
STL 中有copy 函数, 感觉的效率还可以提高些, 就试着使用模板推导的方式决定调用不同的函数,本事就是根据形参类型的不同而调用不同的函数 , 首先自定义最简单的2个类 ,  true_type 和 false_type , 详见如下代码, VS2008验证 OK 


// algorithm.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#include <list>
namespace algor{
	struct true_type{};
	struct false_type{};
template <typename T>struct iterator_trait{
	typedef false_type value_type;

template <>struct iterator_trait<int*>{
	typedef true_type value_type;

template <>struct iterator_trait<char*>{
	typedef true_type value_type;

template <typename Iter1, typename Iter2>inline Iter2 t_copy(Iter1 first, Iter1 end, Iter2 out){
	typedef iterator_trait<Iter1>::value_type value_type;
	return copy_impl(first, end, out, has_trivial_assign<value_type>::value_type());
template <typename T>struct has_trivial_assign{
	typedef T value_type;

template <typename T>T* copy_impl(T* first, T* end, T* out, true_type){
	memmove(out, first, (end-first)*sizeof(T));
	return out + (end - first);
template <typename Iter1, typename Iter2>Iter2 copy_impl(Iter1 first, Iter1 end, Iter2 out, false_type){
	while(first != end)
		*out = *first;
	return out;
#define N 100000
struct MyFoo{
	char c;
	MyFoo& operator=(const MyFoo& f){

		c = f.c;
		return *this;
using namespace std;
using namespace algor;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	MyFoo f;
	vector<MyFoo> vect(N, f);
	vector<MyFoo>::iterator first = vect.begin();
	vector<MyFoo>::iterator end = vect.end();

	list<MyFoo> t_list;
	list<MyFoo>::iterator out = t_list.begin();
	int arr[N] = {1,};
	int brr[N] = {2,};
	int* aarr = arr;
	int* bbrr = brr;
	t_copy(aarr, aarr+N, bbrr);
	t_copy(first, end, out);
	return 0;


posted @ 2014-11-12 17:15  还在想啊  阅读(583)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报