VIM 中的自动完成 快捷键
- Word / pattern 自动完成
- 行自动完成
- Dictionary word completion
- File name completion
- Filling up words with similar meaning (Thesaurus word completion).
所遇这些操作斗鱼Ctrl-x 相关。
1. Using Ctrl-x Ctrl-n 实现word自动完成
- CTRL-x CTRL-n : Word completion - forward
- CTRL-x CTRL-p : Word completion - backward
Fig: Keyword completion in Vi / Vim using Ctrl-x Ctrl-n
2. Ctrl-x Ctrl-l 实现行自动完成
Fig: Vim Whole line completion using Ctrl-x Ctrl-l
Typical usage for a programmers and administrators:
- Repeat an existing line quickly in your file.
- Automatically fill first line of the function definition, when the function is already declared elsewhere in the same file.
3. Ctrl-x Ctrl-f文件名自动完成
Fig: Vim File name completion using Ctrl-x Ctrl-f
4. Thesaurus Word Completion
Using this feature you can choose alternate words with the same meaning for the word that you’ve just typed. Our previous article explains about the thesaurus features for your Vim editor.
5. 用 Ctrl-x Ctrl-k自动完成字典
修改 ~/.vimrc添加词典.
$ cat ~/.vimrc
set dictionary+=/usr/share/dict/words

Fig: Vim Dictionary word completion using Ctrl-x Ctrl-k