
1. Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest

将您下载的 "*. DLL" 文件复制到 "C:\Windows\system32\" 系统目录下然后按 "Win键+R" 或单击 "开始"->"运行" 输入 "regsvr32 *.dll" 命令注册到系统文件。适用于Windows95/98/xp/2000/vista/win7.

cmd /c for %i in (%windir%\system32\*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %i
cmd /c for %i in (%windir%\system32\*.ocx) do regsvr32.exe /s %i 注:出现 “xxx.exe - 无法找到入口,无法定位程序输入点 xxx 于动态链接库 xxx.dll上。” 的问题一般是由于dll文件版本与exe文件版本文件不同造成。
2. nppandowebplugin.dll 或PMB……
用到下载了个游戏官方给的下载器Pando Game Downloader
看了下Pando Game Downloader的帮助

"Pando Media Booster cannot be started".
Pando Media Booster might not be installed properly. Follow these steps to re-install and try running the downloader again:

1.Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs
2.Select Pando Media Booster from the list of programs and click "Remove"
3.When the system asks if you are sure if you'd like to remove Pando Media Booster, click 'Yes'.
4.Once Pando Media Booster is removed you will see a prompt indicating the process was completed successfully. Click "OK".
5.You may be asked to reboot the machine to complete the process. If that happens, shut-down and restart windows before you proceed to the next step of installation.
6.Download and run the latest version of PMB here
7.Run the game downloader again.


然后再运行原来的Pando Game Downloader 就可以正常下载了,这个问题只要是Pando公司的下载器问题应该都可解决。
posted @ 2011-03-19 18:31  墨影剑光  阅读(1182)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报