1、某客户有一台Exadata X4-2,当前的image版本为11.,计划将image版本升级到18.。当针对存储节点执行升级前的预升级检查工作时报错。具体如下所示:
[root@dm01dbadm01 patch_18.]# ./patchmgr -cells cell_group -patch_check_prereq -rolling
2023-05-13 11:36:42 +0800 :Working: DO: Check cells have ssh equivalence for root user. Up to 10 seconds per cell ... 2023-05-13 11:36:43 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Check cells have ssh equivalence for root user. 2023-05-13 11:36:46 +0800 :Working: DO: Initialize files. Up to 1 minute ... 2023-05-13 11:36:47 +0800 :Working: DO: Setup work directory 2023-05-13 11:36:48 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Setup work directory 2023-05-13 11:36:50 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Initialize files. 2023-05-13 11:36:50 +0800 :Working: DO: Copy, extract prerequisite check archive to cells. If required start md11 mismatched partner size correction. Up to 40 minutes ... 2023-05-13 11:37:04 +0800 :INFO : Wait correction of degraded md11 due to md partner size mismatch. Up to 30 minutes. 2023-05-13 11:37:05 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Copy, extract prerequisite check archive to cells. If required start md11 mismatched partner size correction. 2023-05-13 11:37:05 +0800 :Working: DO: Check space and state of cell services. Up to 20 minutes ... FAILED for following cells dm01celadm01: dm01celadm01 2023-05-13 12:01:04 +0800: 2023-05-13 11:37:25 +0800 :FAILED : For details, check the following files in the /u01/soft/18.1.34/cell/patch_18. 2023-05-13 11:37:25 +0800 :FAILED : - <cell_name>.log 2023-05-13 11:37:25 +0800 :FAILED : - patchmgr.stdout 2023-05-13 11:37:25 +0800 :FAILED : - patchmgr.stderr 2023-05-13 11:37:25 +0800 :FAILED : - patchmgr.log 2023-05-13 11:37:25 +0800 :FAILED : DONE: Check space and state of cell services. 2023-05-13 11:39:06 +0800 :Working: DO: Check prerequisites on all cells. Up to 2 minutes ... 2023-05-13 11:39:15 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Check prerequisites on all cells. 2023-05-13 11:39:15 +0800 :Working: DO: Execute plugin check for Patch Check Prereq ... 2023-05-13 11:39:15 +0800 :INFO : Patchmgr plugin start: Prereq check for exposure to bug 22909764 v1.0. 2023-05-13 11:39:15 +0800 :INFO : Details in logfile /u01/soft/18.1.34/cell/patch_18. 2023-05-13 11:39:15 +0800 :INFO : Patchmgr plugin start: Prereq check for exposure to bug 17854520 v1.3. 2023-05-13 11:39:15 +0800 :INFO : Details in logfile /u01/soft/18.1.34/cell/patch_18. 2023-05-13 11:39:16 +0800 :WARNING: ACTION REQUIRED: Cells to be upgraded pass version check, however other cells not being upgraded may be at version or, exposing the system to bug 17854520. Manually check other cells for version or 2023-05-13 11:39:16 +0800 :INFO : Checking database homes for remote db nodes with oracle-user ssh equivalence to the local system. 2023-05-13 11:39:16 +0800 :INFO : Database homes that exist only on remote nodes must be checked manually. 2023-05-13 11:39:19 +0800 :SUCCESS: Patchmgr plugin complete: Prereq check passed - no exposure to bug 17854520 2023-05-13 11:39:19 +0800 :INFO : Patchmgr plugin start: Prereq check for exposure to bug 22468216 v1.0. 2023-05-13 11:39:19 +0800 :INFO : Details in logfile /u01/soft/18.1.34/cell/patch_18. 2023-05-13 11:39:19 +0800 :SUCCESS: Patchmgr plugin complete: Prereq check passed for the bug 22468216 2023-05-13 11:39:19 +0800 :INFO : Patchmgr plugin start: Prereq check for exposure to bug 24625612 v1.0. 