Sybase正式发布数据仓库产品Sybase IQ 15.0


19 March 2009
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[ Johannesburg, 19 March 2009 ] - Enterprise software and services company, Sybase, has officially globally released its next-generation analytics server, Sybase IQ 15.

In a global Webcast presentation, Sybase director of product marketing Lisa Hopkins said the company has found that business' needs for powerful analytics are not decreasing, but increasing, and the company has registered 200 new customers in 2008.


Hopkins said Sybase IQ 15 is perfectly positioned for the purposes of delivering dramatically faster, more accurate analysis and reporting to address the growing need to make well-informed business-critical decisions based on real-time data.

“Sybase IQ 15 is the most significant release for us, as it is the only analytical server that supplies faster analytical extracted from all users, and according to their terms, giving your business a competitive edge because BI is the enabler to competitiveness.”

Sybase IQ 15 is the fastest column-based technology architecture today without the need for expensive optimisations in hardware and deployments, Hopkins says. This results in more flexibility and manageability.

Estelle de Beer, practice manager for Sybase SA's BI Practice, says: “Sybase IQ 15 allows companies to extract analytical information at on-demand and real-time speeds from large volumes of operational data with ease. This new server processes massive data loads at a low cost of ownership, saving companies on time and money.

“It reduces raw or operational data, with super compressions, by 50%, making your traditional outlay smaller and again saving on costs and computing power,” de Beer adds. It really is designed for big data storage volumes, with a minimum of about 100GB, she adds.

The solution is not made for traditional transactional or OLTP services, and is focused on super-fast predictive analytics with operational data stored in a single place.

The company further announced that a small business version of the new release is also planned for this year, with a capacity of 250GB, using Quad-core processing and allowing for 10 simultaneous IP connections.

Sybase IQ 15 will be available from 31 March.




Sybase公司发布智商15西奥BOSHOFF , ITWEB资深新闻工作者。
[Johannesburg, 19 March 2009] -企业软件和服务公司, Sybase公司,已正式在全球发布其下一代分析服务器, Sybase IQ 15.

在一个全球网上会议的介绍上, Sybase公司的产品营销主管Lisa Hopkins说,该公司发现,企业需要强大的分析功能不是在减少,而是在增加,该公司在2008年已注册200个新客户。

霍普金斯说, Sybase IQ 15完全定位为提供显着更快,更准确的分析和报告,以解决日益增长的需要能作出充分知情的关键业务的基础上决定的实时数据。

“ Sybase IQ 15是最重要的发布对于我们来说,因为它是唯一分析服务器用品更快分析提取所有用户,并根据自己的条件,让您的企业的竞争力,因为商业智能是创造竞争力。 ”

Sybase IQ 15采用最快的以列为基础的技术架构, 今天,而不需要昂贵的硬件和优化配置,霍普金斯说。这就造成了更大的灵活性和可管理性。

埃斯泰勒迪比尔,实践公司经理, Sybase公司的BI实践,说: “ Sybase IQ 15允许企业提取的分析资料,在点播和实时速度,从大量的业务数据提供方便。这种新的服务器处理大量数据加载在拥有成本低廉,节约企业时间和金钱。

“它降低了原材料或业务数据,超级压缩, 50 % ,让您的小传统的支出,并再次节省成本和运算能力, ”迪比尔增加。这真的是专为数据存储量大,最低的约100GB的,她说。



Sybase IQ 15可从3月31日。





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