1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | # coding = utf - 8 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt a = [ "Scarlet ball rise" , "spider-man" , "Dunkirk" , "War Wolf 2" ] b_16 = [ 15746 , 312 , 4497 , 319 ] b_15 = [ 12357 , 156 , 2045 , 168 ] b_14 = [ 2358 , 399 , 2358 , 362 ] bar_width = 0.2 x_14 = list ( range ( len (a))) x_15 = [i + bar_width for i in x_14] x_16 = [i + bar_width * 2 for i in x_14] # 设置图形大小 plt.figure(figsize = ( 15 , 8 ), dpi = 80 ) plt.bar( range ( len (a)), b_14, width = bar_width, label = "September 14th" ) plt.bar(x_15, b_15, width = bar_width, label = "September 15th" ) plt.bar(x_16, b_16, width = bar_width, label = "September 16th" ) # 设置x轴的刻度 plt.xticks(x_15, a) # 设置图例 plt.legend() plt.show() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | # coding = utf - 8 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # a = ["战狼2", "速度与激情8", "功夫瑜伽", "西游伏妖篇", "变形金刚5", "摔跤吧爸爸"] a = [ "War Wolf 2" , "Fast and furious 8" , "Kung fu yoga" , "Journey to the west" , "Transformers 5" , "Wrestling, daddy" ] b = [ 56.01 , 26.94 , 17.53 , 16.49 , 15.45 , 12.96 ] # 设置图片大小 plt.figure(figsize = ( 15 , 8 ), dpi = 80 ) # 绘制横向条形图 plt.barh( range ( len (a)), b, height = 0.3 , color = "orange" ) # 设置字符串到x轴 plt.yticks( range ( len (a)), a) # 绘制网格 plt.grid(alpha = 0.3 ) plt.savefig( "./movie.png" ) plt.show() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | # coding = utf - 8 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # a = ["战狼2", "速度与激情8", "功夫瑜伽", "西游伏妖篇", "变形金刚5", "摔跤吧爸爸"] a = [ "War Wolf 2" , "Fast and furious 8" , "Kung fu yoga" , "Journey to the west" , "Transformers 5" , "Wrestling, daddy" ] b = [ 56.01 , 26.94 , 17.53 , 16.49 , 15.45 , 12.96 ] # 设置图片大小 plt.figure(figsize = ( 15 , 8 ), dpi = 80 ) # 绘制条形图 plt.bar( range ( len (a)), b, width = 0.3 ) # 设置字符串到x轴 plt.xticks( range ( len (a)), a) plt.savefig( "./movie.png" ) plt.show() |
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