2023-05-13 11:39:19 +0800 :INFO : Details in logfile /u01/soft/18.1.34/cell/patch_18. 2023-05-13 11:39:19 +0800 :SUCCESS: Patchmgr plugin complete: Prereq check passed for the bug 24625612 2023-05-13 11:39:19 +0800 :INFO : Patchmgr plugin start: Prereq check for exposure to bug 22896791 v1.0. 2023-05-13 11:39:19 +0800 :INFO : Details in logfile /u01/soft/18.1.34/cell/patch_18. 2023-05-13 11:39:20 +0800 :SUCCESS: Patchmgr plugin complete: Prereq check passed for the bug 22896791 2023-05-13 11:39:20 +0800 :INFO : Patchmgr plugin start: Prereq check for exposure to bug 22651315 v1.0. 2023-05-13 11:39:20 +0800 :INFO : Details in logfile /u01/soft/18.1.34/cell/patch_18. 2023-05-13 11:39:21 +0800 :SUCCESS: Patchmgr plugin complete: Prereq check passed for the bug 22651315 2023-05-13 11:39:22 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Execute plugin check for Patch Check Prereq. 2023-05-13 11:39:22 +0800 :Working: DO: Check ASM deactivation outcome. Up to 1 minute ... 2023-05-13 11:39:33 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Check ASM deactivation outcome. 2023-05-13 11:39:33 +0800 :FAILED : Prerequisite checks failed. 2023-05-13 11:39:33 +0800 :ERROR : Patch prerequisite checks failed. Please run cleanup before retrying.
[root@dm01dbadm01 patch_18.]# |
[root@dm01dbadm01 patch_18.]# view dm01celadm01.log dm01celadm01: dm01celadm01: 2023-05-13 10:20:59 +0800 [INFO]: patchmgr launch attempt from dm01dbadm01.nmgmzdb.com_192.168.1.162_u01_soft_18.1.34_cell_patch_18. dm01celadm01: 2023-05-13 10:20:59 +0800 [INFO]: dostep called: 4p patch_prereq is_rolling 900 3600 900 36000 default dm01celadm01: 2023-05-13 10:20:59 +0800 [INFO]: patchmgr launched from dm01dbadm01.nmgmzdb.com_192.168.1.162_u01_soft_18.1.34_cell_patch_18. dm01celadm01: _EXIT_PASS_Cell dm01celadm01 2023-05-13 10:21:00 +0800: dm01celadm01: dm01celadm01: 2023-05-13 10:21:11 +0800 [INFO]: patchmgr launch attempt from dm01dbadm01.nmgmzdb.com_192.168.1.162_u01_soft_18.1.34_cell_patch_18. dm01celadm01: 2023-05-13 10:21:11 +0800 [INFO]: dostep called: 4p_md11_fix_pw patch_prereq is_rolling 900 3600 900 36000 default dm01celadm01: _EXIT_PASS_Cell dm01celadm01 2023-05-13 10:21:11 +0800: dm01celadm01: Cell dm01celadm01 dm01celadm01: _EXIT_PASS_Cell dm01celadm01 2023-05-13 10:21:11 +0800: dm01celadm01: dm01celadm01: 2023-05-13 10:21:12 +0800 [INFO]: patchmgr launch attempt from dm01dbadm01.nmgmzdb.com_192.168.1.162_u01_soft_18.1.34_cell_patch_18. dm01celadm01: 2023-05-13 10:21:12 +0800 [INFO]: dostep called: prechk:no:1710 patch_prereq is_rolling 900 3600 900 36000 default noforce dm01celadm01: _EXIT_ERROR_Cell dm01celadm01 2023-05-13 11:02:51 +0800: dm01celadm01: dm01celadm01: [INFO] Free space in /boot (/dev/md4) before clean up is 58MB dm01celadm01: [INFO] Kernel version running: 2.6.39-400.128.17.el5uek dm01celadm01: [INFO] Full kernel version : 2.6.39-400.128.17.el5uek dm01celadm01: [INFO] Kernel version in /opt/oracle.cellos/image.id: 2.6.39-400.128.17.el5uek dm01celadm01: [INFO] Full kernel version : 2.6.39-400.128.17.el5uek dm01celadm01: [INFO] Total space in /boot which will be freed up after removal of dm01celadm01: initrd-2.6.39-400.128.17.el5uekkdump.img is 10MB dm01celadm01: [INFO] Free space in /boot (/dev/md4) after clean up