1.优化UITableViewCell高度计算的那些事 http://www.cocoachina.com/ios/20150518/11854.html
2.动态计算UITableViewCell高度详解 http://www.cocoachina.com/industry/20140604/8668.html
@IBOutlet weak var bubbleImage: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var time: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var icon: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var content: UILabel!
b.设置icon: 宽高 = 40,icon.top = time.bottom
c.设置bubbleImage: bubbleImage.top 与 icon.top对齐 ,与cell底部距离=4
d.设置content约束在bubbleImage内部:为了居中设置二者的centerX与centerY对齐,再设置content.leading >= bubble.leading+20,
content.top >= bubble.top+15 即可
2. uilabel会根据文字内容自动调整大小,但是好像只能放大。实测发现只有一个字母的时候,应该变小的,但是还是显示xib初始布局的大小。
class ChatTableViewCellA: UITableViewCell { @IBOutlet weak var bubbleImage: UIImageView! @IBOutlet weak var time: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var icon: UIImageView! @IBOutlet weak var content: UILabel! var height:CGFloat! class func initChatCell(tableView:UITableView,message:TextMessage,iconname:String) -> ChatTableViewCellA?{ let Identifier = message.role == .Me ? "ChatTableViewCellAMe" : "ChatTableViewCellAOther" var t:UITableViewCell? = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(Identifier) if t == nil{ let index = message.role == .Me ? 1 : 0 t = NSBundle.mainBundle().loadNibNamed("ChatTableViewCellA", owner: nil, options: nil)[index] as? UITableViewCell } let cell:ChatTableViewCellA = t as! ChatTableViewCellA cell.time.text = message.time cell.icon.image = UIImage(named: iconname) cell.content.text = message.text let bgImage = message.role == .Me ? UIImage(named:"chat_send_nor@2x")! : UIImage(named:"chat_recive_nor@2x")! let H = floor(bgImage.size.height*0.5) let W = floor(bgImage.size.width*0.5) let insets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(H, W, bgImage.size.height-H-1, bgImage.size.width-W-1) cell.bubbleImage.image = bgImage.resizableImageWithCapInsets(insets) cell.layoutIfNeeded() cell.height = max(cell.bubbleImage.frame.maxY,cell.icon.frame.maxY) return t as? ChatTableViewCellA } override func awakeFromNib() { super.awakeFromNib() // Initialization code self.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor() self.time.textColor = UIColor.darkGrayColor() self.time.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(13) self.content.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width - 120 self.content.numberOfLines = 0 self.content.lineBreakMode = .ByWordWrapping } override func setSelected(selected: Bool, animated: Bool) { super.setSelected(selected, animated: animated) // Configure the view for the selected state } }
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { // let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("reuseIdentifier", forIndexPath: indexPath) //debugPrint("Configure row:\(indexPath.row)") // Configure the cell... let msg = GlobalMsgCache.sharedInstance.getMessageAt(other.name!, index: indexPath.row) ?? BaseMessage() if msg is TextMessage{ let message = msg as! TextMessage let icon = (message.role == Role.Me ? self.me.icon:self.other.icon) ?? "defaulticon" let cell:ChatTableViewCellA = ChatTableViewCellA.initChatCell(self.tableView, message: message,iconname: icon)! return cell } else if msg is ProgressMessage{ let message = msg as! ProgressMessage let icon = (message.role == Role.Me ? self.me.icon:self.other.icon) ?? "defaulticon" let cell:ChatTableViewProgressCellA = ChatTableViewProgressCellA.initChatCell(self.tableView, message: message,iconname: icon)! return cell } else{ let message = msg as! TipMessage let cell:ChatTableViewTipCellA = ChatTableViewTipCellA.initChatCell(self.tableView, message: message)! return cell } } func tableView(tableView: UITableView, estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat { //debugPrint("row:\(indexPath.row),estimateheight\(cellHeightCache[indexPath.row] ?? 80)") let msg = GlobalMsgCache.sharedInstance.getMessageAt(other.name!, index: indexPath.row) ?? BaseMessage() if msg is TextMessage{ return 80 } else if msg is ProgressMessage{ return 80 } else{ return 50 } }