转义符 与 转义字符



Argument                           Description                                     中译

\                                     The escaped identifier                        “\”转义标识符号的标志(开头)



\n                                  The newline character                        换行符

\t                                   The tab character                               制表符(8个字符位置)

\\                                   The \ character                                    符号 \

\"                                 The " character                                     符号 “

\ddd                               A character specified by 1 to 3 octal digits     八进制数ddd 对应的ASCII字符

                          eg: \123              //8进制数123 对应的ASCII字符是大写的“S”

%%                               The % character                            符号 %

\a                      The bell character                         响铃(BEL) ()

\b                      The Back Space character                   退格(BS)
\f                      The new page character                 换页(FF)(Ctrl+Enter)
\n                     The newline character                            换行(LF) ()
\r                      The carriage return character                回车(CR) ()
\t                      The horizontal tab character                 水平制表(HT) ()
\v                     The vertical tab character                      垂直制表(VT) ()

posted @ 2015-01-22 16:38  miracle_boy  阅读(1216)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报