is 69MB dm01celadm01: [INFO] Size for all files for the kernel 2.6.39-400.128.17.el5uek in /boot is 14MB dm01celadm01: [INFO] Required free space on /boot is 28MB dm01celadm01: [INFO][check_allowed_version] Target: Current: Patch or rollback: 1710 Rolling: is_rolling dm01celadm01: [ERROR] Can not continue. Runtime configuration is not consistent with values configured in /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf. dm01celadm01: [ERROR] Run ipconf to correct the inconsistencies. Failed check: /root/_cellupd_dpullec_/_p_/ipconf -check-consistency -at-runtime -semantic -verbose dm01celadm01: [ERROR] Details: dm01celadm01: Checking DNS server on : FAILED dm01celadm01: Checking DNS server on : FAILED dm01celadm01: Check that server on responds to the NTP requests : FAILED dm01celadm01: Check that server on responds to the NTP requests : FAILED dm01celadm01: [Info]: Consistency check FAILED dm01celadm01: Cell dm01celadm01 dm01celadm01: _EXIT_ERROR_Cell dm01celadm01 2023-05-13 11:02:51 +0800: dm01celadm01: dm01celadm01 2023-05-13 11:02:51 +0800: dm01celadm01: 2023-05-13 12:00:46 +0800 [INFO]: dostep called: prechk:no:1710 patch_prereq is_rolling 900 3600 900 36000 default noforce dm01celadm01: _EXIT_ERROR_Cell dm01celadm01 2023-05-13 12:01:04 +0800: dm01celadm01: |
[root@dm01celadm01 etc]# cellcli -e alter cell shutdown services all
Stopping the RS, CELLSRV, and MS services... The SHUTDOWN of services was successful. [root@dm01celadm01 etc]# [root@dm01celadm01 etc]# [root@dm01celadm01 etc]# [root@dm01celadm01 etc]# [root@dm01celadm01 etc]# ipconf Logging started to /var/log/cellos/ipconf.log Interface ib0 is Linked. hca: mlx4_0 Interface ib1 is Linked. hca: mlx4_0 Interface eth0 is Linked. driver/mac: ixgbe/00:10:e0:56:70:e2 Interface eth1 is ... Unlinked. driver/mac: ixgbe/00:10:e0:56:70:e3 Interface eth2 is ... Unlinked. driver/mac: ixgbe/00:10:e0:56:70:e4 Interface eth3 is ... Unlinked. driver/mac: ixgbe/00:10:e0:56:70:e5
Network interfaces Name State ib0 Linked ib1 Linked eth0 Linked eth1 Unlinked eth2 Unlinked eth3 Unlinked Warning. Some network interface(s) are disconnected. Check cables and swicthes and retry Do you want to retry (y/n) [y]: n
The current nameserver(s): Do you want to change it (y/n) [n]: y Nameserver: Add more nameservers (y/n) [n]: n The current timezone: Asia/Shanghai Do you want to change it (y/n) [n]: The current NTP server(s): Do you want to change it (y/n) [n]: y Fully qualified hostname or ip address for NTP server. Press enter if none: Continue adding more ntp servers (y/n) [n]: n
Network interfaces |
[root@dm01dbadm01 patch_18.]# ./patchmgr -cells cell_group -patch_check_prereq -rolling
2023-05-13 12:09:13 +0800 :Working: DO: Check cells have ssh equivalence for root user. Up to 10 seconds per cell ... 2023-05-13 12:09:14 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Check cells have ssh equivalence for root user. 2023-05-13 12:09:17 +0800 :Working: DO: Initialize files. Up to 1 minute ... 2023-05-13 12:09:17 +0800 :Working: DO: Setup work directory 2023-05-13 12:09:19 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Setup work directory 2023-05-13 12:09:21 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Initialize files. 2023-05-13 12:09:21 +0800 :Working: DO: Copy, extract prerequisite check archive to cells. If required start md11 mismatched partner size correction. Up to 40 minutes ... 