

原因: confluence会向confluence市场发送请求,请求网络阻塞,警用请求即可;






We deployed the confluence on a Windows server, with apache in the front of confluence for port 80 conversion.

Recently, we found that the main page loads very slow when we tried to log in.

After one account logs in successfully for the first time, the subsequent logins will be very smooth.

Can anyone help to identify and solve this problem?

Thanks a lot.


Hi Daniel, 

I found an article about disabling the connectivity to the marketplace, and  I have disabled it following the instructions.

I will have a look tomorrow whether will it return to the normal state.

WeChat Screenshot_20201109115433.png

posted @ 2022-02-19 11:09  ministep88  阅读(126)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报