毛毛的小窝 — 关注技术交流、让我们一起成长



     It is delighted to establish my blog today.i will share my technology, happiness ,sadness and all of my feelings in my life here.
      I am an emotional person,possessing sincere feelings and friendly personality.so i am the person easily get along with.
      I hope that all of friends, regardless of familiar or strang,can find attentiveness,sincerity,and relaxation in my blog!
  Look forward to your comments and suggestion!

                        ( o o )
| Mjgforever                                             |
|                       E-mail: mjgforever@hotmail.com   |
| My blog               http://blog.mapbar.com/blogmap/showmap.jsp?nid=06030214550200780587

posted on 2005-12-15 08:34  mjgforever  阅读(413)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报