2023-05-13 12:09:35 +0800 :INFO : Wait correction of degraded md11 due to md partner size mismatch. Up to 30 minutes. 2023-05-13 12:09:36 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Copy, extract prerequisite check archive to cells. If required start md11 mismatched partner size correction. 2023-05-13 12:09:36 +0800 :Working: DO: Check space and state of cell services. Up to 20 minutes ... 2023-05-13 12:10:10 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Check space and state of cell services. 2023-05-13 12:10:10 +0800 :Working: DO: Check prerequisites on all cells. Up to 2 minutes ... 2023-05-13 12:10:20 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Check prerequisites on all cells. 2023-05-13 12:10:20 +0800 :Working: DO: Execute plugin check for Patch Check Prereq ... 2023-05-13 12:10:20 +0800 :INFO : Patchmgr plugin start: Prereq check for exposure to bug 22909764 v1.0. 2023-05-13 12:10:20 +0800 :INFO : Details in logfile /u01/soft/18.1.34/cell/patch_18. 2023-05-13 12:10:20 +0800 :INFO : Patchmgr plugin start: Prereq check for exposure to bug 17854520 v1.3. 2023-05-13 12:10:20 +0800 :INFO : Details in logfile /u01/soft/18.1.34/cell/patch_18. 2023-05-13 12:10:21 +0800 :WARNING: ACTION REQUIRED: Cells to be upgraded pass version check, however other cells not being upgraded may be at version or, exposing the system to bug 17854520. Manually check other cells for version or 2023-05-13 12:10:21 +0800 :INFO : Checking database homes for remote db nodes with oracle-user ssh equivalence to the local system. 2023-05-13 12:10:21 +0800 :INFO : Database homes that exist only on remote nodes must be checked manually. 2023-05-13 12:10:23 +0800 :SUCCESS: Patchmgr plugin complete: Prereq check passed - no exposure to bug 17854520 2023-05-13 12:10:23 +0800 :INFO : Patchmgr plugin start: Prereq check for exposure to bug 22468216 v1.0. 2023-05-13 12:10:23 +0800 :INFO : Details in logfile /u01/soft/18.1.34/cell/patch_18. 2023-05-13 12:10:24 +0800 :SUCCESS: Patchmgr plugin complete: Prereq check passed for the bug 22468216 2023-05-13 12:10:24 +0800 :INFO : Patchmgr plugin start: Prereq check for exposure to bug 24625612 v1.0. 2023-05-13 12:10:24 +0800 :INFO : Details in logfile /u01/soft/18.1.34/cell/patch_18. 2023-05-13 12:10:24 +0800 :SUCCESS: Patchmgr plugin complete: Prereq check passed for the bug 24625612 2023-05-13 12:10:24 +0800 :INFO : Patchmgr plugin start: Prereq check for exposure to bug 22896791 v1.0. 2023-05-13 12:10:24 +0800 :INFO : Details in logfile /u01/soft/18.1.34/cell/patch_18. 2023-05-13 12:10:25 +0800 :SUCCESS: Patchmgr plugin complete: Prereq check passed for the bug 22896791 2023-05-13 12:10:25 +0800 :INFO : Patchmgr plugin start: Prereq check for exposure to bug 22651315 v1.0. 2023-05-13 12:10:25 +0800 :INFO : Details in logfile /u01/soft/18.1.34/cell/patch_18. 2023-05-13 12:10:26 +0800 :SUCCESS: Patchmgr plugin complete: Prereq check passed for the bug 22651315 2023-05-13 12:10:27 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Execute plugin check for Patch Check Prereq. 2023-05-13 12:10:27 +0800 :Working: DO: Check ASM deactivation outcome. Up to 1 minute ... 2023-05-13 12:10:37 +0800 :SUCCESS: DONE: Check ASM deactivation outcome.
[root@dm01dbadm01 patch_18.]# |
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