Option Explicit Const Dict_DB = "adatabase.mdb" '先要引用 Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library Public cnn As ADODB.Connection Public rst As ADODB.Recordset, rst2 As ADODB.Recordset Public cmd As ADODB.Command Private Sub Form_Load() '创建对数据库的连接 Dim mdbA As String Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection mdbA = App.Path & "\" & Dict_DB With cnn .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" .Open mdbA End With '创建记录集 adCmdTable Dim sheetName As String Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset sheetName = "texts" rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient '或者adUseServer rst.Open Source:=sheetName, ActiveConnection:=cnn, CursorType:=adOpenDynamic, LockType:=adLockOptimistic, Options:=adCmdTable '类型adCmdTable '记录集的一些数据 Dim i%, n As Long Debug.Print "列的数目:", rst.Fields.Count Debug.Print "行的数目:", rst.RecordCount For i = 0 To rst.Fields.Count - 1 Debug.Print "第" & i & "列名称:", rst.Fields(i).Name Next '关闭记录集 rst.Close '用SQL的方法创建记录集 adCmdText Dim sSQL$ sSQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM texts " rst.Open Source:=sSQL, ActiveConnection:=cnn, CursorType:=adOpenDynamic, LockType:=adLockOptimistic, Options:=adCmdText 'adCmdText Debug.Print "Sql count方法,记录总数:", rst(0) rst.Close sSQL = "SELECT * FROM texts " rst.Open Source:=sSQL, ActiveConnection:=cnn, CursorType:=adOpenDynamic, LockType:=adLockOptimistic, Options:=adCmdText 'adCmdText Debug.Print "Sql 方法,列的数目:", rst.Fields.Count Debug.Print "Sql 方法,行的数目:", rst.RecordCount '浏览数据 rst.MoveFirst Debug.Print "第" & rst.AbsolutePosition & "条:", rst.Fields(0) While Not rst.EOF rst.MoveNext Wend rst.MovePrevious Debug.Print "第" & rst.AbsolutePosition & "条:", rst.Fields(0) '添加新数据 rst.AddNew rst.Fields(3) = "This is new record." rst.Update rst.MoveLast Debug.Print rst.RecordCount, rst.Fields(3) '修改数据 rst.Fields(3) = "This is new record---edited." Debug.Print rst.RecordCount, rst.Fields(3) '删除数据 rst.Delete rst.Update rst.MoveLast Debug.Print rst.RecordCount, rst.Fields(3) rst.Close '执行sql的2个方法,注意:得到的数据集,都不能使用RecordCount和AbsolutePosition等属性 sSQL = "SELECT * FROM texts" '1,ADODB.Connection 的成员 Function Execute(CommandText As String, [RecordsAffected], [Options As Long = -1]) As Recordset '但是用rs的效果没有直接connection.execute的效率来的高?connection.execute一般用来执行update insert into delete 语句不返回记录集,不返回结果的。 Set rst = cnn.Execute(sSQL) Debug.Print rst.Fields.Count, rst.RecordCount rst.MoveFirst Debug.Print rst.Fields(0), Left(rst.Fields(3), 20) rst.Move 12 Debug.Print rst.Fields(0), Left(rst.Fields(3), 20) rst.Close '2,ADODB.Command 的成员 Function Execute([RecordsAffected], [Parameters], [Options As Long = -1]) As Recordset Set cmd = New ADODB.Command cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn cmd.CommandType = adCmdText cmd.CommandText = sSQL Set rst = cmd.Execute Debug.Print rst.Fields.Count, rst.RecordCount rst.MoveFirst Debug.Print rst.Fields(0), Left(rst.Fields(3), 20) rst.Move 12 Debug.Print rst.Fields(0), Left(rst.Fields(3), 20) rst.Close Set cmd = Nothing cnn.Close Set cnn = Nothing End Sub