问题1-S4 HANA CLOUD版本更新后,自定义CDS检查报错



 一直没有找到解决方法,后面干脆重新做了一个CDS,结果这个错误还是存在,后面找了SAP support团队,给了下面这些解决方案

This error message "Boolean annotation value must be lowercase" is an error under development analysis, but it can be resolved using the workaround documented in KBA KB0311861 - 'Boolean annotation value must be lowercase' when publishing CDS view

  1.  Go to Custom CDS Views app
  2.  Click on the CDS View that you want to publish
  3.  Click on "Element Properties" tab 
  4.  Check the column "Semantic Value", in all lines that have a switch button you'll need to turn the button OFF and then switch again to ON. 
  5.  After doing it in all the buttons, you can try to publish and it will work.




posted on 2022-04-08 12:33  阳光旅人  阅读(97)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
