django 大量数据批量修改 django-bulk-update

但项目用的是django 1.11.8 只能使用第三方库

import random
from django_bulk_update.helper import bulk_update
from tests.models import Person

random_names = ['Walter', 'The Dude', 'Donny', 'Jesus']
people = Person.objects.all()
for person in people: = random.choice(random_names)

bulk_update(people, update_fields=['name'])  # updates only name column
bulk_update(people, exclude_fields=['username'])  # updates all columns except username
bulk_update(people, using='someotherdb')  # updates all columns using the given db
bulk_update(people)  # updates all columns using the default db
bulk_update(people, batch_size=50000)  # updates all columns by 50000 sized chunks using the default db
posted @ 2021-07-22 23:58  recoder_mk  阅读(3407)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报