaTolGrpName||' || QUOTENAME('.', '''') || '||MaTolName||') as MaTolName,
       '||Group||' as sGroup
      From StatusTable WHERE '||MaTol||'||'|| StartTime||' BETWEEN '||QUOTENAME(dbegin,'''') ||' AND '||QUOTENAME(dbegin,'''')||'
      Group by status,MaTolName,DeptName,MaTolGrpName,'||vGroup||') a group by MaTolName,sGroup;

CREATE OR REPLACE package pk_wtReport_MaTolStatus_Group
type mytype is ref cursor;
  procedure Report_MaTolStatus_Group
  ( rst out mytype ,
    vID in nvarchar2,
    Name in nvarchar2,
    dbegin Date,
    dend Date
create or replace package body pk_wtReport_MaTolStatus_Group
  procedure Report_MaTolStatus_Group
  ( rst out mytype ,
    vID in nvarchar2,
    Name in nvarchar2,
    dbegin Date,
    dend Date
  MaTol nvarchar2(100);
  vGroup nvarchar2(200);
  TimeValue number(16);
 if(Name='All') then
   open rst for SELECT case  
  when grouping(MaTolName)=1 then '合计'
  when grouping(status)=1 then '关机'
  when grouping(status)=0  then status
  end as status,case
  when grouping(status)=1 then TimeValue-sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end as statusTimeValue,GetTimeStr(case
  when grouping(status)=1 then TimeValue-sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end) as STRstatusTimeValue,MaTolName as sGroup,TimeValue AS TimeValue
  FROM StatusTable
  WHERE StartTime BETWEEN dbegin AND dend group by rollup(MaTolName ,status) ;
 elsif(Name='Dept') then
  open rst for SELECT case
  when grouping(MaTolName)=1 then '合计'
  when grouping(status)=1 then '关机'
  when grouping(status)=0  then status
  end as status,case
  when grouping(status)=1 then TimeValue-sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end as statusTimeValue,GetTimeStr(case
  when grouping(status)=1 then TimeValue-sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end) AS STRstatusTimeValue,MaTolName as sGroup,TimeValue as TimeValue
  FROM StatusTable
  WHERE DeptID=cast(vID AS rowID)
  AND StartTime BETWEEN dbegin AND dend group by rollup(MaTolName ,status) ;
 elsif(Name='MaTolGrp') then
  open rst for SELECT case
  when grouping(MaTolName)=1 then '合计'
  when grouping(status)=1 then '关机'
  when grouping(status)=0  then status
  end as status,case
  when grouping(status)=1 then TimeValue -sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end as statusTimeValue,GetTimeStr(case
  when grouping(status)=1 then TimeValue-sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end) AS STRstatusTimeValue,MaTolName as sGroup,TimeValue as TimeValue 
  FROM StatusTable
  WHERE MaTolGrpID=cast(vID AS rowid) AND StartTime BETWEEN dbegin AND dend group by rollup(MaTolName ,status) ;
 elsif(Name='MaTol') then
  open rst for SELECT case
  when grouping(MaTolName)=1 then '合计'
  when grouping(status)=1 then '关机'
  when grouping(status)=0  then status
  end as status,case
  when grouping(status)=1 then TimeValue -sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end as statusTimeValue,GetTimeStr(case
  when grouping(status)=1 then TimeValue-sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end) AS STRstatusTimeValue,MaTolName as sGroup,TimeValue as TimeValue 
  FROM StatusTable
  WHERE MaTolName=vID AND StartTime BETWEEN dbegin AND dend group by rollup(MaTolName ,status) ;
  end if;

CREATE OR REPLACE package pk_wtReport_MaTolStatus
type mytype is ref cursor;
  procedure Report_MaTolStatus
  ( rst out mytype ,
    vID in nvarchar2,
    Name in nvarchar2,
    dbegin Date,
    dend Date
create or replace package body pk_wtReport_MaTolStatus
  procedure Report_MaTolStatus
  ( rst out mytype ,
    vID in nvarchar2,
    Name in nvarchar2,
    dbegin Date,
    dend Date
  MaTolNum int;
  vValues number(16);
  TimeValue Number(16);
--TimeValue:=DATEDIFF (second,@begin,@end)
 if(Name='All') then
    SELECT Count(MaTolName) into MaTolNum FROM MachineTools;
  vValues:=TimeValue * MaTolNum;
         open rst for  SELECT case
  when grouping(status)=1 then '关机'
  when grouping(status)=0  then status
  end as status,case
  when grouping(status)=1 then vValues-sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end as statusTimeValue,GetTimeStr(case
  when grouping(status)=1 then vValues-sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end) AS STRstatusTimeValue,MaTolNum as MaTolNum,TimeValue as TimeValue
  FROM StatusTable
  WHERE StartTime BETWEEN dbegin AND dend group by rollup(status);
 elsif(Name='Dept') then
    SELECT Count(MaTolName) into  MaTolNum FROM MachineTools WHERE DeptID=cast(vID AS rowid);
  vValues:=TimeValue * MaTolNum;
  open rst for SELECT case
  when grouping(status)=1 then '关机'
  when grouping(status)=0  then status
  end as status,case
  when grouping(status)=1 then vValues-sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end as statusTimeValue,GetTimeStr(case
  when grouping(status)=1 then vValues-sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end) AS STRstatusTimeValue,MaTolNum as MaTolNum,TimeValue as TimeValue
  FROM StatusTable
  WHERE DeptID=cast(vID AS rowid)
  AND StartTime BETWEEN dbegin AND dend group by rollup(status);
 elsif(Name='MaTolGrp') then
  SELECT Count(MaTolName) into MaTolNum FROM MachineTools WHERE MaTolGrpID=cast(vID AS rowid);
  vValues:=TimeValue * MaTolNum;
  open rst for SELECT case
  when grouping(status)=1 then '关机'
  when grouping(status)=0  then status
  end as status,case
  when grouping(status)=1 then vValues -sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end as statusTimeValue,GetTimeStr(case
  when grouping(status)=1 then vValues-sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end) AS STRstatusTimeValue,MaTolNum as MaTolNum,TimeValue as TimeValue
  FROM StatusTable
  WHERE MaTolGrpID=cast(vID AS rowid) AND StartTime BETWEEN dbegin AND dend group by rollup(status);
 elsif(Name='MaTol') then
  vValues:=TimeValue * MaTolNum;
  open rst for SELECT case
  when grouping(status)=1 then '关机'
  when grouping(status)=0  then status
  end as status ,case
  when grouping(status)=1 then vValues-sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end as statusTimeValue,GetTimeStr(case
  when grouping(status)=1 then vValues-sum(statusTimeValue)
  when grouping(status)=0  then sum(statusTimeValue)
  end) AS STRstatusTimeValue,MaTolNum as MaTolNum,TimeValue as TimeValue
  FROM StatusTable
  WHERE MaTolName=vID AND StartTime BETWEEN dbegin AND dend group by rollup(status);
  end if;


posted on 2008-04-14 17:20  hekeneng  阅读(347)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
