
  1 #Tic-Tac-Toe
  2 #机器人和人类下井字棋
  4 #全局变量
  5 import random
  6 X = "X"
  7 O = "O"
  8 EMPTY = " "      #表示棋盘上的空空格
  9 TIE = "TIE"      #表示平局
 10 NUM_SQUARES = 9  #井字棋棋盘上的方格数
 12 #显示游戏说明
 13 def display_instruct():
 14     """Display game instrcutin."""
 15     print(
 16         """Welcome to the gratest intellectual challenge of all time:Tic-Tac-Toe.
 17         This will be a showdown between your human brain and my silicon proessor.
 18         you will make your move known by entering a nmber,0 - 8. The number will
 19         correspond to the board position as illustrated:
 20          0 | 1 | 2
 21          ---------
 22          3 | 4 | 5
 23          ---------
 24          6 | 7 | 8
 25         Prepare yourself,human .The ultimate battle is about aobegin.\n"""
 26     )
 28 #询问一个“是或否”的问题。接受一个问题,返回y或n
 29 def ask_yes_no(quesion):
 30     response = None
 31     while response not in ("y","n"):
 32         response = input(quesion.lower())
 33     return response
 35 #求情指定范围内的一个数字
 36 def ask_number(question,low,high):
 37     response = None
 38     while response not in range(low,high):
 39         response = int(input(question))
 40     return response
 42 #询问玩家是否希望先行棋
 43 def pieces():
 44     go_first = ask_yes_no("Do you require the first move ? (y/n):")
 45     if go_first =="y":
 46         print "\nThen take the first move.You wil need it."
 47         human = X
 48         computer = O
 49     else:
 50         print "\nYour bravery will be your undoing... I will go first.."
 51         human = O
 52         computer = X
 53     return computer, human
 55 #创建新的q棋盘
 56 def new_board():
 57     board = []
 58     for square in range(NUM_SQUARES):
 59         board.append(EMPTY)
 60     return board
 62 #显示棋盘
 63 def display_board(board):
 64     print "\n\t",board[0],"|",board[1],"|",board[2]
 65     print "\t","--------"
 66     print "\n\t",board[3],"|",board[4],"|",board[5]
 67     print "\t","--------"
 68     print "\n\t",board[6],"|",board[7],"|",board[8]
 70 #接受一个棋盘,返回一个合法的行棋步骤
 71 def legal_moves(board):
 72     moves = []
 73     for square in range(NUM_SQUARES):
 74         if board[square] == EMPTY:
 75             moves.append(square)
 76     return moves
 78 #判断输赢
 79 def winner(board):
 80     WAYS_TO_WIN = ((0,1,2),(3,4,5),(6,7,8),(0,3,6),(1,4,7),(2,5,8),(0,4,8),(2,4,6))
 81     winner = ""
 82     for row in WAYS_TO_WIN:
 83         if board[row[0]] == board[row[1]] == board[row[2]]!=EMPTY:
 84             winner = board[row[0]]
 85             return winner
 86     if winner=="":
 87         if EMPTY not in board:
 88              return TIE
 89         else:
 90             return None
 92 #用户行棋
 93 def human_move(board,human):
 94     legal = legal_moves(board)
 95     move = None
 96     while move not in legal:
 97         move = ask_number("Where you will move ?(0-8):",0,NUM_SQUARES)
 98         if move not in legal:
 99             print ("\nThat square is already occupied,foolish human.Choose another.\n")
100     print "Fine..."
101     return move
103 #机器人行棋
104 def computer_move(board,computer,human):
105     board = board[:]
106     BEST_MOVES =(4,0,2,6,8,1,3,5,7)
108     #如果机器人能赢,就走那个位置
109     for move in legal_moves(board):
110         board[move] = computer
111         if winner(board) == computer:
112              print move
113              return move
114         #技术当前行棋方案的测试,并取消之
115         board[move] =EMPTY
116     #如果玩家能赢,就堵住那个位置
117     for move in legal_moves(board):
118         board[move] = human
119         if winner(board) == human:
120              print move
121              return move
122         #技术当前行棋方案的测试,并取消之
123         board[move] =EMPTY
125     #由于本轮谁也赢不了,所以叫挑选最佳的空位来走
126     for move in BEST_MOVES:
127         if move in legal_moves(board):
128             print move
129             return  move
131 #返回下一个行棋方
132 def next_turn(turn):
133     if turn == X:
134         return O
135     else:
136         return X
138 #接受游戏的赢家
139 def congract_winner(the_winner,computer,humna):
140     if the_winner !=TIE:
141         print the_winner,"won"
142     else:
143         print "tie!"
145     if the_winner==computer:
146         print "computer win"
147     elif the_winner ==humna:
148         print "human win!"
149     elif the_winner==TIE:
150         print "tie"
152 #
153 def main():
154     display_instruct()
155     computer,human = pieces()
156     turn = X
157     board = new_board()
158     display_board(board)
160     while not winner(board):
161         if turn == human:
162             move = human_move(board,human)
163             board[move] = human
164         else:
165             move = computer_move(board,computer,human)
166             board[move] = computer
167         display_board(board)
168         turn = next_turn(turn)
169     the_winner = winner(board)
170     congract_winner(the_winner,computer,human)
172 main()


Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 10 2013, 19:24:24) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
Welcome to the gratest intellectual challenge of all time:Tic-Tac-Toe.
        This will be a showdown between your human brain and my silicon proessor.
        you will make your move known by entering a nmber,0 - 8. The number will
        correspond to the board position as illustrated:
         0 | 1 | 2
         3 | 4 | 5
         6 | 7 | 8
        Prepare yourself,human .The ultimate battle is about aobegin.

do you require the first move ? (y/n):"y"

Then take the first move.You wil need it.

      |   |  

      |   |  

      |   |  
Where you will move ?(0-8):4

      |   |  

      | X |  

      |   |  

    O |   |  

      | X |  

      |   |  
Where you will move ?(0-8):2

    O |   | X

      | X |  

      |   |  

    O |   | X

      | X |  

    O |   |  
Where you will move ?(0-8):3

    O |   | X

    X | X |  

    O |   |  

    O |   | X

    X | X | O

    O |   |  
Where you will move ?(0-8):1

    O | X | X

    X | X | O

    O |   |  

    O | X | X

    X | X | O

    O | O |  
Where you will move ?(0-8):8

    O | X | X

    X | X | O

    O | O | X



posted @ 2015-12-15 17:58  指间ゝ繁华初逝的格调  阅读(542)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报