From Wikipedia:
"In many programming languages, map is the name of a higher-order function that applies a given function to each element of a list, returning a list of results."
"In functional programming, fold, also known variously as reduce, accumulate, compress, or inject, is a family of higher-order functions that iterate an arbitrary function over a data structure in some order and build up a return value."
def sort (List) Avg = List.length/2 sort_helper(sort(List[1...Avg], List[Avg...]))
def sort_helper (L1, L2) l1 = L1.car l2 = L2.car if (l1 < 12) l1 + sort_helper(L1.cdr, L2) else l2 + sort_helper(L1, L2.cdr)
-module(sort). -export([sort/1]). sort([]) -> []; sort(List) when is_list(List) -> case length(List) of 1 -> List; Size -> Avg = Size div 2, {L,R} = lists:split(Avg, List), sort_helper(sort(L), sort(R)) end. sort_helper([], []) -> []; sort_helper([], R) -> R; sort_helper(L, []) -> L; sort_helper(L, R) -> case hd(L) < hd(R) of true -> [hd(L)|sort_helper(tl(L), R)]; false -> [hd(R)|sort_helper(L, tl(R))] end.
"Insert Sort" Insort(L) = Insort(filter(max(L), L)) + max(L) ;;其中max(L)的实现是需要使用reduce方法的
"Quick Sort" Qsort(L) = Qsort(map( less< hd(L), L)) + hd(L) + Qsort(map(more> hd(L), L))